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Thailand Rejects Foreign Election Monitors

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To apologists: I harshly critic politicians and others in my home-country. Why shouldn't I be allowed to do it here? I have paid more tax here than back home over the years.

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I agree given his his stature he could have used a different word but I don't believe the word farang is not slang or impolite and that is us putting our political correct standard on another culture.

Farang is basically a neutral word, but people who respect you (or who should respect you) will not use it- if you hear a work colleague, for example, refer to you as farang they probably mean it as an insult while a taxi driver or market vendor does not know any better

If the statement came from a taxi driver or bar girl, we really can not expect anything better.

But from from someone in his position.

I do not accept the use of this term from anyone with any kind of education, but thats just me. Not being political or anything at all, simply respectful.

Kuffki is Thai bashing, Beware all taxi drivers, market vendors, bar girls, you people don't respect us, because you are from the lower classes, under educated, and don't know any different..... Kuffki went further to say, educated people will not use the word Farang. My big friend here a top health and education officer, uses the word, SO I will inform her of the remarks made.

All I know is the word is mainly used by Thai's for a foreigner, being not sure from which country-Farang


Some posters have raised the issue of respect and that foreigners do not respect Thai's

Lets look at things for a second.

Are you still in Thailand ?

If you are it can't be that bad can it, if not, unlike 99% of Thai people, you had the opportunity to leave to pastures new.

Why complain when you have the freedom of choice ?

Thai people respecting Farangs, lol, Hey, you're lucky the whole Thai population doesn't read ThaiVisa, they would think that all Farangs are the same, ( Anti Thai, self absorbed, anally retentive <deleted> who do nothing but complain about everything that is not beneficial to themselves. ) Yet still choose to live here and think they are doing Thailand a favor. cool.gif


Why do so many people have a problem with the word "farang"?

The problem is how the word is used (ie the tone or the words around it), not the word itself.


Why do so many people have a problem with the word "farang"?

The problem is how the word is used (ie the tone or the words around it), not the word itself.

I think they are taking Western culture and political correctness and trying to apply it here.


Why do so many people have a problem with the word "farang"?

The problem is how the word is used (ie the tone or the words around it), not the word itself.

They want to create turmoil and they desire instability.


Some posts containing veiled insinuatons directed toward HM the King have been removed.

2) Not to express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban.

Several other posts of a bickering nature have been removed as well.


Many of us(expats) posters seem to be bothered by the possibly(most likely ) dishonest elections. I really do not understand why?

Elections do not affect us(foreigners) in any way what so ever. We can not vote, our lives do not change. The only difference it may possibly make is another change in the visa regulations or more rules on house or business buying or running.

Saying that, those changes, if were ever even thought of would be be implemented anyway.

Perfect example, Thaksin changed the 30 days visa run, new government did not reverse it but rather tightened it.

Personally i am only bothered by the choice of language and words used by the country leader,which shows general attitude towards foreigners.

I am also bothered that someone in his position, supposedly with very very good education would use words such as "farang"

None of the lawyers i have ever used, or doctors or accountants ever used word "farang" (in my presence at least) and here a Nations leader blabbing it in public., which once again only shows his level of education and intelligence

I am even more bothered that no one in the government including PM, did not at least criticize his words and did not force him to apologize, even though i deeply believe he should be sacked.

Yes we were not sent here by force, nor brought in chains. However we are here and there is absolutely no reason to disrespect us.

The constant discrimination by the sellers and general business running is already enough, why add more wood to the fire.

We do not receive any social security or welfare, we do not enjoy any of the discounts that Thai's get, so really we are no burden on the country or society.

Any university graduate(Thai National) with degree from any Western University instantly gets higher pay then grad from local university.

Furthermore most smaller business owned and run by Thai do not even pay any taxes , while any business owned by a foreigner no matter how small always pays taxes and every other duty that exists.

kuffki and others thinking in the same direction:

May I ask if you have any vested pecuniary interest in any biz in Thailand?

Or do you have any control over any biz within Thai territory?

