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Wedding Speeches


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Well as some of you know already. I'm getting married in 3 weeks. Our wedding will be more like a western wedding.ie the missus dad giving a speech, my best man and also me. Since i have never been married before. I dont know what to say. Of course i gotta thank everyone but what else should/shouldn't I say? Any ideas guys? I have some ideas but since alot of my fellow TV members have either been married 1, 2 or even more times. I thought i'd ask for some advice. We will be married in ChiangMai on the 15th October/ Many farang there and also heaps of Thais. I need to get my ass in gear and sort this out. I will present my speech in English and then hopfully in Thai(if i sort my shit out and learn more) :o So thanks in advance if you have any suggestions.

BTW. I think about 5 minutes is long enough?

Edited by Jockstar
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Welllllll.....let's see......what do you want to talk about after just getting married? Probably not the next world cup match....probably not the war in Iraq......probably not about what kind of beer you like.........maybe about your new wife or something related to that.......I guess it depends partly on who will attend and how well they know you.....if your family and friends are really straight laced then your speech should be conservative...if the're raunchy then you could make a mild sexual inuendo about the early days with your wife...but for some groups of people this would be inappropriate.....sooooo....consider who would be there and what they would enjoy hearing AND what they would NOT enjoy hearing....the people who attend will be your guests so its best if you can accommodate them...but also if there is something that you feel you need to say you should feel free to say it, after all this is one of the most important days in your lives (plural...lives...as in two...you and your wife). You could thank people for coming and say how much it means to you that they did. You could tell jokes if that's your style but its probably best to have some serious component. It also depends how drunk you'll be.....generally speaking the drunker you are the shorter the speech should be in my opinion.

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Welllllll.....let's see......what do you want to talk about after just getting married?  Probably not the next world cup match....probably not the war in Iraq......probably not about what kind of beer you like.........maybe about your new wife or something related to that.......I guess it depends partly on who will attend and how well they know you.....if your family and friends are really straight laced then your speech should be conservative...if the're raunchy then you could make a mild  sexual inuendo about the early days with your wife...but for some groups of people this would be inappropriate.....sooooo....consider who would be there and what they would enjoy hearing AND what they would NOT enjoy hearing....the people who attend will be your guests so its best if you can accommodate them...but also if there is something that you feel you need to say you should feel free to say it, after all this is one of the most important days in your lives (plural...lives...as in two...you and your wife).  You could thank people for coming and say how much it means to you that they did.  You could tell jokes if that's your style but its probably best to have some serious component.  It also depends how drunk you'll be.....generally speaking the drunker you are the shorter the speech should be in my opinion.

I wont be drunk till later. :o

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From what i can recall, the Groom has the easy job. The Best man is the big speech maker. All you have to do is thank the Bride for being so loverly, :D thank the bridesmaids for being loverly also :D:D (if your'e having them) thank everyone for coming and then dish out the flowers to yours and the mrs mothers and any gifts you want to give to the bridesmaids and best man. Then you get pissed....Doddle :o

Oh, and don't forget to consumate the marriage :D:D

Best of luck to you both

Mr and Mrs BoJ :D

Edited by mrbojangles
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Not laughing at you but remembering my own wedding. I was not informed in advance that we (myself and new-wife) had to give a speech. My boss, in this case my standup at the wedding began his accolades about me and her and I started sensing that I was going to have to get up in front of nearly 300 guests and say something. Needless to say panic started sweeping over me and decision about what to say and which language to say it in started rolling through my head.

Started off with "dee jai jang loei", paled a little then continued in Thai, mostly thanking certain people for helping me and the guests, including the mayor of Chon Buri. Got onto a roll and relaxed then. I had two male farang friends that came down from Chiangmai and thanked them for being here. Then proceeded to anounce that they were single and if any single young women were interested go meet them. Did get a big laugh with this and was quite satisfied with my speech. To be honest, most of it is a blur to me now since that was 9 years ago and those were my key memories about it.

Since you know in advance and can prepare it should be a piece of cake :D for you. Believe I spent a little less then 5 minutes doing it.

So congratuations and good luck.

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Well as some of you know already. I'm getting married in 3 weeks. Our wedding will be more like a western wedding.ie the missus dad giving a speech, my best man and also me. Since i have never been married before. I dont know what to say. Of course i gotta thank everyone but what else should/shouldn't I say? Any ideas guys? I have some ideas but since alot of my fellow TV members have either been married 1, 2 or even more times. I thought i'd ask for some advice. We will be married in ChiangMai on the 15th October/ Many farang there and also heaps of Thais. I need to get my ass in gear and sort this out. I will present my speech in English and then hopfully in Thai(if i sort my shit out and learn more) :D So thanks in advance if you have any suggestions.

