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Pattaya Bus Crash On Bang Na Trat Kills Two And Injures 27


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why are people complaining about the country.

if you would like everything the same as in the UK or australia or what ever country, then stay there and not go to thailand.

thailand is thailand and thai people are thai people and the thai way is the thai way.

that is why you all like the cuontry, the life there, the people and more.

if you change it all to your previous country, it will not be thai anymore and you go start complaining about that it is not thai anymore.

look in bkk, the smiles are already going away.

it looks more and more on a big western city in stead of a nice asian city.

just my 5 cents.

Hey... Pssst. Know one is complaining about the Country. As a matter of fact, I think that you will find that most of us love it.

What most are complaining about is the driving skills, the lack of that is of the vast majority of Thais. I would agree that it is not entirely their fault. As they have never had to learn to drive properly. In most cases.


I would dare to say that on average Thai drivers are more skilled than those in Western countries. NOT that they are better drivers but more skilled at least in the metro areas. One only need to look at the number of cars on the roads, the lack of traffic law enforcement, the lack of signs and traffic signals, lack of turn lanes, width of side streets, number of motorbikes.... and then consider having similar conditions in the west and how many accidents you would have.

I can't even fathom the police announcing a day off from tickets, as they did in BKK last year, in any major city in the west.

Drivers in Thailand tend to be considerably more alert and skilled than western drivers in my opinion. Not sure how many western drivers would do if they encountered another driver heading straight at them in the wrong lane as they come around a curve or over a hill .. or how they would fair if they had motorbikes on all sides over taking them as they try to make a turn. ... or dealing with all the u-turns/ entering traffic without traffic signals or stop signs .. or simply changing lanes with what only appears to be mental telepathy signals happening between drivers.

By no means is driving in this developing nations at the safety levels of first world nations but I would venture to guess that most western drivers don't have the skills needed to drive daily in and around a city like BKK.

BKK no problem just have to be more agressive than them..

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I am not talking about tour buses , also known as charter buses. I have made that distinction a couple of times. I am talking about Route buses. They are limited and time of journey checked by the Authorities From Isarn and the North are ALL checked at Wang Noi , ALL route buses , during daylight hours, I repeat are checked at Wang Noi, I made the point some routes are driven by fruitcakes and gave an example. However ,the vast majority, of route buses are safely driven, however boring that makes the journey. This very definitely applies to 1st class and VIP. , where the standard of driving is vastly improved over the past few years. What also interests me , is that the idea that only Thailand Is "Bad". I have just watched a video of an Italian Bus driver, on 2 phones, steering with his elbows. And look at videos of bus crashes in Western countries. I , personally , feel quite safe travelling by bus in Todays Thailand. BTW< I first travelled by bus here in 1977. As a tourist. Who had just come from Indonesia. Thailand was much better!!!!. I have been travelling a lot by bus , since I came to live here in 1989, mainly between Plackonchai and Bkk..

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I used to complain when they would give me, what I used to call ( The Farrang Ticket ). When you go to pick up a ticket at the ticket box, you will notice the girl always has tickets printed and sitting beside her keyboard. These are tickets that they give only to the farrang. Most of the time the are tickets around the Toilet and or at the back of the bus like cramped back seat. I used to find it very irritating that they would do this. After seeing so many crashes....I keep my mouth shut now. This bus accident in front of a village killed 2 people. I don't have a problem hoping the bus driver that died is the one crazy one that would weave in and out of traffic on the fly over at speeds that would make you believe he was looking for lift off. I am not talking about a few kilometers over the speed limit, the bus driver I am talking about acted like he was driving a formula race car. I try to look for hiim when I leave Pattaya because I refuse to get on his bus. ( NOT A JOKE ) he was crazy.

Better him dead than me.




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Okay, so how fast was this bus going? It looks like it got hit by a train or something.

It wasn't hit by a train, it was hit by the solid concrete pillar holding up the toll road on top. If the bus had been on the toll road, several hundred less concrete pillars to worry about.

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why are people complaining about the country.

if you would like everything the same as in the UK or australia or what ever country, then stay there and not go to thailand.

thailand is thailand and thai people are thai people and the thai way is the thai way.

that is why you all like the cuontry, the life there, the people and more.

if you change it all to your previous country, it will not be thai anymore and you go start complaining about that it is not thai anymore.

look in bkk, the smiles are already going away.

it looks more and more on a big western city in stead of a nice asian city.

just my 5 cents.

