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Where Has Power/Electric, And Where Does Not?

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Maenam was very dark and wet, coming through at 7 pm, but going up my Soi, the lights were / are on thumbsup.gif

It's hard to figure out how the grid works! wink.png

He Man has the power he uses the power of Grey Skull watch out for skaltor in the darkthumbsup.gif

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Here is an interesting site with information on outages in the US:


They also have information on Canada and NZ and Australia, I believe.

If you roll over you can see the causes of the outages. I wonder if some of these are the same causes as for here.

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Mine, in Maenam, went out sometime during the night, I got woken up by the UPS box beeping....sad.png I am not sure what time as I could not see the clock! But it was after the very heavy rain .....

I guess we can all be thankful we are not in the eastern USA, 3 million plus people. going to be without power for several days w00t.gif

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Half power since 7am.

I have never run to this half power thing on Samui, it's on or off, ..... half power, used to be a regular thing when i lived on KP

.... enough to watch the telly, but not much else..... never did figure that out...... blink.png

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Well - it's not much help to us here in paradise, but we are not the only ones with the problem.


If you do not want to read the article - it starts off with

"In the aftermath of violent storms that knocked out power to millions from the Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic , sweltering residents and elected officials are demanding to know why it's taking so long to restring power lines and why they're not more resilient in the first place.

The answer, it turns out, is complicated" Does this sound familiar?

And the USA is not exactly a tropical island in developing nation! whistling.gif

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light just went out on our hotel at chaweng but came back after i heard a generator starting. thanks god . a disaster if our beers got varm in our refrigriator :-) cant see if power went out elsewhere or just our place. cancelled our trip to fisherman village walking street tonight so thatvhas to wait to next friday. cheers :-)

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light just went out on our hotel at chaweng but came back after i heard a generator starting. thanks god . a disaster if our beers got varm in our refrigriator :-) cant see if power went out elsewhere or just our place. cancelled our trip to fisherman village walking street tonight so thatvhas to wait to next friday. cheers :-)

VARM beer would be terrible...sick.gif . that is Danish for warm is it??? or have you been taking spelling lessons from our Mr Big C ? cheesy.gif

No power out, here... but still drizzling rain! fingers crossed! wink.png

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ups. yeah i meant warm which is varm in danish :-) we actually lost power here for a few hours and only had lights turned on at specific places at the hotel,but our beers survived :-) and gotten ekstras from 7 eleven just in case.

still raining though,but atleast its good for the plants hehe. i saw you wished for rain in the gardening thread and look like your wish came through :-)

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power down again here at hotel. must have been out a few hours cause noise from generator kept me awake. maybe some maintenance before the weekends rain sets in? ohh well time to get some breakfast anyway and maybe a bit of sun. :-)

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Power off in my area of Maenam, from about 6pm to 8.10 pm.... not sure about the "down town core" of Maenam? , not a good time during dinner hours!

Funny a neighbour on the next Soi just asked me this afternoon how come my power was always on and his goes off... this time his stayed on! blink.png

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