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"Foreign" Beer Tax?

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Today I went to buy my favorite beer, Asahi - which is made in Thailand in Patumthani - and discovered that the price had gone up 30%!

Apparently since it is a "foreign" beer, it was now subject to a special tax. I pointed out to the shop that it is brewed and bottled in Thailand, but they didn't really care...

This must be illegal. Not on the shop's part, but on the government's.

It's made in Thailand for chrisake!

What the <snip> is going on?

I mean the beer is either imported and has to pay import tax, or it's not imported and doesn't pay imported tax! They can't say that it's "farang" and tax it more than Thai beer!

I see a WTO fine coming...

Edited by metisdead
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About a year or so ago, Thailand and all ASEAN was meant to stop import duties on beer from ASEAN countries, but in true Thai style, they did that, but then the same day, introduced another tax, then made Thai Beers tax exempt as they would have lost huge market share to Malaysian, Australian, and Singapore beers etc.

The reason why Hienikin is also cheaper is that is also a "Thai" beer as it is Brewed here.

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I bought some Asahi today. Same price as always.

Are you sure it's not just one shop trying it on?

Foodland have just done a simliar thing with the coffee I buy. They put it up 70% and told me thats the new price. I just go elsewhere now and pay the usual amount.

Edited by theseahorse
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I went to Foodland first and noticed that the price was 10 baht per can higher - strange, I thought. I didn't purchase any because it was 4:05 P.M and I remembered that silly law.

Then when I returned I noticed the store downstairs in my building (which sells at all hours) had raised the price as well.

May you be right...theseahorse. :passifier:

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I went to Foodland first and noticed that the price was 10 baht per can higher - strange, I thought. I didn't purchase any because it was 4:05 P.M and I remembered that silly law.

Then when I returned I noticed the store downstairs in my building (which sells at all hours) had raised the price as well.

May you be right...theseahorse. :passifier:

As an Asahi drinker myself, I hope so.

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I wonder if this is a similar money extracting procedure similar to slapping an "import tax" on Toyota vehicles made here? I can buy a new Toyota, made in Thailand, cheaper in USA than I can here. Perhaps the money mongers who run LOS=Land of Scams would rather keep the masses riding motorbikes and drinking a beer of the rich's choosing. LOL what a place.

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Who the ***k wants to drink foreign pish??..

Draught LEO is the answer, 35 Baht a glass at our local.


Beer is a falang invention.

Start drink Lao Khaoo instead.

No it is not. It was first made in Egypt around the year 1,500 BC. It was a sour beer that they liked very much.

Pilsner, it is a type of beer created in the former Czechoslovakia.

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Post #12 : I wonder if this is a similar money extracting procedure similar to slapping an "import tax" on Toyota vehicles made here? I can buy a new Toyota, made in Thailand, cheaper in USA than I can here.

You are kidding me right, import tax on cars made locally? We what is a Manufacture then? Isuzu (spelling ?) is GM I believe, R they taxed as well?

For interest, Fords made in Australia, were cheaper in USA as well.

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Who the ***k wants to drink foreign pish??..

Draught LEO is the answer, 35 Baht a glass at our local.


Beer is a falang invention.

Start drink Lao Khaoo instead.

No it is not. It was first made in Egypt around the year 1,500 BC. It was a sour beer that they liked very much.

Pilsner, it is a type of beer created in the former Czechoslovakia.

Egypt was pretty much mostly farang back in those days. ;)

I'm more a sangsom drinker than the beery stuff out here...

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Who the ***k wants to drink foreign pish??..

Draught LEO is the answer, 35 Baht a glass at our local.


Beer is a falang invention.

Start drink Lao Khaoo instead.

No it is not. It was first made in Egypt around the year 1,500 BC. It was a sour beer that they liked very much.

Pilsner, it is a type of beer created in the former Czechoslovakia.

Egypt was pretty much mostly farang back in those days. ;)

I'm more a sangsom drinker than the beery stuff out here...

Yeah, without those Brits there showing them how to do it their beer might have turned out like lager instead of bitter!!

Edited by PattayaParent
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Alcohol-free 'beer' from Germany is taxed everywhere.

Probably the tax office has no clue, or believes the Thai buyer has no clue.

Oh you might be "on to something." How many bought/given positions here in Land of Scams are occupied with individuals who have "a clue." Ignorance is rampant and the power mongers possess hubris as well. Is it any wonder why the world's view of Thailand is what it is? I expect very little will change in at least 100 years.

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On a related note has this tax also affected spirits?

I usually buy a bottle of Jameson's at duty free when I arrive back in Thailand but haven't done so since last July when it was 550 Baht a bottle, which it had been for some time. Last week it was 830 Baht a bottle, that's a 40% price increase and buying inbound is usually 20% cheaper than outbound.

Anyone know the price of a 1 litre bottle of Jameson's outbound? or even in the local supermarket (I won't be in Carrefour until Saturday)

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On a related note has this tax also affected spirits?

I usually buy a bottle of Jameson's at duty free when I arrive back in Thailand but haven't done so since last July when it was 550 Baht a bottle, which it had been for some time. Last week it was 830 Baht a bottle, that's a 40% price increase and buying inbound is usually 20% cheaper than outbound.

Anyone know the price of a 1 litre bottle of Jameson's outbound? or even in the local supermarket (I won't be in Carrefour until Saturday)

Local supermarket, Tesco, 830 baht per 70 cl bottle last time I purchased it.

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