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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

I always imagined they were this stupid. Their ignorance and stupidity is on display every day in this backward country. First, to all the Thia numb nuts in Parliament, if you are really concerned about the retirement amount, just raise it for men who marry Thai nationals you idiots! It's a pitence to us anyway! The fact is, it just bugs the heck out of you that your women prefer farang of any age over your little shrink-wrapped package! You want to remain free to treat your women like crap and have them do all the work you are all to lazy or stupid (likely both) to do so you have time to play with little boys and ladyboys in your local brothels, drink your days away and gamble away what little baht you do have from whatever scam you were running . As far as the little fatherless bastards that might be created by an old farang who keels over before it's grown, I suspect the geezer will have provided for the wife and child much better than any Thai man is capable of doing. Also here is a heads up for you brain dead little MP droids, just because you all believe 400,000 or 800,000 is alot of money, to most farang of retirement age it is absolutely nothing, and I seriously doubt any farang ever married a Thai girl of any age with this thought in mind. So I guess it will still be perfectly ok for these impotent little lilliputions to cheat on their wives with these young girls or marry them themselves and abuse them. Thailand is a country on the decline in a big way and this will be another huge step towards its demise. Other than your women, you have little else to offer us and you will learn this lesson the hard way.

Sorry, but for higher class Thais there is generally a great stigma attached to being in a relationship with a farang. Several girls that used to work for me admitted that their father had forbidden cross-cultural marriage, no doubt excluding Chinese, Korean etc

BTW do you think the average middle class / high class Thai women would be seen dead with you? NO NO NO! But don't worry there's still a fine array of rice-pickers on display who might actually prefer you over the alcoholic, gambling wasters you stereotyped so beautifully. Lucky you!

a male farang --- hi so Thai gals having a white gf is all the rage

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Assuming there is no 1st April connection . . .<BR><BR>So we can marry a Thai overseas, but it only becomes a problem if we return to Thailand. Supporting them oversaes and sending money to all the family in Thailand isn't an issue? <BR><BR>And if we are NOT married - as in a Buddhist ceremony - that's OK. <BR><BR>Thai Big Brother government demonstrating why it is the fount of all Thai wisdom . . .<BR><BR>And a serious question: exactly how many foreign residents are a burden on Thailand . . . compared to the number of politicians?


Assuming there is no 1st April connection . . .<BR><BR>So we can marry a Thai overseas, but it only becomes a problem if we return to Thailand. Supporting them oversaes and sending money to all the family in Thailand isn't an issue? <BR><BR>And if we are NOT married - as in a Buddhist ceremony - that's OK. <BR><BR>Thai Big Brother government demonstrating why it is the fount of all Thai wisdom . . .<BR><BR>And a serious question: exactly how many foreign residents are a burden on Thailand . . . compared to the number of politicians?

You just don't get it do you?



but what do i know been coming here for 11 years and still haven't got the place figured out i just know i am a walking ATM nothing more

Ahhhhhhh, so you're just a depraved tourist then.



but what do i know been coming here for 11 years and still haven't got the place figured out i just know i am a walking ATM nothing more

Ahhhhhhh, so you're just a depraved tourist then.


P - It is not a competition. :rolleyes:

Rather like the Premiership, as far as you are concerned.


I laughed when I first saw this one this morning. And am amazed it's still going on at this time in the evening. Surely someone must have tried to Google 'Tawatchai Suksoom' earlier in the day. Even if they didn't see the funny side of the name.

Nicely done.


Looking forward to next year's ...



read the OP.. absolutely cannot be bothered to trawl through 30 odd pages of response...

but, here's mine...

what the fuc_k ?? Are they stupid ? ..seems a very paranoid attitude to me on their part - oh, there's people taking advantage of our legislation.. so lets teach 'em a lesson & show 'em that we know exactly whats going on.... winning !

farang 'owned' small business here, BEWARE... you'll be next with a 'new law' !! ph34r.gif

edit: ...waddaya mean this whole thread is just an April Fools joke...? rolleyes.gif


Did anyone notice that it is April First. when the this article was posted?

Is there really a Khun Tawatchai Suksoom at the Ministry of the Interior?


