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Emails Of A Bar Girl.


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Do I think that Thai Gov't is offended by some vision of loveliness walking arm in arm with a Prime Specimen of Geezerhood? Gosh, dunno. My guess is that the drunken mobs of younger guys fondling the girls in the bar is likely as much at fault.

My problem with this is that young(er or ish) folks are soo <deleted> offended when some OTH (over the hill) guy is getting some. Particularly if he's getting some that is actually "quality". Drives the GWC crowd nuts, drives the young guys nuts, drives the blue noses nuts.

I guess I should find all the solace I need in that. :o

Please Note: My interest in Thailand is not primarily Bar Girls. But I am not taking a vow of celibacy for anyone, regardless of why they think it is so dang important I (and others of my age group) do.


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My problem with this is that young(er or ish) folks are soo <deleted> offended when some OTH (over the hill) guy is getting some. Particularly if he's getting some that is actually "quality". Drives the GWC crowd nuts, drives the young guys nuts, drives the blue noses nuts.

Jeepz, I have no problem with OTH people getting some,... and I sure understand the girls even better,...

But there is a difference in between getting "some" and parading with some young Thai girls.

What would you think if you saw a 68 years old Thai guy parading with his young 19 years old American or European girlfriend in the streets of any city in the States or Europe?

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Oops, sorry, you asked about if I saw him in the states or europe, what would I think. Probably initially it would be "Lucky ****er". Secondly it would be "probably a rich old fart".

Now, guess what, rich old farts know this, most of us don't actually get to see it, but they often have young (legal) girl friends or wives. There is a well known phenomenon called the "Trophy Wife" for successful business or professionals.

Down at work, fairly conservative place, had one rather young, fairly attractive woman married to a guy that could have been her grandfather (no, not hillbillys, they weren't actually blood relation). Simply she really liked him, he really really liked her and they pretty much didn't give a sheep's fart what anyone else thought.

Basically all that has happened in Thailand is that the Trophy Wife or Girlfriend is affordable on a more bluecollar basis. You didn't have to retire a multi-millionaire (either dollars or euros) to have something soft young and willing on your arm.


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What would you think if you saw a 68 years old Thai guy parading with his young 19 years old American or European girlfriend in the streets of any city in the States or Europe?

First time, I would think, WOW. Which is not much of an intelligent comment.

A year later at 69 (no pun intended) and 20 I would show respect.

19/68 is a bit far away, 24/68 seems to me to be not unusual, although more Thai and Thai. In Europe at same age difference it is not unusual.

Perhaps the OTH is offering something the young onew have not learned, yet. Patience and a willingness to listen. Or maybe not to listen but just say yes (or no) at the right moment.

Parading? A 68 YO Thai would drive her around in his limo .

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a 68 years old Thai guy

What I said is what you would think if you saw an old foreigner with one of the young local girls?

Most of the people have difficulty accepting a relationship in between the daughters or girls from their country and foreigners and most of the people have difficulty accepting a relationship in between old and young, so combine both and you have a very "difficult" situation, to say the least,...

Add to that the natural distrust of Thai people towards foreigners and you will understand why that situation (the showing off of the trophy girl) is not at all to be encouraged here,...

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Yes, quite right. Sorry for the lapse of concentration. Was munching on a porkchop while reading/posting. Anyway, I don't really care what nationality, race, ethnic persuasion the 68 year old guy is. Hey, how about the grey haired dykes with their trophy lipstick girlfriends? Saw one of those on the way to work and could only sigh. The trophy girl was really world class. Oh well.

Hmm, offended the Thais by having a too young girlfriend. Okay, perhaps I will take that into account. I'm not into offending Thais. Not intentionally anyway. Perhaps they could pass a law requiring any girl under 25 with a boyfriend or husband over 55 to wear a burka. Then no one would get offended, right?

Okay, just pullling your leg there. If the 68 year old has the wherewithal to get and keep some young thing, the rest of world can whine all they want. Bet they don't refuse to sell him jewelry for her, or dinner for either of them, or nice clothes for her, or take money for sick buffalo because he's too old.

But I do see your point. I guess I'm just not very affiable to it. Sorry.


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But I do see your point.  I guess I'm just not very affiable to it.  Sorry.