Hey... Pssst. Know one is complaining about the Country. As a matter of fact, I think that you will find that most of us love it.

What most are complaining about is the driving skills, the lack of that is of the vast majority of Thais. I would agree that it is not entirely their fault. As they have never had to learn to drive properly. In most cases.


I would dare to say that on average Thai drivers are more skilled than those in Western countries. NOT that they are better drivers but more skilled at least in the metro areas. One only need to look at the number of cars on the roads, the lack of traffic law enforcement, the lack of signs and traffic signals, lack of turn lanes, width of side streets, number of motorbikes.... and then consider having similar conditions in the west and how many accidents you would have.

I can't even fathom the police announcing a day off from tickets, as they did in BKK last year, in any major city in the west.

Drivers in Thailand tend to be considerably more alert and skilled than western drivers in my opinion. Not sure how many western drivers would do if they encountered another driver heading straight at them in the wrong lane as they come around a curve or over a hill .. or how they would fair if they had motorbikes on all sides over taking them as they try to make a turn. ... or dealing with all the u-turns/ entering traffic without traffic signals or stop signs .. or simply changing lanes with what only appears to be mental telepathy signals happening between drivers.

By no means is driving in this developing nations at the safety levels of first world nations but I would venture to guess that most western drivers don't have the skills needed to drive daily in and around a city like BKK.

Please tell me you are being sarcastic.

Nisa, Well well well, I cannot believe you can say what you did, If you drove around rural and cities here you COULDN'T surely arrive at your decision, YOU are entitled to your opinion, but Thaddeus thought you were being sarcastic....................

I just want to relate to the following...=================you said quote "I would dare to say that on average Thai drivers are more skilled than those in Western countries.

"Drivers in Thailand tend to be considerably more alert and skilled than western drivers in my opinion".

""I would venture to guess that most western drivers don't have the skills needed to drive daily in and around a city like BKK. ""--------------------------- You are Joking are you not??

Edited by ginjag
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why are people complaining about the country.

if you would like everything the same as in the UK or australia or what ever country, then stay there and not go to thailand.

thailand is thailand and thai people are thai people and the thai way is the thai way.

that is why you all like the cuontry, the life there, the people and more.

if you change it all to your previous country, it will not be thai anymore and you go start complaining about that it is not thai anymore.

look in bkk, the smiles are already going away.

it looks more and more on a big western city in stead of a nice asian city.

just my 5 cents.

Hey... Pssst. Know one is complaining about the Country. As a matter of fact, I think that you will find that most of us love it.

What most are complaining about is the driving skills, the lack of that is of the vast majority of Thais. I would agree that it is not entirely their fault. As they have never had to learn to drive properly. In most cases.


I would dare to say that on average Thai drivers are more skilled than those in Western countries. NOT that they are better drivers but more skilled at least in the metro areas. One only need to look at the number of cars on the roads, the lack of traffic law enforcement, the lack of signs and traffic signals, lack of turn lanes, width of side streets, number of motorbikes.... and then consider having similar conditions in the west and how many accidents you would have.

I can't even fathom the police announcing a day off from tickets, as they did in BKK last year, in any major city in the west.

Drivers in Thailand tend to be considerably more alert and skilled than western drivers in my opinion. Not sure how many western drivers would do if they encountered another driver heading straight at them in the wrong lane as they come around a curve or over a hill .. or how they would fair if they had motorbikes on all sides over taking them as they try to make a turn. ... or dealing with all the u-turns/ entering traffic without traffic signals or stop signs .. or simply changing lanes with what only appears to be mental telepathy signals happening between drivers.

By no means is driving in this developing nations at the safety levels of first world nations but I would venture to guess that most western drivers don't have the skills needed to drive daily in and around a city like BKK.

:cheesy:, That has got to be the funniest post l have read in a long time, l can only assume your observations are whilst high on something. :cheesy:

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the number of cars on the roads, the lack of traffic law enforcement, the lack of signs and traffic signals, lack of turn lanes, width of side streets, number of motorbikes.

So these are all good reasons for the Thai people to drive like maniacs.

Shouldn't they actually make drivers MORE careful and considerate of other road users?

