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Thailand Tolerance


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Hi everyone,

I've been to Thailand once and I thought it was one of the most tolerant country in the world but look at that poll:


Thailand is the LEAST tolerant country in the world which was very unexpected ...

What do you think ?


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Great site, interesting………………However your statement, and the facts on that site didn’t make me blink one bit. It’s one of the things that make me smile about Thailand, the Thai’s unweaving belief that they and they alone hold the key to all the answers in the universe. In most cases but not all, as a non-Thai you will be seated at the head of the table, and be afforded every courtesy, but in the pecking order of things you will fall somewhere between the buffalo and the Soi dog! Let the dance begin.

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More than tolerance, i would describe it as just not caring, you know that kind

of feeling when someone just say "i couldn't be bothered about this the

slightest bit", but all in silence without telling you about this explicitely, i

hope it helps :jap:

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Great site, interesting………………However your statement, and the facts on that site didn't make me blink one bit. It's one of the things that make me smile about Thailand, the Thai's unweaving belief that they and they alone hold the key to all the answers in the universe. In most cases but not all, as a non-Thai you will be seated at the head of the table, and be afforded every courtesy, but in the pecking order of things you will fall somewhere between the buffalo and the Soi dog! Let the dance begin.


Edited by newsite12
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Nothing to worry about. Most of us here are non-immigrants. If the question was asked how do you feel about Martians that come here, don't have any rights, but spend all their money here, I think the numbers would be a (little) higher. If you added spend LOTS OF MONEY, a lot higher.

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Misleading figuresfor Thailand at least.

I'm guessing the multiple internal conflicts that Thailand has send it shooting down to the bottom of the tolerance list because it actually erupts in violence sporadically. They also look at things like laws on the book. However the figures aren't representative of how tolerant or intolerant the average person is. Japan, with little internal conflict, and 1st world free market laws scores much higher yet I consider the average Thai person to be much more tolerant.

Edited by MontrealFarang
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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've foung the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

I don't think superficial external signs of politeness and respect, especially in a culture like Thailand, actually tell you anything about what a person actually believes.

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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've found the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

I quite agree with you, Carmine. Not sure if that's a first....

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It's an interesting study and I can't question their findings, but I hate generalities. It's been my experience that if you smile, treat people with respect and try to follow and understand their customs, then you get along just fine. I come from Canada which got the highest rating of all countries, but I've personally known some very intolerant people in Canada. I also know some of the failings of Thai people, but I take that into account when dealing with them. If I walk into any group of people with a preconceived attitude and think others should adapt to my way of thinking then I'll get whatever I deserve.

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Great site, interesting………………However your statement, and the facts on that site didn’t make me blink one bit. It’s one of the things that make me smile about Thailand, the Thai’s unweaving belief that they and they alone hold the key to all the answers in the universe. In most cases but not all, as a non-Thai you will be seated at the head of the table, and be afforded every courtesy, but in the pecking order of things you will fall somewhere between the buffalo and the Soi dog! Let the dance begin.

Pretty much.

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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've foung the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

Just today Suthep was quoted as saying, "I don't respect falangs."

That's a heck of a statement coming from the deputy PM. Really puts things into perspective.

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It's an interesting study and I can't question their findings, but I hate generalities. It's been my experience that if you smile, treat people with respect and try to follow and understand their customs, then you get along just fine. I come from Canada which got the highest rating of all countries, but I've personally known some very intolerant people in Canada. I also know some of the failings of Thai people, but I take that into account when dealing with them. If I walk into any group of people with a preconceived attitude and think others should adapt to my way of thinking then I'll get whatever I deserve.

Are you jockeying for the Canadian ambassador to Thailand job? They could do worse.

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The sheer contempt for Indians and Bangladeshis, combined with the utter disgust for the 4 million Burmese migrants to Thailand, probably largely explains the figures, rather than the 10,000 british farang, 10,000 Americans and so on, with work visas.

