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Songran Pattaya


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I just don't get all the posts about "idiots" throwing water--when that's the entire point of the festival! Yes, better to stay at home and join your facebook sites rather than participate in a Thai festival with bitterness and resentment.

If you've ever experienced a Songkran in Pattaya, it would be obvious exactly what is meant by "idiots throwing water". There are non-idiots throwing water too, but it's the idiots who spoil the show. Which are you?

I get no pleasure from throwing water or having it thrown at me. I was about 10 years old when I finished with water pistols. If that makes me a grump, then I'm a grump. Even if Songkran went on for only 1 day I'd stay at home.

Hehe..I stopped playing water canons at the age of 9, had some fallbacks during my stay in Pattaya, but now it is under total control. After all I prefer to smear chalk on pretty girl faces, not being gay shooting at oher guys. So I will stay out of Pattaya for 1 one week. Not a bad decision though.

Happy new Year

Edited by moo9
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I just don't get all the posts about "idiots" throwing water--when that's the entire point of the festival! Yes, better to stay at home and join your facebook sites rather than participate in a Thai festival with bitterness and resentment.

I have actually never seen Pattaya so happy and vibrant than during Songkran. Everyone was exceptionally friendly and warm, and especially the Thais who are usually not that interested in farangs (other than, of course, the bar-girls). I had endless discussions with regular Thais who otherwise only consider me from a distance, if that.

You dont know what you are talking about. The official songkran day in Pattaya is the 19th. What goes on in Pattaya in the week preceding this date is as far removed from the "entire point of the festival" as it is possible to get. Do you honestly think that the point of the Thai new year festival is for hordes of drunken idiots, (almost exclusively non thais), to roam the streets every day, or stand outside bars with high pressure water guns filled with iced water, sometimes mixed with god knows what, deliberately firing into peoples faces at point blank range? Or standing in the road doing the same thing to motorcyclists in the hope that they will crash their bikes. Your ignorance is staggering. Grow up.

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I just don't get all the posts about "idiots" throwing water--when that's the entire point of the festival! Yes, better to stay at home and join your facebook sites rather than participate in a Thai festival with bitterness and resentment.

I have actually never seen Pattaya so happy and vibrant than during Songkran. Everyone was exceptionally friendly and warm, and especially the Thais who are usually not that interested in farangs (other than, of course, the bar-girls). I had endless discussions with regular Thais who otherwise only consider me from a distance, if that.

Probably one reason he don't get it is that he is not posting from Thailand ...


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I just don't get all the posts about "idiots" throwing water--when that's the entire point of the festival! Yes, better to stay at home and join your facebook sites rather than participate in a Thai festival with bitterness and resentment.

I have actually never seen Pattaya so happy and vibrant than during Songkran. Everyone was exceptionally friendly and warm, and especially the Thais who are usually not that interested in farangs (other than, of course, the bar-girls). I had endless discussions with regular Thais who otherwise only consider me from a distance, if that.

You dont know what you are talking about. The official songkran day in Pattaya is the 19th. What goes on in Pattaya in the week preceding this date is as far removed from the "entire point of the festival" as it is possible to get. Do you honestly think that the point of the Thai new year festival is for hordes of drunken idiots, (almost exclusively non thais), to roam the streets every day, or stand outside bars with high pressure water guns filled with iced water, sometimes mixed with god knows what, deliberately firing into peoples faces at point blank range? Or standing in the road doing the same thing to motorcyclists in the hope that they will crash their bikes. Your ignorance is staggering. Grow up.

That's exactly what I wanted to say.

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Yesterday got a baht bus up to soi bukcow,sitting opposite was a young girl about 11 year old.

The baht bus driver decides to stop along the route where drunken farangs are using high powered guns,he stops for no reason other than to get his passengers wet.

A blast got the girl in the face and again ice water chucked over me,the baht bus driver still stopping and turning around inside his cabin laughing,,motorists behind him sounding their horns for him to go,i decide after another bucket over me to kick his back window to get him to go,he gets out of the bus to confront me and as he does that a ice bucket of water is chucked over his head,and inside the open door,i get out and walk off without paying the idiot.

