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Academic, Child Psychologist Call For New Thai Television Rating System

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Academic, child psychologist call for new TV

By The Nation

A new television rating system should be set up to replace the existing one, which has failed to assign content appropriate to viewers of different ages while being "extensively exploited" by producers who cite freedom of expression and are dictated to by advertising revenues, a Bangkok seminar was told yesterday.

Dr Suriyadev Tripati, director of the National Institute for Child and Family Development at Mahidol University, dismissed producers' claims that they intended morally provocative themes in their soap opera shows to give society "a mirror to reflect itself".

Suriyadev said: "Viewers' mood, while watching the shows and enjoying such content, will be carried away, making their conscience or selfcontemplation difficult to concurrently occur.

"While producers say they want their soap operas to prompt the society to reflect on its [mis] behaviour, the shows are full of explicit love scenes, violence and actresses in provocative outfits showing off their cleavages. This certainly doesn't make viewers' cerebra work while enjoying such carnal contents. A new rating would also help protect viewers, especially the young, and producers and actors should have basic responsibilities," he said.

Dr Phanphimol Lortrakool, a government psychiatrist for children, said +18rated shows should be aired after 10.30pm and a new rating of +20 between midnight and 5am.

Controversial shows, such as Golden Orange Flower - which has prompted a debate and an attempt by the Culture Ministry to intervene - is now on the air in prime time before 9pm, at the peak of advertising revenues.

She said the new airtimedictated rating system would also give producers greater freedom of expression while programmes for children would be scheduled in the part of the evening suitable to young viewers' life and health schedules.


-- The Nation 2011-05-07

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Suriyadev said: "Viewers' mood, while watching the shows and enjoying such content, will be carried away, making their conscience or selfcontemplation difficult to concurrently occur.

"While producers say they want their soap operas to prompt the society to reflect on its [mis] behaviour, the shows are full of explicit love scenes, violence and actresses in provocative outfits showing off their cleavages. This certainly doesn't make viewers' cerebra work while enjoying such carnal contents. A new rating would also help protect viewers, especially the young, and producers and actors should have basic responsibilities," he said.

I think I will forward this to the campaign for clear English.

I think what the good Dr. is trying to say is that Thia soap operas are c**p, and will turn children's and most adults' brains to mush.


One of the areas of conflict between myself and my good lady is her watching that crap they call TV here in Thailand when my kid is awake...it just seems to be incessant screaming and fighting

Suriyadev said: "Viewers' mood, while watching the shows and enjoying such content, will be carried away, making their conscience or selfcontemplation difficult to concurrently occur.

"While producers say they want their soap operas to prompt the society to reflect on its [mis] behaviour, the shows are full of explicit love scenes, violence and actresses in provocative outfits showing off their cleavages. This certainly doesn't make viewers' cerebra work while enjoying such carnal contents. A new rating would also help protect viewers, especially the young, and producers and actors should have basic responsibilities," he said.

I think I will forward this to the campaign for clear English.

I think what the good Dr. is trying to say is that Thia soap operas are c**p, and will turn children's and most adults' brains to mush.

a perfect analysis of this linguistic masterpiece :lol:


I think they have their thinking backwards. Kids are exposed to anything they want to be exposed to through the internet. The issue is how it is interpreted by them and that is the job of parents and mentors. Parents are the week link because they are lazy and don't make the effort to guide a childs understanding of what they will be exposed to. This is true everywhere.

Trying to limit what kids see should be up to the parents and it is easy. Just turn the TV off.

The job of parenting is far more complecated than ever and it is happening when parents and mentors are working more and more stressed out. It's a bad combination.


I think what the good Dr. is trying to say is that Thia soap operas are c**p, and will turn children's and most adults' brains to mush.

Having seen some of these soap operas (not voluntarily, I might add), I concur, they constitute a national disgrace.  In addition to all the cat fighting and back stabbing, I am absolutely amazed how quickly one of the protagonists turns to violence to solve their problem.  Guns appear out of nowhere with wild abandon.  The real problem is that this is exactly how Thais seem to think.  If they are losing an argument, they will resort to violence.  If they lose out in some deal, be it business or personal, they turn to violence.