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The sheer contempt for Indians and Bangladeshis, combined with the utter disgust for the 4 million Burmese migrants to Thailand, probably largely explains the figures, rather than the 10,000 british farang, 10,000 Americans and so on, with work visas.

Probably, but it isn't polite to be so xenophobic. So many contradictions here.

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. If I walk into any group of people with a preconceived attitude and think others should adapt to my way of thinking then I'll get whatever I deserve.

So many people on this forum should reread this every time they opine about Thailand from politics to race to sin sot etc. The how we do it where I'm from attitude, without thinking, why their here and not there

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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've foung the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

Just today Suthep was quoted as saying, "I don't respect falangs."

That's a heck of a statement coming from the deputy PM. Really puts things into perspective.

People, particularly politicians, should never say things that could be misconstrued when taken out of context

Or, as the tabloid newspapers would have it


If you can't put up with a few racists and bigots you should eff off out of Ulster


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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've found the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

I quite agree with you, Carmine. Not sure if that's a first....

Actually i think you've agreed with me a few times. :o:ermm::D

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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've foung the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

I don't think superficial external signs of politeness and respect, especially in a culture like Thailand, actually tell you anything about what a person actually believes.

I believe that external signs of politeness and respect show a lot of what a person actually believes.

Even if it doesn't, I prefer to be treated with respect above anything else.


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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've foung the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

I don't think superficial external signs of politeness and respect, especially in a culture like Thailand, actually tell you anything about what a person actually believes.

I believe that external signs of politeness and respect show a lot of what a person actually believes.

Even if it doesn't, I prefer to be treated with respect above anything else.


I am glad for you that you can read minds (and smiles which I admit is possible with practice but rare is the foreigner who can read them like natives).

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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've foung the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

I don't think superficial external signs of politeness and respect, especially in a culture like Thailand, actually tell you anything about what a person actually believes.

I believe that external signs of politeness and respect show a lot of what a person actually believes.

Even if it doesn't, I prefer to be treated with respect above anything else.


I am glad for you that you can read minds (and smiles which I admit is possible with practice but rare is the foreigner who can read them like natives).

Like you, JT, I am quite happy to put up with politely and inscrutably hidden contempt; I don't expect people to changfe the way that they think for my benefit, only to have the decency to keep their thoughts to themselves.

And likewise, I try to do the same, except on this forum, where I am wont to subject innocent strangers to foul torrents of abuse (I should have added "...torrents of obtuse and cryptic...")


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Generally speaking, if you are polite and respectful i've foung the Thais to be very tolerant. You get the odd imbecile as you do in any society but i've found them to be in the minority.

I don't think superficial external signs of politeness and respect, especially in a culture like Thailand, actually tell you anything about what a person actually believes.

I believe that external signs of politeness and respect show a lot of what a person actually believes.

Even if it doesn't, I prefer to be treated with respect above anything else.


I am glad for you that you can read minds (and smiles which I admit is possible with practice but rare is the foreigner who can read them like natives).

Now Jingthing where did I say that I can read minds ?

I do have 75 years of interacting with people behind me so maybe, just maybe I know a thing or 2.

If I perceive a person to be polite that's enough for me.

If I perceive that a person treats me with respect that's enough for me.


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Now Jingthing where did I say that I can read minds ?

I do have 75 years of interacting with people behind me so maybe, just maybe I know a thing or 2.

If I perceive a person to be polite that's enough for me.

If I perceive that a person treats me with respect that's enough for me.


At first I thought "How rude is that? Turn and face them if you're talking to them, for goodness' sake!"

but then I thought maybe you have more in common with JT than you are letting on, so ....

Anyway, least said, soonest mended.


I suppose JT was picking up on the difference between being respected, and being treated with respect.

In my view, no-one, not even beggars or royalty, are important enough for me to sacrifice what little good manners I have. That authority I grant only to the demon drink

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To clarify this a bit. I am not only talking about Thais and cross cultural misunderstandings. Sometimes even married couples from the same background don't REALLY know what the other is really thinking inside. Being two faced is rather part of the human condition. When you add different cultures to the mix, it gets even harder to read people's real thoughts.

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