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Mine stands out like a sore toe.

After ordering 2 of these water containers, the guy dropped them off in front of my house then off he went. I thought to myself, not a problem to move them into position by myself. That did'nt happen so I called a friend who happened to be visiting my wifes cousin for a 2 week holiday and I came up with the masterplan to ROLL the container into position, as soon as it gathered momentum it smashed into a million pieces and nearly took my friends toe off in the process along with the village audience having a sly laugh.


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There have been so many hard to say which was most embarrassing. Everyday there are multiple experiences that embarrass me. But I will give you one anyways.About 15 years ago after my annual holiday in Thailand I was leaving Pitsanulok where i stayed for most of the holiday. When i went to the train station to catch my train some friends showed up who knew I was going. One was a good friend a man married with kids. The other three to my horror where women. One was teacher I had spent sometime t with. Another was a young beauty of 20 who came to my room often to give massages. The third was a politicians daughter who shared a short romance with me. My male friend was in shock for he hsd came with the politician who was his neighbour. The air was so tense I was unable to do anything I just wanted to get on the train and go.We were all on the platform for around 5 minutes before i was able to board the train.No one said a thing but no one left. I took a picture of all of them together trying to be polite. When i got it developed it scared me some the looks they were giving the camera. I think all the people present were embarrassed. No one knew of the others till I was leaving.


I'd just stepped out of the shower when I heard the door bell ring. I quickly threw on a sarong and went to the front door.

It was the garden crew come for their fortnightly visit - Five or 6 of them (male and female).

As I walked down the driveway to unlock the gate, the sarong fell to the floor :o

It was during that very cold snap in February...


One incident, to be honest I'm thick skinned, so I thought it was funny, more than embarrassing; I saw this bar girl, a few years back, nice girl, (our second date, of 4) I was visiting my mate and wife, (they live in Pattaya) whose parents were over from the UK, to help and celebrate the birth of their second child. My mate says to me; "we are going for a meal tonight, come along….see you at 8. "OK" say me. So I tell this girl to put something on tonight as we will be going out to eat. I ask her to meet me atthe pre-arranged place. Anyway we are all stood waiting for her to turn up ……Me,my mate, his wife, there 3 year old son, baby and his mom and dad, I just met,for the first time.

So, we are standing around and my mate says, "10 O'clock….10 O'clock, check it out!! I look, and it's my date! Well she is dressed to kill,Ok, fact, she was hot! Tall, pretty, very elegant, legs that don't give-up andan ass like an 8 year old school boy….in a see-though dress, my mate's old mannear had a heart attack on the spot when she walked over to us. I think all in all things went very well, apart from my mate's dad kept spilling his beer,when he tried to take a drink, I think he had Thai fever! My mate and I always laugh about this night.


One incident, to be honest I'm thick skinned, so I thought it was funny, more than embarrassing; I saw this bar girl, a few years back, nice girl, (our second date, of 4) I was visiting my mate and wife, (they live in Pattaya) whose parents were over from the UK, to help and celebrate the birth of their second child. My mate says to me; "we are going for a meal tonight, come along….see you at 8. "OK" say me. So I tell this girl to put something on tonight as we will be going out to eat. I ask her to meet me atthe pre-arranged place. Anyway we are all stood waiting for her to turn up ……Me,my mate, his wife, there 3 year old son, baby and his mom and dad, I just met,for the first time.

So, we are standing around and my mate says, "10 O'clock….10 O'clock, check it out!! I look, and it's my date! Well she is dressed to kill,Ok, fact, she was hot! Tall, pretty, very elegant, legs that don't give-up andan ass like an 8 year old school boy….in a see-though dress, my mate's old mannear had a heart attack on the spot when she walked over to us. I think all in all things went very well, apart from my mate's dad kept spilling his beer,when he tried to take a drink, I think he had Thai fever! My mate and I always laugh about this night.

I see. That your thing is it?whistling.gif


I'd just stepped out of the shower when I heard the door bell ring. I quickly threw on a sarong and went to the front door.

It was the garden crew come for their fortnightly visit - Five or 6 of them (male and female).

As I walked down the driveway to unlock the gate, the sarong fell to the floor :o

It was during that very cold snap in February...

Was there shrinkage? :o:lol:


Going to what I thought was the toilet in a rural restaurant. Struggling to get my nob over the edge of what I thought was a rustic urinal. In the end I gave up. It turned out to be the kitchen, and the urinal was a water container for washing the pots. My Thai friends did laugh. It would have been funnier if I'd managed to take a leak and someone had come in during it.