It's no wonder Thailand is in the crapper with Thai attitudes being what they are.  Unfortunately there seems to be no end in sight. Thailand is sinking, sinking, sinking into the abyss.

Amazing Thailand, indeed.


Due to moving into a small house with only one TV I've recently been exposed to Thai soaps in full rather than a couple of minutes here and there. The one running right now is incredible. As someone said it is just one screaming match after another, all set in maximum hi-so surroundings with torturous emotional expressions and slapps here and there. I don't think I've ever seen anything so moronic. The changes in musical accompaniment are also funny: evil music when something bad happens, silly music for something funny etc etc Terrible, terrible, terrible. It makes Coronation Street seem like the Shakespeare. :lol:


Not forgetting the all-important sound effects to enhance the 'fun' or 'drama'!

Are you denigrating the boing boing effect? rolleyes.gif


My girlfriend likes the channel 3 soaps. I'll give her about 1.5 hours with it and then - por laew! The shows used to really bother me and her a college grad watching the tripe as well. But now I just work on my computer and watch all the sexy beauties.

I cannot see children watching these shows unless accompanied by an older female. Clearly, these shows are made for women. The themes and dialog could hardly interest a young boy.


Youd think I'm in 3 Stooges land. Really attuned for the simple mind.


I wonder what type of programmes would warrant the 20+ rating?

A 'watershed' is a much better idea than the way things are now.


A rating system...oh no!!! That means my children can not watch 'The Omen' or 'Chuckie' before bedtime.

Yes, as the furore over the far fecthed 'thai drama' gains momentum (i watched it and laughed,I actually want to complain, it has corrupted my mind to think all Thai drama is a joke....please help me!!!),

UBC happily show 18+ horror movie at prime time viewing.

Last night 'The Omen' 7 - 8.30pm.

Double standards!! or because it is not talked about in public, it is ok!!!


But what is going to protect the public from the censorship nuts that use morality as a weapon to restrict things they personally don't like? Thailand is the worse offender of this. We even have organisations emailing people on the internet about how they're disgusted with certain people's behaviour. I can be bothered to find evidence right now but these things do exist. The morality police say they themselves are "an association made up of lawyers, doctors..." etc are a much greater threat to society then some drama shows.

They wish to force their own religious morals on to people and like a virus or bacteria aren't satisfied until everyone thinks like them. I only found out about this recently so I'm guessing people are might not have heard of this before too.


One of the areas of conflict between myself and my good lady is her watching that crap they call TV here in Thailand when my kid is awake...it just seems to be incessant screaming and fighting

I would never accept that. But then again so many foreigners here marry low-performance women that are home most of the days...unless the husband is away when they sneak out to clubs to find a younger gik...


I don't think a rating system would solve a lot of problems - but at least it would cut down on the number of kindergarten kids who come to school and draw pictures of a couple in a tub drinking green cocktails, try out strangling each other with a piece of string, cannot build anything but guns (out of Lego, blocks, pencils, anything), scream, yell and pull hair to settle arguments, and according to my Thai colleague, use insulting language only found in soaps. At the age of 5 or 7. Just because of a parent or two who are too busy / lazy to care for them and stick them in front of the tv.

Suriyadev said: "Viewers' mood, while watching the shows and enjoying such content, will be carried away, making their conscience or selfcontemplation difficult to concurrently occur.

"While producers say they want their soap operas to prompt the society to reflect on its [mis] behaviour, the shows are full of explicit love scenes, violence and actresses in provocative outfits showing off their cleavages. This certainly doesn't make viewers' cerebra work while enjoying such carnal contents. A new rating would also help protect viewers, especially the young, and producers and actors should have basic responsibilities," he said.

I think I will forward this to the campaign for clear English.

I think what the good Dr. is trying to say is that Thia soap operas are c**p, and will turn children's and most adults' brains to mush.

