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Witness History As Prince William Ties The Knot With Kate Middleton


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A man after my own heart. No street parties around my neck of the woods. Mind you wait till Maggie shuffles off this mortal coil, now THAT will be one gig worth going to !!!

Yes, the economically-illiterate socialists, who made Britain such a hell-hole that some of them exiled to Thailand, will all be out celebrating when Margaret Thatcher dies. Just as well that they stayed away from this great event. Probably sulking over the New Labour PM snubs. Either that or it's signing-on day for most of the work-shy cretins.

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A man after my own heart. No street parties around my neck of the woods. Mind you wait till Maggie shuffles off this mortal coil, now THAT will be one gig worth going to !!!

Yes, the economically-illiterate socialists, who made Britain such a hell-hole that some of them exiled to Thailand, will all be out celebrating when Margaret Thatcher dies. Just as well that they stayed away from this great event. Probably sulking over the New Labour PM snubs. Either that or it's signing-on day for most of the work-shy cretins.

And on such a great day celebrating what you love about your country,you attack your compatriots who do not share your point of veiw.Do you not beleive in freedom of thought and expression,or are these values only applicable when they coincide with yours?

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Sorry to correct you but all white Aussies are immigrants.

And whether you agree with Royalty or not, as a spectacle no-one does it quite like the Brits.

What other nation could put on a royal wedding of such grandeur?

(Which other nations have a royal family, notice the Americans, Russians, French and others looking over the fence with envy...)

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A man after my own heart. No street parties around my neck of the woods. Mind you wait till Maggie shuffles off this mortal coil, now THAT will be one gig worth going to !!!

Yes, the economically-illiterate socialists, who made Britain such a hell-hole that some of them exiled to Thailand, will all be out celebrating when Margaret Thatcher dies. Just as well that they stayed away from this great event. Probably sulking over the New Labour PM snubs. Either that or it's signing-on day for most of the work-shy cretins.

And on such a great day celebrating what you love about your country,you attack your compatriots who do not share your point of veiw.Do you not beleive in freedom of thought and expression,or are these values only applicable when they coincide with yours?

Does freedom of thought not apply to me too, baboon? Does this freedom not imply my freedom to disagree too? Quite an ironic post, and user-name, if I may say so myself. Unbelievable.

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Yes, the economically-illiterate socialists, who made Britain such a hell-hole that some of them exiled to Thailand, will all be out celebrating when Margaret Thatcher dies. Just as well that they stayed away from this great event. Probably sulking over the New Labour PM snubs. Either that or it's signing-on day for most of the work-shy cretins.

And on such a great day celebrating what you love about your country,you attack your compatriots who do not share your point of veiw.Do you not beleive in freedom of thought and expression,or are these values only applicable when they coincide with yours?

Does freedom of thought not apply to me too, baboon? Does this freedom not imply my freedom to disagree too? Quite an ironic post, and user-name, if I may say so myself. Unbelievable.

Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom to insult. Mind you, some seem to like to escape from it all and even make a profession out of it ;)

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A radio station conducted a survey in Australia some years ago asking people who the lady was in a photo (queen lizy) .From memory i think less than 25% recognised her. The only reason why they still have that silly family is to keep England's miserable economy ticking over'.

Who cares ?

I care! And the answer to your absurd question is in your absurd post...the world cares...and that's what keeps our so called miserable economy 'ticking over'...amongst many other things.

Like others have said Australia voted to keep the Queen as head of state (or similar) not so many years ago...maybe the near 25 % that had the intelligence to recognise the Queen voted and the remaining 75% failed to vote due to their total ignorance of local and world affairs...or possibly did not know how to vote??

If you had called the Royal Thai family 'silly' on this forum your post would have been removed. But call the British Royal family 'silly' and no probem.

Let us see if by inferring that 75% of ozzies(Aborigines excepted of course) 'maybe ignorant or silly' as your post seems to confirm .... if my post is removed?

Edited by brizzle
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Yes, the economically-illiterate socialists, who made Britain such a hell-hole that some of them exiled to Thailand, will all be out celebrating when Margaret Thatcher dies. Just as well that they stayed away from this great event. Probably sulking over the New Labour PM snubs. Either that or it's signing-on day for most of the work-shy cretins.

And on such a great day celebrating what you love about your country,you attack your compatriots who do not share your point of veiw.Do you not beleive in freedom of thought and expression,or are these values only applicable when they coincide with yours?