BTW. I think about 5 minutes is long enough?

Just say this and all will be fine.

ผม รัก แม่ยาย ( pŏm rák mâe yaai ) :o

Hope its right


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Being a phuyai, I've had to give several wedding speeches for employees at my company. The first thing I'd say is don't give the speech in English because not many people will understand and it'll fall flat. What I do is make a rough draft in English, get someone to write it in good Thai, then I transliterate it into the Roman alphabet. Five minutes is enough. I print it in bold letters on a piece of paper that folds into the size of a cigarette pack, so I can hold it in the palm of my hand without it looking too obvious.

If you can memorize it, so much the better, because it doesn't look so good on the wedding video if you are looking down instead of at the audience. I found everyone appreciated my speaking Thai, even if it wasn't perfect.

For the content of the bride and groom's speeches, I think Bambi has the right idea. Generally the couple both describe what attracted them first to their partner, how they met, any funny stories that happened during the courtship, the qualities they think will make it a successful marriage and what they plan for the future.

Oh, and be careful if you are standing on a high stage. The VIP tables are always closest to the stage and they'll be able to see right up yer kilt!

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Being a phuyai, I've had to give several wedding speeches for employees at my company. The first thing I'd say is don't give the speech in English because not many people will understand and it'll fall flat.

Actually there will be about 80 or so farang. So i gotta do English and a condensed version in Thai. Since i will be doing both and i dont want to bore people then it guess i gotta keep both short. Thank yous and a rew jokes. Should be enough. I think? But still open to any help you can throw my way. Cheers.

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My good friend recently married off his daughter to a real nice kid.

The speech below is the best wedding speech I've ever heard.

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in a “Magic Kingdom” called Highland Park, lived a beautiful little girl whose Daddy had many nick-names for; Lola, Lulu, LuAnne, Lulubeller Heller, and many others! More often then not, Lola would say, “read me a bed-time story Daddy”, which gave us both great joy! In a short while, the beautiful little girl would grow quite weary, look at her Daddy with her beautiful blue eyes and say, “good-night Daddy, I love you, and when I grow up I want to marry you”! We loved each other then, and we love each other now!

First and foremost, my wife Elizabeth and I say, “welcome & thank you” for celebrating the wedding of our daughter, Lauren Ashley, to our new son-in-law, Ian Sennett. What a beautiful and fabulous couple! To the “out-of-towners, a special “thank you” for your time, respect, energy, and expense in traveling to Chicago. My Aunt Rosalie & Uncle Frank, from Mission Viejo, Ca. know a little bit about marriage, as they recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary and are going strong!

The last time I saw my mother-in-law cry so hard at a wedding was when I married her daughter, but this time it’s tears of joy! I’m in a bit of a “state of shock” tonight, as I’ve never had a married daughter before. Actually, I’m still trying to adjust to being married myself! In all reality, being married to Elizabeth is the best thing that ever happened to me and I thank her with all my heart for the best 31 years of my life, and for all that she is as a woman, as a mother, and as a wife! Lizzy is the “love of my life”, and all the blessings I’ve experienced are a direct result of her love, friendship, loyalty, kindness, intelligence, and of course, her sense of humor! From her came the other two loves of my life, Lauren and Joshua! I’m a very lucky guy! A great wife! Two great kids! And now, a fabulous son-in-law from a “bench-mark” family! Lizzy and I liked Judy and Eric from the moment we met them and I thank them for reinforcing and educating me on traditional Jewish values which they hold and practice. Shabbot dinner in their home is a joy to partake in!

For a guy who’s never had a son-in-law before, Ian is proof that “beginners luck” is a real thing! If I could “dream up” a husband for my “Lola”, I couldn’t conjure up a better man then Ian. He’s tall, strong, charming, and handsome, as well as stoic in the face of adversity, kind, thoughtful, courteous, loving, romantic, patient, intelligent, hard-working, and, he earned my respect a long time ago! Ian came to me and asked for my daughters’ “hand”, proposed to Lauren on his knee in a very romantic setting most young women could only dream of, after which Lizzy and I, along with Judy and Eric, met the “newly engaged” couple for a champaign toast!

Life’s great events don’t occur in a vacuum and Lauren’s and Ian’s “union” is no exception! With that in mind, I feel obliged to “once again” thank my mother-in-law, Lee Young, the “matriarch” of our family, for her kindness and acceptance at a time in my life when I needed to be accepted! Oh Ya! She also saved me from being annulated by “Grandpa”!

