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Two women arrested as French burka ban comes into force


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Two women arrested as French burka ban comes into force

2011-04-11 23:44:42 GMT+7 (ICT)

PARIS (BNO NEWS) -- Two women wearing face veils on Monday were arrested by Paris police as French burka ban came into force, Radio France Internationale (RFI) reported.

The arrests were made in front of the Notre Dame cathedral where a protest was taking place against the ban. France is the first European nation to ban the full-face veil, commonly known as burka.

Under the new regulation, anyone who refuses to lift the face veil in order to conduct an identity check can be taken to a police station and held for up to four hours, fined with 150 Euros ($217) and ordered to attend a citizenship course.

The new law bans women of wearing a burka in all places open to the public, including parks, shops, cinemas, restaurants and public transport. Authorities estimate that there are about 2,000 women that wear face veils in France's Muslim population.

On Saturday, French police arrested 59 people who were participating in a banned protest in Paris. Nineteen of such persons were veiled women. The burka ban is believed to be an attempt from President Nicolas Sarkozy to win votes from the far-right National Front (FN).

Sarkozy and his allies defended the law by remarking that it does not explicitly target Muslim women, instead banning any full face covering. The law also stipulates that forcing someone to wear a veil is a much more serious criminal offense, punishable by a prison sentence.

Many opposition leaders said that the ban is only a symbol of fear and discrimination. Jean Glavany, a Socialist Member of the Parliament, said that the ban is "nothing more than the fear of those who are different, who come from abroad, who aren't like us, who don't share our values".

The bill was passed on the French Parliament on October 14, 2010. The policy has been condemned and criticized by both the United States and Al-Qaeda. President Barack Obama and Islamist militant Ayman al-Zawahiri have labeled the French government's decision as an insult to the Muslim world.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-04-11

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Lerner identified the man who had traveled from Britain as Anjem Choudary, the head of Islam4UK until it was banned earlier this year by Britain's government for glorifying al-Qaida. Several people associated with the group have been linked to terrorist acts.

The protest was called by a group known as Unicite Tawhib, which has been linked to Internet sites that call for Islam to dominate France and the world, Lerner said.

Just in case anyone falls for the hurt minority argument, these are dyed in the wool troublemakers.

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Finally, a country with balls.

That "PC" (politically correctness) BS that has slowly been spreading from the US was about to sicken the world. Just look at US's little sister GB and their Sharia laws (Rather pathetic, in my unworthy, humble opinion).

When in Rome ...

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I tend to disagree with bans such as this, however, if the law is worded as stated in the OP, then I think it's OK. The post sounds like it's OK to wear a Burqa, but you must remove the face veil for identity checks. If that's the case, it's a pretty civil law.

A few years back, Florida had a situation where a Muslim lady refused to remove her face veil for a photo on her driver's license. I believe she was denied a license because driving is a privilege and not a right. Anybody remember?

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There is nothing in the Koran that says women must cover their full faces only the head. MEN make them cover themselves. In the 21st century and in these dangerous times nobody should be allowed to walk about with their faces covered period.

It is funny that in the UK we can ban young men from wearing hoodies in public. We can force customers who wear crash helmets to remove them in shops and banks and we can force old age pensioners from wearing a flat cap in a pub but mention making Muslims adhere to the same rules and our great political leaders suddenly have no backbone or balls.

The fact they are also banned in a lot of Muslim countries is also never mentioned by these rabble rousers.

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Congratulations to the French! If the immigrants cannot abide by a very sensible law,IMHO, they have a simple solution, need I say it?

In a day and age where security is getting so tight that I have to go through a mountain of bullshlt just to board a plane, walk into my Embassy etc. surly these woman have to tow the line as well under the guise of fundamental homeland security. Apart from zero facial recognition who knows what they could be carrying under the loosely flowing robes and without seeing a face how can one tell if it is really a woman?

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There is nothing in the Koran that says women must cover their full faces only the head. MEN make them cover themselves. In the 21st century and in these dangerous times nobody should be allowed to walk about with their faces covered period.

It is funny that in the UK we can ban young men from wearing hoodies in public. We can force customers who wear crash helmets to remove them in shops and banks and we can force old age pensioners from wearing a flat cap in a pub but mention making Muslims adhere to the same rules and our great political leaders suddenly have no backbone or balls.

