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In would like to recognise that the store has now withdrawn these offensive items, and I commend their swift response.

Try living under Apartheid and see what negative stereotyping feels like. It has permanently damaged the economic success of the majority of South Africans and poisoned relationships between races. To harbour such attitudes on the personal level is one thing but for a commercial enterprise to promote it through branding is another and must be stamped out.

To those who find my attitude difficult to swallow, so be it. I have endured much worse than your words when I worked against the system in South Africa. I will continue to espouse tolerance of race, of gender, of orientation, ageism etc no matter where it manifests itself.

Wow, a super hero :o Do you use a phone booth to change into your mask & cape. :rolleyes:

He probably just waits until it goes dark.

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In would like to recognise that the store has now withdrawn these offensive items, and I commend their swift response.

Did they really? That's silly and I feel sorry for that store to be abused like that for basically nothing. Those are good products with a long history in THAILAND and in the context of the racialism in Thai society, which is massive but not related to South African issues, those Black Man cleaning products are meaningless.

we agree!

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Try living under Apartheid and see what negative stereotyping feels like. It has permanently damaged the economic success of the majority of South Africans and poisoned relationships between races. To harbour such attitudes on the personal level is one thing but for a commercial enterprise to promote it through branding is another and must be stamped out.

I'm sorry but as much as racism is a bad thing (though you are off-tangent regards this product), coming over here and expecting them to bend to your ideals is a bit arrogant. If you're offended, I hate to say it, but you'd be best off remaining in the West with all its PC nonsense. On this subject, Thailand is just dandy as it is thanks, don't pollute it.

Post if you want to post Brommers, this is a forum for discussion. Just be aware your very unlikely to change the stick in the mud racist attitudes of many posters here.

As for you, weren't you on here just last week lapping up lots of good advice? Stop trolling!

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oh dear..bit over the top mate with your PC attitude and rather misdirected..

with all your energy perhaps you should be investigating the worldwide sweat shop labour that goes into production of the foodstuffs and products you/we all consume and utilize..don't just pick on the "easy" stuff and shout about it

this world of ours was/is built on what you refer to as racism and exploitation of others...

bet you really believe that the abolition of segregation in SA or even the Southern States has benefited the masses....segregation continues to exist everywhere by social and financial standing.....

Maybe you should pop on over to Zimbabwe and have a chat with Mugabe or maybe Israel and Netanyahu about racism...!

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As for you, weren't you on here just last week lapping up lots of good advice?

Hmm yes I was, so what?

Stop trolling

I fail to see what trolling I've done, but if you really think I'm trolling please do report it to the mods.

Edited by jackers
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AND what about the 'WHITENING' products??? I feel insulted! angry! and abused as a white man - take them away!!!

I demand that we all write to our Embassy's about this - it's insufferable!

Well in an ideal world they would be banned many of these whitening, skin bleaching products are dangerous as some contain mercury.

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In would like to recognise that the store has now withdrawn these offensive items, and I commend their swift response.

Try living under Apartheid and see what negative stereotyping feels like. It has permanently damaged the economic success of the majority of South Africans and poisoned relationships between races. To harbour such attitudes on the personal level is one thing but for a commercial enterprise to promote it through branding is another and must be stamped out.

To those who find my attitude difficult to swallow, so be it. I have endured much worse than your words when I worked against the system in South Africa. I will continue to espouse tolerance of race, of gender, of orientation, ageism etc no matter where it manifests itself.

Wow, a super hero :o Do you use a phone booth to change into your mask & cape. :rolleyes:

He probably just waits until it goes dark.

On second thought, maybe he doesn't change at all :o that's how he dresses everyday :blink:

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Try living under Apartheid and see what negative stereotyping feels like. It has permanently damaged the economic success of the majority of South Africans and poisoned relationships between races. To harbour such attitudes on the personal level is one thing but for a commercial enterprise to promote it through branding is another and must be stamped out.

I'm sorry but as much as racism is a bad thing (though you are off-tangent regards this product), coming over here and expecting them to bend to your ideals is a bit arrogant. If you're offended, I hate to say it, but you'd be best off remaining in the West with all its PC nonsense. On this subject, Thailand is just dandy as it is thanks, don't pollute it.

Well said jackr!

Edited by prism
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Well in that case I'll be complaining to Boots. Went in there and couldn't find one skin product that wouldn't turn me whiter than white. But I don't want to be whiter, I'm white enough as it is! How dare they assume that everyone that shops there is dark skinned, its discrimination! :whistling:

As for the offending mops being recalled maybe they just sold out with the good advertising! Many people suspected a prospective mop shortage.