A saying valid for me and some others,...

Isn't it annoying to be wrong when you know you are right?. Mark Twain :o

I don't like to get involved with 19 year olds, as said, 24 OK.

But Bluecat, you have been talking about 68 YO Thais. Check your post Sat 2004-02-07, 23:11:30.

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If your girlfriend, has any friends that want to chat tell them to email me at [email protected]. I would love to talk to some bargirls. I do not hold anything against them, and I am looking for one maybe to start a relationship. I am only 32 and a good looking guy. I just don't like American women! I met a bargirl in Singapore, about eight years ago I wished I took her home with me. I haven't never forgot about her. Totally Awesome

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meh, im 22, my gf is 20, i still got dodgy looks when i was about with her. Age is a factor, but not the only one.

I wont judge someone else's relationship, if thats what they both truly want. But just because i dont judge, doesnt mean i like it. I just have the patience to let people live their lives the way they want to, unless they try to shove it in my face.

On the money scam side tho. My gf works in a bar, but isnt what you'd typically consider a bar girl. She has never asked me for money, and wouldnt let me spend money on her. She knows i dont have a pot to piss in, and she's kool with it. Even her family know that, and there ok with it too. Were just happy and thats all that matters.

I dont nessersarily believe everything about her past, but then i dont disbelieve it either. For instance, she said she's never had a bf before. It may be true, it may not, but i'll give her the benefit of the doubt. Just as she could never know the truth about my past really (honest, im a good boy :o).

On the subject though, do whatever makes you happy. But be aware of the risks. Take those risks, enjoy yourself and make the most of life.

And i think im getting old before my time... lol

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grim marmazet - sounds good for you. Just to understand you correctly - she is a girl from a go-go bar, essentially selling sex for money...or what does she do, exactly?

Anyway, a word of advice. Never ever underestimate the risk that she may be 2-timing you.

In fact, my experience of the girls hanging around tourists in general (Before I got a steady girlfriend I used to do a fair bit of translating e-mails for some of these girls, would never consider getting involved though), is that a lot of them run a few "boyfriends" at a time.

Since many farang bounce in and out of the country, this is an easy thing to do. They will not always be after money, in these younger circles there is a certain status attached to having a good-looking and nicely tanned farang backpacker to show off to friends.

Some girls will be on the lookout for a man to marry, but generally not at age 20, unless she sees you at a possible ticket to the west.

Have you actually met her family, or is she the one who has told you that they don't mind? I don't want to make you paranoid, but you should try to verify things for yourself... :o Better safe than sorry.

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grim marmazet - sounds good for you. Just to understand you correctly - she is a girl from a go-go bar, essentially selling sex for money...or what does she do, exactly?

Anyway, a word of advice. Never ever underestimate the risk that she may be 2-timing you.

In fact, my experience of the girls hanging around tourists in general (Before I got a steady girlfriend I used to do a fair bit of translating e-mails for some of these girls, would never consider getting involved though), is that a lot of them run a few "boyfriends" at a time.

Since many farang bounce in and out of the country, this is an easy thing to do. They will not always be after money, in these younger circles there is a certain status attached to having a good-looking and nicely tanned farang backpacker to show off to friends.

Some girls will be on the lookout for a man to marry, but generally not at age 20, unless she sees you at a possible ticket to the west.

Have you actually met her family, or is she the one who has told you that they don't mind? I don't want to make you paranoid, but you should try to verify things for yourself... :o Better safe than sorry.

good advice.

a bloke i know who's been in thailand for a good few years now has just kicked his wife out after finding out her trips to bangkok for friends and family were really to see the thai boyfriend, he was married to her for 2 years, lived together for more and have a kid together. working girls are fair enough but girls like this are little sluts, now she's back in walking st selling her arse again living a harder life. som nam na

not everybody can be trusted, you never know

grim, be careful

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grim marmazet - sounds good for you. Just to understand you correctly - she is a girl from a go-go bar, essentially selling sex for money...or what does she do, exactly?

Anyway, a word of advice. Never ever underestimate the risk that she may be 2-timing you.

In fact, my experience of the girls hanging around tourists in general (Before I got a steady girlfriend I used to do a fair bit of translating e-mails for some of these girls, would never consider getting involved though), is that a lot of them run a few "boyfriends" at a time.

