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Urgent! Education Visa In Malaysia

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Situation: Applying for a Education visa with a newly certified language school. I have been living in Thailand for over four years and never had to do a visa run (praise, be cause this stuff is daunting). Now I do. I am honestly interested in taken classes to improve my friendship Thai into more professional Thai, and I was honestly burnt out after running a language school for over four years.

I have read the other threads and tried to search extensively, but some information seems outdated. Time is very short for me as I have to leave within 24 hours (I have fallen into the hypnotic, jai yen yen, mai pen rai, attitudes that surround me) and now my western stress gears are grinding.

1. There seems to be high chance I will be denied as this is the first time the school has applied. Okay, I get that. Will two days in Malaysia give me enough time to be denied and then apply for the tourist visa if necessary?

2. Money. Should I change it here? To Malaysian Ringits? American dollars? Do it when I am there?

3. Tips on what to bring with me. I will obviously have some passport copies and passport photos on hand.

Any tips on how not to get ripped off would be nice. Also a few, it is really simple, relax, you're beautiful, posts might help calm the nerves! I can't believe how freaked out this all has me.


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Thank you.

I do have the paper work, but from seeing past visa paperwork mountains, I really fear that the paper work I have is going to fall short.

Thank you for your input and the link. Gave me a person to PM for more info. Thanks again.


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Having had an ED visa myself, as well as knowing possibly hundreds of people who also have them; I doubt the experience will be be as fraught with peril as you think.

Looking back on the scans of my docs I received from the school when I got my initial ED visa, it would appear there're about 4 or so different documents, (each with their colorful stamp).

The important documents seem to be;

*letter from the Ministry of Education (which the schools gets on your behalf)

*letter from the school stating you've enrolled in classes and to issue you a Single Entry Non-Immigrant Type ED visa

*document showing the schools registered/certified with the Ministry of Education.

*document which has the picture and I/D card, etc of school's principal (which will be a Thai national).

Then of course you'll be the application form, necessary copies of your passport pages and photos too. ..

It's pretty straightforward and given the plethora people staying in thailand on this type of visa I think you'll be fine.

True. .. You're the first student to try it from your school; but if indeed they have all their “ducks in a row” documentation wise, you shouldn't have a problem.

FWIW: I'd get the land line, fax and a mobile number from the school BEFORE you go. That way if there's anything not in order, you can call 'em and let them talk to the Thai Embassy staff while you're there.

FWIW: I many know people who've received their ED visas in both Penang, and KL from a couple of different private Thai Language Schools, without a problem.

At the worst case (if you can't sort it out, even with calling the school while you're at the Embassy); snap up a Tourist Visa. Then try it again when that winds down.

Good Luck.

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Big Can PM sent.

Just change your money up when you get there. I normally change it with people heading back to Thailand that day as you both get a better deal out of it. The agent will look at your paperwork and tell you there and then whether he thinks you will get the visa or not. He is normally pretty spot on. If you get knocked back for your ED visa then you can apply for a tourist visa on the morning and get it back the same afternoon.

Good luck :thumbsup:

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Thank you for the kind help.


I guess three sheets of paper (with the colorful stamps!) was all it took. Very, very long journey but much easier than expected. Dealing with the floods here is much harder.

Thanks for putting my mind at ease tod-daniels and for the PM Dunc. Really nice of you guys to take time out for me even though I was sweating over nothing.

I will be sure to pass the kindness on.

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