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There are 2 types of accidents. Those caused by neglect and those not. I would reckon that most "accidents" in Thailand are of the neglect kind; speeding, drunkeness etc. Whilst the police manage, I sure, most times to attribute correct blame so that proper insurance claims and/or compensation be made, one wonders how often does the neglectful driver suffer more than just loss of his no claims bonus? Termination of driving license, manslaughter charges etc etc. A little more of that might make some of the idiots on the road out there sit up and pay attention and drive a little better.

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Thai drivers are more skilled than those in Western countries.

agree ....

seen that in BKK.

it'd take years for us to be in that level.

they should have L-learner,R-restricted,F-full too.

the process of getting a driver-license is (like) a piece of cake.

they need real practical driving and theoretical tests.

Edited by dunkin2012
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I just want to wish the injured all the best, and i am sorry 2 got killed, i dont know if they use speed paper files that can verify the speed, or are if they obliged to confirm in some way. But as a matter of fact accidents with busses involved happen everywhere (also in Europe) In my view i think its too early to blame the driver for speeding. Speed kills i know that, as i drove trucks before and i saw many terrible accidents. (one night i had to drive a seriously injured girl, to a hospital, but she died later) the car driver, who hit her, just took off, scared i believe or drunk. In assence DONT DRINK AND DRIVE, and ofcause dont SPEED, even if beeing late can cost you your job. Again i am not sure about what system (if any ) they have here in Thailand. Many things need to improve both here and in the rest of the world.

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I just came back to Pattaya this Friday on one of Roong Reuang Tour's buses from Ekkamai.

First there was a long delay until they got a bus to Busstation, but when we finally went the driver drove like a maniac!

The whole bus was wobbling from side to side and I prayed to God to let us through safely, especially as the road-sides

of the elevated Highway are so low, and if you hit them you'll fly over and down to an almost certain death!:o

Same thing happened 4 days earlier when I went the other way from Pattaya to BKK, it was hard wind that day

and the driver had big difficulties to keep the bus going straight, zigzaging all over the road!

No way he would slow down, just stepped on the pedal like a maniac!

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My Thai wife calls them the Bus Mafia. They just don't care not only about their passengers but do not respect other road users. They stay in outside lane and if you are in front of them (in any lane) it is hand on the horn to tell you to get out of their way. I love Thailand but the general Thai driver let alone Bus drivers have no idea about driving rules. No lights on when raining, continue driving on right when can move in making the other users break the law by overtaking on the inside. Never a day goes by when I not see cars, buses, lorries and motorbikes go through red lights. If I first in line to go when lights go green I wait for about 5 seconds before I move on.

I agree with you about the traffic lights!

If I am first in line I look both ways before moving off on the green light because Often I see buses and lorries going through a red light at reckless speeds because they are going too fast to stop, I have also seen many accidents at traffic lights many of them fatal.

Worst one was a pick up loaded with workers early one morning . Their bodies( I counted 10 ) were thrown out onto the highway, some a long distance from their pick up. I presumed dead because nobody was trying to help their lifeless bodies.

In the UK we have traffic light cameras to catch people who drive through a red light.

Also Thais seem to be afraid to turn on their lights in poor light. Many will only turn them on when it is not possible to see the road ahead. ( maybe they eat a lot of carrots ? )

Are they afraid it will cost them money if they turn on their lights?

It was 2 years before I understood ( if that is the right word !!!) Thai driving and would never drive here.

Now I drive like a Thai ( but safer ) and no problem.

Always make sure my windows are closed at police checkpoints too. So they do not pick on the farang driver.

"Are they afraid it will cost them money if they turn on their lights?"

YESSSS, in all seriousness. One day, I stopped along side a busy road with wife, to talk to her brother, 50 yr old lifer in the Army. It was overcast and looking like it would rain, hence driving with the lights on. When he finished talking to us, he pointed at the headlights asked why I was wasting money running the headlights during day? He was as serious as a heart attack when he asked. This forced me into a 30 minute auto engine 101 discourse with the wife, that use of the electric system does not cost money, who without batting an eye swore her brother knew more than I do. BTW I am older than he is. When she didn't take my word over brothers, I finished with, "When we get home, show me the Isuzu electric bill you pay each month". Silence for the next 25 kilometers.

Thats brilliant featography ,......... and oh so typical !

education education education !!

