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So far young ladies were rather absent on this thread to explain their points of view. :o

A beautiful young female would never take an old man as a partner without material considerations. Why should she? There are millions of handsome, strong men around to share moments and much more with a young woman. That's a simple natural fact...

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'473geo' timestamp='1302960405' post='4360130']

Well my mind has always been young and flexible for my years....add a bit of premature senility and I guess my wife and I are the same age mentally...:)

Very well put , it all has to do with the mentality of both partners , money has not been an issue between my younger wife and I , before , during or until this day , we both enjoy each others company and converse on many subjects , age is not considered of importance , why should it ? Not once in over 5 years has any one brought up the differential nor do we get side-long glances , in fact , the opposite is the case , we act and re-act with each other like any well adjusted couple should , both inside and outside of the home .

Take what I say as you wish , it is your problem to live with your thoughts and feelings , not mine .

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So far young ladies were rather absent on this thread to explain their points of view. :o

A beautiful young female would never take an old man as a partner without material considerations. Why should she? There are millions of handsome, strong men around to share moments and much more with a young woman. That's a simple natural fact...

That's from your strong handsome man point of view eh. :)

Me thinks there is a bit of jealousy from the young studs who see a youngish lady with an older guy.

I know a Thai lady who wants nothing to do with her country men as a partner, always a BIG problem.

She might consider an older farang as he ''might'' be a gentleman. :)

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'473geo' timestamp='1302960405' post='4360130']

Well my mind has always been young and flexible for my years....add a bit of premature senility and I guess my wife and I are the same age mentally...:)

Very well put , it all has to do with the mentality of both partners , money has not been an issue between my younger wife and I , before , during or until this day , we both enjoy each others company and converse on many subjects , age is not considered of importance , why should it ? Not once in over 5 years has any one brought up the differential nor do we get side-long glances , in fact , the opposite is the case , we act and re-act with each other like any well adjusted couple should , both inside and outside of the home .

Take what I say as you wish , it is your problem to live with your thoughts and feelings , not mine .

+1, absolutely.

Does piss me off with those who think must conform. A guy has said young and old is wrong but has a wife TWELVE years younger when the farang norm is a couple of years difference, hypocrite or what. :rolleyes:

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I have never met a woman who I haven't had to pay - in some shape or form.

Hate to say it but -- this may say more about you than it does about women. :ermm:

:lol: Great stuff. :lol:

I would of course agree. I wonder though just to set my mind at ease if all the Western guys who are married to Thai women living in Thailand that the wife pays the majority of the bills would stand up and be counted.

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So far young ladies were rather absent on this thread to explain their points of view. :o

A beautiful young female would never take an old man as a partner without material considerations. Why should she? There are millions of handsome, strong men around to share moments and much more with a young woman. That's a simple natural fact...

I have to say when I was a rich handsome young man I was a butterfly. I wonder if I was one of a kind?

I was where I should be all the time And when I was not I was with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend.

I always thought someone should have written a song about me.

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So far young ladies were rather absent on this thread to explain their points of view. :o

A beautiful young female would never take an old man as a partner without material considerations. Why should she? There are millions of handsome, strong men around to share moments and much more with a young woman. That's a simple natural fact...

I have to say when I was a rich handsome young man I was a butterfly. I wonder if I was one of a kind?

I was where I should be all the time And when I was not I was with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend.

I always thought someone should have written a song about me.

Oh lord it's hard to be humble...........springs to mind.........:)

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In any relationship between a Farang and a Thai woman there are 3 major differences.

1 -- male and female

2 -- Western culture versus Asian culture

3 -- Age difference

Of the above, my view is that this is the correct order of importance.

There are . of course, all sorts of other differences --- such as -- Expectations based on economic circumstances, or experience, etc etc etc

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Hey, this thread has grown legs since I last checked in. :D The OP WAS right. He is a good troller. I just need to get my big, black pot out and do some more stirring. The main difference between the various posters is one side are talking about "relationships" and the others are talking about a sexual "fling". I don't want a relationship. I am too old for that and I don't need a mommy like so many here do. I don't know any red blooded heterosexual man who would rather make love to someone old, disinterested and dried up rather than someone young, healthy and beautiful... and who actually enjoys sex. Anyone who says they do is either a liar, a hypocrite or lacking in testosterone.

But, if you are stuck in a marriage with someone you once cared for then for you will put up with whatever is still available. I am an old school kind of man who doesn't agree with philandering. I never played around on either of my wives. I left it up to the wife to let me know when she was interested in love making. I can tell you that it went down hill about 5 years after we were married and decreased yearly after that. There have been all sorts of studies at how often long term couples have sex and the figures are staggering. Sometimes it's less than once a year... or less. But, when those couples suddenly become single again their sex life improves drastically. Eveidence is the many men who come to Thailand in their 50s and suddenly find heaven.