If you do, you probably won't talk nor think the way you do that

the election has nothing to do with farang. :huh:

Many of us farang do have vested financial interests in several Thai biz.

And the investment is sizable in the low 9 digits at the moment.

You bet your life, since we run legit biz every which way, the honesty of Thai official and Thai govt do have direct impact and direct implication on every fiber of our biz and the bottom line in particular.

However for the majority of farang in Thailand, it is probably business as usual regardless of who is in power. On this score, you are irreputable. B)

For your info, the word farang is a collective terminology used to refer to a collection of several races and countries including people from U.S., Euro, Italy, Norway, Sweden et al.

The word farang is not derogatory nor is it racist in any shape or form. When a Thai couldn't distinguish a citizen from U.S., or Euro, it is pretty safe for the Thai to use the collective word farang to refer to that entity.

imho, it is just a collective word used to call people from several continents without really distinguishing who is who.

Hope you get my point and be able to from now on discount the word farang as you encounter it in the future. :jap:

I am sorry i answered you before seeing all the edits you have made.

I am not sure how good you are in Thai or how well you know language but word farang is rather an improper word and is used by less educated people.

Lets follow your logic for one minute so if one is unable to see the difference between foreigners, that would mean that we all look - a-like and that in itself is already racist. Do not you think?

I am not saying i am fluent in Thai, nowhere near, nor do i claim to be an expert of Thai language and culture, but i can tell you that "farang" is in fact an improper term to use, it is impolite, especially when it comes from the Government official at his level.

Farang actually means European not Western(as i have explained earlier) yes in some logical way, anyone white could be thrown into that category, but not by the government official.

khon tang prathet (คนต่างประเทศ)" ('people from other countries') is the proper word to use for someone in his position.

It can be a derogatory term and very often used as one, without you even knowing it.

Farang is basically a neutral word, but people who respect you (or who should respect you) will not use it - if you hear a work colleague, for example, refer to you as farang they probably mean it as an insult while a taxi driver or market vendor does not know any better

kuffki user_popup.png

  • av-67746.gif

khon tang prathet (คนต่างประเทศ)" ('people from other countries')

Would you really like to know how well I know the Thai language? Well, I could translate a Thai court proceeding into English without having to resort to dictionaries. And last year I did just that for a Thaivisa member in reference to a murder case. How is that for blowing my own trumpet? LOL

And inasmuch as my biz interests in Thailand, on an average dry week, we sold from our own plantation about 25,000 kilo of RSS3. That is just from one location near Andaman sea, not to include production from SarDaow, TungLoong, and PartTaLoong. This biz is 100% legit where taxes are paid quarterly. It is therefore essential for many of us, as there are also other group of farang who amass even larger proportion of investment than mine, that we need honest and transparent govt officials so we may pay our tax as it becomes due and no hanky panky monkey biz on the side. Among other adventures, I also buy and sell crude through legitimate brokers in Chicago and New York.

Now let's come back to the word farang or khon tang prathet (คนต่างประเทศ)" ('people from other countries');

if you wish every Thai to address you as khon tang prathet (คนต่างประเทศ)" ('people from other countries'),

it would be utterly ridiculous.

Farang is the commonly used word in daily conversation carrying with it no ridicule, no rudeness, no impoliteness and no negativity by and of itself.

If any farang feels otherwise, then it is that farang's own perception that needs some workover.

khon tang tung prathet (คนต่างประเทศ)" ('people from other countries') is used mostly in literature, official doc and other scholarly work.

However, I do agree with most of you that the phrase Kon Tung PraThet ( people from other countries) is much more elevating and honorable.

But personally, I am not going to sweat over it.

In all honesty, it is what is inside us that really counts ultimately. It is our own self-concept or self-esteem that is much more important than our outward appearance for others to perceive and to draw respect, acclamation and adulation.

Yes, as far as I know, in almost all Thai official doc, the preferred Thai word to refer to farang, is not farang, but Kon Tung PraThet. :wai:

From now on, if and when anyone hails me as farang, I shall immediately retort that;

don't call me "farang", I am Kon Tung PraThet krub !