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If the authorities really cared (which i think they don't) electronic speed limiters would have been fitted to all buses and especially mini buses restricting them to a top speed of 60Kph a long time ago.

We cannot rely on the BIB to enforce any of the rules or style of driving (Dangerous, reckless, stupid, etc styles)

No one can educate anyone in this country about anything when they don't want it.

It seems arrogance and pride are the biggest blocks to education here.

They don't need to be told anything because they are "KHON THAI"! they know it all already just like a silver back gorilla knows everything.

Driver rip NO passenger YES.:ermm:

Speed limiter is a good idea, however I'm afraid they will just go and get it removed (cracked) at MBK or Pantip for 500B. IMHO. Society has to instill this change in mindset, through either education and/or pressure from the Thai's. Acceptance of "that is the way it is" among the Thai's does not help.

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Tanaka ; Are you real ? ,......... i guess you must be sat in front of a computer now , so why dont you go to wikipedia or any website that will give you road traffic stats ???? ....... dont want to see them ? you think they will go away given enough time ? , well let me inform you of them , ....

the UK has 3.6 fatalities per 100,000 capita

Thailand = 19.6 deaths per 100,000 capita {wiki list of countries 2009}

bit of a difference would,nt you agree ??,....... but only 16 more ,........nit noi ,...... and as life here is so cheap , its more or less about the same same to you i guess , further more , in the uk , 96% of non fatal accidents are reported/recorded by the police ,.whats your guess of the recorded accidents in thailand ??? 60-70% ?

wake up and smell the coffee , thais and foriegners alike deserve better and safer roads , nobody is saying change thailand , we love it,.but its far from perfect......... face the facts !

education education education !!

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why are people complaining about the country.

if you would like everything the same as in the UK or australia or what ever country, then stay there and not go to thailand.

thailand is thailand and thai people are thai people and the thai way is the thai way.

that is why you all like the cuontry, the life there, the people and more.

if you change it all to your previous country, it will not be thai anymore and you go start complaining about that it is not thai anymore.

look in bkk, the smiles are already going away.

it looks more and more on a big western city in stead of a nice asian city.

just my 5 cents.

Hey... Pssst. Know one is complaining about the Country. As a matter of fact, I think that you will find that most of us love it.

What most are complaining about is the driving skills, the lack of that is of the vast majority of Thais. I would agree that it is not entirely their fault. As they have never had to learn to drive properly. In most cases.


I would dare to say that on average Thai drivers are more skilled than those in Western countries. NOT that they are better drivers but more skilled at least in the metro areas. One only need to look at the number of cars on the roads, the lack of traffic law enforcement, the lack of signs and traffic signals, lack of turn lanes, width of side streets, number of motorbikes.... and then consider having similar conditions in the west and how many accidents you would have.

I can't even fathom the police announcing a day off from tickets, as they did in BKK last year, in any major city in the west.

Drivers in Thailand tend to be considerably more alert and skilled than western drivers in my opinion. Not sure how many western drivers would do if they encountered another driver heading straight at them in the wrong lane as they come around a curve or over a hill .. or how they would fair if they had motorbikes on all sides over taking them as they try to make a turn. ... or dealing with all the u-turns/ entering traffic without traffic signals or stop signs .. or simply changing lanes with what only appears to be mental telepathy signals happening between drivers.

By no means is driving in this developing nations at the safety levels of first world nations but I would venture to guess that most western drivers don't have the skills needed to drive daily in and around a city like BKK.



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On A good note. One thing I must say. Last year we were for VIP bus Chaing-Mia to Korat. All the drivers singing on for duty were breathalised. Of course nothing stopping them from having a bottle of Lao Khao in their bag? :ph34r:


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why are people complaining about the country.

if you would like everything the same as in the UK or australia or what ever country, then stay there and not go to thailand.

thailand is thailand and thai people are thai people and the thai way is the thai way.

that is why you all like the cuontry, the life there, the people and more.

if you change it all to your previous country, it will not be thai anymore and you go start complaining about that it is not thai anymore.

look in bkk, the smiles are already going away.

it looks more and more on a big western city in stead of a nice asian city.

just my 5 cents.

Hey... Pssst. Know one is complaining about the Country. As a matter of fact, I think that you will find that most of us love it.

