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Teen Pregnancies And Drugs On The Rise In Thailand Due To Globalisation

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Globalisation causese teen pregnancies? I think it is sex that causes preganacies isn't it?

Yeah I always thought that being randy as a goat with little consideration for " Where's the condom? " and thinking " It'll be alright just once " were the causes of teen pregnancy. It certainly was in the case of my 40 year old younger brother giving me a now 25 year old niece.

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Nothing to do with Ignorance, or lacking in being taught any form of respect. The problem now is that if anyone even bothered trying to teach the kids to show any kind of respect. Starting from now, it is likely to take a couple of generations, before any results would be seen.



Thailand, the poster child for bad behavior blaming the West for its drug habit and pregnancies. Too funny, really.

Did corruption come from the west or was that self taught?

Globalisation had weakened society as international culture had engulfed good and unique Asian culture and materialism from western countries had caused family problems, in which families with different financial status were facing similar problems as parents focused on making money to their needs rather than giving their children's love and care

I guess she never heard of Kow Tow...

and every Thais trying to 'one up' on their neighbors

24/7/365 all their entire lives.

Globalization has just left them different targeted items to one up their friends with.


do I read correctly that they want to blame only others like the west for their problems ?

corruption in every level, useless education, incompetence in work, drugs, violence ?????????

in french they say : c'est pas moi, c'est lui


You know, I try to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the defensive posturing that many of the posters here on Thaivisa get into after they feel they been bashed by the powers that be.

And then an article like this comes out where the Thai government refuses to any accept responsibility for its own actions or the actions of its citizens; ultimately blaming western culture for the ills of their society.


This story is no surprise just another instance of Thais trying to avoid the responsibility of their own actions and pass the blame to some one else.

The key to solving most of the problems here would be that simple, rather than trying their hardest to find another party to take all of the blame just stand up and say okay it was me i made a mistake how can we /I make sure that it does not happen again.

Also every generation looks back and remembers the good old days when really we should all be looking forward. maybe if we spent more time and thought on the future we would not have the global problems we have today.

The lady is not a Thai, she is a do gooder from the west. She is one of those folks who cannot except the fact of where she is from and wants to blame her heritage for all of the ills of the world. A few years ago she would have not been wearing a bra and bashing men for the ills of the world


It is funny either many of the posters here cannot comphrend what they have read or will find any reason to bash Thailand. The lady is not Thai seems to be french and has decided her on culture (the west is responsible for the ills of the world).

So boys donot get on the anti-Thai high horse with out reading and understanding what you have read and I didnot think there was a Thai intelligent enough to spout such drivel anyway.



But waxing nostalgic and trying to convince yourself that the current younger generation is bad compared to yours and previous is as old as time itself.

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for

authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place

of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their

households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They

contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties

at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

--written by Plato and attributed to Socrates

So when attributed to Plato, or Socrates, I see nothing new. Or they report what I currently see indeed. Before blaming whoever, to escape responsability, bear in mind:

a) children are the results of their OWN parents, whatever concerns genetics or education.

B) coping with technology does not mean you MUST give up with any philosophy and morals. There are two different fields. It's not beccause you are speaking in a mobile phone than you MUST prove impolite.

Japan makes it very good in preserving its traditions and culture. There is someone in charge for this : the Emperor of Japan and he makes a pretty good job.

Mind as the topic is of a high concern. Not being polite leads immediately to violence. Increase in the density of population leads to violence. Frustration is the main source of pain ( ref: Buddism ) and so leads to violence.

Buddism the official religion in Thailand ? A very good one indeed, but I donot quite see where it's being taught ?

Instead of making the Convention in a swanky venue, why not hold in in Lumpini Park ? By the time of Plato and Socrates, venues where the "agora", the public space...No money to waste ...


"She hoped the UN would use its global influence to encourage the governments to practise following the statement."

Sounds like you are on DRUGS!!!

It could be she does not believe a dam_n word of what she's saying.

Other alternative would be the usual 12 years old brains within an adult's body...


This article is so ridicules until I wasn't going to comment, but I just couldn't leave it without saying:

This must be another Thai Joke of The Day! :violin:


Your kidding right?

Drugs come from Asia and South America, not "TheWest" . China has had opium dens for centuries!@!@!@!

the civilizing infuence? Meaning things like "technology"? Health care, advances in agriculture.

If it was up to this Dr. whoever she is, all the people would all be back to living in straw huts and wearing loin cloths and bowing down to idols of stone!! Wake up this is the new world. If she cant handle it, then she should step aside and let the country progress. Parents need to be role models. Not drunkards and wife beaters. The society shouid clean up their act, and not have so many massage parlors!!! if they want to have people with morals. The sex "trade" is a disgrace!!! Prostitution that was there long before drugs and cell phones showed up. This Dr. should think about cleaning up the old mess first then work on the new ones.

