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What Will You Do In 10 Years?


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I don't see gregb as ranting.

Are you sure that you want to admit that? tinfoilhatsmile.gif

Admittedly this is the first of gregb's posts that I've seen - but he has a point.

Thailand is likely to make life more difficult for us foreigners in the near future, but the West has far more problems.

No country (as far as I know) hates Thailand - but there are many countries that hate the West.

Terrorism is going to be a problem in the West for years to come, and at the moment, they are making even more enemies.

Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

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Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

Terrorism is a very minor problem all over the world.

More people did in car accidents in Bangkok every day than die in terrorist acts worldwide in the same time period.

Yet governments want people to fear terrorists and not car drivers?

Why do you think that is?

A more efficient way of doing things would be to forget all about what terrorists are up to, and put all the money into building safer cars.

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I don't see gregb as ranting.

Are you sure that you want to admit that? tinfoilhatsmile.gif

Admittedly this is the first of gregb's posts that I've seen - but he has a point.

Thailand is likely to make life more difficult for us foreigners in the near future, but the West has far more problems.

No country (as far as I know) hates Thailand - but there are many countries that hate the West.

Terrorism is going to be a problem in the West for years to come, and at the moment, they are making even more enemies.

Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

You honestly think Thailand has more problems with terrorism than the West??

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Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

Terrorism is a very minor problem all over the world.

More people did in car accidents in Bangkok every day than die in terrorist acts worldwide in the same time period.

Yet governments want people to fear terrorists and not car drivers?

Why do you think that is?

A more efficient way of doing things would be to forget all about what terrorists are up to, and put all the money into building safer cars.

But as long as we ignore the terrorists, they will only get worse! We need to think about why they hate us so much and try to do something about it.

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Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

You honestly think Thailand has more problems with terrorism than the West??

Thailand is a very small country with few people. For its geographical size and population yes it has quite a bit more terrorism than the US or Canada or Australia or ......

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Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

Terrorism is a very minor problem all over the world.

More people did in car accidents in Bangkok every day than die in terrorist acts worldwide in the same time period.

Yet governments want people to fear terrorists and not car drivers?

Why do you think that is?

A more efficient way of doing things would be to forget all about what terrorists are up to, and put all the money into building safer cars.

But as long as we ignore the terrorists, they will only get worse! We need to think about why they hate us so much and try to do something about it.

I don't think the Thai terrorists have said. I don't think they talk much at all. I don't think anyone really knows who they are or have any idea who to talk to to stop the problem. I would hope the Thai terrorists don't want the same kinds of things like women not being able to drive and go to school and hanging and stoning people for infidelity. But I don't see the terrorists going away in Thailand or any place else. Best we can hope for in 10 years is to avoid them and move to Issan. I don't see a lot of terror threat for Issan in the next ten years. I could be wrong though.

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so... u may be surprised to see that food prices never really go up that dramatically..

If you take alook at the supermarkets you will notice that the prices of the major food products like milk,rice,and meats have gone up 50% over the timespan of less than 2 years.

Edited by janverbeem
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Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

Terrorism is a very minor problem all over the world.

More people did in car accidents in Bangkok every day than die in terrorist acts worldwide in the same time period.

Yet governments want people to fear terrorists and not car drivers?

Why do you think that is?

A more efficient way of doing things would be to forget all about what terrorists are up to, and put all the money into building safer cars.

But as long as we ignore the terrorists, they will only get worse! We need to think about why they hate us so much and try to do something about it.

I don't think the Thai terrorists have said. I don't think they talk much at all. I don't think anyone really knows who they are or have any idea who to talk to to stop the problem. I would hope the Thai terrorists don't want the same kinds of things like women not being able to drive and go to school and hanging and stoning people for infidelity. But I don't see the terrorists going away in Thailand or any place else. Best we can hope for in 10 years is to avoid them and move to Issan. I don't see a lot of terror threat for Issan in the next ten years. I could be wrong though.

I was talking about those terrorists targetting the West, but other than that - thank you, god knows I needed the laugh! The thought of terrorists in Issan brought tears to my eyes - they'd stand no chance facing the Isaan women defending their wealth!

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so... u may be surprised to see that food prices never really go up that dramatically..

If you take alook at the supermarkets you will notice that the prices of the major food products like milk,rice,and meats have gone up 50% over the timespan of less than 2 years.

You would do better looking at the consumer price index in Thailand.

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so... u may be surprised to see that food prices never really go up that dramatically..

If you take alook at the supermarkets you will notice that the prices of the major food products like milk,rice,and meats have gone up 50% over the timespan of less than 2 years.

Rather moot, as the idea of a "supermarket", and their inflated prices is still a new {and introduced} concept to Thais. The greater percentage of the population don't consume milk and generally trade within their local markets most goods, where of course the prices are naturally regulated {cheaper} by the local community.

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Commodities are becoming v expensive which means that the cost of living is going up dramatically.

It doesn't affect those of us who have enough money not to notice - but those that are living hand-to-mouth DO notice and are not happy....

