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All I know, is that when I breakout my best Julie Andrews impersonation, and start singing about my favorite things, I’ll have to find a way to include our new mall in there.

As for the whingers who complain of things being too expensive, I think what they really mean is that they cannot afford much of what is on offer. As previously stated the prices are not different from other comparable shopping venues in Thailand.

Ones personal finical status is not really the fault or responsibility of the mall.

My Dear VF, I guess we inhabit different planets in the earths space time continuum. I've never been really fond of Malls anyway , find them a very alien environment personally. As for complaining about the prices, its all relative. I always wonder how things are so expensive when compared to the staffs wages here personally. Just Guys making observations .

Never once thought they couldn't afford the stuff in there. Funny how we are all wired differently. :(

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All I know, is that when I breakout my best Julie Andrews impersonation, and start singing about my favorite things, I'll have to find a way to include our new mall in there.

As for the whingers who complain of things being too expensive, I think what they really mean is that they cannot afford much of what is on offer. As previously stated the prices are not different from other comparable shopping venues in Thailand.

Ones personal finical status is not really the fault or responsibility of the mall.

My Dear VF, I guess we inhabit different planets in the earths space time continuum. I've never been really fond of Malls anyway , find them a very alien environment personally. As for complaining about the prices, its all relative. I always wonder how things are so expensive when compared to the staffs wages here personally. Just Guys making observations .

Never once thought they couldn't afford the stuff in there. Funny how we are all wired differently. :(

VF is right... If you cannot afford it don buy it. Even more.. If you know the mall is expensive, don visit it.

Long time ago I read something here on the forum, Edison is so GD expensive... Well.... For the price the crap they sell, they can keep it. I visited E several times, never was satisfied with their quality. I went to CM Airport Plaza to get my stuff. Don have to do that anymore. I am Happy!

But do me a favor, don tell me McD has no breakfast or made a mistake with the cheese on the burger or other BS I read here.


Don't Visit or maybe go back to your own country ! :o

great rational advice CMjante.

Anyway, its been nice, better get back to the festivities . Its my way or the Highway :D

hey, No more Bullshit from me ;)


I think that the american family groups that were seen are often associated with missionaries. At least at Airport Plaza in CM and Rimping they seem to be the most obvious customers because aparently they live western lifestyles but with the help of servants while ministering to the starving masses.


Don't Visit or maybe go back to your own country ! :o

great rational advice CMjante.

Anyway, its been nice, better get back to the festivities . Its my way or the Highway :D

hey, No more Bullshit from me ;)

Dont promise what you can't deliver unless you are in sales.

I like CMj's rationale and statement. Could not agree more plus he is the OP who made a positive post that was

underscored by a load of negative criticisms. I could not ask a simple question of why there were so many septics without

stacks and attacks of it. Does this mean I have to renounce anybody I consider a friend and who is a septic just to conform

for the whingers? Sorry not my style.

My money is on CMJ for an outright win.


I think that the american family groups that were seen are often associated with missionaries. At least at Airport Plaza in CM and Rimping they seem to be the most obvious customers because aparently they live western lifestyles but with the help of servants while ministering to the starving masses.

Actually that was my thought but I did not want to post based on previous responses.


At least you don't have to wait until an Aussie speaks to identify him. He is the one with the brim of his hat turned up at one side. They do it so that they can get the chip onto their shoulder you know! :D

Having slung this social hand grenade.... I quite liked Central although Best Beloved wasn't impressed with the Som Tam in the Thai eatery!


Don't Visit or maybe go back to your own country ! :o

great rational advice CMjante.

Anyway, its been nice, better get back to the festivities . Its my way or the Highway :D

hey, No more Bullshit from me ;)

Dont promise what you can't deliver unless you are in sales.

I like CMj's rationale and statement. Could not agree more plus he is the OP who made a positive post that was

underscored by a load of negative criticisms. I could not ask a simple question of why there were so many septics without

stacks and attacks of it. Does this mean I have to renounce anybody I consider a friend and who is a septic just to conform

for the whingers? Sorry not my style.

My money is on CMJ for an outright win.



This discussion has become interesting and amusing. It seems to be what my Kiwi and Aussie friends refer to as "taking the piss" out of eachother, which is always good sport. If it hasn't made you smile, you're taking it and yourself too seriously and you need to give yourself a hug - or join the Girl Guides as my aforementioned friends would say!:D


This discussion has become interesting and amusing. It seems to be what my Kiwi and Aussie friends refer to as "taking the piss" out of eachother, which is always good sport. If it hasn't made you smile, you're taking it and yourself too seriously and you need to give yourself a hug - or join the Girl Guides as my aforementioned friends would say!:D

Give it up. Trying to cover the fact that you led with your fingers by typing rather than with your brain by reading the posts correctly is amusing. Aforesaid fingers on each hand probably being your only friends bringing you the comfort you so desperately crave. Calling them Aussies and Kiwis is wierd. Are your toes German and French?

