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Russia 'regrets' international military action in Libya


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Russia 'regrets' international military action in Libya

2011-03-20 05:08:02 GMT+7 (ICT)

MOSCOW (BNO NEWS) -- The official spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Lukashevich said on Saturday that his country regrets the international military action in Libya, RIA Novosti reported.

"We once again call on all of the Libyan conflicting parties as well as on those who take military efforts in Libya to do their best to avoid manslaughter of civilians, and to halt fire and violence as soon possible," a statement by Lukashevich issued on the ministry's website said.

"We demand that comprehensive measures to provide security for foreign diplomats and their families are taken," his statement added.

The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which according to Lukashevich was "hastily adopted," was approved on Thursday evening and called for the establishment of a no-fly zone in Libya and for military forces to take "all necessary measures" to protect Libyan civilians from government-led attacks.

The UN Security Council Resolution was backed by 10 countries, enough to pass, while 5 other countries - including Russia, China and Germany - chose to abstain. None voted against the resolution, however.

Earlier on Saturday, French warplanes struck four tanks used by forces loyal to Gaddafi on the outskirts of Benghazi, the unofficial capital of Libyan rebels. Soon after, the U.S. Navy fired Tomahawk cruise missiles at Libyan air defenses.

NATO members Britain, Denmark, Spain and Canada, along with the United States, have also pledged planes to a mission over Libya, while Qatar said it would participate in the plan.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-20

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Gadhafi to Kick Out Western Oil Firms, Turning to Russia and China

Thursday, 17 Mar 2011 01:20 PM

By Newsmax Wires

More ways to share... Mixx Stumbled LinkedIn Vine Buzzflash Reddit Delicious Newstrust Technocrati Share: More . . . A A | Email Us | Print | Forward Article Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has vowed to expel Western energy companies from the country and replace them with oil firms from China, India, and Russia.

Gadhafi made the comments on the heels of recent successes against rebel forces.

“We are ready to bring in India and Chinese companies to replace Western companies,” he said in a speech.

And in an interview published Wednesday by RT — a global multilingual television news network based in Russia — Gadhafi said: “We don’t trust the West anymore, so Russia, China and India will be our allies in the oil sector, construction and investments

Read more on Newsmax.com: Gadhafi to Kick Out Western Oil Firms, Turning to Russia and China

Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

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In the words of Father Brennan "When the Jews return to Zion, and a comet rips the sky, and the Holy Roman Empire rises, then you and I must die. From the Eternal Sea, He rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, till man exists, no more.".

If there is a standoff in Libya such that Gadaffi can continue to produce and export oil then Russia and China could be big winners and the west big losers, do I sense the prospect of mission creep?

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Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

NO! :annoyed:

He was elected on the back of one word. CHANGE.:blink:

I don't believe I have seen much change at all if any. Admittingly he inherited an aweful mess from his predessesor however IMO it maybe time for another CHANGE in the White House.

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Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

NO! :annoyed:

He was elected on the back of one word. CHANGE.:blink:

I don't believe I have seen much change at all if any. Admittingly he inherited an aweful mess from his predessesor however IMO it maybe time for another CHANGE in the White House.

One should have known from the get go that nothing was bound to change.

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He is a politically correct wimp and a terrorist appeaser. I can forget the hopey, changey thing. :D

Agreed. If I weren't an atheist I'd have him down as the anti-Christ considering the way he has let dangerous situations fester and deteriorate, but leaving superstition out of it that bloody nobel prize softened his brain - the Emperor Nero of our times.

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On Obama he was elected on 3 words "yes we can" but I have seen much to say he was better than John Mcain. He get another 4 years because he is the incumbant.

Russia was very vocal on getting Gaddafi out in the first place, now maybe they see a different picture and one of them is dreadful picture of old USSR planes falling out of the sky like flies. Well I hope it over quick and we can all get on with our lives. The no fly zone is the easy part, hope they have thought what happens then.

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"Russia 'regrets' international military action in Libya"

8 out of 9 posts are about Obama and the west. The other one quotes a Father Brennan with the words "When the Jews return to Zion, ..."

Thats obsession.

Edited by bangkokeddy
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Gadhafi to Kick Out Western Oil Firms, Turning to Russia and China

Thursday, 17 Mar 2011 01:20 PM

By Newsmax Wires

More ways to share... Mixx Stumbled LinkedIn Vine Buzzflash Reddit Delicious Newstrust Technocrati Share: More . . . A A | Email Us | Print | Forward Article Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has vowed to expel Western energy companies from the country and replace them with oil firms from China, India, and Russia.

Gadhafi made the comments on the heels of recent successes against rebel forces.

“We are ready to bring in India and Chinese companies to replace Western companies,” he said in a speech.

And in an interview published Wednesday by RT — a global multilingual television news network based in Russia — Gadhafi said: “We don’t trust the West anymore, so Russia, China and India will be our allies in the oil sector, construction and investments

Read more on Newsmax.com: Gadhafi to Kick Out Western Oil Firms, Turning to Russia and China

Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

That seals it then, he won't stay in power and frankly I hope this doesn't become another long term babysitting exercise like it did with Saddam until the hammer dropped so I hope he does get unseated. Some analyst today on CNN suggested a possible separation of power type deal with both parties utilizing the current capitals they are in now and I see no value in that whatsoever sounds like old lessons not learned nor heeded.