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Do they also carry Darkie toothpaste by any chance?


so funny... I thought we had left all that PC crap behind... obviously not

I recall seeing "Darkie Brand" toothpaste, when running an international product-library back in the 1970s, but surely it was renamed "Darlie-Brand" many years ago, for obvious reasons. UG may have dug this image up from some archive ?

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Jing I'm just wondering how you would react to a line of brushes called "Gayman" ?

I believe that the green laundry-soap, sold under the brand-name "Fairy" using the image of a cherubic baby boy, enjoyed good sales at one time amongst the New York gay-community ?

Who no doubt enjoyed a good sense of humour, which is no-longer permitted, in these enlightened times. :(

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In would like to recognise that the store has now withdrawn these offensive items, and I commend their swift response.

Did they really?

Really realy. :rolleyes:.

Let's see, Brommers posted about this great injustice at 6:15pm last night, and this morning at 6:40am he reports the store acted swiftly to Mr. Irate Farang's complaint and removed all unsold stock, then informed him by 6am-ish, well before store opening!

And who says Thailand doesn't do proper customer service! Eh! eh!!

I'm especially envious to get a three-pager out of it just overnight. Respect!! :lol:

So there it is: Alles sal reg kom as ons almal ons plig doen.

I rather doubt that anything has been removed from the shelves or that the company would make a significant dollar amount decision (since the products are sold in all of their stores) overnight. In fact, even if the company made a decision not to sell the product in the future I am betting they would sell-out the stock on hand and just not re-order rather than try and off-sell it to another company. It isn't as if they could go to the manufacturer and say that "I am sorry, but after 20 years of doing business with you, your name has suddenly become offensive and we want to return all of your products!"

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Many of the posts smell like B.S to me.

Err is that 'brown' bullshit or we cannot describe it as such in the new santitised PC world? bit like not calling black people black? and white boards 'white'?

I wouldn't believe these daily mail stories that get blown out of proportion if I were you. Callng black people black and white people white is not a problem.

Calling black people gollywogs, niggers, darkies or white people honkies or crackers is a problem.

It's just common sense really.

Edited by jackers
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I'm not an expert in Thai history by any means, but don't remember learning that the Thai's used black slave to any large extent, nor did they specifically require black people to wear bowties as they did their cleaning. I think the main point being missed here is that the only real racially charged sentiment here is the one that you brought with you from your own country. I don't doubt the struggles that a black person would have gone through in SA, nor the troubles of black slaves in America over a 100 years ago. We must keep in mind that the symbols that we recogonize may or may not be what a native recognizes. I do not mean to infer that Thais do not notice the shade of a persons skin, but they are very very tolerant on a whole.

Yes, the picture on the Blackman's cleaning products do remind me of old cartoons from the US, but they also remind me of some of the great crooners of the 50's and 60's. I could have easily opened another string of posts on the the Thai cleaning line that attaches a picture of Nat King Cole. How many service men came over here knowing him to be a great singer/celebrity? why didn't you automatically assume that?

BTW, in America during slavery days, the female slaves did the cleaning, the male slaves did the labor intensive work. By this, I would only be offended should I have seen an advert for BlackWoman's cleaning products.

Edited by CMSteve
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Jing I'm just wondering how you would react to a line of brushes called "Gayman" ?

I believe that the green laundry-soap, sold under the brand-name "Fairy" using the image of a cherubic baby boy, enjoyed good sales at one time amongst the New York gay-community ?

Who no doubt enjoyed a good sense of humour, which is no-longer permitted, in these enlightened times. :(

And the beat goes on ...


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Now that we have put Blackman out of business, let's start an e-mail campaign against racist images on Google!


Lordy Miz Clawdy Mr. Ulyzzzeze I do believe you is related to dat General who saved us down South! Bless you kind Sir!

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This thread is like some kind of 1950's time warp.

I don't know, somehow I don't think folks in the 1950's would "get" this thread.

Well then I guess they would have a lot in common with the majority of posters in this thread.

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This thread is like some kind of 1950's time warp.

I don't know, somehow I don't think folks in the 1950's would "get" this thread.

Well then I guess they would have a lot in common with the majority of posters in this thread.

cummun we are just kidding

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This thread is like some kind of 1950's time warp.

I don't know, somehow I don't think folks in the 1950's would "get" this thread.

Well then I guess they would have a lot in common with the majority of posters in this thread.

cummun we are just kidding

Ah yes, banter...at the OPs expense. Excellent

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