The fact remains that Central has opened. It provides a new and more interesting focal point for meeting with a source of goods never before found in CR with ease and the opening brought all the regional expats out in droves. Shook the trees / cages.

Some people like it some dont. While that is human nature and change is very hard for some people, maybe they see Central as a change for the worse

as big city, more larger corporations that they have been running away from have finally arrived and CR is no longer the backwater they craved

I know that I can now purchase the half dozen items I like to have (note: not need) without going to Chiang Mai. Now all we need is a Kinokuniya and I could be happier. No need to tell me that CR cultural and purchasing demographics dont support such luxuries. Look at the posted reaction to Robinsons and Tops! Anyway they provide online searching and delivery so consider that a rasberry.


The only thing I found worth of buying was Castello Blue Cheese and some nice bread!

Three days later I was back for more Castello Blue Cheese but it was sold out.

Talked to a friend today and he had been there for three days looking for more Castello Blue Cheese and no luck.

It must be some more people here in CR that found out they had some decent cheese.

Hopefully boss of Tops find out there is some interest for good CHEESE here in CR so they will increase the number of tasty cheeses!

But TIT, probably not. Castello Blue Cheese will probably never be seen here in CR again!




Try Han's deli behind DaVinci. He has a nice Gorgonzola for I think a reasonable price. The only problem is my son loves it and wolfs it down b4 I get a chance. Back to the mall. I Ike it and look forward to the Cinaplex getting some decent movies, not to mention the incredible scenery that is all free.


Yesterday I also was lookng for decent cheese, besides some parmasan I did not find anything but the artificial cheese they sell everywhere. But give them time to learn!

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a good Thai friend, a young man in his early twenties with a wife and baby, who was paralyzed about 3 months ago, and the doctors say that he will never walk again. I have seen his X-Rays and know this to be a fact, since I myself early in life had a similar injury from which I eventually recovered. They say as well that he will be lucky if he will ever be able to do much more than talk, move his head, and shrug his shoulders. He must wear a diaper and use a catheter - a truly sad situation. He is getting a little extremely weak elbow movement now, and I am hoping he will eventually get most of the use of his full arm and wrist (extremely doubtful his hands and fingers). If he could ever be able to move his whole arm, he could be rigged up to manipulate the switch on a motorized wheelchair.

Therefore my question is, do you or any of you others in wheelchairs, know if there is a place in this area where a new or used motorized wheelchair might be found, and about what they cost?

Here is a second-hand chair for sale, although not in this area. Still, shipping is easy in this country. You can check it out here: http://www.bahtsold.com/detail.php?id=73623

I have no idea of the quality but the price seems reasonable at first glance.


Very DISSAPOINTED in TOPS restocking and efforts to maintain a decent store.

Many western style foods that were at TOPS when they opened last month have not been continued or re-stocked properly.

Movies at the CR Cineplex that are normally shown in Original Soundtrack with Thai subtitiles around Thailand are shown in Thai language only with no English sub titles. There is usually one Original English soundtrack move. but so far, they have all been the cartoons and animated or low on the box office list movies.

They should at least, alternate between Original and Thai soundtrack showings of the movies.

McDonalds ony open limited hours, closing early and no breakfast menu.Do they think CR is only awake from about 10 or 11 am to 9 pm.

Poor management and decision making of the Central Plaza team and the individual local Managers of Tops, McDonalds, and Cineplex.

If they continue like this, they will fail misserably. Thai's are already saying they can get things cheaper and more selection at Big C and other places.


Very DISSAPOINTED in TOPS restocking and efforts to maintain a decent store.

Many western style foods that were at TOPS when they opened last month have not been continued or re-stocked properly.

Movies at the CR Cineplex that are normally shown in Original Soundtrack with Thai subtitiles around Thailand are shown in Thai language only with no English sub titles. There is usually one Original English soundtrack move. but so far, they have all been the cartoons and animated or low on the box office list movies.

They should at least, alternate between Original and Thai soundtrack showings of the movies.

McDonalds ony open limited hours, closing early and no breakfast menu.Do they think CR is only awake from about 10 or 11 am to 9 pm.

Poor management and decision making of the Central Plaza team and the individual local Managers of Tops, McDonalds, and Cineplex.

If they continue like this, they will fail misserably. Thai's are already saying they can get things cheaper and more selection at Big C and other places.

It seems it is always easier to be negative for most posters.

Look at it logically:

Market surveys will designate goods stocked to maximise profit plus additional key items designed to attract multiple market segments. I would hazard a guess and say that the number of Tops customers were predominantly Thai (big surprise) and that is where they will concentrate their stocking efforts. You do realise you are in Thailand??

Price wise the few items I can buy in Big C and Lotus that are definitely in Tops have been identically priced and the same in Chiang Mai and Bangkok. Wow what a shock for your system. That is for an identical item, brand etc.