Hey, I can begin to like it and appreciate it now. Try it on your own significant other, and see the expression on his/her face and please do report back. Thanks y'all.


I agree with the deputy PM's assessment as well. Western NGOs and their members are often as crooked as they come and fronts for intelligence agencies.

How bout "I dont respect western or falang NGOs, or western governments".


maybe he should think how desperate they where for "farang" :jap: :huh: to come back to Thailand after the riots. :annoyed:

If they had nothing to hide what is wrong with observers maybe thats what they need international observers, or you could pay a police man :whistling:


Well that's nothing new... How many times have I heard Thailand is for Thai, not farang... Maybe we ARE disrespected by the government here, just like most of the Thai people!

Try and buy some land, get a Thai passport or citizenship. Then you will understand.

The concept of being Thai is only about 70 years old. Also most Thais would have a local language and identify themselves as from Isaarn, Pat Tai, chow duey, etc. Thus Thai is not even the daily fluently spoken language (personally I speak Sukhothai language and no one understands me in Bangkok). So I guess being Thai means you have an ID card, are loyal to the king, can understand the news on Thai TV, and believe everything you read in Thai school books?

I think you must have misread what I wrote. Read it again... I am not saying it. Thais have said it to me... I think I understand all too well.. You can become a Permanent Resident and own land. I wouldn't want a Thai passport as I would have to give up my US passport to do that. Why would I want that? And yes there are many dialects of Thai. Like I said; Sutep's sentiment is nothing new here... Where I am now, outside of Sa Kaew, (at the in laws) I seem to be an attraction. People stop by the noodle shop to see a farang and say a word or two of english they know. I find it somewhat annoying... Oh well, it is what is and I really doubt you or I can do much other than live somewhere else...


I agree with the deputy PM's assessment as well. Western NGOs and their members are often as crooked as they come and fronts for intelligence agencies.

How bout "I dont respect western or falang NGOs, or western governments".

This is what SuThep said in Thai:

รองนายกรัฐมนตรี กล่าวถึงกรณีที่แกนนำ นปช.จะเชิญองค์กรระหว่างประเทศ เข้ามาสังเกตการณ์การเลือกตั้งว่า ไม่เห็นด้วย ซึ่งตนแปลกใจที่กลุ่ม นปช.ไม่เคารพอธิปไตยของประเทศตัวเอง แต่กลับนับถือฝรั่ง ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องไม่สมควร หากประชาชนต้องการตรวจสอบการเลือกตั้ง หรือตรวจสอบนักการเมือง ก็สามารถระดมคนในประเทศมาร่วมกันได้ เช่น สื่อฯ และนักวิชาการ นักศึกษา เข้ามาทำหน้าที่ได้ ส่วนกรณีที่กลุ่มคนเสื้อแดงจะเปิดทีวีท้องถิ่น เพื่อให้ความรู้กับประชาชนในช่วงเลือกตั้ง ในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ นั้น เป็นเรื่องที่ กกต.ต้องติดตามตรวจสอบว่าผิดกฎหมายหรือไม่.-สำนักข่าวไทย

This is the translation in English:

รองนายกรัฐมนตรี กล่าวถึงกรณีที่แกนนำ นปช.จะเชิญองค์กรระหว่างประเทศ เข้ามาสังเกตการณ์การเลือกตั้งว่า ไม่เห็นด้วย

Deputy PM stated that in reference to the core leaders of UDD wishing to invite NGO to observe during election, he disagreed.

ซึ่งตนแปลกใจที่กลุ่ม นปช.ไม่เคารพอธิปไตยของประเทศตัวเอง แต่กลับนับถือฝรั่ง ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องไม่สมควร

He was surprised that UDD does not respect its own country's democracy; but, instead, respect foreigners'; which is improper.

หากประชาชนต้องการตรวจสอบการเลือกตั้ง หรือตรวจสอบนักการเมือง ก็สามารถระดมคนในประเทศมาร่วมกันได้ เช่น สื่อฯ และนักวิชาการ นักศึกษา เข้ามาทำหน้าที่ได้

If Thai people wishes to examine the election or to investigate politicians, they can organize and form a group from news sources persons, academicians and students to carry out the investigative duties.