Maybe thought he was funny stopping where crowds are so we can get ice water chucked at us,well he got his in the end.

Edited by actiondell4
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I just don't get all the posts about "idiots" throwing water--when that's the entire point of the festival! Yes, better to stay at home and join your facebook sites rather than participate in a Thai festival with bitterness and resentment.

I have actually never seen Pattaya so happy and vibrant than during Songkran. Everyone was exceptionally friendly and warm, and especially the Thais who are usually not that interested in farangs (other than, of course, the bar-girls). I had endless discussions with regular Thais who otherwise only consider me from a distance, if that.

The entire point of this festival is to throw water politely with etiquette and wish good luck for the new year as any polite well mannered Thai would tell you.

It's all the idiots that ruin it for everyone else in Pattaya, even the Thais feel this way not just us farangs.

But seeing that your a newbie you probably haven't experienced the real cultural sense of Songkran.

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Just got back from Pattaya & it was definitely going on in the city. We went through about 165 gallons of water & had an absolute blast. I think it was the most fun I have ever had in Pattaya short of a short or long time when I was a tourist years ago. The crew I was with only hosed people with water guns & active participants. We all stayed away from dousing mobile phones , cameras & Ipods. And pretty much all motorcycles. We all realize that is very dangerous on a bike & the water distraction is not what anyone needs to have to dodge.

It was great in a truck & I felt sorry for My girls Brother in law that had to drive 3 times Slowwwwly through the war zone as we had fun. It was awesome to get to be a kid again & leave behind the seriousness of life for a while . Lots of nice girls & wet t-shirts for all. And sorry Jing all baht buses were serious game. Thursday seemed a lot more PC than the weekends.

Edited by Beardog
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We went through about 165 gallons of water & had an absolute blast. I think it was the most fun I have ever had in Pattaya . We all stayed away from dousing mobile phones , cameras & Ipods.

So I guess you asked everyone first if they had by chance a mobile phone or camera hidden in their pocket before you soaked them with water?

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Just got back from Pattaya & it was definitely going on in the city. We went through about 165 gallons of water & had an absolute blast. I think it was the most fun I have ever had in Pattaya short of a short or long time when I was a tourist years ago. The crew I was with only hosed people with water guns & active participants. We all stayed away from dousing mobile phones , cameras & Ipods. And pretty much all motorcycles. We all realize that is very dangerous on a bike & the water distraction is not what anyone needs to have to dodge.

It was great in a truck & I felt sorry for My girls Brother in law that had to drive 3 times Slowwwwly through the war zone as we had fun. It was awesome to get to be a kid again & leave behind the seriousness of life for a while . Lots of nice girls & wet t-shirts for all. And sorry Jing all baht buses were serious game. Thursday seemed a lot more PC than the weekends.

Now do that every day for a week and see how much fun you'll have.

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We went through about 165 gallons of water & had an absolute blast. I think it was the most fun I have ever had in Pattaya . We all stayed away from dousing mobile phones , cameras & Ipods.

So I guess you asked everyone first if they had by chance a mobile phone or camera hidden in their pocket before you soaked them with water?

Nah you can see the people holding a camera or with a moble up to their ear. I guess if you haven't got any common sense to put plastic around electronics & there is no shortage of plastic bags in Thailand there is always Tuk Com city for the brain fart & not paying attention to everyone telling tourists about water everywhere. We that live here all know to well about the copius amounts of water. But it was fun Hosing the punters at the bars on beach road. We had a medium range water gun which was extremely accurate the 9 Year old kid let me hijack. And we didn't target bikes at all. I know that is a good karma thing almost getting pitched of my bike in 04 I never would go after a moving bike! The truck was the key to a lot of sanook. Other wise you have to grovel for more water as you go.

And besides we were only targeting the people active with a water gun.It really was a great time in Pattaya.

