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Abhisit Ready For Political Debate With Yingluck

Lite Beer

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Abhisit was a minister at twenty-seven. He's had years of ministerial experience compared to Thaksin Lite - Yingluk - and is presumably very knowledgable about ministrial procedures and other matters.

I fear he could expose her ignorance concerning such things as - statistics - facts - figures - policies - procedures - you name it - things the electorate would presume she would know about.

It would not be a pretty sight to see Abhisit tear Yingluk apart in front of the television cameras.

I always thought that leading and representing the citizens of a country was a task for an experienced person instead of being done by just someone who happens to have a pretty face.

So do you think that one who doesn't know anything about the facts you state yourself shoulkd even be considered as a candidate to lead a country?

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Abhisit was a minister at twenty-seven. He's had years of ministerial experience compared to Thaksin Lite - Yingluk - and is presumably very knowledgable about ministrial procedures and other matters.

I fear he could expose her ignorance concerning such things as - statistics - facts - figures - policies - procedures - you name it - things the electorate would presume she would know about.

It would not be a pretty sight to see Abhisit tear Yingluk apart in front of the television cameras.

I'm in total agreement with your post. However this offer of a debate is a ridiculous one but, if Yinglak accepted it, I don't think she would appear so stupid even if she might appear unconvincing. She could quite easily understand most of Thaksin's ideas and be able to regurgitate some supporting figures and stats as she's not an idiot. On certain points she could also answer "my brother has told me that he knows the answer but doesn't want to give it out yet" - sort of gives her a get-out-of-jail card for any question too testing. It's not that really risky in legal terms because the late Samak said exactly the same thing - as our policies are whatever Thaksin tells us they are.

However, the debate would very much show her as a puppet of Thaksin. Of course, they can always shout "Yeah, but" in terms of various other supposed puppets, but it will show that she is running the country at the instruction of a 3rd party individual, who happens to be banned from politics and a fugitive who has yet to answer to several charges, including terrorism, in the Thai justice system.

I have to say that I've not seen many of the more left-wing supporters of Peua Thai, especially the Red Shirt sympathisers who are looking for a more radical change, give their approval to Yinglak.

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Hilarious all the forum reds are against her debating. Back in our countries, can you even IMAGINE a a presidential/prime minister candidate NOT debating? REFUSING to debate the opposition? What a joke. Don't need debates, get 60% for our party or your roads won't be fixed and no infrastructure for your village for 4 years.

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It would be fun to watch! Abhisit --- speaking clearly and addressing the issues .... Yingluck stammering and saying "but when my brother picked me to head AIS and when my brother picked me to head PTP as party list #1 ...."

Thaksin thinks, PTP ...... succumbs?

I wasn't awareYingluck was afflicted or likely to be afflicted with a stammer......................

Perhaps you would provide medical evidence to support your statement......whilst you mock people with an innocent affliction to enhance your political "fun"

Go take a prozac - we all know what shell be like if her brother is anything to go by - haa loy baht!!!

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Which excuse will she come up with for declining?



Probably inform him if she is elected PM she will be more than happy to debate politics with him.........as the opposition leader.....:)

Well, anyway, lets hope she can at least speak Thai as well as English more lucidly than her older brother whose English is.. erm, well you know, pretty bad. :unsure:

I understand your concern.....but I wouldn't worry, when she does speak I am sure plenty will listen.........

yeah - and then laugh!!

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Interesting, a rather arrogant sounding statement.........

Are the Democrats under estimating the opposition yet again?

Which statement did you find arrogant-sounding and why?

When did the Dems underestimate the opposition and how do you know this?