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So far young ladies were rather absent on this thread to explain their points of view. :o

A beautiful young female would never take an old man as a partner without material considerations. Why should she? There are millions of handsome, strong men around to share moments and much more with a young woman. That's a simple natural fact...

I have to say when I was a rich handsome young man I was a butterfly. I wonder if I was one of a kind?

I was where I should be all the time And when I was not I was with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend.

I always thought someone should have written a song about me.

Oh lord it's hard to be humble...........springs to mind.........:)

Whsssssh, the words are from a Carly Simon song

You had me several years ago when I was still quite naive

Well you said that we made such a pretty pair

And that you would never leave

But you gave away the things you loved and one of them was me

Well I hear you went up to Saratoga and your horse naturally won

Then you flew your lear jet up to Nova Scotia

To see the total eclipse of the sun

Well you're where you should be all the time

And when you're not you're with

Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend

Wife of a close friend, and...

You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you

You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you

Don't you? Don't You? Don't you?

The post was demonstrating the dangers of young handsome men.

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So far young ladies were rather absent on this thread to explain their points of view. :o

A beautiful young female would never take an old man as a partner without material considerations. Why should she? There are millions of handsome, strong men around to share moments and much more with a young woman. That's a simple natural fact...

I have to say when I was a rich handsome young man I was a butterfly. I wonder if I was one of a kind?

I was where I should be all the time And when I was not I was with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend.

I always thought someone should have written a song about me.

Oh lord it's hard to be humble...........springs to mind.........:)

Whsssssh, the words are from a Carly Simon song

You had me several years ago when I was still quite naive

Well you said that we made such a pretty pair

And that you would never leave

But you gave away the things you loved and one of them was me

Well I hear you went up to Saratoga and your horse naturally won

Then you flew your lear jet up to Nova Scotia

To see the total eclipse of the sun

Well you're where you should be all the time

And when you're not you're with

Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend

Wife of a close friend, and...

You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you

You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you

Don't you? Don't You? Don't you?

The post was demonstrating the dangers of young handsome men.

I thought that was about Mick?

I think the Mac Davis song is much more fitting for you, there is a tongue in cheek quality........

I used to sing it all the time.....:D

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I have just turned 50, my wife is 34, first thing her father said to me was "you are too old for her", I totally agreed and said I have tried to discourage her but I gave in in the end.

Prior to that I was married to a Thai girl for 15 years, she was 1 year younger than me.

So now when I go out with my (really) beautiful wife and my daughter from my previous marriage, I sometimes get the 'are they sisters', which dosent upset my wife, but really upsets my daughter.

While I am sure there are many members here who probably know my wife, as she was very active selling shustov and jewel vodka at most of the farang visited drinking establishments, they probably know theat we have

built up a great relationship before we got married. FWIW I have many friends here and they are all in a stable relationship with ladis who are within 5 years of them, So I am stuck out here with a georgeous insatiable wife who is

15 years younger than me, thank got I dont need the little blue pills yet !!!

Oh and we both love "james", "marmite", "red hot chilli peppers", and really sexy Basques, the downside is she loves gardening as much as my mum and I bloody hate it !!

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When I was 27 I knew everything. 26 I was still learning but when I hit 27 I hit the big time. So I have to listen to some of the young guys here. I'll admit they think they know a lot more than I do.

As I got older, 28 and 29 and so on, I became less smart. I realized I had made some errors. When that margin call came I should have had more cash in the bank. At 40 I knew even less. I should have had a pre nup; some old lawyer told me that but I didn't pay any attention to him.

You know the difference between the old spaz living in a delusional world and the young guy in love with an age appropriate woman? Age. They both believe it is the real thing and in that belief they are like brothers.

Some guys can buy a used car and do quite well because they know a lot about cars. They know what to look for when buying a used car. If you have owned three 280 Mercedes you are probably safe buying a fourth one. The rest of you guys would be better off buying a new one. And getting a new one in Thailand for a reasonable price is not as easy as it once was. They even have doctors in Bangkok that can reset the odometer, so to speak, and I understand that is quite a popular operation now.

Great post, Mark, but it might be a little too subtle for the young guys... you know, the ones under 50. Hopefully, with age comes a little wisdom. I'm amazed at how much I've learned since I turned 60.

And, I'll continue to say that there is no one size that fits everyone. I won't even get into the discussion about the differences between men and women.

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My grandparents in the UK were married for over 50 nyears and died in the same year - Him following his 14th stroke in 5 years and her months later basically of a broken heart - she just declined after his death and went from quite spritely to dead before our eyes. They have a 15 year age gap. She married him when she was bearly 17 and he was in his early 30's. War time England, it was quite common back then.

