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I Wish Thaksin Would Come Back


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Ohh, so now Thaksin gets blamed for the economic conditions and policies that preceeded his elected government.

Why am I not surprised.

Lets ask Mr. Peabody to go back in his way back machine and have a look at the governements and FX rates immediately prior to Thaksin. (using a flat FX with no loadings. Add 2-5% for a more accurate FX)

Banharn Silpa – Archa, Chart Thai 11-Nov-1996 - 41.909

General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Military Rule 01-Nov-1997 - 67.1274

Chuan Leekpai, Democrat 10-Nov-200 - 62.38

Oh my. Chart Thai replaced by way of a coup and look at the jump. Then the Democrats take over and not much of a change.

And the OP blames Thaksin????

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Is there a disconnect from reality for some people?

Edited by geriatrickid
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Ohh, so now Thaksin gets blamed for the economic conditions and policies that preceeded his elected government.

Why am I not surprised.

Lets ask Mr. Peabody to go back in his way back machine and have a look at the governements and FX rates immediately prior to Thaksin. (using a flat FX with no loadings. Add 2-5% for a more accurate FX)

Banharn Silpa – Archa, Chart Thai 11-Nov-1996 - 41.909

General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Military Rule 01-Nov-1997 - 67.1274

Chuan Leekpai, Democrat 10-Nov-200 - 62.38

Oh my. Chart Thai replaced by way of a coup and look at the jump. Then the Democrats take over and not much of a change.

And the OP blames Thaksin????

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Is there a disconnect from reality for some people?

er, um, I think he was trying to attribute Thaksin credit for the favourable exchange rate which Brits got.

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last I looked, er um, the financial markets looked after exchange rates, not politicians.

The pound tanking has nothing to do with with the Thai economy, and everything to do with the UK's.

Yes...It all comes down to greed in the west..The banks and corporations caused the problem (GFC) they are then bailed out and walk away unscathed while we pay.... :realangry:

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last I looked, er um, the financial markets looked after exchange rates, not politicians.

The pound tanking has nothing to do with with the Thai economy, and everything to do with the UK's.

Yep, the pound has plummeted against the Canadian, US, and Aussie dollars as well as the Euro. Maybe you need to long for the days of John Major?

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... the baht has gained big time against all those currencies mentioned. But the UK's quandary is it's own doing; I mean look at all the bludgers! A total withdrawal from the EU is part of the answer there; jobs back to Brits, waters back to Brits and no more X amount of billions (one of the highest contributors) into a bottomless pot in Belgium! :bah:

The Taksin thing: he was the one who introduced the 'close the bars early' rule btw, though perhaps he could come back for a fortnight to sort out the drug problem. :whistling:

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Ohh, so now Thaksin gets blamed for the economic conditions and policies that preceeded his elected government.

Why am I not surprised.

Lets ask Mr. Peabody to go back in his way back machine and have a look at the governements and FX rates immediately prior to Thaksin. (using a flat FX with no loadings. Add 2-5% for a more accurate FX)

Banharn Silpa – Archa, Chart Thai 11-Nov-1996 - 41.909

General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Military Rule 01-Nov-1997 - 67.1274

Chuan Leekpai, Democrat 10-Nov-200 - 62.38

Oh my. Chart Thai replaced by way of a coup and look at the jump. Then the Democrats take over and not much of a change.

And the OP blames Thaksin????

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Is there a disconnect from reality for some people?

er, um, I think he was trying to attribute Thaksin credit for the favourable exchange rate which Brits got.

Oh please. It was a cryptic round about way of intimating that Thaksin destroyed the economy causing the Thai baht to lose value. As such, a quid would get one 2X as much baht as today. The military dictatorship followed by the Democrats set the dye for the collapse of the baht when the regional market went pear shaped. Thaksin inherited a mess. His successors inherited a mess and even the Abhisit government inherited a nasty legacy from the pre Thaksin rulers.

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I miss the good old days of 72 baht to the pound...

Is he the only one that can do this?


He didn't.

He did , however raise our visas prices and made life for expats much more expensive

That's only because he cared for us. Tough love......:jap:

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Ohh, so now Thaksin gets blamed for the economic conditions and policies that preceeded his elected government.

Why am I not surprised.

Lets ask Mr. Peabody to go back in his way back machine and have a look at the governements and FX rates immediately prior to Thaksin. (using a flat FX with no loadings. Add 2-5% for a more accurate FX)

Banharn Silpa – Archa, Chart Thai 11-Nov-1996 - 41.909

General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Military Rule 01-Nov-1997 - 67.1274

Chuan Leekpai, Democrat 10-Nov-200 - 62.38

Oh my. Chart Thai replaced by way of a coup and look at the jump. Then the Democrats take over and not much of a change.

And the OP blames Thaksin????

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Is there a disconnect from reality for some people?

er, um, I think he was trying to attribute Thaksin credit for the favourable exchange rate which Brits got.

