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Goy (Mrs Hippo) has been suffering with an unknown stomach ailment for months resulting in a few hospital stays and no cure. It happened again last Friday but was given treatment and came home. On Saturday, it happened again so I took her into the hospital and just as we got into the emergency room, she arrested. She was revived there three times and was admitted to the ICU with the diagnosis of myocardial infarction and pulmonary oedema. During the day she was pronounced brain dead and also in renal failure; between first arrest and the one at 10:30pm on Sunday night had a total of 16 cardiac arrests. I had just got home and was called back in fearing the worst but she was still breathing. I told the doctor that enough was enough and if it happens again do not resuscitate She passed away at 0302am Monday morning.Heaven may have gained a star but I have lost my soul mate.

Nowwhat has this got to do with the Classified? Our lives were not governed by possessions, we led simple, quiet and fairly happy lives. I have not worked for a few years (older posters will remember why) and slowly sinking towards the poverty level but there was a light at the end of the tunnel! Goy’s dad had given her a nice plot of land and it had been sold, contracts drawn up and wast to finalised this week. Enough to buy a small house, possibly a small business and enough over to tide us over until my pension starts in about 2years time but… With Goy’s passing, I won’t profit from the sale – I will get nothing so where does that leave me? I literally have 3,000 Baht left to my name andthat won’t get me far! One of my daughters in the UK has the room to put me up so I am going back to the UK to start life again!”

We were not materialistic but, as you do, we accumulated a lot of stuff. PM me for the address ( Lat Phrao area Bangkok), come and rummage through the house and make me aoffer. If you have something specific in mind, again PM me, I may have it. I came here with just one suitcase and a flight bag and will be leaving the same way (plus one bike). I do not intend to keep much as I, once again, am forced to make a fresh start.

There's possibly lots of grammatical errors so, please, don't add to my troubles by pointing them out!

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Very sorry to hear about your loss.

Would love to help but have two small condos, and the missus loves to hoard things.

Can maybe ask around my office if you have a list of items of the things you wanna get rid of.

Once again sorry for the loss

Edited by beano2274
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Mr Hippo,

I am so sorry for your loss. I wanted to meet up with you for a ride so many times but something always turned up. I've sent you a PM, i hope i can help you out.


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