Does freedom of thought not apply to me too, baboon? Does this freedom not imply my freedom to disagree too? Quite an ironic post, and user-name, if I may say so myself. Unbelievable.

Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom to insult. Mind you, some seem to like to escape from it all and even make a profession out of it

The good thing about being "insulted" is that we can be "insulted" whenever someone says something we don't like. It's a simple abuse of politeness etiquette which often closes down dissent. Royal-hating British leftists have been using it for many years now. On that note, given that you appear to have overlooked the cretinous comments pertaining to Margaret Thatcher's death, I take it that you are in the 'dance on Thatcher's grave' brigade too? No wonder you see my reproof as an "insult". Better luck with that antic next time.
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Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom to insult. Mind you, some seem to like to escape from it all and even make a profession out of it

The good thing about being "insulted" is that we can be "insulted" whenever someone says something we don't like. It's a simple abuse of politeness etiquette which often closes down dissent. Royal-hating British leftists have been using it for many years now. On that note, given that you appear to have overlooked the cretinous comments pertaining to Margaret Thatcher's death, I take it that you are in the 'dance on Thatcher's grave' brigade too? No wonder you see my reproof as an "insult". Better luck with that antic next time.

Being Dutch I would almost say I couldn't care less. Dear Maggie had her distractors, just like the Royal Family. I'm not trying to escape from it all though, just offering some well-meaning, unwanted advise as you should count on and are entitled to expect from your local Dutch uncle :)

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A man after my own heart. No street parties around my neck of the woods. Mind you wait till Maggie shuffles off this mortal coil, now THAT will be one gig worth going to !!!

Yes, the economically-illiterate socialists, who made Britain such a hell-hole that some of them exiled to Thailand, will all be out celebrating when Margaret Thatcher dies. Just as well that they stayed away from this great event. Probably sulking over the New Labour PM snubs. Either that or it's signing-on day for most of the work-shy cretins.

And on such a great day celebrating what you love about your country,you attack your compatriots who do not share your point of veiw.Do you not beleive in freedom of thought and expression,or are these values only applicable when they coincide with yours?

Does freedom of thought not apply to me too, baboon? Does this freedom not imply my freedom to disagree too? Quite an ironic post, and user-name, if I may say so myself. Unbelievable.

Well yes,of course it does but your previous post was the one making assertions towards those who disagree with you.Why are you so angry?I bear no ill will towards yourself....

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Being Dutch I would almost say I couldn't care less. Dear Maggie had her distractors, just like the Royal Family. I'm not trying to escape from it all though, just offering some well-meaning, unwanted advise as you should count on and are entitled to expect from your local Dutch uncle

I'm sorry, Dutch uncle, but please forgive your British nephew for ignoring your wonderful "advice". Please feel free to use part of my user-name in your response - I haven't noticed how clever you are yet. Hope you enjoyed the wedding as much as I did.

P.S. Don't take it personally, I enjoy the cut and thrust!

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more fodder for the British press, another member of the most disfunctional family in the UK. 4 kids 3 divorced, adultry, living in sin, voyerism sounds like corrie, or something from Shamless series. £20 million in security costs, why dont they pick up the tab.

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And on such a great day celebrating what you love about your country,you attack your compatriots who do not share your point of veiw.Do you not beleive in freedom of thought and expression,or are these values only applicable when they coincide with yours?

Does freedom of thought not apply to me too, baboon? Does this freedom not imply my freedom to disagree too? Quite an ironic post, and user-name, if I may say so myself. Unbelievable.

Well yes,of course it does but your previous post was the one making assertions towards those who disagree with you.Why are you so angry?I bear no ill will towards yourself....

You're right, baboon, I really should have joined in with roamer's Thatcher's death celebrations. I've even admitted to enjoying the wedding too. My apologies for being such a bad lefty. I must try harder!
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Being Dutch I would almost say I couldn't care less. Dear Maggie had her distractors, just like the Royal Family. I'm not trying to escape from it all though, just offering some well-meaning, unwanted advise as you should count on and are entitled to expect from your local Dutch uncle

I'm sorry, Dutch uncle, but please forgive your British nephew for ignoring your wonderful "advice". Please feel free to use part of my user-name in your response - I haven't noticed how clever you are yet. Hope you enjoyed the wedding as much as I did.

P.S. Don't take it personally, I enjoy the cut and thrust!

I haven't look at any of it. Mind you when H.M. Queen Beatrix came to Thailand on a Royal State Visit in 2004 I jumped to the opportunity given to the Dutch community here to shake hands.