Oh please. It was a cryptic round about way of intimating that Thaksin destroyed the economy causing the Thai baht to lose value. As such, a quid would get one 2X as much baht as today. The military dictatorship followed by the Democrats set the dye for the collapse of the baht when the regional market went pear shaped. Thaksin inherited a mess. His successors inherited a mess and even the Abhisit government inherited a nasty legacy from the pre Thaksin rulers.

As much as I like a good conspiracy theory, I suspect your thinking on the OP is a bit off.

My take on his post was this:

"A long time ago the exchange rate was good for us brits with lousy pensions to come and live like millionaires.....and we had Thaksin and his magical abilities to control exchange rages to thank for that.....can we get rid of this mob please so Thaksin can come back and make Thailand cheap for me to live in again, please".

I don't think the OP particularly gives a rats buttocks that an exchange rate of 72 to the pound essentially meant that the economy was in tatters around him. So long as he got a good exchange rate and a cheap lifestyle, the OP didn't care.

Trust me, I like a good Thaksin kicking thread as the next person. Having worked for his government, I despise the bloke. But, I just don't think this is one of those threads, GeriatricKid.

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... the baht has gained big time against all those currencies mentioned. But the UK's quandary is it's own doing; I mean look at all the bludgers! A total withdrawal from the EU is part of the answer there; jobs back to Brits, waters back to Brits and no more X amount of billions (one of the highest contributors) into a bottomless pot in Belgium! :bah:

The Taksin thing: he was the one who introduced the 'close the bars early' rule btw, though perhaps he could come back for a fortnight to sort out the drug problem. :whistling:

Poppycock. The UK for all its troubles is still judged a safe and secure investment risk The UK already controls its own currency and this is what has saved it from the European mess. It is the market that decides and the world says ok to the UK. Look at the longterm bond market. That is where debt is judged. US Security yield is currently 3.49%, the UK yield is 3.69% Despite the bailout, Greece is at 13.69%. Compared to the continent , the UK is doing fine. In fact it is doing better than New Zealand and Australia who have 5.64% and 5.81% yields. Switzerland -at 2.1% and Canada at 3.37% are the two lowest risk countries and the UK is withing spitting distance. (The Japanese 1.3% yield is excluded as the market is unique.) Germany isn't that much better and the rest of the continent has to offer a higher yield than the UK.

It is the access to the European markets that has allowed the UK to keep its stability. A retreat would destroy the UK economy.

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Ohh, so now Thaksin gets blamed for the economic conditions and policies that preceeded his elected government.

Why am I not surprised.

Lets ask Mr. Peabody to go back in his way back machine and have a look at the governements and FX rates immediately prior to Thaksin. (using a flat FX with no loadings. Add 2-5% for a more accurate FX)

Banharn Silpa – Archa, Chart Thai 11-Nov-1996 - 41.909

General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Military Rule 01-Nov-1997 - 67.1274

Chuan Leekpai, Democrat 10-Nov-200 - 62.38

Oh my. Chart Thai replaced by way of a coup and look at the jump. Then the Democrats take over and not much of a change.

And the OP blames Thaksin????

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Is there a disconnect from reality for some people?

er, um, I think he was trying to attribute Thaksin credit for the favourable exchange rate which Brits got.

Oh please. It was a cryptic round about way of intimating that Thaksin destroyed the economy causing the Thai baht to lose value. As such, a quid would get one 2X as much baht as today. The military dictatorship followed by the Democrats set the dye for the collapse of the baht when the regional market went pear shaped. Thaksin inherited a mess. His successors inherited a mess and even the Abhisit government inherited a nasty legacy from the pre Thaksin rulers.

As much as I like a good conspiracy theory, I suspect your thinking on the OP is a bit off.

My take on his post was this:

"A long time ago the exchange rate was good for us brits with lousy pensions to come and live like millionaires.....and we had Thaksin and his magical abilities to control exchange rages to thank for that.....can we get rid of this mob please so Thaksin can come back and make Thailand cheap for me to live in again, please".

I don't think the OP particularly gives a rats buttocks that an exchange rate of 72 to the pound essentially meant that the economy was in tatters around him. So long as he got a good exchange rate and a cheap lifestyle, the OP didn't care.

Trust me, I like a good Thaksin kicking thread as the next person. Having worked for his government, I despise the bloke. But, I just don't think this is one of those threads, GeriatricKid.


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last I looked, er um, the financial markets looked after exchange rates, not politicians.

The pound tanking has nothing to do with with the Thai economy, and everything to do with the UK's.

Yes...It all comes down to greed in the west..The banks and corporations caused the problem (GFC) they are then bailed out and walk away unscathed while we pay.... :realangry:

Didn't spendthrift, popularity-seeking governments have something to do with it, too?

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I think you are confused. The period of Bt72 to the pound started around mid-1997, when Chavalit was the PM.

he even got it up into the 90's what a great time that was for us, but called the Asia crash

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I think you are confused. The period of Bt72 to the pound started around mid-1997, when Chavalit was the PM.

he even got it up into the 90's what a great time that was for us, but called the Asia crash

Yes, the highly suspicious and said to be manipulated Asian Financial Crash. The stones still haven't been completely over-turned as to the debacle.

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