The Waterdog

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"We went through about 165 gallons of water & had an absolute blast ... it was fun Hosing the punters at the bars ... It was great in a truck"

Just to complete your experience, you might want to go to New York City, maybe Times Square or 5th Avenue and ply your mayhem there -- just to see what happens. I'm sure you'd be "well received" . . . :lol:


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Just got back from Pattaya & it was definitely going on in the city. We went through about 165 gallons of water & had an absolute blast. I think it was the most fun I have ever had in Pattaya short of a short or long time when I was a tourist years ago. The crew I was with only hosed people with water guns & active participants. We all stayed away from dousing mobile phones , cameras & Ipods. And pretty much all motorcycles. We all realize that is very dangerous on a bike & the water distraction is not what anyone needs to have to dodge.

It was great in a truck & I felt sorry for My girls Brother in law that had to drive 3 times Slowwwwly through the war zone as we had fun. It was awesome to get to be a kid again & leave behind the seriousness of life for a while . Lots of nice girls & wet t-shirts for all. And sorry Jing all baht buses were serious game. Thursday seemed a lot more PC than the weekends.

How could you possibly stay away from drenching people with mobile phones, cameras or i pods?Do you have x ray eyes? Driving slowwwwwly through the WAR zone! Jeez. How old are you? If it wasnt so pathetic it would be funny. Let me guess, you are American right? Why are baht buses serious game? Perhaps because they are full of people who are not in a position to fight back? People who are maybe heading for a meal with their kids in an air conditioned restaurant, or on their way shopping in an air conditioned mall. And who now have to sit shivering, probably catching their death of cold. Well done. As long as you and your "crew", (how old are you again?), had an "awesome" time thats all that matters eh. Songkran day in Pattaya is still five days away. Do you not comprehend that? I wouldnt be you, not for all the dollars in the world.

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Nah you can see the people holding a camera or with a moble up to their ear. I guess if you haven't got any common sense to put plastic around electronics & there is no shortage of plastic bags in Thailand there is always Tuk Com city for the brain fart & not paying attention to everyone telling tourists about water everywhere. We that live here all know to well about the copius amounts of water. But it was fun Hosing the punters at the bars on beach road. We had a medium range water gun which was extremely accurate the 9 Year old kid let me hijack. And we didn't target bikes at all. I know that is a good karma thing almost getting pitched of my bike in 04 I never would go after a moving bike! The truck was the key to a lot of sanook. Other wise you have to grovel for more water as you go.

And besides we were only targeting the people active with a water gun.It really was a great time in Pattaya.

The Waterdog

It sounds like you're well into your second childhood.

Edited by tropo
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Nah you can see the people holding a camera or with a moble up to their ear. I guess if you haven't got any common sense to put plastic around electronics & there is no shortage of plastic bags in Thailand there is always Tuk Com city for the brain fart & not paying attention to everyone telling tourists about water everywhere. We that live here all know to well about the copius amounts of water. But it was fun Hosing the punters at the bars on beach road. We had a medium range water gun which was extremely accurate the 9 Year old kid let me hijack. And we didn't target bikes at all. I know that is a good karma thing almost getting pitched of my bike in 04 I never would go after a moving bike! The truck was the key to a lot of sanook. Other wise you have to grovel for more water as you go.

And besides we were only targeting the people active with a water gun.It really was a great time in Pattaya.

The Waterdog

It sounds like you're well into your second childhood.

Just like millions of other people right now, isn´t it great to have a fun.biggrin.gif

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Nah you can see the people holding a camera or with a moble up to their ear. I guess if you haven't got any common sense to put plastic around electronics & there is no shortage of plastic bags in Thailand there is always Tuk Com city for the brain fart & not paying attention to everyone telling tourists about water everywhere. We that live here all know to well about the copius amounts of water. But it was fun Hosing the punters at the bars on beach road. We had a medium range water gun which was extremely accurate the 9 Year old kid let me hijack. And we didn't target bikes at all. I know that is a good karma thing almost getting pitched of my bike in 04 I never would go after a moving bike! The truck was the key to a lot of sanook. Other wise you have to grovel for more water as you go.