What most are complaining about is the driving skills, the lack of that is of the vast majority of Thais. I would agree that it is not entirely their fault. As they have never had to learn to drive properly. In most cases.


I would dare to say that on average Thai drivers are more skilled than those in Western countries. NOT that they are better drivers but more skilled at least in the metro areas. One only need to look at the number of cars on the roads, the lack of traffic law enforcement, the lack of signs and traffic signals, lack of turn lanes, width of side streets, number of motorbikes.... and then consider having similar conditions in the west and how many accidents you would have.

I can't even fathom the police announcing a day off from tickets, as they did in BKK last year, in any major city in the west.

Drivers in Thailand tend to be considerably more alert and skilled than western drivers in my opinion. Not sure how many western drivers would do if they encountered another driver heading straight at them in the wrong lane as they come around a curve or over a hill .. or how they would fair if they had motorbikes on all sides over taking them as they try to make a turn. ... or dealing with all the u-turns/ entering traffic without traffic signals or stop signs .. or simply changing lanes with what only appears to be mental telepathy signals happening between drivers.

By no means is driving in this developing nations at the safety levels of first world nations but I would venture to guess that most western drivers don't have the skills needed to drive daily in and around a city like BKK.



more skilled ??????? ..is that why there are so many motorsport world champions from thailand ?????......whats his name now ?........errrrr....mmmmmmmm......was it crash bandicoot ???? :cheesy:

Edited by osiboy
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Tanaka ; Are you real ? ,......... i guess you must be sat in front of a computer now , so why dont you go to wikipedia or any website that will give you road traffic stats ???? ....... dont want to see them ? you think they will go away given enough time ? , well let me inform you of them , ....

the UK has 3.6 fatalities per 100,000 capita

Thailand = 19.6 deaths per 100,000 capita {wiki list of countries 2009}

bit of a difference would,nt you agree ??,....... but only 16 more ,........nit noi ,...... and as life here is so cheap , its more or less about the same same to you i guess , further more , in the uk , 96% of non fatal accidents are reported/recorded by the police ,.whats your guess of the recorded accidents in thailand ??? 60-70% ?

wake up and smell the coffee , thais and foriegners alike deserve better and safer roads , nobody is saying change thailand , we love it,.but its far from perfect......... face the facts !

education education education !!

Keep in mind that the deaths in Thailand are vastly motorbike related. The make up near 10x the number of deaths than autos. Also the majority of vehicles on the road in Thailand are motorbikes and there is little enforcement of the helmet laws or riding underage or with 2+ more people on the bike. Also consider the US has near 4 times the number of deaths per 100,000 vehicles than the UK. as the US has considerably more densely populated metro areas or that about 25% of all vehicles in Thailand are in Bangkok.

As for 96% of non-fatal accident being reported ...???? how could anybody know this? Not sure about the UK but the figure is surely much much higher in the US since people don't want their insurance to go up and often offer cash payments.

In my opinion it is odd to compare a developing nation with that of a first world country when it comes to road safety. Lets think about where the western world was 25 or 50 years ago when it came to road safety. Keep in mind too that Thailand's road deaths have been trending down this past decade while the number of vehicles on the road continues to increase each year.

Edited by Nisa
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more skilled ??????? ..is that why there are so many motorsport world champions from thailand ?????......whats his name now ?........errrrr....mmmmmmmm......was it crash bandicoot ???? :cheesy:

not that any logical person would seriously rate a countries commuter's driving skills with the number of motor sport drivers the country produces but you may want to do a little homework before assuming there are none including Formula drivers in a country (Thailand) that doesn't sponsor any F1 races.

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more skilled ??????? ..is that why there are so many motorsport world champions from thailand ?????......whats his name now ?........errrrr....mmmmmmmm......was it crash bandicoot ???? :cheesy:

not that any logical person would seriously rate a countries commuter's driving skills with the number of motor sport drivers the country produces but you may want to do a little homework before assuming there are none including Formula drivers in a country (Thailand) that doesn't sponsor any F1 races.


Looks like we have a little school class here....

she was ironic..............'bout skillful drivers in BKK though.

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I used to complain when they would give me, what I used to call ( The Farrang Ticket ). When you go to pick up a ticket at the ticket box, you will notice the girl always has tickets printed and sitting beside her keyboard. These are tickets that they give only to the farrang. Most of the time the are tickets around the Toilet and or at the back of the bus like cramped back seat.