ส่วนกรณีที่กลุ่มคนเสื้อแดงจะเปิดทีวีท้องถิ่น เพื่อให้ความรู้กับประชาชนในช่วงเลือกตั้ง ในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ นั้น เป็นเรื่องที่ กกต.ต้องติดตามตรวจสอบว่าผิดกฎหมายหรือไม่.-สำนักข่าวไทย

In reference to the question on UDD setting up local TV station around Northeastern province to provide information to the local citizen during the election; the Election Committee will have to examine whether or not it is in compliance with the laws. (Thai News Organization reported).

That is the sums and substances of what deputy SuThep said in that interview. Draw whatever conclusion you wish. :jap:


There have been suggestions in some quarters that the honourable PM has foreign nationality. Could it be that the honourable Deputy PM is making some covert comment? Surely not .....................


Here is a pretty accurate translation of the context of Suthep's remarks from the newspaper Thai Daily News http://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/1583

Regarding whetherthe Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) leaders wanting to inviteinternational organizations to observe the elections in Thailand, would behelpful in investigating have otherbenefits, Mr Suthep said, "The (redshirt) leaders have strange (ideas). They don't respect the sovereignty of their own (country). There are many Thai organizations. (Thai) media (representatives), universityprofessors or students or whatever. Whyshould anyone esteem westerners to thatextent? I don't like this sort ofthing. The (red shirts) like to getoutsiders involved in our internal affairs. I don't think they should. Itisn't appropriate.

When asked if theoversight of Thai elections was of a sufficiently high standard to ensure thateverything was done in a fair manner, Mr. Suthep said, "I don't esteemwesterners as being better than Thai people. Don't bring westerners here to control Thai people. I think our (own) Election Commission issufficient to the task. If you want tosupplement the oversight of the Election Commission or examine the ElectionCommission itself, then make use of the views of Thai people. The media, the academic sector, the privatesector, the business sector, and students (all) can contribute. (We should) do away with the notion that one ought to run and submit (oneself) to westerners for (the solution to all one's problems). [end translation]

I think it's pretty clear that he was trying to say that he didn't want outside interference and that Thailand was perfectly capable of solving its own political problems. Imagine what American politicians might say at the prospect of giving an international body oversight of American elections! The quote that "I don't respect farangs." is not reflective of the complete quote and does not convey his meaning well.

I don't think the translation is accurate.

The original ThaiRath article refers a verbatim quote from Suthep:

ผมไม่นับถือฝรั่งก็แล้วกัน ผมไม่เห็นว่าฝรั่งจะดีกว่าคนไทย อย่าเอาฝรั่งมาข่มคนไทย

This means

I don't respect western foreigners (farangs).

I don't think that western foreigners (farangs) would be better than Thai people (in overseeing the election).

Don't bring western foreigners (farang) here (into Thailand) to control Thai people.

The controversial first sentence here is concluded with ก็แล้วกัน which could be translated as "and that's that" or "if you want to put it like that". The statement is self-contained and even separated from the next sentence with a space which would not be necessary or would even be incorrect if there was any junction with the next sentence. In the second sentence Suthep may have tried to backtrack from the first, but the meaning "I don't esteemwesterners as being better than Thai people" cannot be inferred here IMHO.

I just have a tiny suggestion in reference to the followings:

The last of the three Thai phrases: อย่าเอาฝรั่งมาข่มคนไทย should be translated as:

Do not use foreigners (farang) to intimidate Thai people.

Rather than--Don't bring western foreigners (farang) here (into Thailand) to control Thai people--which is pretty close.

Or--I don't esteem westerners as being better than Thai people--which English translation is way off its Thai intent and meaning. imho. :jap:


maybe he should think how desperate they where for "farang" :jap: :huh: to come back to Thailand after the riots. :annoyed:

All the while Northern Europe is freezing cold in certain months and Thailand has sunshine in those same months Thailand never has to go looking for Farangs, they just appear year after year, and they like it.