As for Anglo-Dutch animosity, just like brethren quarreling. When necessary we united to beat the common adversary. Mind you, I'm still proud of William of Orange who was the last to succesfully invade and conquer Britain (even though he was invited to do so) ;)

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Being Dutch I would almost say I couldn't care less. Dear Maggie had her distractors, just like the Royal Family. I'm not trying to escape from it all though, just offering some well-meaning, unwanted advise as you should count on and are entitled to expect from your local Dutch uncle

I'm sorry, Dutch uncle, but please forgive your British nephew for ignoring your wonderful "advice". Please feel free to use part of my user-name in your response - I haven't noticed how clever you are yet. Hope you enjoyed the wedding as much as I did.

P.S. Don't take it personally, I enjoy the cut and thrust!

I haven't look at any of it. Mind you when H.M. Queen Beatrix came to Thailand on a Royal State Visit in 2004 I jumped to the opportunity given to the Dutch community here to shake hands.

As for Anglo-Dutch animosity, just like brethren quarreling. When necessary we united to beat the common adversary. Mind you, I'm still proud of William of Orange who was the last to succesfully invade and conquer Britain (even though he was invited to do so)

I forgot that you guys have royalty too. Given the celebrity status of royals these days, I have an idea for a royal version of the TV show "Gladiators". It would be good to see the Brits and Dutch royals pummelling each other with giant cotton buds and so on. I wouldn't like to bet on the winning family but I've learned the hard way never to suggest such an idea to an educated Thai woman - even as a joke!
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What other nation could put on a royal wedding of such grandeur?

There aren't too many countries with which to compare as not many countries take royalty seriously these days. I'm sure Thailand could easily compete with Britain for grandeur.

Not that this indicates wedding splendor, but just to chop you guys down to size a bit - QEII is only the 12th richest monarch in the world. Thailand has the richest by a very big margin over number 2 and 54 times richer than QEII.

Edited by tropo
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I forgot that you guys have royalty too. Given the celebrity status of royals these days, I have an idea for a royal version of the TV show "Gladiators". It would be good to see the Brits and Dutch royals pummelling each other with giant cotton buds and so on. I wouldn't like to bet on the winning family but I've learned the hard way never to suggest such an idea to an educated Thai woman - even as a joke!

As the Dutch Queen was on a State Visit she was a personal guest of H.M. the King. This complete with yellow rolls, security, etc., etc. The Thai security people were really nervous, they weren't used to common people shaking hands with Royalty. Q. Beatric even 'mingled' with the guests, oh horror ;)

The Dutch Crown Prince Willian has a tall, solid figure. I was joking with some guys that we could take him to soi Cowboy and no-one would recognize him. My wife was impressed though, all of her 155 centimeters. Luckily he's married with three daughters :)

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Good luck to them both but i just don't get it. Will have to miss this one as i have paint drying.

Yep Euros are supposed to be sophisticated aren't they? I can't see how elevating ANY body above yourself or anyone else just because of some birth right that was bestowed upon them by other aristocrats several hundred years ago is sophisticated in any way in the 21st century.. Long past time to get over themselves IMO..

What's even worse is that the wealth and power they achieved came through less then moral means over the history of numerous questionable monarchs..The plot is lost in this day and age..

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Yep Euros are supposed to be sophisticated aren't they? I can't see how elevating ANY body above yourself or anyone else just because of some birth right that was bestowed upon them by other aristocrats several hundred years ago is sophisticated in any way in the 21st century.. Long past time to get over themselves IMO..

What's even worse is that the wealth and power they achieved came through less then moral means over the history of numerous questionable monarchs..The plot is lost in this day and age..

There's some truth in that. On the other hand I rather have some royalty with understanding of 'noblesse oblige' than a few billionairs or movie stars without any manners or sense of obligation. The plot is diminishing maybe, but certainly not lost :ermm:

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Yep Euros are supposed to be sophisticated aren't they? I can't see how elevating ANY body above yourself or anyone else just because of some birth right that was bestowed upon them by other aristocrats several hundred years ago is sophisticated in any way in the 21st century.. Long past time to get over themselves IMO..

What's even worse is that the wealth and power they achieved came through less then moral means over the history of numerous questionable monarchs..The plot is lost in this day and age..

There's some truth in that. On the other hand I rather have some royalty with understanding of 'noblesse oblige' than a few billionairs or movie stars without any manners or sense of obligation. The plot is diminishing maybe, but certainly not lost :ermm:

I guess I should have said the plot should be lost in this day and age..At least those actors actresses, footie players or whatever have earned the money and status they have by entertaining the public who if they don't wish to pay the money can choose not to..

