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How Old Is Too Old To Become A Dad?


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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

Just because its Pattaya - the parents won't be good ones? I think you should meet the families here before making that sort of a comment.

Edited by aussiechick
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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

Agreed absolute maximum of 50

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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

Just because its Pattaya - the parents won't be good ones? I think you should meet the families here before making that sort of a comment.

Have seen them in Pattaya wondering around Carrefour....Daddy greater than 65....wifie 20 and little sprog 6 months old.....all rather sad....would suggest to me the foundations of a disfunctional family.....:rolleyes:

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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

Scathing generalisation..

Would you care to support that statement with fact.. or even an opinion as to why this should be the case.

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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

Scathing generalisation..

Would you care to support that statement with fact.. or even an opinion as to why this should be the case.

OK - 93% of foreign males go to Pattaya for sex with prostitutes. If they find a wife there, what odds would you give of her not being a prostitute? As one post stated - many of the guys are old and women young.Do you think the father will be around when the kids are teenagers? etc etc bloody obvious mate.

No offence if you are one of the 7%.

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courtesy George & Ira Geshwin and DuBose Hayward

It Ain't Necessarily So [Porgy and Bess] 1935

Methus'lah lived nine hundred years

Methus'lah lived nine hundred years

But who calls dat livin' when no gal'll give in

To no man what's nine hundred years

Edited by jazzbo
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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

Scathing generalisation..

Would you care to support that statement with fact.. or even an opinion as to why this should be the case.

OK - 93% of foreign males go to Pattaya for sex with prostitutes. If they find a wife there, what odds would you give of her not being a prostitute? As one post stated - many of the guys are old and women young.Do you think the father will be around when the kids are teenagers? etc etc bloody obvious mate.

No offence if you are one of the 7%.

A much better effort 8/10 :clap2:.

No - I am in the 93% and considering whether to fertilise my whore next year.

I must admit that the thought of any son of mine being rogered in Boyztown does not have a great degree of appeal.

Perhaps I will re-think my strategy :ermm:

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i've just turned 41 and had my second son last june and my wife and i have decided that we'll not be having more kids due to the age issue - i don't want to be worried about the issues of supporting and educating my kids much into my 60's.

time bloody flies!

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i am 43 now, but hope to try for my first child early next year with my wife - will need IVF.

my mum had me when she was 39, and i always thought, when growing up, her to be to old. i wished she was younger. so i will be at least 5 years older than my mum, when i hopefully have my own baby. so yes i think i am getting too old to have a baby, but i would dearly love a child. if it is meant to be, it will be.

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You are all youngsters. I had my first child (she's now 16 months old) at 58 years old (wife was then 35). Always wanted one but my first wife (married for over 30 years and together for 20 of those) did not for medical reasons.

My daughter is wonderful, my wife is a great mother and it's fantastic to have the time, money and energy to see her grow up in a secure and comfortable environment.

I have no problems if you think that is too old or disgusting or whatever. Thankfully there is no law against it and I plan on sticking around for a lot longer than the average western male (let alone Thai male) does in a relationship.

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You are all youngsters. I had my first child (she's now 16 months old) at 58 years old (wife was then 35). Always wanted one but my first wife (married for over 30 years and together for 20 of those) did not for medical reasons.

My daughter is wonderful, my wife is a great mother and it's fantastic to have the time, money and energy to see her grow up in a secure and comfortable environment.

I have no problems if you think that is too old or disgusting or whatever. Thankfully there is no law against it and I plan on sticking around for a lot longer than the average western male (let alone Thai male) does in a relationship.

Good stuff. :clap2:

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I fathered children at ages 30, 33, 42, 44 and 55

I'm on a roll and see no reason to stop now.

I didn't hang around to bring up any of the earlier 4, maybe 5th time lucky.

I have no problem fathering children and allowing other men to bring them up, it happens all over the world.

I'm also currently looking after another mans child, I don't see that as a problem either.

I also see no reason why women who have worked in the sex industry should not have children, just another business opportunity for the ladies.