Thats why you stay here, because you like it, right ?


I agree given his his stature he could have used a different word but I don't believe the word farang is not slang or impolite and that is us putting our political correct standard on another culture.

Farang is basically a neutral word, but people who respect you (or who should respect you) will not use it- if you hear a work colleague, for example, refer to you as farang they probably mean it as an insult while a taxi driver or market vendor does not know any better

If the statement came from a taxi driver or bar girl, we really can not expect anything better.

But from from someone in his position.

I do not accept the use of this term from anyone with any kind of education, but thats just me. Not being political or anything at all, simply respectful.

Kuffki is Thai bashing, Beware all taxi drivers, market vendors, bar girls, you people don't respect us, because you are from the lower classes, under educated, and don't know any different..... Kuffki went further to say, educated people will not use the word Farang. My big friend here a top health and education officer, uses the word, SO I will inform her of the remarks made.

All I know is the word is mainly used by Thai's for a foreigner, being not sure from which country-Farang

Thats the problem already, your "big" friend is an education officer he/she does not know the difference or sees the problem.

Well perhaps you can educate your "big" friend so he/she would know better and hopefully would change his/her educating.

Farang originated from French people, ie this is what Thai called them faragset. Another version of events, is farang was for the name for potato and because french ate potato they called them Farang.

Which one is more accurate or historically correct i do not know.

In Australia, long time ago there was a word "<deleted>" used for any person of Western origin, it then changed to being used only to those of Greek, Italian, Lebanese, Maltese, Spanish.

However over the period of time, many of the groups mentioned found it to be offensive and the word is no longer used by "normal" people.

Of course yobbo's and ones living in the bush would not know or care and they still use it, while the whole attitude to the word changed.

Now that there is enough replies confirming that there is enough people who do not appreciate it and find it offensive, i am sure you will advise your "big" friend.

Back to your original words. This is not Thai bashing but a simple observation. I am called farang by every taxi, street vendor etc, i have never been called farang by any of the lawyers i ever used, any of the accountants or doctors.

As i clearly stated before, perhaps they may use it talking to each other, however they never used it in my presence.


Some posters have raised the issue of respect and that foreigners do not respect Thai's

Lets look at things for a second.

Are you still in Thailand ?

If you are it can't be that bad can it, if not, unlike 99% of Thai people, you had the opportunity to leave to pastures new.

Why complain when you have the freedom of choice ?

Thai people respecting Farangs, lol, Hey, you're lucky the whole Thai population doesn't read ThaiVisa, they would think that all Farangs are the same, ( Anti Thai, self absorbed, anally retentive <deleted> who do nothing but complain about everything that is not beneficial to themselves. ) Yet still choose to live here and think they are doing Thailand a favor. cool.gif

Perhaps if you avoid breaking TV rules and cut out half of my post , it may make more sense.


Some posters have raised the issue of respect and that foreigners do not respect Thai's

Lets look at things for a second.

The moment a foreigner lands in Thailand, he is actually called an "alien"

'Alien' is a legal term. It's also used as a description of those who wish to immigrate to the USA by the US Immigration service.


Some posters have raised the issue of respect and that foreigners do not respect Thai's

Lets look at things for a second.

The moment a foreigner lands in Thailand, he is actually called an "alien"

'Alien' is a legal term. It's also used as a description of those who wish to immigrate to the USA by the US Immigration service.

again, DO NOT cut out half of my post just to make yourself look smart or try to prove half a point


I agree with the deputy PM's assessment as well. Western NGOs and their members are often as crooked as they come and fronts for intelligence agencies.

How bout "I dont respect western or falang NGOs, or western governments".