Besides they're people, we only tend to elevate them up on pedestals to star status and expect them to be beyond reproach and our role models but that ain't what they signed on for it's a false title..

It's just holding on to some romantic childhood fantasy you read in children's books..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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A radio station conducted a survey in Australia some years ago asking people who the lady was in a photo (queen lizy) .From memory i think less than 25% recognised her. The only reason why they still have that silly family is to keep England's miserable economy ticking over'.

Who cares ?

Wasnt there a vote on whether to keep the monarchy or not about 10 years ago in Australia and the majority voted in favour?

A slim majority by way of a tricked up referendum and that was close to 10 year ago.

I, like many others of the 'minority' can't wait for the day to be rid of the yolk.

Get the jack mate!

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The whole event does stir some residual national pride. Best wishes to them both and I hope the weather stays good too!

Maybe for the Brits but we Aussies blokes couldn't really care less about a couple of people on the other side of the world getting married. We will still be watching the Aussie footy. I wouldn't have even been at my own wedding if I didn't have to.

According to the news reports the Australian "tune in" numbers were astonishing, the numbers of people tuning into watch the royal wedding meant that Friday night football watching numbers were resigned to last place, really!

Like I said Aussie blokes don't grab a box tissues and sit around watching people getting married having a cry over true love. T,V sets tuned in maybe with women sitting around crying but the blokes would have been out in the shed with a slab tuned into the radio listening to the footy. The wedding of a couple of british people was screened on every bloody channel giving people absolutely no choice so I guess the figures of women watching were high. The only guys watching would have been doing it out of duress. Thank god for satellite T.V where we could watch Football. It was just two people getting married nothing interesting or entertaining.

Spot on knackers,

Nothing better than footy on the radio when the 'charlie wheelers' have taken over the tube.

A bunch of mates,esky full of beers and the fire belting it out.

Good times.

And the 'navy blues' broke the curse.

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A radio station conducted a survey in Australia some years ago asking people who the lady was in a photo (queen lizy) .From memory i think less than 25% recognised her. The only reason why they still have that silly family is to keep England's miserable economy ticking over'.

Who cares ?

I care! And the answer to your absurd question is in your absurd post...the world cares...and that's what keeps our so called miserable economy 'ticking over'...amongst many other things.

Like others have said Australia voted to keep the Queen as head of state (or similar) not so many years ago...maybe the near 25 % that had the intelligence to recognise the Queen voted and the remaining 75% failed to vote due to their total ignorance of local and world affairs...or possibly did not know how to vote??

If you had called the Royal Thai family 'silly' on this forum your post would have been removed. But call the British Royal family 'silly' and no probem.

Let us see if by inferring that 75% of ozzies(Aborigines excepted of course) 'maybe ignorant or silly' as your post seems to confirm .... if my post is removed?

Different kettle of fish altogether and a somewhat naive comment to come out with.

This is not the place for discussion for the Thai Royal Family other than to say they are loved and revered by the overwhelming majority of Thais. The King is seen as the spiritual leader of the people.

As has already been commented upon, the wedding did not attract the interest of the majority of Brits. I suspect a lot of Brits are pretty much like myself, not really caring much about the British Royal Family. Keep them in place to keep the tourists happy and have high profile days like today. As far as genuine love and adoration goes......no way.

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Am I the only one who is really not interested in the whole thing?

De javu perhaps or was it only yesterday that a fuss was being made about one Diana and a proper Charlie, the one who loved the camelion but accepted the advice to keep quiet about his true love for the sake of siring kids for the nation. Job done return to Camelion and talking to trees about carbuncles.

So, having never loved her, we have a state wedding, a bit like this one due today, where Briton's finest morons camp on pavements or glue themselves to TVs or hold stret parties with neighbours they've spent the last two decades fighting over leylandi with and will again come Saturday. Pockets emptied by buying plates with the happy couple on them. Plates that will later rather than sooner see a ham sandwich and a car boot. Muge too. There are a lot of mugs right now.