Since many farang bounce in and out of the country, this is an easy thing to do. They will not always be after money, in these younger circles there is a certain status attached to having a good-looking and nicely tanned farang backpacker to show off to friends.

Some girls will be on the lookout for a man to marry, but generally not at age 20, unless she sees you at a possible ticket to the west.

Have you actually met her family, or is she the one who has told you that they don't mind? I don't want to make you paranoid, but you should try to verify things for yourself...  :o Better safe than sorry.

good advice.

a bloke i know who's been in thailand for a good few years now has just kicked his wife out after finding out her trips to bangkok for friends and family were really to see the thai boyfriend, he was married to her for 2 years, lived together for more and have a kid together. working girls are fair enough but girls like this are little sluts, now she's back in walking st selling her arse again living a harder life. som nam na

not everybody can be trusted, you never know

grim, be careful

Interestin point Dave - I often wonder how many falang are being strung along by so called Good Thai Girls (or even not so good but they tend to be easier to spot, if they are working in a bar !!) I know of one Thai girl, married to a Singaporean guy who is still stringing along 2 farang and also trying to find out how to divorce the Singaporean and get half his money :D The guy is sound and a nice bloke - I think it's shit to see this going on, he knows her past, accepted it and wants to do right for her and her kids but she is just trawling for money all the time as he only earns a "mediocre" salary but will do for now:(

I would hazzard a guess that you must see some girls in similar positions, not exactly bar girls but more smart freelancers with their beloved in tow one minute and then trying to pick up another guys phone number (or even yours :D ) while he is in the toilet. I have seen it myself, particularly in places such as Spasso in Bangkok and CM2 - poor guys have no idea.

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You expose people feelings to a public, and covering their face with their legs spread out does not take away the fact that you are still exposing them.

Stuff like this can be considered in "The Public Interest".... Therefore equity would tell us the privacy of the people being quoted is secondary to the interests of the public...... :o

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Yeah I once had a Thai g/f but ditched after I felt that she was doing something wrong and was not trustworthy. As it turned out after I dumped her, I discovered that she had an English husband, a thai 'girlfriend' and was also working a a whore in a dodgy Thai bar/escort joint.

Her husband must have tapped her emails as he sent me one asking who I was and why was I emailing his wife ? So I took great pleasure in letting him know what a wonderful wife he had and how she was working so hard as a whore to make money for him ........ haha som nam na !

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i got done when i first came here,

stayed for 2 weeks, fell in love (what a ######) and went back home, worked for 5 weeks and came back to stay, she had already rented me a room and when i got there it was like her <deleted>**ing home with all her belongs in.

luckily after about 10 days i got bored and after realizing that she'd been selling drugs from my room i kicked her out on her arse.

as luck would have it i bought the club that she worked in before and her bar fine record while i was in the uk and while i was in bangkok was unbelievable.

i'm friends with guy's etc that knew her and she has the art mastered.

great sex though, will do anything

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grim marmazet - sounds good for you. Just to understand you correctly - she is a girl from a go-go bar, essentially selling sex for money...or what does she do, exactly?

Anyway, a word of advice. Never ever underestimate the risk that she may be 2-timing you.

In fact, my experience of the girls hanging around tourists in general (Before I got a steady girlfriend I used to do a fair bit of translating e-mails for some of these girls, would never consider getting involved though), is that a lot of them run a few "boyfriends" at a time.

Since many farang bounce in and out of the country, this is an easy thing to do. They will not always be after money, in these younger circles there is a certain status attached to having a good-looking and nicely tanned farang backpacker to show off to friends.

Some girls will be on the lookout for a man to marry, but generally not at age 20, unless she sees you at a possible ticket to the west.

Have you actually met her family, or is she the one who has told you that they don't mind? I don't want to make you paranoid, but you should try to verify things for yourself...  :o Better safe than sorry.

good advice.

a bloke i know who's been in thailand for a good few years now has just kicked his wife out after finding out her trips to bangkok for friends and family were really to see the thai boyfriend, he was married to her for 2 years, lived together for more and have a kid together. working girls are fair enough but girls like this are little sluts, now she's back in walking st selling her arse again living a harder life. som nam na

not everybody can be trusted, you never know

grim, be careful

Nope, she isnt a go-go bar girl, and doesnt sell herself, she finds most farang unattractive, although she love Beckham, :D Typical girl. She works in a bar where the girls arent allowed to hang around with customers, as there are enough sluts drinking in there anyway!