This is what SuThep said in Thai:

รองนายกรัฐมนตรี กล่าวถึงกรณีที่แกนนำ นปช.จะเชิญองค์กรระหว่างประเทศ เข้ามาสังเกตการณ์การเลือกตั้งว่า ไม่เห็นด้วย ซึ่งตนแปลกใจที่กลุ่ม นปช.ไม่เคารพอธิปไตยของประเทศตัวเอง แต่กลับนับถือฝรั่ง ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องไม่สมควร หากประชาชนต้องการตรวจสอบการเลือกตั้ง หรือตรวจสอบนักการเมือง ก็สามารถระดมคนในประเทศมาร่วมกันได้ เช่น สื่อฯ และนักวิชาการ นักศึกษา เข้ามาทำหน้าที่ได้ ส่วนกรณีที่กลุ่มคนเสื้อแดงจะเปิดทีวีท้องถิ่น เพื่อให้ความรู้กับประชาชนในช่วงเลือกตั้ง ในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ นั้น เป็นเรื่องที่ กกต.ต้องติดตามตรวจสอบว่าผิดกฎหมายหรือไม่.-สำนักข่าวไทย

This is the translation in English:

รองนายกรัฐมนตรี กล่าวถึงกรณีที่แกนนำ นปช.จะเชิญองค์กรระหว่างประเทศ เข้ามาสังเกตการณ์การเลือกตั้งว่า ไม่เห็นด้วย

Deputy PM stated that in reference to the core leaders of UDD wishing to invite NGO to observe during election, he disagreed.

ซึ่งตนแปลกใจที่กลุ่ม นปช.ไม่เคารพอธิปไตยของประเทศตัวเอง แต่กลับนับถือฝรั่ง ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องไม่สมควร

He was surprised that UDD does not respect its own country's democracy; but, instead, respect foreigners'; which is improper.

หากประชาชนต้องการตรวจสอบการเลือกตั้ง หรือตรวจสอบนักการเมือง ก็สามารถระดมคนในประเทศมาร่วมกันได้ เช่น สื่อฯ และนักวิชาการ นักศึกษา เข้ามาทำหน้าที่ได้

If Thai people wishes to examine the election or to investigate politicians, they can organize and form a group from news sources persons, academicians and students to carry out the investigative duties.

ส่วนกรณีที่กลุ่มคนเสื้อแดงจะเปิดทีวีท้องถิ่น เพื่อให้ความรู้กับประชาชนในช่วงเลือกตั้ง ในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ นั้น เป็นเรื่องที่ กกต.ต้องติดตามตรวจสอบว่าผิดกฎหมายหรือไม่.-สำนักข่าวไทย

In reference to the question on UDD setting up local TV station around Northeastern province to provide information to the local citizen during the election; the Election Committee will have to examine whether or not it is in compliance with the laws. (Thai News Organization reported).

That is the sums and substances of what deputy SuThep said in that interview. Draw whatever conclusion you wish. :jap:

oh dear... 400 posts based on an erroneous OP...


Some posters have raised the issue of respect and that foreigners do not respect Thai's

Lets look at things for a second.

The moment a foreigner lands in Thailand, he is actually called an "alien"

'Alien' is a legal term. It's also used as a description of those who wish to immigrate to the USA by the US Immigration service.

again, DO NOT cut out half of my post just to make yourself look smart or try to prove half a point

As I was only replying to one point in your post I deleted the non-relevant parts. It's called 'Netiquette'. You might want to look it up. The fact remains that the US government uses the word 'alien' in the same way that the Thai government does. It's a word with a specific legal meaning.


What a bunch of pathetic, pretentious cry babies.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. I learned that when I was five. Apparently the education of farang is not all it's cracked up to be.

It is their country.

Yes, but some of us have been here 20 years and made it our home,speak fluent Thai, own a lot of land. My wife and I have over 5,000 rai of land. Although in her name, it is shared between us.

We have children who are Thai citizens with traces of royal blood. We employ many Thai people.

Sticks and stones etc may be something that we can strive toward but at the moment, i'm a mere mortal and get hurt when people call me names.


Farang originated from French people, ie this is what Thai called them faragset. Another version of events, is farang was for the name for potato and because french ate potato they called them Farang.

Which one is more accurate or historically correct i do not know.

Neither one are accurate or historically correct


What hand would that be?

It's a pity they dont teach the Thais,some Western Sayings at school,

and just one that springs to mind:

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you"

The one that you use to open your wallet.,or punch in your ATM Withdrawal.

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