Yes as my Thai wife agrees. New ratings to be used are...R (Rubbish) AR (Absolute Rubbish) ACR (Absolutely Complete Rubbish)


I think what the good Dr. is trying to say is that Thia soap operas are c**p, and will turn children's and most adults' brains to mush.

Having seen some of these soap operas (not voluntarily, I might add), I concur, they constitute a national disgrace. In addition to all the cat fighting and back stabbing, I am absolutely amazed how quickly one of the protagonists turns to violence to solve their problem. Guns appear out of nowhere with wild abandon. The real problem is that this is exactly how Thais seem to think. If they are losing an argument, they will resort to violence. If they lose out in some deal, be it business or personal, they turn to violence.

It's no wonder Thailand is in the crapper with Thai attitudes being what they are. Unfortunately there seems to be no end in sight. Thailand is sinking, sinking, sinking into the abyss.

Amazing Thailand, indeed.

You don't find the soaps here to be reflective on reality? The handsome, honest loving caring policeman? Surely they are all like this in real life - How they Protect and Serve!


We had the visit of my partner's 12-year old daughter for a few weeks during school holidays. She spent hours on end in front of the TV, watching soap operas on Channel 3 and 7. I was horrified when I saw what she was watching in the middle of the day. These are the moments when you are glad not to understand much Thai as it would no doubt get even worse. It is irresponsible to say the least if Thai parents allow their children to watch these endless scenes of horrific brutality, usually men beating up women and all sorts of physical fighting and shouting and even attempted murder. In a country where a smoking scene or a kiss gets blurred out by the censors it is hard to understand why there is no censorship for such brutal scenes. The children watching that rubbish must grow up with the impression that this is quite acceptable as normal life and sooner rather than later some of them will copy such behaviour.

There is another worrying aspect of these crap movies. Nearly all of them are portraying a life style which only a small part of the population is able to enjoy. 20 million upwards houses, expensive furniture, luxury cars, you name it, it is on show. No wonder when the people in the Isaan and up North believe their Red Barons' stories about the affluent life of the Bangkok elite. Then being taken to the demonstrations right in the middle of luxury shops, hotels and condominiums only re-inforces their belief that all Bangkokians are rich. If for a change both, the soaps and the red demos were staged in some of the Bangkok slums it may help to instill a sense of reality into these gullible protesters. If however _ as one can assume _ their brains have been turned to mush after many years of watching Channel 3 and 7 soaps, it will have no effect on them.

Quo vadis Thailand?


While watching 'Rendition' tonight I was gripped by the torture scens where a naked man is tied to a chair, covered in filth and blindfolded. As the torure takes place he is knocked from the chair falling to the floor.

It was in that instance having witnessed the increasing torture and violent abuse metered out by a clearly sadistic torturer that I was hit by the panic and fear of the falling man's bottom being shown in all its naked hairy glory.

Thank goodness for Thai censors who had the wisdom to protect me from the naked bottom! Digitised from distinction I was saved.

I could have been marked by it for life. Psychological damage inprinted on my psyche by hairy buttocks and the thought of when being tortured they may not start with the extraction of my finger nails or the distortion of my scrotum with pliers, but rather threaten to bare my bottom. The cheek of it!

In view of this experience at the hands of the censors I would like to suggest an over 21s guide between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 am. This could also run on Mondays to Wednesdays only, in each alternate month starting in July. Why I don't know but it might be a good idea.

I think an over 60s guide should be implemented when programmes deal with heart attacks, so that the wrinklies don't get upset. An over 70s guidance for War films and an over 80s one for programmes that contain details about middle aged people as the very old wrinklies may be missing their own children who never visit.

Also, I think a 'DD' guide should be introduced for anyone who has lost their dog so they would know the programme has a dead dog in it. The idea could be extended to cats as well as horses, pot bellied pigs [very popular] and hamsters. We could be warned that no one can ever shoot straight in a movie but that the good guy always wins.

I don't like country music so I'd like to warned of that. A banner could be introduced like on packs of biscuits: 'May contain nuts'. I know that 'May country the music of Garth Brooks' may be too long but for country music it could be shortened to ' May contain counts.'