Edited by LuckyLemon
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There is an active TV member in his 70s with two very young kids.

He still works in a high level job and has a sharper mind than 95% of members. Seems to be physically quite fit also. :jap:

(I'm not talking about Mark or Ian!)

Edited by Old Croc
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About 3 years ago...I underwent an operation at Bumrangrad Hospital in BKK, to get sperm from my tubes, rather than testicles.

IVF was in the wind..and a vasectomy a LONG time ago...was not likely to be reversible.


60,000 baht.


There are/were,to the best of my knowledge... 3 of my sperm in the fridge at the hospital.

(Or in somebody's coffee???)

THEN...a week or so after the op...there emerged new research which shows--not suggests--that old guy's sperm is VERY likely to produce kids with chromosome damage.

Now...I've also seen all the lovely kids with the stereotypical old fathers in Carefoo too.

So what?

According to available research...a significant number of those same kids will develop schizophrenia and other disesas...long after Paw has croaked.

In their late teens.

And maybe only the wife is available to handle the dreadful results.

The evidence is available to anyone who cares to Google "chromasome abnormalities in elderly men's sperm.'

FWIW...whereas 40 was considered an acceptable age for sperm donors...that age has been lowered to 35.

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grandparents are usually better at handling their grandkids because they have the kind of 2nd generation detachment that parents do not. they are also, if they are lucky, able to hand them back to the parents at the end of the day too, something which also inspires greater levels of tolerance :)

I've no problem with older men fathering kids with thai women, my only concern would be what financial protection they have put in place for their kids & wife should they pop their clog when the kids are still young. all nice & heartwarming to see an old codger tenderly attending his kids, not so much fun when they are left destitute when he isn't around. but then that should apply to alot of western parents raising kids in Thailand.

If Mr Boo was to leave this plain (god forbid) I would have no issue supporting myself & my son, I have a very well paid job & a British passport to fall back on. A lot of thai women married to western men do not have that kind of security so forward planning for the kids future at least should be considered imo.

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I'm not sure. For women nature automatically puts a stop to it at a relatively young age. I think it's important for children to have both their parents when they grow up so don't know about the dad, maybe not older than 50. That'd make him 70 when the kid turns 20, that's already a bit too old imo.

Certainly, if you need medical assistance to make it happen you should let it pass. Listen to what mother nature is trying to tell you. <_<

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About 3 years ago...I underwent an operation at Bumrangrad Hospital in BKK, to get sperm from my tubes, rather than testicles.

IVF was in the wind..and a vasectomy a LONG time ago...was not likely to be reversible.


60,000 baht.


There are/were,to the best of my knowledge... 3 of my sperm in the fridge at the hospital.

(Or in somebody's coffee???)

THEN...a week or so after the op...there emerged new research which shows--not suggests--that old guy's sperm is VERY likely to produce kids with chromosome damage.

Now...I've also seen all the lovely kids with the stereotypical old fathers in Carefoo too.

So what?

According to available research...a significant number of those same kids will develop schizophrenia and other disesas...long after Paw has croaked.

In their late teens.

And maybe only the wife is available to handle the dreadful results.

The evidence is available to anyone who cares to Google "chromasome abnormalities in elderly men's sperm.'

FWIW...whereas 40 was considered an acceptable age for sperm donors...that age has been lowered to 35.

Life is full of risks and the stuff you mention, and can happen to youngsters too. My wife's Thai friends have had to deal with many catastrofies, and NOT age related. :)

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grandparents are usually better at handling their grandkids because they have the kind of 2nd generation detachment that parents do not. they are also, if they are lucky, able to hand them back to the parents at the end of the day too, something which also inspires greater levels of tolerance :)

I've no problem with older men fathering kids with thai women, my only concern would be what financial protection they have put in place for their kids & wife should they pop their clog when the kids are still young. all nice & heartwarming to see an old codger tenderly attending his kids, not so much fun when they are left destitute when he isn't around. but then that should apply to alot of western parents raising kids in Thailand.

