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I've recently read several threads and have noticed something curious.

It goes like this. Several elderly gentlemen on this forum are very clearly of the opinion that they are attractive to Thai women. This puzzles me. It puzzles me a lot.

One elderly gentleman seems to feel he is an expert in affairs of the heart. He also claims to have dallied with hundreds (if not thousands) of women here in Thailand.

Another elderly gentleman (whose enviable status is that of an English teacher) believes himself to be an object of desire to Thai women of all ages. He evidently considers himself to be a bit of a mini-Casanova.

Other elderly gentlemen have also chimed in. They too seem to have great confidence in their "pulling power"; they too seem to believe that they are attractive to Thai women.

Why might this be the case?

Could it be that the gentlemen in question are just silly old fools living in fantasy worlds? Could it be that they are simply lying? Or could it be the case that sexually attractive young women here in Thailand really do prefer 60 year-old men.

Finally – if it's of any interest – I'm in my early forties; I'm six foot one and half; I auditioned as a male model when I was in my late twenties; I eat well and keep in shape; I live alone in a nice house; and I work hard. But I never seem to get the same level of amorous attention as the elderly gentlemen here on thaivisa.

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So this is about you grinding on Ian and Mark ?

So what your saying is your awesome and can't get laid but there old and pull?

One word. Confidence



Finally if it's of any interest I'm in my early forties; I'm six foot one and half; I auditioned as a male model when I was in my late twenties; I eat well and keep in shape; I live alone in a nice house; and I work hard. But I never seem to get the same level of amorous attention as the elderly gentlemen here on thaivisa.


I'm God's gift to women, too, but ...; luckily I've got more money than sense!


"... and a half" - I loved that bit! I'm about six-foot, maybe a little more.

I auditioned as a male model and the bloke said "You are joking, aren't you?"

I eat exceptionally well, and keep in more shape than you do

Maybe you should move to Thailand...

Thank you for posting such a beautiful target for lampoonery - I would laugh out loud if I was not too busy leering at the women sitting at the next table...

EDIT: Incriminating claims deleted - too close to the truth for me!


OP, absolute <deleted>. However you were smart enough to post in this forum. ;)

Meaning, it did not have to be moved (the post that is). :D


You could always try walking about with a 1,000bht note poking out of your shirt pocket!

My guess is you look a bit cheap (really no insult intended), at 40 something you are too old to be chased for your body.

I have an elderly friend who walks around with a couple of baht of gold hanging from him, you should see the attention he gets from young girls (on a songtaw or just cruising a shopping mall), it's sort of embarrassing to be with him sometimes.

But seriously, you are a bit too young for the overly eager ladies, you might live another 30 years and their Thai husbands could die first (or get fed up waiting). The older you are, the sooner you depart.

Finally – if it's of any interest – I'm in my early forties; I'm six foot one and half; I auditioned as a male model when I was in my late twenties; I eat well and keep in shape; I live alone in a nice house; and I work hard. But I never seem to get the same level of amorous attention as the elderly gentlemen here on thaivisa.


Head too far up own ass to spot any amorous approaches maybe?

I eat exceptionally well, and keep in more shape than you do

Thank you for posting such a beautiful target for lampoonery - I would laugh out loud if I was not too busy leering at the women sitting at the next table...

You keep in "more shape", do you?

Interesting that you talk about lampoonery when you don't even understand basic grammar.

I eat exceptionally well, and keep in more shape than you do

Thank you for posting such a beautiful target for lampoonery - I would laugh out loud if I was not too busy leering at the women sitting at the next table...

You keep in "more shape", do you?

Interesting that you talk about lampoonery when you don't even understand basic grammar.

"more shape" meaning larger, or more extensive - due to exceptionally good eating.

I think I undersatand more grammar than I choose to use in the first instance - like a fat arse, its always useful to have a little extra to fall back on....


I suppose subtlety is like sporting excellence - sometimes you don't appreciate it till you're past it...


Do you think the OP posted this more so he could just mention how young and handsome he is, than through any real curiosity.....?laugh.gif

Look at the latests topics started by the OP. Should answer your question. ;)


I'd rather not! He sounds like one of those overdressed English Teachers who infest BKK for whom teaching is just a 'stop gap' until HSBC or PWC come knocking on their door.

Odd how they never seem to last more than 6 months....

"more shape" meaning larger, or more extensive - due to exceptionally good eating.

Perhaps one day you'd be kind enough to share your diet. I'd be very interested.

I read recently that the best and healthiest foods for increasing libido are....