Similar constraints apply to the movies. Have an all English soundtrack and fill the cinema in one session with whingers, then what?? Plus the other non English speakers will want their share too! What about the Eurpopeans? Bangkok and Pattaya have demographics that support the showing of English speaking movies. Thats an idea for you! Relocate. Plenty more western brands with variety in the multiple supermarkets and movie theatres.

Occasionally I want to watch a movie with an English soundtrack,especially as dubbing has limited relation to the content and intent of the original spoken language, but I forgo that pleasure until I have to go to Bangkok. I for one know I live in a part of a foreign non English speaking country. Have you watched Shutter Island? Same applies.

MickeyD's who cares?


I have my opinion and am entitled to express it without harassment, just as anyone else here.

No comment to the negatives.

I won't play that game.

Prices at Tops are the same nationwide. I never said otherwise. Many items are cheaper elsewhere like Big C Makro, Tesco Lotus, and local vendors.

At Tops, higher quality and varitey is expected for their higher price.


I agree that it does seem odd that the opening hours are not maximized. It would be in my opinion a good idea to do a survey of what customers would like to have in the Tops Store or a suggestion box to add our

comments. I am personally not using the Mall, other than to get those expensive foods from my home country

now and again . As for McD's, there are several other places in town that serve &lt;deleted&gt; burgers, I can go there rather than the Mall if the urge ever comes.


Cineplex appears to be learning. The Movie Thor is Englsh with Thai subtitles. But being a 3 D movie the ticket prices are higher at about 200 per person.

Now a few more Thai Movies are being shown with English Subtitles. 2 are Thai Movies with English subtitles. But 2 other Hollywood films are still Thai soundtrack only.

Strange how many movies start or end and McDonalds and other fast foods in Central are already closed.


I am new to the forum only. Not new to Thailand or Chiang Rai.

many do not ever post or join in on TV.

I only joined recently to reply to a topic, then get a few things and info off my chest.

Then I will relinquish myself back to the lurker mode.


I think one of my replies was to you about going by bus to Bangkok. I got frustrated watching the replies to you and on another few threads. I was not able to communicate to you and a few others without joining and posting.


At risk of repeating myself..... enjoy looking at these exotic foods on the shelves of Tops while you can because if enough of us aren't buying them, they will not be restocked. Simple business sense.


Castello Blue Cheese is back! That is the Cheese that was sold out within 2 days when they opened and I was looking for it for 2 weeks, I talked to the Manager On duty and yesterday evening they called me to tell me the Castello Blue Cheese is back.

So I am on my way to grab a couple !

I know there are some other Cheeselovers out there and the Castello Blue Cheese is maybe not the best Cheese in this world but by far the best found in Chiang Rai! Of course in my opinion!



Cineplex appears to be learning. The Movie Thor is Englsh with Thai subtitles. But being a 3 D movie the ticket prices are higher at about 200 per person.

Now a few more Thai Movies are being shown with English Subtitles. 2 are Thai Movies with English subtitles. But 2 other Hollywood films are still Thai soundtrack only.

Strange how many movies start or end and McDonalds and other fast foods in Central are already closed.

Thanks for the cinema info. I am curious what is the regular non 3D type movie price?


Brings to mind the old adage, if you need to ask then you probably can’t afford it. For many of us it will cost much more just to drive into town, than they would ever charge for a movie at the theatre. A good quality .MKV bluray file will no doubt cost much less and is yours to watch again and again, in the comfort of your own viewing room. If cost is an issue there are many other options. :)


Brings to mind the old adage, if you need to ask then you probably can’t afford it. For many of us it will cost much more just to drive into town, than they would ever charge for a movie at the theatre. A good quality .MKV bluray file will no doubt cost much less and is yours to watch again and again, in the comfort of your own viewing room. If cost is an issue there are many other options. :)

I can afford it and can still ask. Bad "adage".


Brings to mind the old adage, if you need to ask then you probably can’t afford it. For many of us it will cost much more just to drive into town, than they would ever charge for a movie at the theatre. A good quality .MKV bluray file will no doubt cost much less and is yours to watch again and again, in the comfort of your own viewing room. If cost is an issue there are many other options. :)

I would be more concerned about encouraging the OP troll who is delusionally convinced that Cineplex "listened" to him before he went back to lurking. More like the dreaded lurgy.

Oh well it takes all kinds


Brings to mind the old adage, if you need to ask then you probably can't afford it. For many of us it will cost much more just to drive into town, than they would ever charge for a movie at the theatre. A good quality .MKV bluray file will no doubt cost much less and is yours to watch again and again, in the comfort of your own viewing room. If cost is an issue there are many other options. :)

I can afford it and can still ask. Bad "adage".

In wholehearted agreement. :jap:


Thanks for the cinema info. I am curious what is the regular non 3D type movie price?

Regular movie prices are about 100 baht. Wednesday is a little less, and they have senior specials, Think over 60, but not sure.

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