The fact they are also banned in a lot of Muslim countries is also never mentioned by these rabble rousers.

As long there is no ban you can feel free to wear a burqa too.

Can you please name the lot of Muslim countries where they are banned? Thank you.

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Congratulations to the French! If the immigrants cannot abide by a very sensible law,IMHO, they have a simple solution, need I say it?

In a day and age where security is getting so tight that I have to go through a mountain of bullshlt just to board a plane, walk into my Embassy etc. surly these woman have to tow the line as well under the guise of fundamental homeland security. Apart from zero facial recognition who knows what they could be carrying under the loosely flowing robes and without seeing a face how can one tell if it is really a woman?

What next? A law to wear the underwear on the outside so that its easier for you to guess the gender?

Edited by bangkokeddy
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Many opposition leaders said that the ban is only a symbol of fear and discrimination. Jean Glavany, a Socialist Member of the Parliament, said that the ban is "nothing more than the fear of those who are different, who come from abroad, who aren't like us, who don't share our values".

Exactly that it is.

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What next? A law to wear the underwear on the outside so that its easier for you to guess the gender?

If necessary YES! At lease makes it harder to hide the bags of C4 and nails!

What are you,'Social engineer' or 'Hand Wringer"?

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Congratulations to the French! If the immigrants cannot abide by a very sensible law,IMHO, they have a simple solution, need I say it?

In a day and age where security is getting so tight that I have to go through a mountain of bullshlt just to board a plane, walk into my Embassy etc. surly these woman have to tow the line as well under the guise of fundamental homeland security. Apart from zero facial recognition who knows what they could be carrying under the loosely flowing robes and without seeing a face how can one tell if it is really a woman?

What next? A law to wear the underwear on the outside so that its easier for you to guess the gender?

Lets face it.. if you are having to guess, then she probably ain't worth it :blink:

totster :D

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What next? A law to wear the underwear on the outside so that its easier for you to guess the gender?

If necessary YES! At lease makes it harder to hide the bags of C4 and nails!

What are you,'Social engineer' or 'Hand Wringer"?

A burqa ban will not stop a C4&nails bomber.

Most people are ugly, better they wear more than less.

I have quite a phobia of fat people and are afraid that they explode and create a mess, like the dude in that Monty Python movie. We need a law to ban them from the public.

Tourists and NON-0 rant about immigrants and foreigners, why did you move even abroad? If you are such a good patriot and are afraid that your 'civilisation' is overrun by the others your duty is at home.

What are you, 'pensioner' or 'pensioner'?

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  • 2 months later...

and in New Zealand, bus drivers have become the culture police

Veiled woman kicked off bus

Prime Minister John Key says cultural beliefs should be respected and women should not be discriminated against because they wear a burqa.

A Saudi Arabian student was left crying on an Auckland street after a bus driver refused to let her board because of her Muslim veil.

The Consulate-General of Saudi Arabia has written to the Government to complain about that incident, and another two days earlier when a driver for the same company, NZ Bus, told another woman to remove her veil.

Key said New Zealand was a tolerant and inclusive society.

''I think where practical, and on both sides, people should respect others' culture and cultural beliefs. There is practical reasons why sometimes a burqa won't be applicable; banks for example for security reasons from time to time they will enforce that.

''But for the most part we are a multi-cultural society and we should respect other's cultural beliefs.''

There was no need to ban the wearing of burqa in public, Key said. France last year passed a law banning the wearing of face veils in public.

Key said he was comfortable with women wearing burqa. ''It doesn't offend me. It's part of people's beliefs.''


Auckland is a wonderful multi-cultural city, sad two bus drivers have decided to enforce some personal prejudices.

I'll add some stats here from the 2006 Census

In 2006, 22.9% of people were born outside of New Zealand. For the Auckland region, which has 32% of the country's population, 37% of people were born overseas.

As well as European/NZ, the Auckland region's population comprises: 11.2% Maori, 14.3% Pacific Island, 19% Asian, 14

Edited by Atmos
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and in New Zealand, bus drivers have become the culture police

Veiled woman kicked off bus

Prime Minister John Key says cultural beliefs should be respected and women should not be discriminated against because they wear a burqa.

A Saudi Arabian student was left crying on an Auckland street after a bus driver refused to let her board because of her Muslim veil.

