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Vote Buying


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I have recently been told of the vote buying that supposedly goes on here. I know this place is corrupt to the core but Im still quite surprised to hear about this. from what I have been told representatives from the candidate go to visit each house and offer money somewhere around 1000 bahts or so to each voter, who in turn promises their vote and signs as a promise. When Its time to vote, there are people there checking if they have voted as promised and crossing them off the list. Money to be returned if not. I am lead to believe that the majority of locals will simply vote for whoever gives them the most money and its as simple as that. This in turn means whatever has been spent on vote buying has to somehow be recouped by large amounts of cash being creamed from somewhere or other. Is this really how it works and are the locals that are registered to vote here really that dumb ?

Would love to know more about this, can anyone shed anymore light ?

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I thought the village headman tells the locals which way to vote because he is paid to accumulate a certain amount of votes by the politician or party.

He then pays each person for the vote and keeps a nice chunk for himself.jap.gif

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I've heard both of the above as the way it works.

I am led to believe that it works different ways in different provinces.

Also, if you don't promise to vote a certain way, they take you off the books so you cannot vote.

(and you have to pay to get back on!!!)

Hey, the democratic government was forced on them. It isn't their natural way.

Westerners try to make everyone act like them. doesn't mean it's right. Or enforced.

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That's why you are not allowed to take your mobile (with camera) when you cast your vote. The mobiles were used to make a "proof photo" of the ballot when cashing in on the vote-buyer.

Where I live,it`s not so complicated.Campaignworkers go from house to house and give the money against a promise to vote for their candidate.No checking,whether the receiving person actually votes as promised,something that would be very tricky to do.And yes,sorry to say,that is how stupid people are....! They know,that the candidate in question is dishonest,that he will recoup his "investment" later,but they themselves want to be honest and vote as they promised! If only some organisation or political party would try to make people to accept the bribe but then vote for somebody,who NOT try to bribe them,then this practise would end abrubtly.The maffiatypes would loose a lot of money for nothing,not get elected.Now,why then does this not happen;that nobody try to enlighten the public (about the obvious)?Could it be,that they all practice this method and don`t want see an end to it.After all,it does not take a genius to figure this out..But after 20 years here,I don`t give a dam_n,you can not change anything in this country,just go with the flow and enjoy what is good.Try to make a contribution,and you end up in a sillyward.!

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Where I live, one person in the village is a rep for the candidate. She goes how to how and requests votes. As in the last election a few weeks ago, it was 200 baht.

Money is given after the vote, they come to your how and hand it out.

Amazing Thailand!!!

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Where I live, one person in the village is a rep for the candidate. She goes how to how and requests votes. As in the last election a few weeks ago, it was 200 baht.

Money is given after the vote, they come to your how and hand it out.

Amazing Thailand!!!

My friends Gf''s mum is a candidate in a village near to Nong bua Lamphu she lost the election because she could not pay enough for the votes hence she was booted out nicely I think !!

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My M-I-L takes her money and votes the way she wants.

But, that's what I told her to do!! Before that, she voted "as instructed"! She'd never thought about disobeying the man with the money in a secret ballot where he'd never find out anyway.

I remember being outside the election place for the 2004 election (sorry if I'm out on the date, but it was Thaksin's re-election) and she gave me a wink on the way out. Finally, she'd exercised her democratic right, voted for who she wanted, .......and trousered 400 baht into the bargain.

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Elections for the area tetsabahn leader were held a few weeks ago. Several days before, a woman came by the house and gave 600 baht to each occupant on our soi. From what I gathered, the winner got 650 votes to the losers 450. If the winner paid 600 for each of those votes, his office cost a mere 390,000 baht. He'll get that back in no time at all!

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