And besides we were only targeting the people active with a water gun.It really was a great time in Pattaya.

The Waterdog

It sounds like you're well into your second childhood.

Just like millions of other people right now, isn´t it great to have a fun.biggrin.gif

Second childhood?

Many have never left first..

Adults have learned that 'having fun' should involve like minded participants..

Not unwilling victims.

I keep away from beach and second roads but there are still those who cannot wait to 'have fun' at innocent victims expense.

and are so eager that they can hardly hold themselves [similar to needing a toilet] and must 'have fun' immediately they leave their lodgings.

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Just got back from Pattaya & it was definitely going on in the city. We went through about 165 gallons of water & had an absolute blast. I think it was the most fun I have ever had in Pattaya short of a short or long time when I was a tourist years ago. The crew I was with only hosed people with water guns & active participants. We all stayed away from dousing mobile phones , cameras & Ipods. And pretty much all motorcycles. We all realize that is very dangerous on a bike & the water distraction is not what anyone needs to have to dodge.

It was great in a truck & I felt sorry for My girls Brother in law that had to drive 3 times Slowwwwly through the war zone as we had fun. It was awesome to get to be a kid again & leave behind the seriousness of life for a while . Lots of nice girls & wet t-shirts for all. And sorry Jing all baht buses were serious game. Thursday seemed a lot more PC than the weekends.

How could you possibly stay away from drenching people with mobile phones, cameras or i pods?Do you have x ray eyes? Driving slowwwwwly through the WAR zone! Jeez. How old are you? If it wasnt so pathetic it would be funny. Let me guess, you are American right? Why are baht buses serious game? Perhaps because they are full of people who are not in a position to fight back? People who are maybe heading for a meal with their kids in an air conditioned restaurant, or on their way shopping in an air conditioned mall. And who now have to sit shivering, probably catching their death of cold. Well done. As long as you and your "crew", (how old are you again?), had an "awesome" time thats all that matters eh. Songkran day in Pattaya is still five days away. Do you not comprehend that? I wouldnt be you, not for all the dollars in the world.

Like I said before Cheese & crackers for all the whiners!

And a second childhood is great instead of being all hambug about the holiday. I realize it can be an imposition I lived in the city off Pattaya Klang for 3 years & 2 on Soi Koh Talo& participated in at least 4 of the 7 days every year. I like sanook. There are options here & no one ever is holding a gun to your heads Take a vacation on Koh Kood & you won't see anyone. Bali is awesome no water. Singapore is nice.

I am 55 & sure as hell hope I never get to salty when I approach 65 years & up.

If you don't have enough brains in your bucket to realize that if you are going into a war zone with tons of water Maybe not carrying electronics would be a great answer. Or at least put in in plastic. If you don't use your brain I sure as hell don't care if you don't.

Hey if you hate the holiday stay away easy as that. Some of us are still young at heart & like to have fun outside of a bar!


Edited by Beardog
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Just got back from Pattaya & it was definitely going on in the city. We went through about 165 gallons of water & had an absolute blast. I think it was the most fun I have ever had in Pattaya short of a short or long time when I was a tourist years ago. The crew I was with only hosed people with water guns & active participants. We all stayed away from dousing mobile phones , cameras & Ipods. And pretty much all motorcycles. We all realize that is very dangerous on a bike & the water distraction is not what anyone needs to have to dodge.

It was great in a truck & I felt sorry for My girls Brother in law that had to drive 3 times Slowwwwly through the war zone as we had fun. It was awesome to get to be a kid again & leave behind the seriousness of life for a while . Lots of nice girls & wet t-shirts for all. And sorry Jing all baht buses were serious game. Thursday seemed a lot more PC than the weekends.

How could you possibly stay away from drenching people with mobile phones, cameras or i pods?Do you have x ray eyes? Driving slowwwwwly through the WAR zone! Jeez. How old are you? If it wasnt so pathetic it would be funny. Let me guess, you are American right? Why are baht buses serious game? Perhaps because they are full of people who are not in a position to fight back? People who are maybe heading for a meal with their kids in an air conditioned restaurant, or on their way shopping in an air conditioned mall. And who now have to sit shivering, probably catching their death of cold. Well done. As long as you and your "crew", (how old are you again?), had an "awesome" time thats all that matters eh. Songkran day in Pattaya is still five days away. Do you not comprehend that? I wouldnt be you, not for all the dollars in the world.