1. oysters

2. almonds

3. bananas

4. broccoli

But are these foods genuinely a substitute for being less than 60 years of age?

For my point of view, it goes like this: 60+; a fantasy world; and a little blue pill.

Thus far, no elderly gentlemen have confirmed or denied my beliefs.


If you are A farang,no matter what your age.The key is if ya speak thai half the battle is over.Thai women 'not bar girls" love A foreigner that speaks their language.


If you are A farang,no matter what your age.The key is if ya speak thai half the battle is over.Thai women 'not bar girls" love A foreigner that speaks their language.

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: You must have missed the comments from Suthep earlier today then.


I was gonna post a picture of a 1000 baht note & say this is the universal language.

OP if you stay here 20 or 30 years you will understand. They have wgat we want & we have what they want, Straight business transaction.

I was gonna post a picture of a 1000 baht note & say this is the universal language. OP if you stay here 20 or 30 years you will understand.

You have much to learn, brave Sir Powderpuff.

Try staying out of the slut bars and you'll learn it sooner.


If one wants to get a sense of what young, attractive Thai women are truly attracted to, read what they are looking for on a singles website. Only the hookers specify guys older than 40. When genuine Thai women want a true relationship, they aren't looking for Grandpa.

The geriatrics who think they are a bunch of Thai Romeos, I would like their email addresses; I have some 2nd hand sub-prime loan papers to sell them.


I disagree with everything the O/P says.

Besides I only come on this site to look at the pictures of the attractive young ladies on the dating sites adverts.

Blast! There's a Sushi ad now.


Thus far, no elderly gentlemen have confirmed or denied my beliefs.

I thought I already did.

You are too old for Thai ladies, and at the same time, not old enough!

Finally – if it's of any interest – I'm in my early forties; I'm six foot one and half; I auditioned as a male model when I was in my late twenties; I eat well and keep in shape; I live alone in a nice house; and I work hard. But I never seem to get the same level of amorous attention as the elderly gentlemen here on thaivisa.

you are just unlucky Andrew. perhaps your luck will change when you cross 60. be patient! all will be well.



Not all young Thais, male or female, who prefer older foreigners, are after money. Many actually do like older men and there is nothing wrong with taking that wonderful little blue pill!


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Great topic, Andrew, congratulations. :jap: And much better than one that starts with ... "Wut u tink"

You'd fit right in with my group of friends who run these...


They are called "TROLLERS"

I see a lot of these topics, but most are complaints from elderly guys who are foolish enough to MARRY women from a foreign country who are 30 or 40 years their junior. They have absolutely NOTHING in common other than sex. And, even great sex can only carry a relationship so far. After that you actually have to have a conversation with the woman occasionally.

And, let us analyze the sex act. It lasts only a few minutes, and even when you include lots of foreplay it seldom lasts more than an hour. That leaves 23 hous left in the day. That is a LOT of time to grow bored if you don't have something else to keep you occupied... like irritating other people on thaivisa. I've been around long enough with enough women to understand biology and what makes people tick. When most guys are in their prime... 18 to 30, they seldom have the knowledge of how to please a woman in all the subtle ways that lead up to the sex act. Most often they are just out to please themselves. Most women don't even reach their maximum potential as a sex partner until their late 20s... if then. That throws a monkey wrench into many relationships.

When a sexually active couple first gets together they are randy as rabbits, but that tapers off after a while and it gets down to the 2 or 3 times a week scenario. There is an old story that holds a lot of truth. It goes something like this... If you put a nickle into a jar every time you have sex with your new bride for the first three years, and then start REMOVING a nickle out of the jar every time you have sex for the remainder of the marriage, you will never remove all the nickles in the jar. I know LOTS of couples who have been married for over 20 years and they seldom have sex twice a month... if that. I know married guys in their 50s who haven't had sex twice a year. There was a formal study done by a sports talk show with men who were married more than 5 years. The report came back that the majority of men would rather watch porno on the computer than have sex with their wives. I would believe it judging by the couples I see walking around a supermarket, or from heart to heart talks with my friends. And, I won't even include the menopause time in a marriage.

Which brings us back to us sexpats in Thailand. Us single guys can have as much sex as we can afford. We don't have to worry about complications. We DO know there isn't love involved, but we frankly don't care. We also know it is MUCH less expensive than being married. And, when you sample enough women you are going to find a few who just fit your personal situation. Both parties enjoy themselves and everyone goes away happy. I'm quite happy with a couple of lovely women who suit my needs 2 or 3 times a week. What more could a single guy of 71 expect? And frankly, whose business is it of anyone but myself and my partner? We are BOTH happy with the arrangement.

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