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Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House


  • Obama watched assault on compound housing bin Laden in real time
  • Compound was yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst' military academy
  • DNA tests 99.9 per cent certain man killed WAS Bin Laden
  • U.S. embassies on alert over Al Qaeda reprisal attacks
  • Obama and George W. Bush both declare: 'Justice has been done'

Full story and pictures: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1382859/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-photo-Obama-watching-Al-Qaeda-leader-die-live-TV.html

-- MailOnline 2011-05-03


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It's interesting that even in the one article two places are shown for the compound.

One that has been identified is at 34.146724 73.216390

and one referenced in the article is at 34.169471 73.242706 (this may be the right one)

- even more locations seem to be cropping up on Google Earth.

The school being referenced is (I believe) at 34.180796 73.249979


It's interesting that even in the one article two places are shown for the compound.

One that has been identified is at 34.146724 73.216390

and one referenced in the article is at 34.169471 73.242706 (this may be the right one)

- even more locations seem to be cropping up on Google Earth.

The school being referenced is (I believe) at 34.180796 73.249979

Yep thats the PMA (Pakistan Military Academy)

This puts the first compound mentioned is closer to the academy as reported, more like a kilometre than 500 metres but the second compound mentioned matches the media drawing more, although that was probably drawn from the google map. This one also has what appears to be a wire structure in the inner compound aimed to prevent helicopters landing, either that or its a big washing line.


somebody wanna bet, there will be nuclear attack in Europe soon ?

Media released news some 3 weeks ago, if Bin Laden will die, Al-Kaida will make nuclear attack in Europe. And he dies!

So, fellows, be prepared for big change. More big change, what happened after 11/9.

Enjoy while you can.


Don't mess about, release the videos and photos. Show us the money shot!

Not gonna do that as it also gives too much info on the tactics used..


somebody wanna bet, there will be nuclear attack in Europe soon ?

Media released news some 3 weeks ago, if Bin Laden will die, Al-Kaida will make nuclear attack in Europe. And he dies!

So, fellows, be prepared for big change. More big change, what happened after 11/9.

Enjoy while you can.

Did Jutaporn tell you that?

Maybe a nuclear weapon has been smuggled in, hidden in someone's shoe?


somebody wanna bet, there will be nuclear attack in Europe soon ?

Media released news some 3 weeks ago, if Bin Laden will die, Al-Kaida will make nuclear attack in Europe. And he dies!

So, fellows, be prepared for big change. More big change, what happened after 11/9.

Enjoy while you can.

Did Jutaporn tell you that?

Maybe a nuclear weapon has been smuggled in, hidden in someone's shoe?

If they had as much as a dirty bomb they would have already used it.

Not something you hang on to in case you get in the mood.

I think the tactics of 'in house room search are not so top secret,

Seen all the time on many movies.

The protected stuff would be access intelligence, and methods to get IN the house

quickly, quietly and to the point he was accurately.

The so called money shot is likely just a infrared red shot of him going down.

and some better lit shots of aftermath. And likely the interview with his wounded wife.


somebody wanna bet, there will be nuclear attack in Europe soon ?

Media released news some 3 weeks ago, if Bin Laden will die, Al-Kaida will make nuclear attack in Europe. And he dies!

So, fellows, be prepared for big change. More big change, what happened after 11/9.

Enjoy while you can.


never thought for a moment that there are people so easily led astray like this, still living in europe still. :unsure:

if we are so afraid, perhaps we ought to sign up and join them, don't you think? :rolleyes:

if we as individuals are not willing to protect our own country and liberty, who are we planning to blame for our own failure....?

can't blame bin any long, he is gone.

perhaps, we can heap on his side kick al-kaida and the likes. B)


I think to really settle everyones minds on this the World needs to see absolute proof of his death in seeing "ALL" pictures of this A-hole DEAD, why is the US Government trying to brush this aside :whistling: It isn't 100% true till I see for myself, and I don't mean the dubbed up PhotoShop copy zooming around the Internet :angry:


Republicans Demand Osama Bin Laden's Long Form Death Certificate

WASHINGTON - Immediately following the announcement by President Obama that Osama Bin Laden had been killed, Republicans around the nation demanded Bin Laden release his original long form death certificate.

"I'm not going to believe this until Bin Laden releases his official, bona-fide, long form death certificate," said Donald Trump.

The White House has already released Bin Laden's short form death certificate, however, many Republicans including Donald Trump are demanding that Bin Laden himself release the long form version to prove that he is in fact dead.



It was always only a matter of time and opportnity until they make a Hollywood version of "Who Dares Wins". "Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit"? A bit long, I think.

Is Chuck Norris too old to do it? Who do you think will get the starring role? Arnie? The Rock? Man, I'd love to cast that film - I'd get George W in a cameo.


I think to really settle everyones minds on this the World needs to see absolute proof of his death in seeing "ALL" pictures of this A-hole DEAD, why is the US Government trying to brush this aside :whistling: It isn't 100% true till I see for myself, and I don't mean the dubbed up PhotoShop copy zooming around the Internet :angry:


]I think they believe that publishing the soon to be most viewed (or so they say) picture in history will cause further unrest in a region that the Muslim Brotherhood has stirred up pretty good.