Lauren and Ian are two of the “lucky ones”! #1- They are who they are individually, with very “good hearts”, well educated, and sweet #2- They both come from homes and families that adore them and have strong values and solid marriages as their precedents, and #3- They’ve found, and committed to each other! Their love and compatibility is obvious! Tonight must be a “fantasy”, because I’m not possibly old enough to have a married daughter & son-in-law. I look in the mirror and see a guy about Ian’s age! I look at Elizabeth and I see a beautiful woman about Lauren’s age! Then I look in the phone book for a good optometrist! Where o’ where have the years gone? I do not know, but I know they’ve been good ones!

I am now going to reveal the secret to longevity, happiness, and fulfillment in marriage! “Respect”! Respect is the key element! Love is a ‘fleeting” emotion! It surfaces, feels good, and slips in and out of our consciousness throughout our busy lives! However, respect is a constant! When your love and relationship are based on respect and consideration, thoughtfulness and care, the foundation of love will always prevail! Life is not about “money” or “things”! It’s about people and feelings! Peace of mind and inner joy are the true “bench mark” of success!

Even though I was “forced” into marriage at the tender age of 34 after a short seven year courtship, I highly recommend it and have flourished as a husband and father! Along the way, I’ve been quite fortunate to have maintained some very “long-lived” friendships and have developed a number of extraordinary buddies! When I look at the people I consider my friends, I know I’m doing something right in my life to deserve the respect of these “stand-up” characters!

Lauren, it’s been a very sweet road we’ve traveled since I saw you being born 23 years ago! Tonight, I’ve had the greatest honor and enjoyed the deepest pride in escorting you, my first born child, the beautiful Mrs. Ian Berliner, down the aisle to present you to your husband! I’ve witnessed you and Ian interact for a long time now and I’ve always liked what I’ve seen! When this evenings festivities are over, and the two of you begin your travel through life, unified, and as “one”, walk slowly, and take time each day to be cognizant of your many blessings. I love, respect, and care for you both and am thrilled to have witnessed your marriage this evening!

Peace and Shalom!

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Great speech but I prefer the 'get p1ssed' option myself.

I went to one where the father of the bride had us crying with laughter. He started by saying "I look upon this marriage not so much as losing a daughter as gaining a bedroom and a bathroom", and it just got better and better.

On a serious note, I went to an Anglo-Italian wedding, where the English groom gave his speech in Italian and the Italian father of the bride gave his in English. Impressed the heck out of everybody and, for obvious reasons, both were quite short.

Many congrats, Jockstar. May the fruit of your loins populate LOS, and your wife never find out.

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The best speeches are off-the–cuff and from-the-heart (don’t worry – never in your life will you have again such a captive and sympathetic audience).

Remember your principal function is to thank.

Look at each individual in the eyes as you thank them, commenting on their contribution to the event – laughs can be gained by reminding them of any cock-ups along the way (make sure the more salacious are toned down).

Be sure you thank all the important ones – no need for notes ‘cos they are all sitting there.

When you have finished this, and if you receive no (Devine?) inspiration from any other face, raise you glass (you’ve done your job!) and toast everyone, thanking them for taking the time to come and celebrate you and your wife’s most important day of your lives.

Congratulations and the very best of luck for the future.

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Congratulation. have my own wedding in CNX next year, January. maybe come on the 15th to say hello and wish you all the best. where will you be? Am learning a -small - Thai song to impress and sing together with my wife. maybe an idea. However, u just have 2weeks to go . . .

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Remember your principal function is to thank.

Look at each individual in the eyes as you thank them, commenting on their contribution to the event – laughs can be gained by reminding them of any cock-ups along the way (make sure the more salacious are toned down).

Be sure you thank all the important ones – no need for notes ‘cos they are all sitting there.

Agreed, thanking everyone is the main purpose of the groom's speech.

However, at my Thai wedding I had been concentrating so much on organising the blessing and food and booze for the party, that it never crossed my mind that I would have to give a speech - that was until my best man called my wife and myself onto the stage to "say a few words"..... :D:D

Luckily once I got to the microphone, the beer and excitement of the whole night meant that nerves were not a big problem. I responded to some of the "stories" raised in the best man's speech and thanked friends that had come from Hong Kong, England, America, Australia and of course thanked both of our families.

It wasn't until the next morning that I was thinking back on the previous day's events and the party, when it suddenly dawned on me that throughout the whole speech I had not once mentioned my wife...... :o

So the only thing I would add to Thomas' advice is "Be sure you thank all the important ones – no need for notes ‘cos they are all sitting there....OR STANDING NEXT TO YOU HOLDING YOUR HAND...!!!

Best of luck with the wedding and the speech Jockstar, and best wishes for your future together.


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