The Consulate-General of Saudi Arabia has written to the Government to complain about that incident, and another two days earlier when a driver for the same company, NZ Bus, told another woman to remove her veil.

Key said New Zealand was a tolerant and inclusive society.

''I think where practical, and on both sides, people should respect others' culture and cultural beliefs. There is practical reasons why sometimes a burqa won't be applicable; banks for example for security reasons from time to time they will enforce that.

''But for the most part we are a multi-cultural society and we should respect other's cultural beliefs.''

There was no need to ban the wearing of burqa in public, Key said. France last year passed a law banning the wearing of face veils in public.

Key said he was comfortable with women wearing burqa. ''It doesn't offend me. It's part of people's beliefs.''


Auckland is a wonderful multi-cultural city, sad two bus drivers have decided to enforce some personal prejudices.

I'll add some stats here from the 2006 Census

In 2006, 22.9% of people were born outside of New Zealand. For the Auckland region, which has 32% of the country's population, 37% of people were born overseas.

As well as European/NZ, the Auckland region's population comprises: 11.2% Maori, 14.3% Pacific Island, 19% Asian, 14

Personally I think the burqa should not be allowed, but that decision has to be made at a national level, not the level of bus driver, unless ID was needed to validate identity of course. To put this in perspective Iran and Saudi have fashion police who will drag someone away for not being modestly dressed, that's if they are not raped or assulted by vigilante members of the public first.

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What next? A law to wear the underwear on the outside so that its easier for you to guess the gender?

If necessary YES! At lease makes it harder to hide the bags of C4 and nails!

What are you,'Social engineer' or 'Hand Wringer"?

A burqa ban will not stop a C4&nails bomber.

Most people are ugly, better they wear more than less.

I have quite a phobia of fat people and are afraid that they explode and create a mess, like the dude in that Monty Python movie. We need a law to ban them from the public.

Tourists and NON-0 rant about immigrants and foreigners, why did you move even abroad? If you are such a good patriot and are afraid that your 'civilisation' is overrun by the others your duty is at home.

What are you, 'pensioner' or 'pensioner'?

since even wearing a cross on your neck in Arab state gets you beaten up or jailed,or in some places even shot dead- i do not see a problem having similar laws in the West

western woman is not allowed to be out alone in public with open face and hair in the arab states, if she is , she would be beaten and arrested.

Whats good for the goose, is good for the gander.

France and majority of other countries in Europe are NOT Muslim, so why should the majority of the population accommodate the few minority when they in public?

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You're missing the point - NZ has no such laws.

And it is not France.

since when are bus drivers the judges of fashion?

If they were here perhaps they'd ban westerners wearing socks/sandals and shorts pulled up to the ribcage.

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You're missing the point - NZ has no such laws.

And it is not France.

since when are bus drivers the judges of fashion?

If they were here perhaps they'd ban westerners wearing socks/sandals and shorts pulled up to the ribcage.

So as long as there's a law to say no Burkas that's ok then? You never know what may be lurking underneath them mind, in the following case it was an Afghan jihadist


But a UK bank robber has recently also adopted the Burqa as his preferred outfit whilst working.

P.S Dunno why but I'm having trouble getting worked up about this one considering the infinitely worse treatment other religions get in Muslim Countries.

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1- Islam doesn't require women to wear such outfits

2- Women wearing those things are either forced to wear them by extremist-islamist husbands or families or are extremist-islamist themselves.

3- Islam is not only a religion, it is also a non-democratic political and judicial system

4- Islamists have the openly admitted objective of establishing Islamic rule whereever they can.

The Burkha is a symbol of extreme islamism with the aim of abrogating democracy.

I wouldn't ban it - I would expel the families where Burkhas are worn from the country.

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I don't really care what people wear, as long as it's not a security threat. Covering the face is a little bit extreme, as a routine matter, but then I guess the people that wear surgical masks in public should be banned to. If people cover their face with a scarf in cold countries, should they be banned?

Don't get me started on ski masks.

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If you choose to live in a particular country you should be assimilating into their culture, they shouldn't have to assimilate into yours.

Tell that to the hordes of foreigners here in Thailand whingeing about lack of English, lack of western style manners, the unfamiliar habits/customs of Thais and a host of other "complaints". Tell the farangs to assimilate or learn the Thai language and see the type of responses you get. :whistling:

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