Unfortunately the government will always use foreigners as a scapegoat, so things will only get worse.

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so... u may be surprised to see that food prices never really go up that dramatically..

If you take alook at the supermarkets you will notice that the prices of the major food products like milk,rice,and meats have gone up 50% over the timespan of less than 2 years.

Rather moot, as the idea of a "supermarket", and their inflated prices is still a new {and introduced} concept to Thais. The greater percentage of the population don't consume milk and generally trade within their local markets most goods, where of course the prices are naturally regulated {cheaper} by the local community.

Then look at you local market and you will notice the same price increases for thai products over the same period.I know that my fried rice at the roadstall has gone up from 25 Bht to 30 and recently to 35 Bht and that is over the past 2-3 years and then I not talk yet of the decrease in meat in the meal as that is hard to prove.Already calculated what that means in percentage.

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so... u may be surprised to see that food prices never really go up that dramatically..

If you take alook at the supermarkets you will notice that the prices of the major food products like milk,rice,and meats have gone up 50% over the timespan of less than 2 years.

Rather moot, as the idea of a "supermarket", and their inflated prices is still a new {and introduced} concept to Thais. The greater percentage of the population don't consume milk and generally trade within their local markets most goods, where of course the prices are naturally regulated {cheaper} by the local community.

Then look at you local market and you will notice the same price increases for thai products over the same period.I know that my fried rice at the roadstall has gone up from 25 Bht to 30 and recently to 35 Bht and that is over the past 2-3 years and then I not talk yet of the decrease in meat in the meal as that is hard to prove.Already calculated what that means in percentage.

Well sure, many food items of every description have risen recently in the past couple of years. My experiences {mostly rural situations} have shown me that most everyone attempts to be self-sufficient without the overt reliance on the suppressive systems. This way of life tends to be more common than not.

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Thailand has hydrocarbon reserve's, not as much as Saudi Arabia but enough for the country in times of hardship.

HRH The King actually mentioned a few years back that Thailand should move to self-sufficiency, a very wise move.

Financially they are in batter shape when it comes to trade-deficit, borrowing from a foreign power than the western world.

Yes credit is a problem, but compared to back home where saving is a dirty word, out in Thailand saving is considered wisdom.

Foodwise there is enough in Thailand to feed the population. Rubber is plentiful also so bike's and cars will be ok on tyres.

It actually makes useful things for export, unlike the west.

Now look at the shambles that is the UK and the rest of Europe. They import more than they produce for themselves, so expect starvation if food shortages get critical.

From where I'm typing (in LOS) it's a better place than most places elsewhere right now.

As for the 'precarious' situation of farangs in Thailand? Well you can get uncertainty anywhere you go. In Euroland you have a serious, cradle-to-grave welfare state problem. The model of which was based on perpetual economic growth with a constant population growth in tandem. Well that's not happening as much now. Factor in the immigration problem and you have big powder keg that's going to be lit sooner rather than later.

Oh and the EU is pretty much broke with insane bail-out's that have stretched Germany and France (main contributers) to breaking point.

Now Portugal is on the rock's and there's no money left...

So I'll take a bit of terrorist's blowing up stuff in the south over the wrecking-ball heading for the west anyday.

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As for the 'precarious' situation of farangs in Thailand? Well you can get uncertainty anywhere you go. In Euroland you have a serious, cradle-to-grave welfare state problem. The model of which was based on perpetual economic growth with a constant population growth in tandem. Well that's not happening as much now. Factor in the immigration problem and you have big powder keg that's going to be lit sooner rather than later.

Oh and the EU is pretty much broke with insane bail-out's that have stretched Germany and France (main contributers) to breaking point.

Now Portugal is on the rock's and there's no money left...

So I'll take a bit of terrorist's blowing up stuff in the south over the wrecking-ball heading for the west anyday.

Maybe immigration will keep the EU population growth going...

As for the EU banking situation, don't fall for the nationalistic propaganda. Those lending banks based in France and Germany knowingly partook in the pump and dump of european property markets. The property crash should have caused losses for all bank bondholders but the ECB is insisting that taxpayers of stricken countries should pay those debts in full, ostensibly so the world can see that in the magic eurozone no bank can fail but in actuality so that the super-rich bondholders have their failed investments retroactively converted to zero risk.

While the finger can be pointed at politicians and banking executives, they're just self-serving pawns compared with the real high rollers. There's no way private debt should be converted to public debt, it's obscene.

In any event the thrust of your point is right, this debacle will likely attenuate EU growth for at least the next ten years.

The 'rise of the rest' is moving us toward global economic equilibrium. Surely that means that asset prices in rising countries will outperform those in declining countries over the medium term? If you bought a condo in bkk 10 years ago how much would you get for it now?

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We need to think about why they hate us so much and try to do something about it.

Some clear thinking there F1 :wai:

What if we wake up one day and realize that the terrorist threat is a predictable consequence of our meddling in the affairs of others?

RP 2/12/2009

And before anyone says it.........I do not believe they hate us for our freedoms ;)

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The terrorists hate us because we reject their religion and because our lifestyles are incompatible with it. It is about religion and little else. ;)

I was under the impression they hated 'the west' because America (and Israel supported by America) keeps killing them.