When news broke of his death the internet was ablaze with postings that they would never produce his body. I dismissed these as your usual crazies but then the next thing we hear is they have buried his body at sea. How very, very convenient.

We are told they did this to uphold the Muslim tradition about burying their dead within 24 hours. They also did not want to offend the Muslims <deleted>!!!!!

This is the worlds most wanted terrorist who is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children.A man who promoted the beheading of innocent prisoners and posting the videos on the internet and here we have the USA treating the guy with the respect of a head of state. :o

The whole thing stinks ! :sorry:


When news broke of his death the internet was ablaze with postings that they would never produce his body. I dismissed these as your usual crazies but then the next thing we hear is they have buried his body at sea. How very, very convenient.

We are told they did this to uphold the Muslim tradition about burying their dead within 24 hours. They also did not want to offend the Muslims <deleted>!!!!!

This is the worlds most wanted terrorist who is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children.A man who promoted the beheading of innocent prisoners and posting the videos on the internet and here we have the USA treating the guy with the respect of a head of state. :o

The whole thing stinks ! :sorry:

No, it was done with a great deal of thought. The Americans disposed of the body in a manner to eliminate people moaning and groaning over the corpse. No martyr site and a great deal of care for muslim sensitivities. The dead body once identified was no longer needed. It wasn't a war souvenir to be dragged about. They did the right thing in disposing of the corpse.


When news broke of his death the internet was ablaze with postings that they would never produce his body. I dismissed these as your usual crazies but then the next thing we hear is they have buried his body at sea. How very, very convenient.

We are told they did this to uphold the Muslim tradition about burying their dead within 24 hours. They also did not want to offend the Muslims <deleted>!!!!!

This is the worlds most wanted terrorist who is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children.A man who promoted the beheading of innocent prisoners and posting the videos on the internet and here we have the USA treating the guy with the respect of a head of state. :o

The whole thing stinks ! :sorry:

No, it was done with a great deal of thought. The Americans disposed of the body in a manner to eliminate people moaning and groaning over the corpse. No martyr site and a great deal of care for muslim sensitivities. The dead body once identified was no longer needed. It wasn't a war souvenir to be dragged about. They did the right thing in disposing of the corpse.

We are told they disposed od the body, DID THEY ???....after I.D. photo, getting him out to a body of people to verify, then flown where to ???? then the dumping into What sea ?? all within 24 hours ??? Pakistan is not exactly the same as Cyprus !!! I have an Idea he is in a freezer somewhere, will want the remains for any future doubt.


a great deal of care for muslim sensitivities.

I laughed when I read of the statement that they held an Islamic funeral on the way. What a joke!

They did the right thing in disposing of the corpse.

Disposed of a body like mafia hitmen it seems. I presume that they tied weights to his feet and arms so that the body does not float around and end up getting washed up on a beach.


I presume that they tied weights to his feet and arms so that the body does not float around and end up getting washed up on a beach.

Actually, they rubbed his body in pork fat to attract sharks - no need for weights. ;)


I presume that they tied weights to his feet and arms so that the body does not float around and end up getting washed up on a beach.

Actually, they rubbed his body in pork fat to attract sharks - no need for weights. ;)

Although many would not argue with that, the US did what it's enemies don't. Respect the dead. Not drag them through the streets or mutilate the body. Not a bad thing....

edit: yes, the bag was weighted...


the US did what it's enemies don't. Respect the dead. Not drag them through the streets or mutilate the body. Not a bad thing....

How do you know? I wouldn't be surprised to hear that his body was mutilated beyond recognition (maybe that's why they don't want to show the photos). Soldiers get up to all kinds of mischief and are desensitized from seeing dead bodies. With a "person" as much hated as Osama Bin Laden, I'd expect some vengeful acts against him or his body. If there really was an Islamic funeral on the way, I'd think it was a mock one that made fun of Islam.

Still though, the whole story feels as suspicious as the events on 11 September 2001.


I don't see how people can look at this like something fishy is going on.

One of his couriers took the bait and Bin Laden was caught hook, line and sinker. All they needed to do was reel him in and get their trophy catch. He was in the plaice, they thought, and the USA with all their mussels went in all guns blazing. It was a job whale done.

So, it’s o-fish-ial and not a single sole will be sad to see him dead but I guess anyone who has the oppor-tuna-ty to come up with a conspiracy theory will and I guess they will have lobsta fun doing so.

Beneath the scaly surface, I'm sure there is reel debate as to the net gain. They'll be carping on about it for ages, for cod's sake.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually sitting in a cell somewhere with electrodes on his balls. Not the kind of intelligence source you throw away lightly IMHO. Obviously it would be far better to say he's dead than to admit he's captive and have an army of idiots demanding a public trial, legal representation, care packages and welfare visits.

Then again, maybe Obama just said "shoot the f@kker".


Don't mess about, release the videos and photos. Show us the money shot!


I want to see the body. As much as I like our president, He's still a politician, they all lie, and my govt has a history of dirt.

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