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Thailand Gains More Support For Un's Top Post


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Thailand gains more support for UN's top post

NEW YORK: -- Thailand appears to gain support from more countries in its bid for the top post of the United Nations in 2007, according to Foreign Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon.

Mr. Kantathi on Friday told TNA from New York that nine more countries showed a good gesture of backing Thai Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai in his bid for the nation for the next UN secretary-general seat after Mr. Kofi Annan, whose term will end at the end of 2006.

They include Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Tanzania, Pakistan, Bhutan, Trinidad and Tobeko, Antika and Barbuda and BurkinaFaso.

"Ministers from the nine countries showed the good gesture after Dr. Surakiart's presentation of his policies and vision--if elected as the next UN secretary-general--at a ministerial meeting of the nine countries and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the sideline of the UN's 60th anniversary summit," Mr. Kantathi said.

The meeting was chaired by Malaysia, the ASEAN's incumbent president.

Dr. Surakiart's policies and vision include UN reform with improved policies and development projects, proposed approaches on new UN role in the globalization, as well as in human rights issues and the problem of illegal marine trafficking of nuclear materials.

The Thai candidate also pledged to pay attention to serious problems of UN member states equally, regardless of their size and economic or economic significance, according to Mr. Kantathi.

--TNA 2005-09-24

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Without checking, I think Bukhina Faso used to be another name, like Upper Volta, and its capital is something like Ougadougoo.

Confirming Oagadougou is the capital of Burkina Faso.

A male national of that country is a Burkinabe, a female a Burkinabaisse, which translated means basically 'f*ckable Burkinan'. This used to be the subject of much hilarity, in the surrounding West-African countries, after the name-change from Upper Volta. :o

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Mr. Kantathi on Friday told TNA from New York that nine more countries showed a good gesture of backing Thai Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai in his bid for the nation for the next UN secretary-general seat

Ahhh... in the face of all the woes facing Thailand NOW...

the TNA reports all some feel good news event scheduled for in 15 months...

and when that event actually occurs, it will be a big surprise.

and all because Khun Kantathi misinterpreted those countries' gesture...

"Russia, do you support Surakiart?"


"Turkey, do you support Suakiart?"


etc. etc.

Khun Katathi thinks it means:

We support Secretary-General wannabe Surakiart Sathirathai to be NUMBER 1!

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Just the man to sort to sort out corruption in the UN. :D

He will make a suitable replacement for Koffi Annan from all reports.

Koffi was foud NOT to be corrupt in the arms for food deals. Whoops I meal oil for food in Iraq. :D

His son, who managed the deals, found his bank accounts are alledged to have been tampered with with deposits to the tune of millions of $, was deemed not worth prosecuting, so he is NOT corrupt too. :o


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