What was just as funny was the actual urinals that I'd been directed to were out in the open on a wall in the car park. When I did go in the end a car pulled up right behind me, shinning it's headlights at me as I took a whizz. That was a long time ago when it seemed every day something weird happened.


Most of my embarrassing moments have been when I've been juggling various lady friends, and trying to keep them apart. And, for some strange reason they all turn up at the same place at the same time. It usually ends any sort of intimacy I might have hoped for after that.


Years ago as I was cycling around Chiang Mai I grabbed the back of a baht bus for a tow.......all very amusing and entertaining for the passengers.........especially when the driver put his foot down............

More so when I released my grip and slewed of the road........ into a fruit and vegetable stall..........:)

Those were the days when the stall holder was genuinely more interested in my welfare than any damage to the produce.....we all had a good laugh, and I got up and was soon on my way.......no issues...


The first time I visited my wife-to-be's village in a remote part of Issan - I was the first 'farang' in that village and they were too embarassed for me to use the old outside toilet which was located some distance from their house (hut?).

So they built a new outside toilet especially for my visit.

When I arrived, the whole village stood around and proudly showed me the new toilet. 'Um, very nice', I said. But it was made very clear that they wanted me to go inside the toilet. So I did, shut the door, and started to empty my very full bladder.

I could hear smirks of laughter from outside, so after zipping up, I popped my head around the door. Unfortunately, no-one had informed me that this new toilet was not yet finished, and the waste outlet pipe had not yet been attached. The whole village watched with great interest as my 'stream' flowed down the back yard....

Thank heavens I didn't need to drop a number 2!!!



Waking at about 9AM in the midst of a busy Sukhothai central indoor market on a wooden display table. This, after an alcohol induced blackout. The stares. The laughter. Good thing I was a pillar of the community....:)


Travelling down to BKK from Sakon with my mum on the VIP bus, arrived at Mo Chit safe an sound then jumped in a taxi to Sukumvit, 5 mins into the journey we realised we had left our big bags in the bus. Panic stations, I then tried explaining to the taxi driver I had forgotten my bag. It wasn't till later after we had retrieved our belongings that I had been telling the taxi driver I had forgotten my can. My Thai is certainly not the greatest.


Traveling alone in the lift at the Pullman Khon Kaen hotel, letting out an uncontrollable silent but deadly noxious fart that really reeked, the door opening and 3 good looking Krung Thai bank girls entering. The next 3 floors which was usually a ten second journey seemed to last 25 light years as I avoided all eye contact and stared intently at the lift wall.


One incident, to be honest I'm thick skinned, so I thought it was funny, more than embarrassing; I saw this bar girl, a few years back, nice girl, (our second date, of 4) I was visiting my mate and wife, (they live in Pattaya) whose parents were over from the UK, to help and celebrate the birth of their second child. My mate says to me; "we are going for a meal tonight, come along….see you at 8. "OK" say me. So I tell this girl to put something on tonight as we will be going out to eat. I ask her to meet me atthe pre-arranged place. Anyway we are all stood waiting for her to turn up ……Me,my mate, his wife, there 3 year old son, baby and his mom and dad, I just met,for the first time.

So, we are standing around and my mate says, "10 O'clock….10 O'clock, check it out!! I look, and it's my date! Well she is dressed to kill,Ok, fact, she was hot! Tall, pretty, very elegant, legs that don't give-up andan ass like an 8 year old school boy….in a see-though dress, my mate's old mannear had a heart attack on the spot when she walked over to us. I think all in all things went very well, apart from my mate's dad kept spilling his beer,when he tried to take a drink, I think he had Thai fever! My mate and I always laugh about this night.

I see. That your thing is it?whistling.gif

Sorry aridion, no, it’s not………Keep walking!


I must admit Tonto mate you could have used a better comparison though. Maybe " She had an ass like a malnourished Ethiopian " :D


Trusting my husband when he told me that he was staying out late 'cos a friend going through a bad time needed companionship....:lol:

I'm still truly embarrassed that I could be so stupid...


I must admit Tonto mate you could have used a better comparison though. Maybe " She had an ass like a malnourished Ethiopian " :D

Yer mca, maybe your right, a better comparison.

How about; ass liketwo ferrets, wrestling, in a very small sack. Animal lovers OK with that?


