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Thailand To Tell UN Climate Talks: Wealthy Nations Must Pay - And Help Us!


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Thailand to tell UN climate talks: Wealthy nations must pay - and help us!

By Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation

Thailand will call for wealthy nations to provide funds and to transfer technology to developing countries to help them fight global warming when the United Nations Climate Change Conference starts in Bangkok today.

"We have been affected by what developed countries have done in the past," Nisakorn Kositrat, secretary-general of the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, told a press conference yesterday.

The ministry is hosting the symposium today at the UN's Bangkok office with over 2,500 scientists, environmental activists and lobbyists from 192 countries attending.

The meeting is the first formal round of climate change negotiations this year.

The schedule includes the 16th session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol, 14th session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention and workshops pursuant to the Cancun Agreements and to other decisions as appropriate.

Preparatory meetings were held last week for the Group of 77 and China, the African Group, the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and least developed countries.

The eight topics up for discussion include a global greenhouse gas emissions target, the adaptation committee, alternative options for financial support to reduce greenhouse gases from forests and an extension of the Kyoto Protocol, which expires next year.

Thailand will ask the members to focus on the adaptation plan for agriculture, as the plan would affect the country's biggest industry.

Nisakorn said energy and transportation in Thailand would be the first industries that should reduce greenhouse gases under the new protocol.

Her agency is conducting a public hearing before drafting a national climate change blueprint, which will be implemented by government agencies to mitigate and handle the impact of climate change.

Environmental activists from Greenpeace, Oxfam and World Wildlife Fund wore sweaters, raincoats and beach-wear in front of the UN building near the Phan Fah Bridge to express their concerns about the extreme weather that has occurred in the region recently.

They also handed a petition to Christiana Figueres, the newly appointed UNFCCC executive secretary, for participants to pass a resolution to tackle climate change.

"Climate change is not about discussion but it is a cruel truth that is happening now in South-east Asia," said Shalimar Vitan, Oxfam's East Asia policy and campaigns coordinator.


-- The Nation 2011-04-05

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If the gullible West is stupid enough to start handing out billions of dollars of free money, I am sure Thailand is not stupid enough to turn them down.

It would be nice to think that the money could be used for some sensible purpose, like a fiber-optic network, say, fix up the road system, get those new BTS lines built in a hurry, shiny nuclear power station in Banglamung.

But if the usual suspects have their way, it'll probably go for a few new Gripens, or a submarine or two to monitor the activities of Cambodian fishermen.

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"Environmental activists from Greenpeace, Oxfam and World Wildlife Fund wore sweaters, raincoats and beach-wear in front of the UN building near the Phan Fah Bridge to express their concerns about the extreme weather that has occurred in the region recently"

The ministry is hosting the symposium today at the UN's Bangkok office with over 2,500 scientists, environmental activists and lobbyists from 192 countries attending.

Maybe if said activists hadnt flown to Thailand for a free cake and ar*e party....the reduction in Co2 by not taking said flights may have been enough as to not cause the extreme weather occuring recently....:rolleyes:

Edited by Soutpeel
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Maybe if said activists hadnt flown to Thailand for a free cake and ar*e party....the reduction in Co2 by not taking said flights may have been enough as to not cause the extreme weather occuring recently....:rolleyes:

They don't need to go anywhere, they cause enough damage by just breathing.

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You mean all these well dressed Bangkok Thais with their trendy this and thats are all show and no dough? Of course we Westerners already know that but it's nice to see the Thais admit they aren't worth didly (even the white ones) in articles like this when they are usually bending over backwards to show they have something. They will always come begging to the rich farang when they need money - just like a poor redheaded stepchild. Of course we know they are use to begging for it and have no pride. Do you Thais ever wonder why we Westerners don't dress up and flaunt material things like you? It's quite simple really. We know what we have, don't need to show it off, and don't need to prove anything to anyone or care what others think, especially a bunch of third world wanna-bes! I'm sure we'll give you some money. We are always charitable to those who don't have anything.

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Obama is maybe writing the check now. His mantra I pretend to care because it looks good - and your paying anyway. but seriously China will have to pay a lot more because they own America. It is such a real problem and the west's fault too - all investment in Thailand should be ended for their own good. Please do your part to make this a better place and stop all investments in jobs in Thailand. If you like whales and furry animal you must never travel here or buy any products made in Thailand - because as they have pointed out it is killing the earth and they can't afford to do anything about it. Here are a few things you can do now:

Don't buy cars

Don't buy car parts made in Thailand

Don't buy cars that have parts made in Thailand

Don't buy rice from Thailand you can get a better deal from a Chinese company in South America anyway (it says jasmine rice in Thai font right on the bag).

Don't travel to Thailand - it is far away and the air travel burns tons of fuel.

Only buy hard drives from counties that can afford not to dump trash and pollutants over the back fence.