Kate believes she is destined for this Royal tunnel of love, whereas Diana was just destined for a tunnel. But then I don't expect the morons who worshipped her ever wanted to see that she was little other than a highly manipulative bitch who used the Press to attack the dysfunctional family she was married into. Let's just consider the in laws for a mo then: many of the good ones have died off. Princess Margaret who apparently had a ponchon for shagging any bit of rough she could find, and that included ex-criminals. Good old Philip who would consider all Thais just part of the slanty eyed Chinks he describes the Chinese as. Edward the frightened, no right to wear a uniform, gay embarrassment. Andrew the divorced work shy bumbler. His better half who at least did it for the money [ ask any paying US TV station.] Ann who at least is thankfully like her mother and so does her bit, shuts up and goes home. Harry and Wills who despite trying to be themselves have been sucked into and at least one is to be spat out of the Royal machine and confined to a life time of waving from cars. It's what his right hand is for. Kate's too from today.

Interested? Well it's certainly not interesting unless you've been lobotomised, like reading Jeffrey Archer, voted Tory and believe the Thatcher years were the good old days, coming from Watford you supported Man U claiming to be a life long fan who moved South as a lad when your dad up sticks from his Strafford window cleaning round, changed for Chelsea under Vialli and now claim to be an ardent Man City fan as they are in the Cup Final next month but are considering a quick reversal since the 2-0 against Shalke and Fergie forcing another Euro victory; have a Thai wife who is 'not like that' and you describe her as 'a good one' and explain you met at a fauna and flora demonstration you happened to visit in Chiang Mai and she was also on the coach, you just got talking etc.; and not having met her anywhere near the Mai lu See bar on Soi LK metro after she'd finsihed her pole stint [ the Pole in question being a cocaine selling 27 year old ex-pat ex-con who flogged real estate fronting a Russian mafia money laundering go-go bar scam, where you paid the bar fine but couldn't remember much else about the night other than your clothes were missing and she'd taken everything to laundry but not your wallet to the cleaners, it was love then; spend your days moping around Malls as she does the shopping, drinking coffee which she tops up with coffee mate that she sniffs up her nose, need to lose at least two stone, have bad breath and are basically amoral and cowardly, desiring only to conform, be liked and fit in. So far you've avoided selling your mother's house to pay for the life style but are making enquiries as her birthday is coming up.

Hence, no BBC TV for at least 48 hours and even then only turn on for the football.

I'd rather eat som tam poo parah and spend the night vomiting than be force fed mindless banal commentary describing flags, horses, crowds, the dress and cheering. It is a meaningless nothingness that satisfies the hungry and need only of the hungry and needy. Do I know who Jordan is? No. Do I care about who is seeing Rhiana? No. Do I need to know 25 cars that stars drive? No. Do I follow the East Enders star who wants to be in Corrie [ what is a Corrie] ? No. I have heard of the North star but couldn't point it out.

In short, if your life is so empty it needs filling with celebrity pap, mindless dross, sugar coated fawning, adoration and psychofantic action - then try twisting the top off a large bottle of valium along with that of scotch, taking a razor to a vein or a step off the balcony ala Pattaya style . Better to end it then.

To borrow a line .................................. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. Rusty ones with barbs.

Get the picture?

Amusing Satirical Post, Housepainter, and to be fair, very accurate!

But did you really have to feed the Anti Brit Trolls on Tv? we get enough C**P thrown at us, without rattling their embittered cages.

As you well know, we normally keep this kind of talk, for amusement down at our respective locals, or workplace, and just for us.

A Good Post though, but you forgot to mention the main damage Fergie did, and the antics of those in a similar position in other Countries, and what they get up to.

And also, a better system than a Dictator Posing as a Politician, one of which you have already mentioned.

Scandals of a similar nature, and worse, happen Worldwide, it's just that the UK is more open to: Transparency, and Public Scrutiny by a Free Press, and has Freedom of speech.

Now off to the Tower with you! :)

Edited by MAJIC
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Am I the only one who is really not interested in the whole thing?

De javu perhaps or was it only yesterday that a fuss was being made about one Diana and a proper Charlie, the one who loved the camelion but accepted the advice to keep quiet about his true love for the sake of siring kids for the nation. Job done return to Camelion and talking to trees about carbuncles.

So, having never loved her, we have a state wedding, a bit like this one due today, where Briton's finest morons camp on pavements or glue themselves to TVs or hold stret parties with neighbours they've spent the last two decades fighting over leylandi with and will again come Saturday. Pockets emptied by buying plates with the happy couple on them. Plates that will later rather than sooner see a ham sandwich and a car boot. Muge too. There are a lot of mugs right now.

