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Attacked-A Cautionary Tale


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As I sit here writing this with a thick lip and black eye, this content is sent as a warning to other expats. Please be aware a bar in patpong soi 2.

I have been going there since it’s inception, I know the manager well and as of last night, after a couple of fracas, I now know the French owners, father and son (who initially wanted to hurt me, but strangely were nice later!).

Last night whilst on my own and during only a 10 minute stay there- I bought a drink for me and one for a pretty girl, however as I tried to pay my bill, it had suddenly jumped by 100%. Unfortunately for me, I desputed this tariff and after a bit of discussion I was surrounded by the usual Thai men gang of COWARDS, and I got attacked, suffering a few blows and a ripped shirt.

Fortunately, I have lived here a long time and know a few people in Patpong, bar owners etc and so on my return 10 minutes later, pool cue in hand and with a few numbers, to even things out, things were a tad different, my attackers had scarpered, surprise, surprise. Please do not get me wrong, usually I do not condone violence. I’m an ageing expat and I can normally look after myself or others when required (but not against 6 or 7 pack animals) but these Thai cowards really get my goat. I will be returning frequently to the area, looking out for these particular individuals, one on one, and hopefully, my wrath will be spent. Of course, I should let it go but this particular cowardly mentality of Thai men, really should have repercussions.

Thanks to the people that helped me out last night, including buying me a new shirt.

This is just a cautionary tale, to avoid this bar

Edited by sbk
no name and shame
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If you run in the sewer you can expect to meet a few rats !

Be careful they might be on the look out for you too and next time it might be a machette, you have had your say, did the right thing at the time, in my opinion but let it go now.

Take care, stay safe mate.

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Most would agree you were right to stand up for yourself at the time. But let it go mate.

If you enjoy your life here and don't want to spend the rest of your time looking over your shoulder, find somewhere else to enjoy yourself.

Thais never forget a slight, face loss issue and aren't always rational when it comes to their actions.

Some bar owners are their own worst enemies. They rip you off for a small amount today, forgetting they have lost a regular customer who would have given 100 times that amount in the future.

They are ultimately the cause of their own demise.

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Hi,<div><br></div><div>Sorry for your sad adventure... Places like that forces one to be carefull, very carefull.</div><div><br></div><div>Funny the owners are French... As your forum pseudo, isn't it ?</div><div><br></div><div>Cheers</div>

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Why have you edited out the Bar name.

We do not allow "naming on shaming" on Thai Visa because Thailand has very strict libel laws. If a third party believes he has lost business/revenue/profits because of something posted on this website, irrespective of what that party may or may not have done, Thai law provides an avenue for that party to sue this website for losses.

We do not want the headache, and therefore do not allow libelous material on this website.

In future, if you have any questions about forum moderation, pls. take them up with board moderator concerned.

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I've heard of a group of French guys who open bars around town, but I've always heard they are sleaze balls, as is anyone acting as a legal pimp, in my opinion of course. But it's like they say, if you play with snakes, you're going to get bit!

There's a good reason I stay from Patpong, Nana, and Pattaya, and you can read those reasons in the news and on forums almost every day. If you don't want problems, don't put yourself around them.

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The foreign owners wanted to hurt you, and likely instruct their staff to do these things, and it's only the Thai employees you insult and want to hunt down? You don't want to hunt down the ringleader because he was nice later after you stood up for yourself? Foreign bar areas have plenty of lowlifes in them, including foreigners who will screw you over and try to hurt you just as bad

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I have to agree. Drink in the sewers with the rats and you expect to be bitten a few times. There is only going to be one loser in all this and that is you. It has happened to all of us at one point. Just pay up and don't go back. They may get a few extra baht out of you but that's it. As said chalk it up to a lesson and get on with your life ;)

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I will be returning frequently to the area, looking out for these particular individuals, one on one, and hopefully, my wrath will be spent. Of course, I should let it go but this particular cowardly mentality of Thai men, really should have repercussions.

I agree, there will be repercussions, if you insist on following this path of vengence.  Most likely, one night, you will end up dead.

Let it go mate, life is too short. 