My wife is 7 years younger than me - we have been married 13 years this summer (both in our 20's upon marriage). I have never cheated on her and have no intentions of doing so either. When we lived in the UK, I had the big job and she looked after the house and kids until they were at school and then she took a day job. Now, I look after the house and kids and she has the job that pays the bills.

We really do get too tied up in generalising about attributes - its a human condition to solve problems using generalisations and assumptions (plain guesswork and hearsay evidence of tiny control groups), even when the solutions is of no worth to us as individuals and even the question pointless. Suffice it to say, some relationships work, others don't - some that we expect to work, fail, and some we expect to fail, blossom - and all this contrary to our contrived observations and flawed reasoning.

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Discussion of minors can get you kicked out of here fast. Some posts and replies have been removed.

Legal age of consent in Thailand is 15, as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code.

But with consent of the parents and a lawyers official registration you can even marry a 13 year old. When married you can have sex with her.

It is personal taste if you like this or not but this is the law in Thailand.

For prostitutes there is a higher age of consent which is 18.

Try telling that to Ekarat Wongcharat of the band Big Ass. The authorities used Penal Code Amendment Act of 1997 Section 283bis to charge and convict him of statutory rape of a 16 year old.

Additionally, in some countries, the US is one example, it doesn't matter what the age of consent is in the country where the sex took place, it is still a crime to have sex with someone under 18.

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My wife is 36, Filipina and I am soon to be 58. I met her working in the cosmetic section of Rustans Dept. store in Glorietta Mall, Makati ,Philippines. She was 23 at the time, fresh from a very conservative province. She was sending most of her tiny salary home to put her 8 brothers and sisters through school. I used to say that some asian women have the same maturity level as a 35 year old western women. How many western gals are supporting 10 others at age 23??? 22 years difference in our age but that gap is closing fast. Being as some asian ladies age very fast as they approach 40....

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Discussion of minors can get you kicked out of here fast. Some posts and replies have been removed.

Legal age of consent in Thailand is 15, as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code.

But with consent of the parents and a lawyers official registration you can even marry a 13 year old. When married you can have sex with her.

It is personal taste if you like this or not but this is the law in Thailand.

For prostitutes there is a higher age of consent which is 18.

Try telling that to Ekarat Wongcharat of the band Big Ass. The authorities used Penal Code Amendment Act of 1997 Section 283bis to charge and convict him of statutory rape of a 16 year old.

Additionally, in some countries, the US is one example, it doesn't matter what the age of consent is in the country where the sex took place, it is still a crime to have sex with someone under 18.

Luckily this is not the US with it's unfair and failed justice system.

The boy singer got troubles with his gf, refused to care for their baby or something like that and they got arguments, yes then the rules may change easily.

However parts of the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, which disallow any sexual contact with prostitutes under the age of 18, are widely interpreted by some local authorities to cover sexual acts classed as "obscenity for personal gratification". Also from the Penal Code Amendment Act of 1997 Section 283bis, having sex with a child under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the child may file charges against the other side if he or she later regrets his or her own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18.

So, as long as the family agrees, the legal age is 15 and it's important to maintain a good relationship with the family and don't go into stupid adventures with people you don't know. Pretty reasonable.

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one thing i cant stand is seeing some 60-70 year old fat filthy looking dirty pervert holding hands walking down the street with an 18 year old beauty, time to act your f*****ng age !!! wise yourself up, get a life and get someone nearer to your own age. mad.gif

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one thing i cant stand is seeing some fat filthy looking dirty pervert holding hands walking down the street with an 18 year old beauty, time to act your f*****ng age !!! wise yourself up, get a life and get someone nearer to your own age. mad.gif

you must be one of them because no one has ever seen a old perv with a young 18 year old beauty.. They always have the bottom of the barrel while they could get a much nicer looking 30-35 year old. Those really bad looking 18 years old need some loving too.


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one thing i cant stand is seeing some 60-70 year old fat filthy looking dirty pervert holding hands walking down the street with an 18 year old beauty, time to act your f*****ng age !!! wise yourself up, get a life and get someone nearer to your own age. mad.gif

Do l sense a little envy here hmmmmm, they have a life, that's why they have a young lady. Perhaps they don't want to team up with another granny that will moan all day and fart all night to go with the nightly headache.

You wait and see how you ''think'' when your cracking on a bit. :)

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one thing i cant stand is seeing some 60-70 year old fat filthy looking dirty pervert holding hands walking down the street with an 18 year old beauty, time to act your f*****ng age !!! wise yourself up, get a life and get someone nearer to your own age. mad.gif

Welcome to the “Young guys who have discovered old guys have it made in Thailand club.”

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