See we don't have to spend a lot to make the difference. If you really care you will do this first because it cost nothing and has an immediate and positive effect. No need to wait on a check.

Oh and save the tuna - boycott Thai tuna because it is not safe for a tuna to be caught and eaten - whole tuna families have been devastated by these cruel acts. :jap:

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We have been affected by what DEVELOPED countrys have done in the past? But we refuse to learn from it. When Thailand has been offered advice in the past it has always been to proud to accept it. Even now I was under the Impressoin that they want us to believe how wealthy they are. Then they come with cap in hand? It would seem that once again all they want is Farang money? :annoyed:


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Wealthy Nations must pay - well that's most of Europe and North America out of the equation then - Good luck getting any cash out of China, India or the Middle Eastern countries

New York Times

February 7, 2007

China Says Rich Countries Should Take Lead on Global Warming

BEIJING, Feb. 6 — China said Tuesday that wealthier countries must take the lead in curbing greenhouse gas emissions and refused to say whether it would agree to any mandatory emissions limits that might hamper its booming economy.

Jiang Yu, a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry, said China was willing to contribute to an international effort to combat global warming but placed the primary responsibility on richer, developed nations that have been polluting for much longer.



This stance by Thailand has been made by many other countries over the past four years, so hopefully in and amongst the Thai bashing in this thread, one should also expect a fair amount of bashing aimed at China, Brazil, The World Bank, Oxford University researchers, and all the other entities that have called for the same action that Thailand is now.

That is, of course, if posters are really interested in making fair and equal posts and not just bashing Thailand as an easy pot shot.


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China excluding themselves from the wealthier countries is outrageous since they are the world's second largest economy!

This whole meeting is about as genuine as a bargirl asking for a ladydrink because "my famree no muneeee."

People do offer money, expertise, training and technology to the "developing" world.

The money gets stolen, the expertise is rejected, the training is ineffectual and the technology is misused or left to break.

The entire process erodes good will around the world and depletes the finite sympathy of doners. It makes cynics of givers and robs the citizens of these countries of dignity.

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Wealthy Nations must pay - well that's most of Europe and North America out of the equation then - Good luck getting any cash out of China, India or the Middle Eastern countries

Thailand: GDP: $ 8,700 (2010 est.)

China:----GDP: $ 7,400 (2010 est.)

India:----- GDP: $ 3,400 (2010 est.)

UAE:------GDP: $40,200 (2010 est.)

USA:------GDP: $47,400 (2010 est.)

UK:--------GDP: $35,100 (2010 est.)

Germany:GDP: $35,900 (2010 est.)

From: https://www.cia.gov/...world-factbook/

Let the dollars roll.........:rolleyes:


Edited by LaoPo
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From OP:


1. Thailand will call for wealthy nations to provide funds and to transfer technology to developing countries to help them fight global warming when the United Nations Climate Change Conference starts in Bangkok today.

2. We have been affected by what developed countries have done in the past," Nisakorn Kositrat, secretary-general of the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, told a press conference yesterday"

1. I'm curious HOW (the asked for) funds and technology would be spent to fight GLOBAL warming in Thailand. Asking is one thing, having a plan on paper is another.

2. HOW is Nisakorn Kositrat going to prove that developed countries are/were responsible for what's happening or happened in Thailand ?

Mission impossible but good publicity for Thailand.


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Doesn't Thailand have the most Mercedes per head than other countries? Worried about pollution? Been to Map Ta Phut recently? The UN (or whoever) is not my father, remember. Self sufficiency is the key one wise personage said but apparently that only applies to politicians, the Armed Forces and the RTP. Are not the Thai people so superior that they can handle this problem without external aid?

Rearrange the following into a well known phrase of saying. Off <deleted>.

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"it's not our fault, you did it, give me money"

Yes indeed; same old tired Thai BS. Maybe this country would have more money if they did things differently e.g. make sure the working class elite paid taxes etc. GEEZE. MOST Thai people don't pay any taxes. And even the rich only pay very very little.


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Wealthy Nations must pay - well that's most of Europe and North America out of the equation then - Good luck getting any cash out of China, India or the Middle Eastern countries

Thailand: GDP: $ 8,700 (2010 est.)

China:----GDP: $ 7,400 (2010 est.)

India:----- GDP: $ 3,400 (2010 est.)

UAE:------GDP: $40,200 (2010 est.)

USA:------GDP: $47,400 (2010 est.)

UK:--------GDP: $35,100 (2010 est.)

Germany:GDP: $35,900 (2010 est.)

From: https://www.cia.gov/...world-factbook/

Let the dollars roll.........:rolleyes:


Thailand has a higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP) than China - Holy Cow!! They must shift a lot of rice and shrimp.

Think those figures are a bit wrong [GDP includes all of private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports less imports that occur within a defined territory.]

