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Militants May Join Thailand Insurgency

Boon Mee

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Thai Muslim leader threatens wider war:

As the jihadist insurgency in southern Thailand continues to rage, long-time insurgent leader Lukman Lima has broken his decades-long silence to issue an ominous threat directed at Thailand's leaders, according to the Associated Press:

A veteran leader of Thailand's insurgency has issued a warning: militants from Indonesia and Arab nations might join the fight for a separate homeland if the Thai government continues a crackdown that's provoking a new generation of Muslim fighters.

In his first interview with a news organization, Lukman B. Lima told The Associated Press that violence could spread from Thailand's southern provinces to the capital unless the government accepts an offer to negotiate an end to the conflict.

"If the government opts to kill and kill without reason, perhaps fighters from Indonesia and Arab countries will help us because, according to Islam, real Muslims cannot just stand by when their brother Muslims are being slain," he said

Mr. Lima goes on to decry all the supposedly horrible actions taken by the Thai government against the Muslim minority in the south, and calls for a negotiated cessation to the violence. However, Lima betrays his true intentions with this quote:

"I've never been on the battlefield. Killing people is not my objective. I prefer to fight for my right to return back to my country, which is occupied by Thailand, through the diplomatic way and dialogue," he said, adding that he had been an activist for 34 years. :o

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having read the news article it sounds like a threat more than trying to open peace negotiations. and he believes he will have his state by 2010.

unless he gets what he wants he will take his fight to bangkok, thailand on this one seem to be in a loose loose situation.

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having read the news article it sounds like a threat more than trying to open peace negotiations. and he believes he will have his state by 2010.

unless he gets what he wants he will take his fight to bangkok, thailand on this one seem to be in a loose loose situation.

Well, he's sure to loose as Thaksin said he would not give up one inch of Thai soil. :o

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So there has to be some kind of intelligent compromise, with an offer limited degree of autonomy and Islamic law on certain regional issues.

Cue: Tax Exile to say 'Crush, Crush Crush.'

Cue: Brit Maveric to advocate napalm attacks on violent parties, (unless they are his friends head-butting girls).

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From what I have gathered from my Thai-in-laws if the Muslims were to start bombing other places like Bangkok, the Thais would show no mercy. They would demand of whoever the Thai leader is to kill 'em all. To h3ll with what the rest of the world might think.

Is this a common view held by Thais?

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So there has to be some kind of intelligent compromise, with an offer limited degree of autonomy and Islamic law on certain regional issues.

Cue: Tax Exile to say 'Crush, Crush Crush.'

Cue: Brit Maveric to advocate napalm attacks on violent parties, (unless they are his friends head-butting girls).

Moog - you bored and have nothing better to do? :o

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So there has to be some kind of intelligent compromise, with an offer limited degree of autonomy and Islamic law on certain regional issues.

Cue: Tax Exile to say 'Crush, Crush Crush.'

Cue: Brit Maveric to advocate napalm attacks on violent parties, (unless they are his friends head-butting girls).

Moog - you bored and have nothing better to do? :o

Most of us are bored and have nothing better to do, that's why we're here.

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So there has to be some kind of intelligent compromise, with an offer limited degree of autonomy and Islamic law on certain regional issues.

Cue: Tax Exile to say 'Crush, Crush Crush.'

Cue: Brit Maveric to advocate napalm attacks on violent parties, (unless they are his friends head-butting girls).

Moog - you bored and have nothing better to do? :o

Most of us are bored and have nothing better to do, that's why we're here.

Aside from boredom we all want to see those little unicorns prancing in the fields and later, singing Kumbaya songs - the Islamofaschists have to go :D

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From what I have gathered from my Thai-in-laws if the Muslims were to start bombing other places like Bangkok, the Thais would show no mercy. They would demand of whoever the Thai leader is to kill 'em all. To h3ll with what the rest of the world might think.

Is this a common view held by Thais?

I am still hoping that some one will help me out here. :o

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From what I have gathered from my Thai-in-laws if the Muslims were to start bombing other places like Bangkok, the Thais would show no mercy. They would demand of whoever the Thai leader is to kill 'em all. To h3ll with what the rest of the world might think.

Is this a common view held by Thais?

I am still hoping that some one will help me out here. :o

Speaking for my wife - central Thai - for the most part, that is a common view.

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crush, crush , crush.

and then crush again.

So there has to be some kind of intelligent compromise

with jihadists and decapitators , :D:D:D:D

Maybe we just don't understand them enough? :o

Boon Mee, I recommend you continue with this line of reasoning. I think I can speak for a large percentage of the TV posters here by saying that we have known for a long time that you don't understand something about people who disagree with you....and perhaps something about yourself.



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My wife is from Prachin buri and she wanted them all killed or run out of Thailand after they killed the first buddist monk a while ago.

I don't think the Thai's will turn their cheeks to  much longer.

get ready to duck and cover!


This is going to be fun. Thaksin will continue to antagonize the southern rebels, they will bomb Bangkok, Thaksin will slaughter thousands of Muslims in the south, Muslim militants from all over the world will move Thailand directly into the bullseye of their international targeting scheme......

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Thai Muslim leader threatens wider war:

As the jihadist insurgency in southern Thailand continues to rage, long-time insurgent leader Lukman Lima has broken his decades-long silence to issue an ominous threat directed at Thailand's leaders, according to the Associated Press:

A veteran leader of Thailand's insurgency has issued a warning: militants from Indonesia and Arab nations might join the fight for a separate homeland if the Thai government continues a crackdown that's provoking a new generation of Muslim fighters.