Anyway I don't have to worry because last night Buddha sent my wife a dream.

Buddha told her that within the next year 70% of the worlds population would be dead!

(but luckily we are going to survive)

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#52 And before anyone says it.........I do not believe they hate us for our freedoms. No -- Blondes!

from King Kong (1933):

[Captain translates Native Chief's comments on Ann Darrow]

Captain Englehorn: He says, "Look at the golden woman."

Carl Denham: Yeah, blondes are scarce around here.

I grew up having nightmares about being buried alive because Kruschev said "We Will Bury You" ... then came Barry McGuire singing (1965):

Think of all the hate there is in Red China Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama

You may leave here for 4 days in space But when you return, it's the same old place

[Take a look around ya boy, it's bound to scare ya boy]

And you tell me Over and over and over again, my friend Ah, you don't believe We're on the eve of destruction.

So go and try to scare someone else.

Edited by jazzbo
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It all comes down to 3 things water, energy, and arable land. North America is sitting pretty. It is the only region that is energy self sufficient if the USA was forced into some conservation measures. It also has water resources and full fertile lands along with the natural fertilizers needed to make things grow. Countries susceptible to water shortages and energy shortages are in deep trouble. Thailand is one of those countries at risk as its key water supplies flow out of regions dominated by China. Thailand is an energy importer and it will not be able to pay the increased costs of energy imports without societal pain.

America can't do anything without energy. Farmers can't plant or harvest crops, come the end of the oil, America will self destruct in a couple of weeks, the people in the cities will devastate the countryside like a plague of locusts. Half the country will freeze to death in the first winter.

Thailand doesn't actually need anything from the outside world. For example, my wifes farm is planted and harvested by hand, we are surrounded by mountains full of water. They don't need any electricity or oil to live, but it is nice to have.

If I were to choose where to live when the energy ran out, America would be the last place on earth to choose.

You seem to know very little about surviving Peak Oil!

Your assessment of America's energy supply is incorrect. Are you aware that the largest supplier of energy to the USA is Canada and I believe Mexico is 3rd after Saudi Arabia? The USA is probably the only "superpower" in the world that has access to a diversified secure energy supply. Russia comes 2nd. China doesn't have it. North America is the only region in the world that is self sufficient, (except for rare earth). In a crisis, Canada and the USA could easily cut off links with the rest of the world, and get along just fine. the weak spot being the porous Mexican border, but every region would have a refugee crisis in the event of a world meltdown. Europe would become a faciast zone as it tried to protect itself from hordes of Africans, North Africans and Turks. The EU would most likely collapse into regional fights over water and scarce energy resources and would on its knees to any nation that could supply oil and gas. (Sort of like now.)

I believe that you are very wrong in claiming that Thailand doesn't need anything from the rest of the world. Without oil, the factory farms that provide cheap food would collapse since these farms are heavily mechanized and conventional energy dependent. Fuel is also needed to get the food to market. The export of agricultural products is an important generator of FX. If the food cannot be shipped out and if customers cannot purchase the food, Thailand will lose FX to pay for vital imports. Without oil, Thailand's chemical industry would collapse. Everything from basic plastic bags to food packages to important medical supplies would disappear. More importantly, the pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers Thailand now relies on to boost harvest yields would become more expensive and difficult to source. As harvest yields fell, food shortages would loom and basic food would become too expensive. Look at the madness that surrounds the cooking oil problem every year. When Thailand was a land of 10million it wouldn't have mattered, but it it is 60million+ and the country would collapse into food riots.

Where would the millions of workers go that were dependent upon export markets if those markets collapsed? Do you think the residents of Bangkok are going to run off to work planting rice on your wife's farm? Are you aware that many of Thailand's key generic pharmaceuticals are manufactured using active ingredients sourced from outside the country? What happens when millions of people are denied medications? In the event of a global energy crisis, you can be assured that China is going to grab as much water flowing into Thailand as it can. China will rely on its coal fired and nuclear generating plants. What do you think those thick clouds of smog will do to Thailand's weather systems? Not all of the particulate will drift westwards. What happens when one of the Chinese nuclear plants has a meltdown?

Thailand has to live with the threat of China. In the event of a need for arable land or resources, the Chinese would overflow their borders like a plague of locusts consuming anything and everything. In the event of a global crisis, the western powers will not be able to stop such Chinese expansionism.

It is a fantasy to consider Thailand even remotely self sufficient. This is a country very tightly connected to global markets. Key components for manufacturing and agriculture are sourced from the outside world. If Thailand doesn't have FX to pay for it, what will it do? Does it have the capacity to build hitech equipment from scratch? Look the bomb detection and disposal equipment that the geniuses at the technical school came up with. I'm sorry, but the engineering students at the typical Hong Kong or Singapore or Australian universities come up with far more reliable and advanced devices. Thailand is in the same boat as many European nations, and like the typical European, most Thais are oblivious to that.

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