Thailand GDP $ 263.77 billion

China GDP $5.04 trillion dollars


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Thailand will call for wealthy nations to provide funds

Why??? they have no respect for farangs right? it must be true the DPM said so - they don't need us... our doctors, our technology, our manufacturing and investment and certainly not OUR AID.

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The two western countries that have fought the global initiatives are Canada and Australia.

The USA has supported the middle eastern oil producers, particularly Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE because their collective happiness is important to US national security.

The two countries that have consistently done everything possible to sabotage and disrupt any consensus on a global strategy are India and China supported by Russia. (Russia's oil & gas industry is a big contributor to the problem.)

The fact of the matter is that the damage previously caused by western economies particularly those of North America and western Europe is finished and in large part healed. The earth can and does recover. Unfortunately, the heavy coal fired pollution from China and the smoke stack industries of India are doing more damage in any given year than than the western countries did in decades. It's all about population densities. When the west was polluting, they had a fraction of the population that india and China had. Who's fault is it that some countries are incapable of controlling their populations and have idiotic economic policies?

It is time that China and India and their cronies took responsibility for their decisions. Better yet, the countries expected to pay for it should say, ok, we'll do it by imposing a carbon tax on all imports from China and India. Watch the Chinese economy collapse.

So wha if China holds US debt. if the USa falls, China will then suffer a catastrophic meltdown as it loses its investments. I ofer that it is the USA that has China by the balls.

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"it's not our fault, you did it, give me money"

Yes indeed; same old tired Thai BS.

Same old tired BS from China,




The World Bank,


and Oxford University researchers



Edited by Buchholz
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Walked past a beggar dressed in rags yesterday outside a shop where the owner's new Mercedes was parked out front.

Have you ever seen some of these "beggars" at the end of their shift, go around the corner and hop into their Fortuner? I have. Maybe not a Benz, but still a pretty decent vehicle.

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You mean all these well dressed Bangkok Thais with their trendy this and thats are all show and no dough? Of course we Westerners already know that but it's nice to see the Thais admit they aren't worth didly (even the white ones) in articles like this when they are usually bending over backwards to show they have something. They will always come begging to the rich farang when they need money - just like a poor redheaded stepchild. Of course we know they are use to begging for it and have no pride. Do you Thais ever wonder why we Westerners don't dress up and flaunt material things like you? It's quite simple really. We know what we have, don't need to show it off, and don't need to prove anything to anyone or care what others think, especially a bunch of third world wanna-bes! I'm sure we'll give you some money. We are always charitable to those who don't have anything.

Thank you; well said.

Oh and a question after reading another post: Is it "bashing" to call someone a thief if they steal things? So maybe it's not "bashing" Thailand.

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One question , will the funds donated , if any , go the same way as those given to Thai after the tsunami ? As read here on TV , they went ' Somewhere ' , but no one seems to know where that is , Dorothy should know " Somewhere over the rainbow "

Edited by dumball
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From OP:


1. Thailand will call for wealthy nations to provide funds and to transfer technology to developing countries to help them fight global warming when the United Nations Climate Change Conference starts in Bangkok today.

2. We have been affected by what developed countries have done in the past," Nisakorn Kositrat, secretary-general of the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, told a press conference yesterday"

1. I'm curious HOW (the asked for) funds and technology would be spent to fight GLOBAL warming in Thailand. Asking is one thing, having a plan on paper is another.

2. HOW is Nisakorn Kositrat going to prove that developed countries are/were responsible for what's happening or happened in Thailand ?

Mission impossible but good publicity for Thailand.


i think that for a very minimal expense they might consider a pollution test for tuk tuks and song taews. that may not be popular with the drivers but for anyone who has ever been unfortunate enough to follow one it would be a blessing

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From OP:


1. Thailand will call for wealthy nations to provide funds and to transfer technology to developing countries to help them fight global warming when the United Nations Climate Change Conference starts in Bangkok today.

2. We have been affected by what developed countries have done in the past," Nisakorn Kositrat, secretary-general of the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, told a press conference yesterday"

1. I'm curious HOW (the asked for) funds and technology would be spent to fight GLOBAL warming in Thailand. Asking is one thing, having a plan on paper is another.

2. HOW is Nisakorn Kositrat going to prove that developed countries are/were responsible for what's happening or happened in Thailand ?

Mission impossible but good publicity for Thailand.


i think that for a very minimal expense they might consider a pollution test for tuk tuks and song taews. that may not be popular with the drivers but for anyone who has ever been unfortunate enough to follow one it would be a blessing

Bangkok is a perfect example of Thai irresponsibility. Think of all the GHGs that are drifting skyward as tens of thousands of cars sit in endless traffic jams--you can even smell it. Yes, rich countries should pay the bigger burden, but countries like Thailand need to step up to the plate and take responsibility for the actions that they can control. But when do Thais ever take responsibility for their own negative actions? I have never seen that happen; not once. It is always "finger pointing."

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