In his first interview with a news organization, Lukman B. Lima told The Associated Press that violence could spread from Thailand's southern provinces to the capital unless the government accepts an offer to negotiate an end to the conflict.

"If the government opts to kill and kill without reason, perhaps fighters from Indonesia and Arab countries will help us because, according to Islam, real Muslims cannot just stand by when their brother Muslims are being slain," he said

Mr. Lima goes on to decry all the supposedly horrible actions taken by the Thai government against the Muslim minority in the south, and calls for a negotiated cessation to the violence. However, Lima betrays his true intentions with this quote:

"I've never been on the battlefield. Killing people is not my objective. I prefer to fight for my right to return back to my country, which is occupied by Thailand, through the diplomatic way and dialogue," he said, adding that he had been an activist for 34 years. :o

This statement seems to indicate that the insurgency movement will settle for nothing less than an independant country within Thailand ,I believe Thailand will never allow this so if the insurgents up the ante then somewhere in the future expect the Malay border to be closed and a full scale assault to route out the insurgents to take place.

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thaksin needs to get the southern muslims to denounce the insurgents and draw a line.

those refusing to take sides will not be protected.

we shouldn't wait for a london type scenario to play out before this happens.

with the line drawn, he will then know who to slaughter indescriminately.

i suspect the bush assministration won't be wagging their fingers at him for human rights abuses over this one.

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When a critian part of Indonesia (timor) wanted there independence the U.N and all the European nations stood with it and supported them .they said they have the right to decide. None said that it is a part of Indonesia and will stay like that

There is a Muslim part in the Philippians want independence a part in Thailand wants it also and even Chechnya. Why cants they have the right to choose like Timor in Indonesia??

if u ask me

I don’t believe they should have there own country none of them, even Timor they shouldn’t have been given it( we dont want more poor countries in the world). I think government should accept different cultures and religions in them and should give them the right to speak and respect their religion.

They can even make federalism government in that part just like what the Kurds had in northern Iraq

That will keep everyone happy and the country will stay intact and no one has to die.

I here people saying kill them all crush them all.beleive me that is not the way to solve conflicts.

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good points smb. but i think many people fail to appreciate the deeper reason why the insurgents must die.

if they succeed, the problem will become regional and not merely a thai problem. they will become poster boys for the fundamentalist movement and muslim militants. they will fuel unrest and embolden the right wing muslim faction in Malaysia. THAT, is where the real problem will begin to unfold. the malaysian government has been working hard to build a progressive muslim society and keeping the extremist PAS faction in check for decades. a friendly supply of arms and other resources from a newly converted muslim state to its northern border is just what PAS needs to help them in their cause. also, consider the muslim militants in the not too far away philippine islands, not to mention 200 million muslim indonesians just a bit farther south. the problem is very delicate and a sort of DOMINO EFFECT of muslim uprising is far more plausible than you might readily imagine.

i have a personal theory that the insurgency is actually funded and instigated by PAS because they know they have no power to depose the existing Malaysian regime from the inside, so they strategise to help create a soveriegn fundamentalist muslim state at the border, which will eventually be able to help them wage a stronger war against the mainland.

i think the thai government has this same theory in mind when they try to suggest that the insurgents are coming from across the border.

south east asia as we know it is under threat.

thaksin most deal with the insugents with EXTREME PREJUDICE.

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I love living in Thailand. If I could join the Thai military to fight for this country I would. I think its worth fighting for.

I’m with you there. I never thought anything was worth taking up arms for, but over the pat few years my feelings have changed. I think that I would be ready to take up arms against the M*****s, providing they agree not to fire back of course.

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When a critian part of Indonesia (timor) wanted there independence the U.N and all the European nations stood with it and supported them .they said they have the right to decide. None said that it is a part of Indonesia and will stay like that

Maybe you should read up on the subject before posting.

East Timor was a Portugese colony and was never part of Indonesia.

When Portugal finally decided to leave in 1975, the Indonesians annexed East Timur. No choice was given to its people. The only country, to its everlasting shame, that recognized this illegal annexation was Australia. No other country recognized Indonesia's claim to the territory. Not even the UN.

So, the East Timorese had a strong claim for independence.

As I've said before on another thread. The key to solving the crisis in the south is to look at all the years of strife and loss of life in Aceh. After thirty years, the Indonesian government and GAM (the muslim separatist organization in Aceh) have come to a compromise. GAM gave up their demand for independence and Jakarta has now given Aceh more autonomy to rule themselves. Also, more of the wealth from the huge gas-fields offshore Aceh will be spent in Aceh.

Thaksin needs to look at this conflict and learn its lessons.

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QUOTE(richard10365 @ 2005-09-28 10:00:04)

I love living in Thailand. If I could join the Thai military to fight for this country I would. I think its worth fighting for.

Wonderful stuff, on the whistle now...... over the top you go.

Stack-em high in those ten wheelers...... "They don't like it up 'em Mr Mannering!"

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if the southern provinces were given more autonomy i.e. muslim rule , then what would happen to all the buddhist thai citizens living there , bearing in mind what has happened to minorities in other parts of the world where similar ethnic /religious conflicts have been "settled" by means of transfers of power and the depth of negative feeling towards the buddhist government of this country.

revenge , ethnic cleansing etc are never far beneath the surface of these tribal conflicts and can re surface generations down the line.

the southern provinces are thai , and should remain thai and under thai governance from bangkok. just like the rest of the country.

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not so very long at all , but they are thai provinces now.

and i dont hear the malaysian government demanding them back.

You might not hear them demanding them back but equally so have they gone on record to condem the terrorists' actions ? Are they working with the Thai government to track movements of suspects etc?

Sometimes what it's what people don't say that counts.

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