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What Servants To Have


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I have been in thailand for around a year now and have so far done most things for myself.

I am a totally self-confessed lazy bast**d, (domestically speaking.

Even when i was in the UK i had a cleaner, laundry woman and gerdener. When i was in Africa, i had even more.

I got a bit of extra cash, and I am going to be here long term. So what servantry would you reccommend? I don't like to do anything for myself if i can help it. i even pay the barber to shave me...lol... i know.. i am one lazy sod, but its not just lazyness. i love the attention and pampering and having my ironing done (i particularly hate ironing).

What sort of things can i get covered for me, and what sort of services would you suggest if money is no object (within reason).

Love me or hate me.... I enjoy it and i don't really care about the negative comments this thread may spawn.

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hi how much do ironing costs? i got charged 15baht for one business short sleeved shirt. not inc washing.

ironing is too hard for me, and only required on business clothes. how much for long sleeved shirts and pants u reckon?

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well respected TV member Naam would know.You seem to have a few things in common.

the OP did not really specify his requirements that's why i try to cover all eventualities.

-a cook for tasks which i don't have to specify (min 8 years experience preferably with diplomats)

-a maid for day-to-day housekeeping and laundry

-a batman for polishing his shoes, filling up his hip flask when going to the beach and/or serving drinks at home

-a masseuse or depending on personal inclination a masseur

-a gardener for lawn, bushes and trees who can start and operate a lawn mower

-a gardener for his orchid house (min B.Sc. Biology)

-a driver for his Bentley (assuming he drives the Ferrari himself)

-a handyman (M.Sc. mech. eng.) for small house maintenance

-a doghandler

-a butler who handles all the servants

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It's hard to get motivated here as labor is sooooo cheap. We have a couple that take care of the pool, garden (here every day), laundry, ironing, cleaning inside 2 times per week and outside patio/etc one extra time per week. The inside cleaning is pretty much an all day job as they do windows, wipe down all the wood, laundry, dishes, etc. If I need something extra done...like plant a few plants...he is right on it. We pay him a bit extra for stuff like that. If we have a party, they come after and help clean up...as well as help get everything ready. Paradise.

Tough to beat and for sure worth the money. Many in our moo baan have live in maids. We prefer not to, just having them come when they need to do something. Several others have maids come in 5-6 days a week for 6-8 hours. I think the going rate here for a full time maid is about 6k or so per month.

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Labour is cheap in Thailand, always has been (relative to the West of course), but it’s nonsense to imagine that “cheap” equates to “good” or “desirable” – even less does it in any way remove the general cares of life here.

40 years ago I came here, unmarried, and, like the OP, had no real problems with money. I hired a “Mae Baan” – NOT a Maid - she was responsible for everything in the home (apart from Shopping, at that time many “Mae Baan” were given the right to sign Bills at Underground Store and, later, Villa but I was never comfortable with that). She was an excellent cook, and could cater, alone, for a Dinner Party of 8 – sometimes even more. She would wash up afterwards without getting a single chip in Waterford Crystal or Doulton China. A great laundrywoman and so on and handled the various repairmen who had to come to fix stuff around the Apartment from time to time.

The “Mae Baan” type no longer exists; as a live in, even just a day Maid, you will get some woman from the boondocks whom you cannot trust at all. After my original “Mae Baan” retired I tried a succession of Maids, the result is I have a full Dining Set for 8 as opposed to the original 12 – and possess the only “brushed Silver” cutlery in Thailand as a consequence of a Maids belief that Brillo Pads can clean everything.

I have a fairly large house here in Bangkok but now would never countenance having a Maid – I can come home after work or after an evening out, leave my wallet and other valuables on my bedside table and never have to worry that I am putting temptation in the way of someone who has financial stress – whatever.

The only essential for me is a Driver, and my present chap has been with me for 5 years or so, he does general tidying up in the garden but that’s it, no access at all to the house.

And please don’t get me started on Nigerian Maids, Drivers, Security Guards etc. etc.!!


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Agree with posters above : a housekeeper and, if you live in Bangkok, a driver is a must. Think of how many hours you waste stuck in traffic jams, it's much more profitable for everybody for you to work on the back seat and let someone else do the driving.

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well respected TV member Naam would know.You seem to have a few things in common.

the OP did not really specify his requirements that's why i try to cover all eventualities.