Kate believes she is destined for this Royal tunnel of love, whereas Diana was just destined for a tunnel. But then I don't expect the morons who worshipped her ever wanted to see that she was little other than a highly manipulative bitch who used the Press to attack the dysfunctional family she was married into. Let's just consider the in laws for a mo then: many of the good ones have died off. Princess Margaret who apparently had a ponchon for shagging any bit of rough she could find, and that included ex-criminals. Good old Philip who would consider all Thais just part of the slanty eyed Chinks he describes the Chinese as. Edward the frightened, no right to wear a uniform, gay embarrassment. Andrew the divorced work shy bumbler. His better half who at least did it for the money [ ask any paying US TV station.] Ann who at least is thankfully like her mother and so does her bit, shuts up and goes home. Harry and Wills who despite trying to be themselves have been sucked into and at least one is to be spat out of the Royal machine and confined to a life time of waving from cars. It's what his right hand is for. Kate's too from today.

Interested? Well it's certainly not interesting unless you've been lobotomised, like reading Jeffrey Archer, voted Tory and believe the Thatcher years were the good old days, coming from Watford you supported Man U claiming to be a life long fan who moved South as a lad when your dad up sticks from his Strafford window cleaning round, changed for Chelsea under Vialli and now claim to be an ardent Man City fan as they are in the Cup Final next month but are considering a quick reversal since the 2-0 against Shalke and Fergie forcing another Euro victory; have a Thai wife who is 'not like that' and you describe her as 'a good one' and explain you met at a fauna and flora demonstration you happened to visit in Chiang Mai and she was also on the coach, you just got talking etc.; and not having met her anywhere near the Mai lu See bar on Soi LK metro after she'd finsihed her pole stint [ the Pole in question being a cocaine selling 27 year old ex-pat ex-con who flogged real estate fronting a Russian mafia money laundering go-go bar scam, where you paid the bar fine but couldn't remember much else about the night other than your clothes were missing and she'd taken everything to laundry but not your wallet to the cleaners, it was love then; spend your days moping around Malls as she does the shopping, drinking coffee which she tops up with coffee mate that she sniffs up her nose, need to lose at least two stone, have bad breath and are basically amoral and cowardly, desiring only to conform, be liked and fit in. So far you've avoided selling your mother's house to pay for the life style but are making enquiries as her birthday is coming up.

Hence, no BBC TV for at least 48 hours and even then only turn on for the football.

I'd rather eat som tam poo parah and spend the night vomiting than be force fed mindless banal commentary describing flags, horses, crowds, the dress and cheering. It is a meaningless nothingness that satisfies the hungry and need only of the hungry and needy. Do I know who Jordan is? No. Do I care about who is seeing Rhiana? No. Do I need to know 25 cars that stars drive? No. Do I follow the East Enders star who wants to be in Corrie [ what is a Corrie] ? No. I have heard of the North star but couldn't point it out.

In short, if your life is so empty it needs filling with celebrity pap, mindless dross, sugar coated fawning, adoration and psychofantic action - then try twisting the top off a large bottle of valium along with that of scotch, taking a razor to a vein or a step off the balcony ala Pattaya style . Better to end it then.

To borrow a line .................................. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. Rusty ones with barbs.

Get the picture?

A man after my own heart. No street parties around my neck of the woods. Mind you wait till Maggie shuffles off this mortal coil, now THAT will be one gig worth going to !!!

Can't wait, I wouldnt miss it for the world!

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Absolutely amazing how many people have given up their time to participate in a thread which they say they have absolutely interest in and is both boring and non-eventful. If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious! :cheesy:

If only you could see yourselves as others reading this can see you, which is monotonous to the extreem.

If you have nothing better to do with your time than login to a forum and make comments on topics that arose no interest in you, then god only knows what you do when you've really got nothing to do or nowhere to go ;)

I wish Prince William and Kate Middleton all the very best on this very special day.


Thank you Drew Aitch for joining us and participating in this thread with us. :jap:

I think you have missed something Aitch,its one of the funniest Threads in ages.

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Wasnt there a vote on whether to keep the monarchy or not about 10 years ago in Australia and the majority voted in favour?

It's not that simple. The 'republic' referendum was a loaded proposal that politicians saw as an irresistible opportunity to grab more power. The majority of Australians probably want a republic, but they weren't going to let the politicians off their chains in exchange. People like to complain about the monarchy but fact is the system of government works, and works well.

Simple republic solution: Write the Queen out of the constitution and keep the Governor General as head of state, and everyone's powers exactly the same. We don't need to entertain silly proposals like "lets get rid of the senate".

How ungrateful can you Bar Stewards get? and after we Brits gave you your massive Continent for free! :);)

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