If Mr Boo was to leave this plain (god forbid) I would have no issue supporting myself & my son, I have a very well paid job & a British passport to fall back on. A lot of thai women married to western men do not have that kind of security so forward planning for the kids future at least should be considered imo.

I agree, age is not of real relevence as long as the points you state are met.

However, when my balls stop my knees from getting sunburnt I think I'll dismiss the option of children. :D

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grandparents are usually better at handling their grandkids because they have the kind of 2nd generation detachment that parents do not. they are also, if they are lucky, able to hand them back to the parents at the end of the day too, something which also inspires greater levels of tolerance :)

I've no problem with older men fathering kids with thai women, my only concern would be what financial protection they have put in place for their kids & wife should they pop their clog when the kids are still young. all nice & heartwarming to see an old codger tenderly attending his kids, not so much fun when they are left destitute when he isn't around. but then that should apply to alot of western parents raising kids in Thailand.

If Mr Boo was to leave this plain (god forbid) I would have no issue supporting myself & my son, I have a very well paid job & a British passport to fall back on. A lot of thai women married to western men do not have that kind of security so forward planning for the kids future at least should be considered imo.

I agree, age is not of real relevence as long as the points you state are met.

However, when my balls stop my knees from getting sunburnt I think I'll dismiss the option of children. :D

Or knee's rattling. :D

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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

Scathing generalisation..

Would you care to support that statement with fact.. or even an opinion as to why this should be the case.

OK - 93% of foreign males go to Pattaya for sex with prostitutes. If they find a wife there, what odds would you give of her not being a prostitute? As one post stated - many of the guys are old and women young.Do you think the father will be around when the kids are teenagers? etc etc bloody obvious mate.

No offence if you are one of the 7%.

Haven't been to Pattaya for many years so difficult for me to understand what it's like these days, well, probably not too difficult! But I'm curious, you say 93% of males...., is that a WAG or a fact and if the latter, comes from where? Just curious.

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I'm not sure. For women nature automatically puts a stop to it at a relatively young age. I think it's important for children to have both their parents when they grow up so don't know about the dad, maybe not older than 50. That'd make him 70 when the kid turns 20, that's already a bit too old imo.

Certainly, if you need medical assistance to make it happen you should let it pass. Listen to what mother nature is trying to tell you. <_<

some ppl need medical assistance.. spinal injury patients for one but if your talking about old age i agree..

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let's see....... young working man leaves home at 7am - returns - 7pm possible approx 2 hours a day with kids 5 days= 10 hours + weekends

Retired man in Thailand, can eat breakfast with and take kids to school....pick them up and say home by 4 pm = say 1 hour + 4 in the evening with kids 5 days = 25 hours + weekends

in addition working man 5 weeks holiday to spend with kids............................older man can spend all 12+ weeks with his kids when they have holiday

Conclusion if the older man spends 20 years he has the possibility to spend the equivalent of 40+ years with his children at the young man rate. Therefore the man at who has children at 20 will be 60 when he has spent the equivalent time with his children as the old man

But of course the children of the older man are unlikely to see Papa play football

Edit: clarity

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I wouldn't want kids over 40. Kids are hard work and I wouldn't have the same tolerance at 50 than I did at 30.

Pattaya Radio is hardly the place to have a serious discussion about children as most parents are not likely to be good ones.

Just because its Pattaya - the parents won't be good ones? I think you should meet the families here before making that sort of a comment.

Have seen them in Pattaya wondering around Carrefour....Daddy greater than 65....wifie 20 and little sprog 6 months old.....all rather sad....would suggest to me the foundations of a disfunctional family.....:rolleyes:

And you know they would be a dysfunctional family based on only their ages?

Frankly, seeing such a family walking by, I wouldn't begin to know if they were dysfunctional or not merely based on their respective ages. What if the young woman had a child too early due to immaturity, yet the man, who has already raised a family and has experience at it, helps the woman become a good mother and wife, and they learn to function well together. That sounds just as plausible as the assertion that they are "disfunctional" (sic).

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