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Peripheral Neuropathy


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I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet due to diabetes. If you're in Bangkok then you could try: http://www.theptarin...e.php?Sub=About

I have no diabetis.There are many reasons diabetis is one of them and also alkohol and viruses and different kind of poisons.Unfortunately nothing was found after a good check in the Friedrich-Baur Institut in Munich.Also inheritance was ruled out.I will try TCM.But maybe some other members have the same problem and can suggest a neurologist.

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It sounds very interesting that they can not find the answer for it.

Did they test for the level of certain vitamins ( Bs?)

Can you tell us more about the problem, if you feel comfortable off course.

If you are in Chiangmai, Dr. Pisek is a good neurologist.

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It sounds very interesting that they can not find the answer for it.

Did they test for the level of certain vitamins ( Bs?)

Can you tell us more about the problem, if you feel comfortable off course.

If you are in Chiangmai, Dr. Pisek is a good neurologist.


yes they checked everything possible blood,liquor, muscle and nerves, brain scan and checking all organs to look for inflamation or a tumor.There are quite a few muscular deseases related to the inflamation and damage of the nerves.Mine is called polyneuropathy.Google it and you will find a lot of information.From about 30% of the patients no reason can be found.

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