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The Random Guys At The Pubs Who Tell You Their Life Stories


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Sometimes I am out in the town, I see a client at the pub for a meeting and a drink. When he or she goes home sometimes I stay and have a few more beers on my own and watch some sport or just relax.

Most pubs I go to are nice and never get bothered, but sometimes I go to some of the cheaper pubs with a client like soi7 and pubs like those, some random guy always feels the need to come and ask if they can join me. They usually talk about how they hate Thai's or how great they are or even both. At first I found it quite funny and enjoyed listening to some of them talk out of their arse. I have even poked around in their stories and found out they made a few stories up.

Why do people do this? One guy I remember made this silly story about how bad Thai people treat him and after me poking around, I easily found out he was making it up just to put Thai people down. I mean sure things happen, but why do people make stuff up?

So, are you one of these randoms who sit by themselves at pubs, and what would you do to get rid of them?

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I knew a guy 15 years ago that had disappeared for a few weeks and on his return, he told me he had been in Egypt working with the SAS on a secret project. All the other old farts around me were nodding sagely in unison, while I was having trouble keeping a straight face. There's at least one in every pub.

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Yeh we have dealt with these guys.

In fairness I was one who when I arrived in BKK would want to talk to someone in the bar because I didnt know anyone. Those people are ok and we have all been in that situation. I dont go on about how good I am, how much I have etc (because I suck and Im poor)

But its funny seeing those who brag and brag about this 'big thing' they are working on thats going to be, like, you know, facebook or the next google. But when you ask a bit more they finally admit they are either unemployed or an English teacher. Usually they are a laugh fora few minutes but never leave you alone...

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Sometimes I am out in the town, I see a client at the pub for a meeting and a drink. When he or she goes home sometimes I stay and have a few more beers on my own and watch some sport or just relax.Most pubs I go to are nice and never get bothered, but sometimes I go to some of the cheaper pubs with a client like soi7 and pubs like those, some random guy always feels the need to come and ask if they can join me. They usually talk about how they hate Thai's or how great they are or even both. At first I found it quite funny and enjoyed listening to some of them talk out of their arse. I have even poked around in their stories and found out they made a few stories up.Why do people do this? One guy I remember made this silly story about how bad Thai people treat him and after me poking around, I easily found out he was making it up just to put Thai people down. I mean sure things happen, but why do people make stuff up?So, are you one of these randoms who sit by themselves at pubs, and what would you do to get rid of them?


I am sorry that you have been bothered(!!!!) if you like to take a beer, look at TV and just sit there on your own.. maybe you should sit home instead, you are not contributing much, do you??For god sake, try to be nice instead.................


Edited by glegolo
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there is also the reverse scenario . . .

The Inquisition

the man who wants to know everything, where from, where you work - and how much you earn, where you live - and how much you paid to rent or buy . . . . often obsessive about money, then launches into a whine about the 'good old days' when the pound or whatever bought lots more baht

easy 'sport' not directly answering any of his questions


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I usually enjoy chatting with people.

But... If it turns too ridiculous I start talking about Satan and fisting. They usually will check bin.

Seriously. I let them do their thing. They obviously enjoy telling stories, and who am I to steal some mans joy?

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I met a doctor at the Buffalo bar in Pattaya years ago. He told me how to divorce your wife, hide your assets and get them into Thailand all tax free.

It wasn't a quick process. It took him 5 years to accomplish.

But he did it. His wife got peanuts and he got the majority of his savings all moved successfully to Thailand.

I don't think with the increased bank surveillance now it would still work but for a while it was a good deal.

You never know what you will learn. I always listen.

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Its considered rude not to listen to other people's inane ramblings back in Scotland no matter how daft they may seem.

Sure beats twenty people all avoiding each other's gaze. You can always spot an Englishman sitting in a bar on his own....

OP go to Starbucks....they/we can't/won't afford to waste money on coffee. Trust me. ;)

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How is the OP's situation much different than a web forum like this? Here we get topics from politics to "I found a hair in my food" :) We certainly have the Rambo's and the people flaming all Thais, or the folks that haven't been here long enough to see that not all things in Thailand are perfect.

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Too many lonely men with nothing to do in Thailand? Even when they have Thai girlfriends/wives AND families.

I think the entertainment, especially in Bangkok, can be a bit limited for foreigners. I mean, go to a pub, go sit in a food court, take your bike for a spin, wash the car, fix whatever broke, shag the gf, watch some telly, go out and eat, go watch a movie, walk around another mall when you don't need to buy anything, go and buy something you need, etc. Alot of the farang entertainment is geared to the tourists; pubs with the same bands every night churning out the same music lacking inspiration, gogo bars catering for foreigners who havn't had a shag in a while (my name is ..., where you come from, are you on holiday, ...). I guess alot of people were used to having a large percentage of their lives taken up by work. Here alot of foreigners don't have the work aspect, plus lack of your local culture to engross yourself in. Thus lots of free time without much to do. Even drinking isn't much of an option now that the alcohol has shot up in price!