This time lets go all the way to the capital and get the entire job done if it some down to it and not leave this tyrant in power to come back and haunt us all again....

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It seems to me that the countries that are currently conducting military operations beyong the no fly zone endorsed by the UN in Libya have now exceeded thier mandate. War mongering is not the way to go. A ceasefire by NATO should be enforced immediately.

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Who doesn't regret this kind of action? I think everyone, including the coalition forces.

Any other options to fight a mad man?

Come forward please.

I expected this response, especially the Arab league is complaining now which doesn't surprise me at all. At the end they are all under one blanket.

It was also reported that Qaddafi's people have put dead bodies on the streets which were carried from morgues in Tripoli.

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It seems to me that the countries that are currently conducting military operations beyong the no fly zone endorsed by the UN in Libya have now exceeded thier mandate. War mongering is not the way to go. A ceasefire by NATO should be enforced immediately.

So what was their mandate?? Have you read the resolution? If so please point out which part of it they've violated in only the first 24 hours of action?

Edited by WarpSpeed
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It seems to me that the countries that are currently conducting military operations beyong the no fly zone endorsed by the UN in Libya have now exceeded thier mandate. War mongering is not the way to go. A ceasefire by NATO should be enforced immediately.

You can't operate a no fly zone without first taking out the military's air defenses,radar and control centers that's all that has happened so far.

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Tyoical Russian response. They know exactly the dynamics of a no-fly zone and with their one vote on the security councile could have vetoed this action. Considering their lack of reget when journalists have died trying to report the truth in Russia, I would rather be a journalist in Benghazi. btw, are they trusting the libyan state tv as their source for this response?

Edited by dananderson
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Tyoical Russian response. They know exactly the dynamics of a no-fly zone and with their one vote on the security councile could have vetoed this action. Considering their lack of reget when journalists have died trying to report the truth in Russia, I would rather be a journalist in Benghazi. btw, are they trusting the libyan state tv as their source for this response?

Regret was also the response given by China and India. I am not sure what else they could have said - they could hardly condone the military action as they didn't vote for it in the UN security council. Equally they could not really condemn it since they did not veto the action.

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It seems to me that the countries that are currently conducting military operations beyong the no fly zone endorsed by the UN in Libya have now exceeded thier mandate. War mongering is not the way to go. A ceasefire by NATO should be enforced immediately.

You can't operate a no fly zone without first taking out the military's air defenses,radar and control centers that's all that has happened so far.

Oh, I see. In order to protect the civilians, it was necessary to kill the civilians. I think I've heard that somewhere before.

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Do we have all of the BRICs now? Next superpowers to be are not happy so sharpen up old world!


India has expressed regret about the airstrikes on Libya carried out by France, Britain and the United States, calling for a peaceful solution to the crisis."It regrets the airstrikes that are taking place. The measures adopted should mitigate and not exacerbate an already difficult situation for the people of Libya," a statement by the Indian foreign ministry said on Sunday.

The Arab League also condemned the aerial attacks, saying the aim of the UN resolution was to protect civilians, but the West's military action has worsened the humanitarian conditions.

Three sentences, right metisdead?;)


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Do we have all of the BRICs now? Next superpowers to be are not happy so sharpen up old world!


India has expressed regret about the airstrikes on Libya carried out by France, Britain and the United States, calling for a peaceful solution to the crisis."It regrets the airstrikes that are taking place. The measures adopted should mitigate and not exacerbate an already difficult situation for the people of Libya," a statement by the Indian foreign ministry said on Sunday.

The Arab League also condemned the aerial attacks, saying the aim of the UN resolution was to protect civilians, but the West's military action has worsened the humanitarian conditions.

Three sentences, right metisdead?;)


Has to be one of the best rants I have seen in a long time in the comments from that link you have posted Tiger - I wonder if he can be tempted to post on TV for our entertainment???

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Do we have all of the BRICs now? Next superpowers to be are not happy so sharpen up old world!


India has expressed regret about the airstrikes on Libya carried out by France, Britain and the United States, calling for a peaceful solution to the crisis."It regrets the airstrikes that are taking place. The measures adopted should mitigate and not exacerbate an already difficult situation for the people of Libya," a statement by the Indian foreign ministry said on Sunday.

The Arab League also condemned the aerial attacks, saying the aim of the UN resolution was to protect civilians, but the West's military action has worsened the humanitarian conditions.

Three sentences, right metisdead?;)


That is a great link Tiger. Did you read the comments?

You Western Viking-German Jesuit-Zionists that want the extermination of all......

Dutch immigration authorities (as a matter of policy) make Muslim immigrants forcibly watch obscene videos of lustful nude topless Dutch women and videograph their reactions.

THE JESUITS are massacring faithful Sunni and Shiites every night.

And I am just scratching the surface. The part about Angela Merkel getting groped by GW is especially good. I would have quoted the Bill and Hillary thing but it too far out (phallus-cooker sex-maniac pervert). You must know the guy. Seriously, mention to him about Thai Visa like Orac said. The guys a hoot. Thanks again for the link. Now I know why you read Pravda. It is really quite entertaining.

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Brazil and India are posturing and not permnant members,though they would like to be. permanent members othe security council as only perm/members can veto.. china/russiia could have voted no and defeated article 1973. All knew exactly what a no fly zone means. Packpeddling by two diengenuis country's who do not allow freedom of the press. Thier biggest fear was backing Qadaffi and then having to explain the mass genocide that would have ensued

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