That sounds paranoid. I've been here nine years, and the bus is my main means of transportation out of town. I get tickets just like everyone else--all over the bus, randomly-selected, or the next seat available. Sat next to the bathroom only once (and that was a Nakorn Chai 1st class bus, which stank to high heaven!).

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In my opinion thats the most dangerous road i have ever driven on. Its feels like your driving to hell. Anyone that needs to go to pattaya via bus then surely motorway 7 is a better option

Anyway RIP to the 2 that died and hope the other 27 make a speedy recovery.

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Btw Nisa is correct, Thai drivers on average are very much more skilled than the average western driver. The only problem is they are not scared to die!

I have been driving here for 3 years and seen many accidents but if more people in the west drove here then the accident rate would be considerably higher.

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I take the bus from Pattaya to Bangkok all the time. From now on I will make sure to wear my seat belt (if there is one).


i occassionally use the overnight bus , udon - chiang mai

and it is not a pleasant/safe experience .

i have my roseary and the good book with me , plus my buddah,

and anything else , including a crash helmet .

:o :jap:

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Drivers in Thailand tend to be considerably more alert and skilled than western drivers in my opinion. Not sure how many western drivers would do if they encountered another driver heading straight at them in the wrong lane as they come around a curve or over a hill .. or how they would fair if they had motorbikes on all sides over taking them as they try to make a turn. ... or dealing with all the u-turns/ entering traffic without traffic signals or stop signs .. or simply changing lanes with what only appears to be mental telepathy signals happening between drivers.

By no means is driving in this developing nations at the safety levels of first world nations but I would venture to guess that most western drivers don't have the skills needed to drive daily in and around a city like BKK.

Please tell me you are being sarcastic.

I fear that Nisa is not.

As I am in the UK at the moment, I might have a crack at the driving the wrong way bit just so it gives me greater familiarity and hones my skills for when I return. Might try it on the M6 - that short sort out any constipation issues (for me and several others).

Whilst I am at it I may ask a few motorcyclists to join the flow of traffic without looking. Just to keep my hand in.

I particularly

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Is Their no safety in this county

Waiting for the correction :ph34r:

Of course if you are worried about your personal safety you can find a country that is totally safe. Not. Does not exist.

Bus crashes happen everywhere. Bus drivers everywhere still drive by the might is right rule with a few exceptions. That

relates to the smaller give way to the bigger.

You come to Thailand because it is less constrictive than your home country. In truth the rule are different but are what we

appreciate and why we live here.

Please send the forum an email from whichever country you find that is "safe". Don't forget to look at personal safety, crime statistics,

vehicle safety issues as well as driving ability and licensing plus the million and one other things that make this mythical country

you want to live in "safe".

And good luck

Many country's don't have statistics, and many tailer them to suit , like don't give bad news it may stop tourist coming , Same as crime statistics, even some not recorded so don't put to much faith into Government statics from any County.

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.she was ironic.
Right! Definitely a thin line between irony and stupidity.

persons Living in Thailand that ACTUALLY drive every day, to my mind should have a better Idea than a person who uses local transport, or Tour buses, and who cannot drive. It doesn't mean that the experienced driver can only comment, BUT the poster who said Thai are better drivers that Western drivers, to my mind has not much Idea.

The experience alone in Learning in the west, then having the rigorous test points to the fact that you are pretty much capable to be on the road. All I can say if Nisa is correct, then buying your license or relying on what you saw the way your uncle drove makes Thai better drivers-QUOTE more skilled. Just an observation not a lot of posters have agreed to these comments. But again everyone has a right to an opinion.

It was mentioned earlier that most buses do keep to the speed limit of 80kph, again they have not driven much on the highways and been overtaken by a tour bus doing in excess of 120kph. Sometimes it's better not to post if you have no Idea. then you don't lose face!!!:whistling:

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Most cases accidents happen are due to drivers,road conditions and vehicle conditions.Most do not follow the speed limit.My condolence to all who died.

Except maybe the reckless driver that was the cause.

if the driver would have been Farang instead of Thai the everyone would be telling you to show some respect for the dead. As he's a Thai bus driver, the predictable free for all ensues.

You have NO idea about the circumstances. In the absence of information, I would go with respect for the dead. :wai:

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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