When i was In a place called Rannong, i was doing a Visa run to Burma, I stopped for some food with my wife at a local market, We had some Soup,as we where eating it a young girl stood a few feet away from us just watching every mouthful, My wife spoke to her She was seven, she told her that her mother was ill and that she could not go to work , so the little girl had not eaten for two days. I Just felt how lucky i was to be able to travel and live a reasonable life style in This country when the people are having such ahard time, Yes i was embarrassed i bought the child enough food for her to take home to eat for at least a week, I know not what you expect but not all Embarrassment is funny.


Trusting my husband when he told me that he was staying out late 'cos a friend going through a bad time needed companionship....:lol:

I'm still truly embarrassed that I could be so stupid...

Not stupid, just trusting.


Traveling alone in the lift at the Pullman Khon Kaen hotel, letting out an uncontrollable silent but deadly noxious fart that really reeked, the door opening and 3 good looking Krung Thai bank girls entering. The next 3 floors which was usually a ten second journey seemed to last 25 light years as I avoided all eye contact and stared intently at the lift wall.

Oh yeah, did that but only 1 stunner entered the lift. I can fully understand the lightyears it takes to get out of the lift.:D


plating out my ex girlfreind when her mother walked into the bedroom :unsure::o

At least you weren't plating out the mother when the ex-girlfriend walked in.


Most of my embarrassing moments have been when I've been juggling various lady friends, and trying to keep them apart. And, for some strange reason they all turn up at the same place at the same time. It usually ends any sort of intimacy I might have hoped for after that.

Typical of Ian. Mucky sod.


At a restaurant, meeting my Girlfriends (now Wife's) Parents for the first time

The future Inlaws were already seated; Forgetting I had a bottle of wine in each hand I proceeded with my best wai, ... CLANG... luckily no breakage but I felt rather dumb and embarrassed......


Frankly, I am too embarrassed to say exactly what is was, but I will say it was related to a newbie misunderstanding on my part about the fare structure at a less then reputable establishment of massage.


One incident, to be honest I'm thick skinned, so I thought it was funny, more than embarrassing; I saw this bar girl, a few years back, nice girl, (our second date, of 4) I was visiting my mate and wife, (they live in Pattaya) whose parents were over from the UK, to help and celebrate the birth of their second child. My mate says to me; "we are going for a meal tonight, come along….see you at 8. "OK" say me. So I tell this girl to put something on tonight as we will be going out to eat. I ask her to meet me atthe pre-arranged place. Anyway we are all stood waiting for her to turn up ……Me,my mate, his wife, there 3 year old son, baby and his mom and dad, I just met,for the first time.

So, we are standing around and my mate says, "10 O'clock….10 O'clock, check it out!! I look, and it's my date! Well she is dressed to kill,Ok, fact, she was hot! Tall, pretty, very elegant, legs that don't give-up andan ass like an 8 year old school boy….in a see-though dress, my mate's old mannear had a heart attack on the spot when she walked over to us. I think all in all things went very well, apart from my mate's dad kept spilling his beer,when he tried to take a drink, I think he had Thai fever! My mate and I always laugh about this night.

Quote from tonto .. A ass like a 8 year old school boy ????


One incident, to be honest I'm thick skinned, so I thought it was funny, more than embarrassing; I saw this bar girl, a few years back, nice girl, (our second date, of 4) I was visiting my mate and wife, (they live in Pattaya) whose parents were over from the UK, to help and celebrate the birth of their second child. My mate says to me; "we are going for a meal tonight, come along….see you at 8. "OK" say me. So I tell this girl to put something on tonight as we will be going out to eat. I ask her to meet me atthe pre-arranged place. Anyway we are all stood waiting for her to turn up ……Me,my mate, his wife, there 3 year old son, baby and his mom and dad, I just met,for the first time.

So, we are standing around and my mate says, "10 O'clock….10 O'clock, check it out!! I look, and it's my date! Well she is dressed to kill,Ok, fact, she was hot! Tall, pretty, very elegant, legs that don't give-up andan ass like an 8 year old school boy….in a see-though dress, my mate's old mannear had a heart attack on the spot when she walked over to us. I think all in all things went very well, apart from my mate's dad kept spilling his beer,when he tried to take a drink, I think he had Thai fever! My mate and I always laugh about this night.

Quote from tonto .. A ass like a 8 year old school boy ????

Well, I suppose I couldn't expect anything else from a welshy…'Baaar baarr! Somehow you managed to focus on that one phrase and disregard it in contexts. You obviously liked it….You wrote it out again! :blink:


Frankly, I am too embarrassed to say exactly what is was, but I will say it was related to a newbie misunderstanding on my part about the fare structure at a less then reputable establishment of massage.

Don't be shy, Jing. You're among friends....:jap:

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