Like I said before Cheese & crackers for all the whiners!

And a second childhood is great instead of being all hambug about the holiday. I realize it can be an imposition I lived in the city off Pattaya Klang for 3 years & 2 on Soi Koh Talo& participated in at least 4 of the 7 days every year. I like sanook. There are options here & no one ever is holding a gun to your heads Take a vacation on Koh Kood & you won't see anyone. Bali is awesome no water. Singapore is nice.

I am 55 & sure as hell hope I never get to salty when I approach 65 years & up.

If you don't have enough brains in your bucket to realize that if you are going into a war zone with tons of water Maybe not carrying electronics would be a great answer. Or at least put in in plastic. If you don't use your brain I sure as hell don't care if you don't.

Hey if you hate the holiday stay away easy as that. Some of us are still young at heart & like to have fun outside of a bar!


the death toll will be around its usual figure, many caused by idiots throwing water at people on bikes, thats sanook!!!!!!! maybe a zoning area where all the people who want to try and blind each other can go and a dry area, where people who live here can go about daily life. in the city the mindless idiots are a small minority of the population who bugger it up for the majority. how funny it is to see the girls who are going to work in nice uniforms get drenched oh thats so funny. how about the minority take it elsewhere, as with football hooligans give them an area that they can all damage each other. its not a thai tradition to do what is happening down there, i live in Thai village and they are not behaiving like that. why cannot a bowl be used why does it have to be a high powered water pump.??? quite a lot of urine in the mix as well and even a bit of acid and chilli for good measure, side splitting fun. for your fun factor read 116 dead so far.

edit just read on here 148 dead having fun?????/

Edited by NALAK
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I am 55 & sure as hell hope I never get to salty when I approach 65 years & up.

If you don't have enough brains in your bucket to realize that if you are going into a war zone with tons of water Maybe not carrying electronics would be a great answer. Or at least put in in plastic. If you don't use your brain I sure as hell don't care if you don't.

Hey if you hate the holiday stay away easy as that. Some of us are still young at heart & like to have fun outside of a bar!


I was talking about senility, but in your case it sounds like childishness. If you can through water for 4 out of 7 days for fun the latter sums you up well.

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One has worked hard all of ones life one should be able to retire to somewhere that is peaceful and up to par with what one expects in the west.

The destination i have chosen to retire to is Pattaya:

Each and every year there is mayhem on the streets with water being thrown at everyone by both foreigners and Thais alike.

Each and every year there is a motorcycle event called Burpa bike week with thousands of big noisy bikes driving about.

The sausages suck.

No decent butter.

Hooligans everywhere.

My secret destination is now more like Benidorm how did these "Frank Gallagher" peasants find out about Pattaya?

Russian families like mum dad and kids now roaming the streets looking down at me like im some sort of weirdo with a girl young enough to be my daughter.

I think this could of been the worst decision of my life retiring here, all that is left is to rant on here then turn and rant at my girlfriend for wanting to go and play stupid Songkran and join in on a Thai tradition, sod that i never came here to have fun i came here to whinge myself to death.

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rant at my girlfriend for wanting to go and play stupid Songkran and join in on a Thai tradition, sod that i never came here to have fun i came here to whinge myself to death.

It's ok, don't beat yourself up. We have a special thread every year for people to have a good Songkran whinge on. 4 more days and it's over.

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How's the weather in Luton?

So the high pressure water cannons and ice water bombs, are those part of the traditional Thai culture?

Tip, if you want to avoid reading whining about Songkran, I suggest not reading threads about Songkran. That will be a less drastic measure than for those whining to bother to leave the country.

Edited by Rimmer
Quoted reply of deleted post, sorry 'bout that JT
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