Wow!!! Goddamn westerners corrupting poor innocent Asian cultures!!! Not the fact that these countries promote tourism, mass market on their own, and want all of the foreign money, hence the double pricing standards the genius parents put into effect. Now they complain cause they have to pay more to keep their kids happy! Poor, poor Thailand!! It's funny, I've met kids who live in the mountains, can't speak English, never tried McDonald's, don't know how to use the internet, and they are getting stoned and messing around too!!!! Way to blame everyone else for your errors, sometimes it's no ones fault, it just happens. Next thing you know, they won't be smiling when they try and rip you off!!!! How rude!

So much for the civilisating influence from the West.:whistling:


THATS FUNNY, i have NEVER seen any news about a Buddhist terrorist............This woman should just retire to a monastery i think and live that sheltered life that doesnt exist in the real world.

Where to start?????

We all know the Vatican's position on family planning as it relates to birth control pills devices and medications.

I don't know how much faith I have in a holy roller that is a graduate of an Indian "medical school" amd that is a proponent of the now user friendly term "Natural Family Planning".

I got one think to say to the lady; Yo sister, condoms work. Accept the fact that young men like to fornicate with young women. It's natural, and dare I say, a healthy manifestation of normal adolescent sexual behaviour. Instead of avoiding the issue, give the kids sex education and access to birth control.

No.Don`t you see what will happen?They will all become TERRORISTS! Each and every one of them!

Take reason and commonsense elsewhere,please.


I don't think she's too far of the mark, as far as stating the effects of globalization on any poor and uneducated sections of society.The problem as I see it, telling the Thais most of their problems now and inthe future are down to western globalization is not going to help, not with theThais culture of passing the buck at all costs.

She made this statement not to better Thai life…. It was for no other reason than to promote herself, and to further her bank balance and influence.


How convenient she is the "FounderPresidentDirector" of her institute. That way she doesn't have to justify to any superior the nonsense she is disseminating.

What's her solution for the globalisation problem she so assertively identified? Turning Thailand into an isolationist state like North Korea? Well, a "Dear Leader" we already have. He's sitting in Montenegro (or was that Dubai? or both?) and is only waiting for his chance to heed the call.


You know, I try to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the defensive posturing that many of the posters here on Thaivisa get into after they feel they been bashed by the powers that be.

And then an article like this comes out where the Thai government refuses to any accept responsibility for its own actions or the actions of its citizens; ultimately blaming western culture for the ills of their society.

The women and organization isn't Thai, they are Indian-focused.


Globalisation causese teen pregnancies? I think it is sex that causes preganacies isn't it?

Well, at least no one has tried to blame this on Thaksin.

One would have to ask the very obvious question that since women used to have much larger families and marry younger 50 years ago, is this figure actually increasing, or was it always this way in Thailand. But then of course, if the number has been stable forever, you couldn't blame it on the bogeyman.


These are figures for 1997

At national level, approximately 3% of women aged

15–19 were reported to be currently pregnant

with their first child. The survey found that the

proportion was higher among women living in rural

areas (3%) than their urban counterparts (1%).


Just so you're not disappointed Thai-at-Heart ... in 2002 or 2003, Thaksin had a major pop at globalisation, blaming a great deal of Thailand's ills on it. I remember it distinctly because it kicked up a major confrontation between student factions in the business admin classes I was teaching at Chiang Mai University at the time. So much so, that in the end I had to call in the head of Bus Ad to re-establish civility between the student groups in Thai, and remind them of the university's code of conduct in class and on campus.

I distinctly remember during that event that Ajarn Nittaya (Head of Bus Admin) repeatedly mentioned Thaksin and globalisation in the same sentence ... I'd never heard her speak out about him or his policies before.

With that in mind, and bearing in mind the current shenanigans concerning the upcoming election, with Thaksin's 1,000th (?) vow to return after the elections, etc etc etc - I wouldn't be surprised if Thaksin had bought the anti-western / anti-globalisation doctor's place at the conference in the OP, and paid her to espouse what he himself used to spout when Thai Rak Thai was more openly and radically nationalist. You could almost tag this speak as a rabble-rousing crowd warmer in what is looking increasingly like it's going to be a very dirty electoral campaign season.



Thailand, The hub of blame someone else

You hit that nail squarely on the head, Mosha.

Nobody here is accountable for anything. These folks actually admire people who are able to get rich through crime and corruption.

There is something very wrong with the values of the culture.


Globalisation causese teen pregnancies? I think it is sex that causes preganacies isn't it?

Well, at least no one has tried to blame this on Thaksin.

One would have to ask the very obvious question that since women used to have much larger families and marry younger 50 years ago, is this figure actually increasing, or was it always this way in Thailand. But then of course, if the number has been stable forever, you couldn't blame it on the bogeyman.


These are figures for 1997

At national level, approximately 3% of women aged

15–19 were reported to be currently pregnant

with their first child. The survey found that the

proportion was higher among women living in rural

areas (3%) than their urban counterparts (1%).


Just so you're not disappointed Thai-at-Heart ... in 2002 or 2003, Thaksin had a major pop at globalisation, blaming a great deal of Thailand's ills on it.

And had his daughter working at KFC to show how bird flu wasn't a problem, cherry picking politics.