That way I would know what I was looking at.


One of the areas of conflict between myself and my good lady is her watching that crap they call TV here in Thailand when my kid is awake...it just seems to be incessant screaming and fighting

I would never accept that. But then again so many foreigners here marry low-performance women that are home most of the days...unless the husband is away when they sneak out to clubs to find a younger gik...

No i don't accept it either! and i am not one of the "so many foreigners here marry low-performance (whatever that's supposed to mean) women"...although my good lady is at home most of the time taking care of our 2 year old child so hardly has the time or energy to sneak out to clubs when i am not there...and hey have a guess what?....i didnt find her in a beer bar and i guarantee she has less notches on the bedpost than any girl you have ever PAID for in Thailand


Yes as my Thai wife agrees. New ratings to be used are...R (Rubbish) AR (Absolute Rubbish) ACR (Absolutely Complete Rubbish)

What about: Complete Rubbish And Pathetic.


The Mrs. watches Thai soaps, but since recently starting working longer hours and being home to watch less, she is acting nicer. Cause and effect, or remove cause correct defect!

And she tends more toward the natural Zen of Panda Channel now. I at first thought this an idiotic idea for a show; watch a baby panda grow up 24/7, but it's turned out to be a great relaxation and almost meditation themed viewing.

'Mellow out with Panda!'

And compared to the soaps it's manna from heaven.


Yes as my Thai wife agrees. New ratings to be used are...R (Rubbish) AR (Absolute Rubbish) ACR (Absolutely Complete Rubbish)

What about: Complete Rubbish And Pathetic.

LUO Landfill use only.

NFHC Not Fit for Human Consumption

STSE Snake Turds Seem Elevating

EEC End of Easter Civilization


One of the areas of conflict between myself and my good lady is her watching that crap they call TV here in Thailand when my kid is awake...it just seems to be incessant screaming and fighting

I did pull the cable from behind my TV for more than six months before I broke off with my wife because of what you described above. The whole thing is really appalling.


I wonder what type of programmes would warrant the 20+ rating?

A 'watershed' is a much better idea than the way things are now.

Dr Phanphimol Lortrakool, a government psychiatrist for children, said +18rated shows should be aired after 10.30pm and a new rating of +20 between midnight and 5am.

5am is still a good time for farmers to watch aeeh what the fug is on TV between midnight and 5 am? Guess they come up with a new Muppet show now. :jap:


One of the areas of conflict between myself and my good lady is her watching that crap they call TV here in Thailand when my kid is awake...it just seems to be incessant screaming and fighting

I hear you loud and clear. ( thank you for sharing ) You are not alone and many homemakers in America spend every minute of their free time with SOAP instead of watching NPR or KQED. The Thai SOAP is the same story..as such mother in law beats daughter in law, the rich man marries the poor girl, and the ugly women jealous a good looking gal Plus " it just seem incessant screaming and fighting " as you mentioned....my heaven now you know the rest of my answer why I never watch Any SOAP in America except tune in NPR and KQED...my take and I am standing tall.


There does seem to be some interesting programs on though. I saw a documentary about Thai drag queens the other night. I couldn't believe that there were no sound effects or even a presenter with an annoying voice. It was very well presented and mature.


One of the areas of conflict between myself and my good lady is her watching that crap they call TV here in Thailand when my kid is awake...it just seems to be incessant screaming and fighting

I would never accept that. But then again so many foreigners here marry low-performance women that are home most of the days...unless the husband is away when they sneak out to clubs to find a younger gik...

No i don't accept it either! and i am not one of the "so many foreigners here marry low-performance (whatever that's supposed to mean) women"...although my good lady is at home most of the time taking care of our 2 year old child so hardly has the time or energy to sneak out to clubs when i am not there...and hey have a guess what?....i didnt find her in a beer bar and i guarantee she has less notches on the bedpost than any girl you have ever PAID for in Thailand

Haha - thou protest too much, my lady.

My gf don't watch the crap at all. I know who I would pick.

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