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The foreign owners wanted to hurt you, and likely instruct their staff to do these things, and it's only the Thai employees you insult and want to hunt down? You don't want to hunt down the ringleader because he was nice later after you stood up for yourself? Foreign bar areas have plenty of lowlifes in them, including foreigners who will screw you over and try to hurt you just as bad

You sir are quite wise. Now, do you think the OP will listen, or will he just blame the Thai low pay workers?

I have been in some pretty basic bars where regular working Thais will come for a beer or whatever. Farangs too. Not once, ever in the 10 years+ I have been floating around Thailand did I come across a story like this. Maybe its because I stay out of the lowlife zones.

Who beats up a customer for 100baht? Its not good for business. There's a nother part of the story missing. Did someone start running his mouth?

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Good for you dear boy! Im assuming you are English? As an island nation sat opposite a small stretch of ocean from France and many wars with them over the centuries, its in our genes to stand up to a couple of cheating french lol. I love the fact that you went back with a few buddies and a pool cue to settle the score. Good on you.

Of course many people would say it is wise to avoid conflict in Thailand and I fully agree. Life is cheap here and over the years I have read many stories about ferangs getting set upon by Thai thugs. More often than not it is far wiser to shrug you shoulders and walk away. It is simply not worth it and life can be short here if you have the wrong attitude. If I was in a bar owned by Thai's and they padded my bill I would dispute it of course and I would stand my ground - but I would try and do so politley and if things looked like they are going to get ugly, I would probably just pay it and never go back.

Having said that, there would be the odd occasion where I would just think "&lt;deleted&gt; it" and see things through right to the end, to hell with it. This would be one of them.

I would have done exactly the same.

Well done.

Edit - I would just say though that going back 'on the look out' for these guys is very unwise. You stood your ground the other night, you went back to give them hell but they all scurried away. You made your point - well done. Taking this any further and going back to look for them will probably just end up with you in the hospital, or worse. Just let it go now and keep your chin up.

Edited by ClockworkOranges
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Sorry OP but i dont buy your story, first you say that you have frequented this bar many times and that you know the manager well, so why all of a sudden do you think they would try to double charge you and then have you attacked when you queried your bill? hmmm....you also say that you are well known in the area so you round up some buddies, arm yourself with a pool cue and return to dish out some retribution on a group of Thais? a stupid and unlikely move as far as i am concerned......now you say that you will seek out these Thai guys one at a time and give them what for? that would be an act of a mad man, do you honestly think that even if you could get the upper hand over one of those guys in a fight that other Thais would not join in and give you a good hiding?......how long have you been in Thailand?

If i am wrong and your story is true then the best thing you can do is forget it, (its the worst feeling in the world having to constantly look over your shoulder everywhere you go

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Sadly it is all true... and the manager did nothing which is rather sad, but of course you are quite correct.

After 24 hrs of reduced swelling and re-running of the events reflection, I will not be returning to that bar.

In fact, I was rather stupid to go back at all, the red mist completely clouded my judgment.

I have been here 9 years and I do know better.

However, unfortunately my warmth for this place is wearing thin and perhaps it is time to move on.


Sorry OP but i dont buy your story, first you say that you have frequented this bar many times and that you know the manager well, so why all of a sudden do you think they would try to double charge you and then have you attacked when you queried your bill? hmmm....you also say that you are well known in the area so you round up some buddies, arm yourself with a pool cue and return to dish out some retribution on a group of Thais? a stupid and unlikely move as far as i am concerned......now you say that you will seek out these Thai guys one at a time and give them what for? that would be an act of a mad man, do you honestly think that even if you could get the upper hand over one of those guys in a fight that other Thais would not join in and give you a good hiding?......how long have you been in Thailand?

If i am wrong and your story is true then the best thing you can do is forget it, (its the worst feeling in the world having to constantly look over your shoulder everywhere you go

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Glad to read you've taken time to reflect on this and are letting it drop, fighting over 100Baht isn't worth the hassle it can bring - especially if you go back again seeking trouble.

Anyway there are much nicer places round town to be ripped off than Patpong! :D

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