The funniest part about this whole endless thread that has so many people on their high horses, is that it could be a possibility. Cambodia did it for real, and Thailand could certainly follow suit if it wished. If we get in a anti farang Prime Minister next election, we could be seeing lots of amazing new laws......Pack my bags and get ready for Laos ?? ( and yes I know, do not let the door hit my ass on the way out.... ) :-)


I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

I always imagined they were this stupid. Their ignorance and stupidity is on display every day in this backward country. First, to all the Thia numb nuts in Parliament, if you are really concerned about the retirement amount, just raise it for men who marry Thai nationals you idiots! It's a pitence to us anyway! The fact is, it just bugs the heck out of you that your women prefer farang of any age over your little shrink-wrapped package! You want to remain free to treat your women like crap and have them do all the work you are all to lazy or stupid (likely both) to do so you have time to play with little boys and ladyboys in your local brothels, drink your days away and gamble away what little baht you do have from whatever scam you were running . As far as the little fatherless bastards that might be created by an old farang who keels over before it's grown, I suspect the geezer will have provided for the wife and child much better than any Thai man is capable of doing. Also here is a heads up for you brain dead little MP droids, just because you all believe 400,000 or 800,000 is alot of money, to most farang of retirement age it is absolutely nothing, and I seriously doubt any farang ever married a Thai girl of any age with this thought in mind. So I guess it will still be perfectly ok for these impotent little lilliputions to cheat on their wives with these young girls or marry them themselves and abuse them. Thailand is a country on the decline in a big way and this will be another huge step towards its demise. Other than your women, you have little else to offer us and you will learn this lesson the hard way.

Sorry, but for higher class Thais there is generally a great stigma attached to being in a relationship with a farang. Several girls that used to work for me admitted that their father had forbidden cross-cultural marriage, no doubt excluding Chinese, Korean etc

BTW do you think the average middle class / high class Thai women would be seen dead with you? NO NO NO! But don't worry there's still a fine array of rice-pickers on display who might actually prefer you over the alcoholic, gambling wasters you stereotyped so beautifully. Lucky you!

Try sailing. Not all of us have to work for a living. You would be surprised. Go look in your closet. Do you have three tuxedos there? No. Didn't think so. PS if they had to work for a living they were not higher class, they were working girls.

Err......does the fact they were lawyers exclude them from being a "working girl"?

LOL @mark45y. Gave me quite a laugh with that claptrap :)


Foreigners are ripped off, beaten, scammed, cheated on a daily basis...and they worry about their sweet little innocent smiling Thai virgins??

What a hoot.....Maybe at last we have some protection!


Oh what the hell. You old guys shagging these pretty young things should be ashamed of yourselves. You are totally burdens on society and should be packed off home immediately. I totally support this entirely reasonable piece of legislation by the Thai government. I can only hope they impose proper income requirements as well to ensure that Thai women are kept in an appropriately comfortable manner.


Oh what the hell. You old guys shagging these pretty young things should be ashamed of yourselves. You are totally burdens on society and should be packed off home immediately. I totally support this entirely reasonable piece of legislation by the Thai government. I can only hope they impose proper income requirements as well to ensure that Thai women are kept in an appropriately comfortable manner.

I am ...I am. Thoroughly ashamed!!! :rolleyes:


I am surprised that Purachai did not think of this first or maybe the Democrats are stealing future red policies in a strategic attempt at triangulation.


I see a lot of positive consequences for expats:

Solly tilak,no sin sot,no house on your name.Cannot marry you

:rolleyes:well said>along with hegative economic consequences,agee with post#14


I hope they also exempt farangs who have lived here over20 years and paid tax on wages, then retired.Plus my lady has lived with me over 10 years! I hope exemption considerations will also be used for us old foggies, wow , I bet women all over the world will want this law....I hope old Thais are included too, but they're making the law ,so probably not !!!

Attack of the offensive font, at least you didn't learn one thing yesterday.


The real joke would be if they read the thread and decide it IS a good idea because Cambodia is doing it too.

800 Up.


Suckers to a TiT mate.

<br />This is no big deal.  There is no need to marry, and it will bring a sigh of relief from many who are being pressured by their GF and her family.  What is not mentioned in the article that the proposal also includes a restriction on inheritance. Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void.  And this IS retro-active.  This will cause some consternation, and possibly protests which will overshadow anything the red shirts have managed.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

&lt;deleted&gt;? care to clarify?

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