Dont worry, i dont plan on rushing anything at all, im gonna take it nice and slow, and get to know her well before anything serious.

I know with all long-distance relationships theres a chance of 2 timing, but she may think that about me. I dont know her past, and can never know it, just as she cant know mine. I havent met her family yet, but she wants me to come meet them in may with her, which must mean something?

She may be scaming me, or looking for a way out, but im willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for now. I cant lose loads of money, because i dont have much, lol. She has no intention of wanting to leave Thailand. She may have alterior motives, but i have seen more of it in British girls than her.

Im always one to have a back-up plan, so im not gonna rush out there and find myself stuck. If it goes bad ive always got the option of coming back, and the other option of family and friends coming out soon as well. I may only be ickle, but i think things through.

Im normally a good judge of character though, and i havent had any bad indications so far. I know BG's have a bad rep, but they cant all be like that. Maybe i got lucky with a good one. Im always a little paranoid, a downside to living in London, so i look at things from all sides first. Im a cynic too, so i dont fall in love easily, and at the time didnt even want to be with anyone. But it just feels right. Sort of ment-to-be thing. She's a great, innocent and sweet girl, unlike any other girls ive met anywhere else. Maybe its not true love, but then isnt it worth the risk? What if it is? Id rather not have the regret, just because of paranoia. Im probaly young and foolish, but i'll take that risk. Life isnt worth living it if you never have any challenges and risk. :D

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I guess I should consider myself lucky compared to some of the stories Iv'e seen and heard. Imet an up country girl that doesn't smoke nor drinks. After 1 & 1/2 years we got married. turned out to be one of the better decisions I ever made. she's a very good mother to our 2 children and an excellent wife. plus, she's not stupid with money. my wife never worked in a bar but from what I've heard, once a bar girl, always a bar girl. beware!

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I guess I should consider myself lucky compared to some of the stories Iv'e seen and heard. Imet an up country girl that doesn't smoke nor drinks. After 1 & 1/2 years we got married. turned out to be one of the better decisions I ever made. she's a very good mother to our 2 children and an excellent wife. plus, she's not stupid with money. my wife never worked in a bar but from what I've heard, once a bar girl, always a bar girl. beware!

same i have a wonderful marriage and friendship with my wife, ok she never gives me my change when she takes money, and she worked in a bar before.

BUT i should mention that she has saved up 35000 bht in her bank incase we have money troubles.

i consider myself very lucky indeed.

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for some people

it's easy to cheat on other's feelings

it's hard to talk about feelings

it's indeed brave to share feelings in public

deep from the heart...


let the rivers of feelings flow

and all things will heal my friend

Good, and very true, words.

I can only say do what your heart tells you is right and never regret it.

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for some people

it's easy to cheat on other's feelings

it's hard to talk about feelings

it's indeed brave to share feelings in public

deep from the heart...


let the rivers of feelings flow

and all things will heal my friend

Good, and very true, words.

I can only say do what your heart tells you is right and never regret it.

Yep. I would even say: "do what your heart tells you, as it is right for you, and you shall never regret it." :o

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Bar girls could learn a thing or two from my X--American girl friend from 15 years ago. She showed up last year--- no car and had no real nice place to stay, so I told her she could stay with me. She quickly said OK and in the two months following proceeded to do everything perffffect to win my trust--- Errr and my attention. Cute little shorts---nicely trimed pusxxy---soft femine voice act. ( red flags should have gone up but they didden't) I guess I was a bit off balance----Unequil distribution of blood thing--- The girl has a masters in marine engineering (true) and a PHD in deception. Turns out she just needed a place to stay and someone to drive her around to look at real estate and after she closed on a house I wasn't needed. Lessons learned.

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i got done when i first came here,

stayed for 2 weeks, fell in love (what a ######)

great sex though, will do anything

That's the point.

Men have a tendency to mix up love with sex.

What can we do, this is the way we are,...

But anyway, happy it works for you,... :o

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