'asiawatcher' timestamp='1304925903' post='4411426']

'supaprik' timestamp='1304907338' post='4410633']

"" Dr Catherine Bernard, FounderPresidentDirector of Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) said yesterday in an interview with The Nation.

many children now grew up in violent family environment. So, they would be terrorists when they became adults.

If this is actually a "true" quote Dr Bernard is a raving lunatic with absolutely ZERO credibility at all, I find most of her statements not only flawed but highly repugnant, but this one OMG what an idiot, she wouldnt be a white,aging western woman would she?

Agree - what rock does this Dr Catherine Bernard live under. The Thai family system is far more civilised and appropriate than the majority of the western systems. What makes this woman think she has any right to sprout this vitriolic garbage and with what authority? blink.gif

What rock are you living under may I be so bold as to ask ? The Thai family system is civilised ? It is appropriate to what may I ask ? Children have far more recourse and facilities in the west than Thailand is likely to achieve in the next 10 years at least , do you know what would happen to you in the west if , for example , you transported your children on a motor-cycle in such an uncaring dangerous manner? Are you aware of the penalties of failing to send your child to school on a daily basis ? I will not even go into the abandonment of children or the selling of such poor children for monetary gain , The Thai family system may be okay for adults but the children are a completely different concern , they often become mere pawns of indifference .


Wow, see how wrong I can be. I always thought teen pregnancy actually was normal no less than 100 years ago. It was Thai culture. Get married at 15 and have babies right away.

And now it's all wrong? And even we Westerners have to be blamed for that? Blamed for what? Bringing back ancient Thai culture?

Amazing Thailand !!

Did you hear as well.... that despite the lack of people walking around with goiter, "iodine deficiency" is blamed for the average Thai IQ testing in at below world average? Shellfish and squid being significant sources of iodine, are ubiquitous throughout Thailand, dried or fresh, and seem to be eaten by everyone,

All problems, imaginary or real, are due to external influences.

If this is a true statement please can you provide the link, as this is total genius! ALMOST up their with the Holocause naysayers

** Link provided by mca (member) http://www.nationmul...Q-30136714.html


Thanks for the link mca.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


These numbers say absolutely nothing.<br>Hasn't the total population of Thailand gone up also in the last few years ?<br>Hence the explanation for the growth in other numbers ! <br>Anyhow, I do believe that materialism in combination with the great gap between rich and poor in Thailand can lead to an explosive situation in the future. <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":jap:" src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif"><br>


Globalisation 'the cause of problems' for Thais - +100500!

Japan people think the same about themselves.

Russian already lost.

Who will be the next one?

"The best way (to create more human society) is through family." Parents should change themselves, taking care of their children with care and love - it is the key of this article for solution and responsibility.

It looks like some/many people here (at forum) just do not like Thai(s).

What are you doing here?


A post with reference to HM the King have been removed. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family.


How convenient she is the "FounderPresidentDirector" of her institute. That way she doesn't have to justify to any superior the nonsense she is disseminating.

What's her solution for the globalisation problem she so assertively identified? Turning Thailand into an isolationist state like North Korea? Well, a "Dear Leader" we already have. He's sitting in Montenegro (or was that Dubai? or both?) and is only waiting for his chance to heed the call.

Her, the Coordinator Associate, Maintenance, Librarian, Accountant, Secretary cum Events Coordinator, Senior Web Designer and Communication Coordinator, a letterhead, and an angel backer or 10 * with deep enough pockets and a political line to plug, are enough to justify her extra years of academic study in the post grad department, and assorted think tanks and leftist Uni library collections. Yes we know so much about her we should all fall down and go; Hussa!

Dr. Catherine Bernard is a member of the Sisters of the Cross (SCC) Chavanod, France. She is a Medical Doctor from St. John's Medical College Bangalore, India and has a Masters Degree (MS) in Religion and Religious Education from Fordham University, New York, USA.

No doubt an MD. from St. John's Medical College Bangalore, wasn't a walk in the park....

So where is the degree on Sociology and Social Anthropology that this pontification SHOULD be based on?

She means well, that is obvious. But she also seems a serial academic. And bases her theories not on Thailands actuality, but on her globalized thoughts on societies in general. And no doubt seeing the corruption endemic to India, and with a french socialist patina on a religious leaning, no wonder she must blame the' west' for all ills, and so she tells us reality as she sees it. It also is interesting she suddenly shows up just as the election is kicking into gear. Coincidence?

What isn't a coincidence is that in times of global economic downturn, crime, drug or alcohol abuse and pregnancies always go up in most all countries across the board . This is normal and typical in times of tighter money. As oil becomes expensive the knock on affect is felt by all, from governments to teenage girls n boys bored and looking for something to do.

* Agencies who Made SERFAC Possible and who Continue to Keep it Relevant and Contemporary

Propaganda Fide, Rome

Pontifical Mission of the Holy Childhood, Rome

Missio Munich, Germany

KindermissionsWerk, Germany

Archdiocese of Koln, Germany

Kirche in Not, Germany

Missio, Aachen, Germany

Misereor , Germany

Conrad Hilton Fund for Sisters , USA

Diocese of Rottenburg , Germany

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