Mind you there is no excuse boring the sh1t out of someone with bs stories!

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They usually talk about how they hate Thai's or how great they are or even both.

Sounds like this forum, but with more expensive beer

Some of us more wiser souls don't keep such company as we find it unnecessary to frequent Farang hang-outs. Problem solved.B)

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I always go to the pubs my clients want to go to.

I like all types of pubs, infact I enjoy the run down Thai pubs from upcountry.

I really dont mind going to any pub actually, especially if I am going with friends.

Are you a bar girl?

If so, send me a PM....


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No point in telling my life story people find it too difficult to believe.........

A couple of days ago I went to renew my out of date 10 year passport

They guy behind the desk told me there was a problem..............on my new photo I looked younger than the one taken 10 years ago....

I laughed......he said, no seriously this is the only problem and went to check it out with his supervisor..........I eventually got my passport

See what I mean......:) .

Edited by 473geo
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I am too old to drink as it is bad for my health. I can't dance as frequently as I could so I don't dance as much. The Thais ate all the fish in the adjoining oceans so I can't fish. I am tired of teaching people to speak English. Since I am not in a tourist area the ladies conversation is a bit different, “where you work, you have car, how big you house, you have family, is wife out of town?” but it still gets tiring.

I like the CIA stories and buried treasure stories the best, crazy bar girls second and rescues in Burma third. My favorite though is when a Western woman comes in and lectures me on morality. I really like those.

A tip to the knowledgeable, if you really want to hear some good ones, put on a doctors tunic and wear a stethoscope around your neck in the bar. If you are really courageous try in a beer bar.

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I always go to the pubs my clients want to go to.

I like all types of pubs, infact I enjoy the run down Thai pubs from upcountry.

I really dont mind going to any pub actually, especially if I am going with friends.

Are you a bar girl?

If so, send me a PM....



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Conversation with the Thai cow girls can be a light on the intellectual...

Some people you do meet have stories so unbelievable that they are probably true. Once met an old Arab airline pilot; he told me he was test flying some new plane for the airline he was working for. He told me he remembered Sukhumwit when it had palm trees and a lady could be had for 30 baht.

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Conversation with the Thai cow girls can be a light on the intellectual...

Some people you do meet have stories so unbelievable that they are probably true. Once met an old Arab airline pilot; he told me he was test flying some new plane for the airline he was working for. He told me he remembered Sukhumwit when it had palm trees and a lady could be had for 30 baht.

:lol: I love those old, old storys. Back when gi's could get laid for a bar of soap, etc.

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Should be the top urban myths you have heard at the bar,



Woke up with a katoey by accident but bummed it anyway,

I don't mind chatting away and whatever makes people happy some stories are funny others are just total BS.

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Should be the top urban myths you have heard at the bar,



Woke up with a katoey by accident but bummed it anyway,

I don't mind chatting away and whatever makes people happy some stories are funny others are just total BS.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Conversation with the Thai cow girls can be a light on the intellectual...

Some people you do meet have stories so unbelievable that they are probably true. Once met an old Arab airline pilot; he told me he was test flying some new plane for the airline he was working for. He told me he remembered Sukhumwit when it had palm trees and a lady could be had for 30 baht.

:lol: I love those old, old storys. Back when gi's could get laid for a bar of soap, etc.

Well, it wasn't that cheap.....but it certainly was a much better value than what passes for today. And in those days, the girls were nicer and still wholesome - regardless of their working status.

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Conversation with the Thai cow girls can be a light on the intellectual...

Some people you do meet have stories so unbelievable that they are probably true. Once met an old Arab airline pilot; he told me he was test flying some new plane for the airline he was working for. He told me he remembered Sukhumwit when it had palm trees and a lady could be had for 30 baht.

:lol: I love those old, old storys. Back when gi's could get laid for a bar of soap, etc.

Well, it wasn't that cheap.....but it certainly was a much better value than what passes for today. And in those days, the girls were nicer and still wholesome - regardless of their working status.

There is a lady who has been selling food at the market at Kilo Sip across from the entrance to U-Tapao airport for 40 years. She has an odd heart shaped tattoo on the back of her neck. She is now around 65 years old. I knew her in a biblical sense 40 years ago when I was in my 20's. I was walking with some young friends at the market last year. It was Song Kran and the ladies were a bit tipsy. We bought some food from said lady and one thing led to another and the old woman decided to entertain my group with a recitation of our adventures when I was a young soldier. GF did not take kindly to the story. I kept repeating, “sweet Jesus woman it was 40 years ago.” She, “you no good cheating Falang butterfly.” “All same.” “Men no good.”

Some things never change.

Luckily I have only met two women in modern Thailand that I knew when I first arrived here in the 1960's.

You can never cross the same river twice. The river changes with the passage of time. Sometimes the river gets bigger and sometimes it dries up.

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Does anyone on this forum remember a guy called Astronaut Dave?

I never met the guy, but apparently he used to hang out in Pattaya about ten years back.

You can work out for yourselves what his story was -- I heard he was very convincing.

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