-a cook for tasks which i don't have to specify (min 8 years experience preferably with diplomats)

-a maid for day-to-day housekeeping and laundry

-a batman for polishing his shoes, filling up his hip flask when going to the beach and/or serving drinks at home

-a masseuse or depending on personal inclination a masseur

-a gardener for lawn, bushes and trees who can start and operate a lawn mower

-a gardener for his orchid house (min B.Sc. Biology)

-a driver for his Bentley (assuming he drives the Ferrari himself)

-a handyman (M.Sc. mech. eng.) for small house maintenance

-a dog handler

-a butler who handles all the servants

You forgot the gardener must speak 3 languages. :huh:

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well respected TV member Naam would know.You seem to have a few things in common.

the OP did not really specify his requirements that's why i try to cover all eventualities.

-a cook for tasks which i don't have to specify (min 8 years experience preferably with diplomats)

-a maid for day-to-day housekeeping and laundry

-a batman for polishing his shoes, filling up his hip flask when going to the beach and/or serving drinks at home

-a masseuse or depending on personal inclination a masseur

-a gardener for lawn, bushes and trees who can start and operate a lawn mower

-a gardener for his orchid house (min B.Sc. Biology)

-a driver for his Bentley (assuming he drives the Ferrari himself)

-a handyman (M.Sc. mech. eng.) for small house maintenance

-a doghandler

-a butler who handles all the servants

Yes. The ultimate in independence, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance.

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well respected TV member Naam would know.You seem to have a few things in common.

the OP did not really specify his requirements that's why i try to cover all eventualities.

-a cook for tasks which i don't have to specify (min 8 years experience preferably with diplomats)

-a maid for day-to-day housekeeping and laundry

-a batman for polishing his shoes, filling up his hip flask when going to the beach and/or serving drinks at home

-a masseuse or depending on personal inclination a masseur

-a gardener for lawn, bushes and trees who can start and operate a lawn mower

-a gardener for his orchid house (min B.Sc. Biology)

-a driver for his Bentley (assuming he drives the Ferrari himself)

-a handyman (M.Sc. mech. eng.) for small house maintenance

-a doghandler

-a butler who handles all the servants

You forgot someone to peel the grapes.

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-a gardener for lawn, bushes and trees who can start and operate a lawn mower

-a gardener for his orchid house (min B.Sc. Biology)

Bilingual, trilingual or multilingual? Please enlighten us of the linguistic abilities required!
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well respected TV member Naam would know.You seem to have a few things in common.

Make sure that your gardener speaks at least three languages and gives you lucrative stock market tips. That is part of the service.

And another one...

If anything, the guiding principle here should be that the gardener speaks so many languages you forget to keep track of how many it is when you brag about it on TV - that way you look really credible.

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We have an excellent maid and she do almost everything, cleaning the house-laundry, take care of our son as necessary and the garden/dogs too when we go North for visiting family. 7K bath pr month which I find very fair.

She works 5 days a week and don't do like 8-17 but more like as necessary.

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Where I can see that no one is really serious about this subject is nobody is talking about training and background. There is a big difference between an english butler and a cheap burmese maid.

As I said a minimum is a housekeeper and a driver.

For the driver I prefer an ex policeman with a gun license, for obvious reasons. The housekeeper needs to have certificates from a reputable Swizz institution and, to answer worries about home invasion, a six month training in self defense by a Mossad certified organization.

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well respected TV member Naam would know.You seem to have a few things in common.

the OP did not really specify his requirements that's why i try to cover all eventualities.

-a cook for tasks which i don't have to specify (min 8 years experience preferably with diplomats)

-a maid for day-to-day housekeeping and laundry

-a batman for polishing his shoes, filling up his hip flask when going to the beach and/or serving drinks at home

-a masseuse or depending on personal inclination a masseur

-a gardener for lawn, bushes and trees who can start and operate a lawn mower

-a gardener for his orchid house (min B.Sc. Biology)

-a driver for his Bentley (assuming he drives the Ferrari himself)

-a handyman (M.Sc. mech. eng.) for small house maintenance

-a dog handler

-a butler who handles all the servants

You forgot the gardener must speak 3 languages. :huh:

Also fogot to mention Prongs. tongs. folks, stepladder, hoist at those special times when many of us need that little bit of extra bit of extta assistance !

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Colonialism isn't dead.

Apparently not, these people make me sick

Me too, but I would probably feel better about it if I could afford to hire a few servants myself. :huh:

Does one not have a man to deal with that sort of thing? One can scarcely imagine hiring one's own servants. That's what the butler is for, surely?

I am surprised at how many people on TV seem to have sensitive stomachs...


Edit: I suppose "green with envy" would have been less ambiguous than 'sick'

Edited by StreetCowboy
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