I thought the statement suggesting a debate and that Abhisit was ready to debate a political novice.....as a rather arrogant statement.....just my opinion

The government under estimated, and thus failed to control, the gathering, which led to the crackdown and subsequent violence.......in my opinion of course

Please do not hesitate to cantact me if you require any further information or assistance.......:)

Abhisit has a right to offer a debate and in doing so to make ridicule of the Thaksin puppet

she is a ridiculous choice for a PM and Abhisit's offer only serves to highlight just how ridiculous it is t

what about the media interviewing her about policy ?

it would be like Katie Couric interviewing Sara Palin

maybe she can see Cambodia from her door step.........

in my opinion:

the reds shouldn't have been there

no illegal gathering

no crackdown

no violence

all are fruit of the Thaksin poisoned red tree

i see that people in this forum are very eager to emit their opinions and speculations, is true that thaksin's sister apparently don't has a lot of experience in politics,but she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here, people should nout understimate her ;)

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Interesting, a rather arrogant sounding statement.........

Are the Democrats under estimating the opposition yet again?

Which statement did you find arrogant-sounding and why?

When did the Dems underestimate the opposition and how do you know this?

I thought the statement suggesting a debate and that Abhisit was ready to debate a political novice.....as a rather arrogant statement.....just my opinion

The government under estimated, and thus failed to control, the gathering, which led to the crackdown and subsequent violence.......in my opinion of course

Please do not hesitate to cantact me if you require any further information or assistance.......:)

Well we can scrub that post then if thats ALL it means!!

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The last time Abhisit proposed a debate with a Thaksin proxy...


Editorial cartoon

Krungtepturakit newspaper, November 14, 2007

At the top, Samak, as a barking dog, talks to a "press" microphone.

At the bottom, when a "debate" microphone is produced, Samak hides in the doghouse.

At the top it reads: This is a real gentleman!

This is a reference to recent weeks when Samak made extremely bellicose and confrontational public statements.

However, after being challenged to a public debate by Democrats' Abhisit, it was announced Samak would not engage in such a debate.


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Interesting, a rather arrogant sounding statement.........

Are the Democrats under estimating the opposition yet again?

Which statement did you find arrogant-sounding and why?

When did the Dems underestimate the opposition and how do you know this?

I thought the statement suggesting a debate and that Abhisit was ready to debate a political novice.....as a rather arrogant statement.....just my opinion

The government under estimated, and thus failed to control, the gathering, which led to the crackdown and subsequent violence.......in my opinion of course

Please do not hesitate to cantact me if you require any further information or assistance.......:)

Abhisit has a right to offer a debate and in doing so to make ridicule of the Thaksin puppet

she is a ridiculous choice for a PM and Abhisit's offer only serves to highlight just how ridiculous it is t

what about the media interviewing her about policy ?

it would be like Katie Couric interviewing Sara Palin

maybe she can see Cambodia from her door step.........

in my opinion:

the reds shouldn't have been there

no illegal gathering

no crackdown

no violence

all are fruit of the Thaksin poisoned red tree


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Nit picking and looking at effect rather than cause....not unusual here .......my points do not stand or fall on political bias.......bye.....:) .

Doing a Yingluck?

That may be the phrase that catches on!

I can't believe that someone would suggest that someone whose name is in the hat for PM shouldn't be in a debate because of being a political novice! Or that it would be arrogant to suggest a debate. Whoever is the next PM is (in theory) going to run a country of 64+ Million people .... if being a novice precludes a debate (it shouldn't) then by extension it would preclude actually being PM, wouldn't it?

Oh dear

Recall my opening post?

"Have the Democrats underestimated the opposition again"................

You guys certainly put yourselves on the line with your assumptions..........

Occasionally people who make such assumptions end up with very red faces......:)


Thought you were going!!!

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Hilarious all the forum reds are against her debating. Back in our countries, can you even IMAGINE a a presidential/prime minister candidate NOT debating? REFUSING to debate the opposition? What a joke.

The Thai public WANTS to see a political debate.

In 2006, a poll conducted showed that 85% of the respondents wanted to see a debate (which certainly covers any poll margin of error) and still Thaksin refused:

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday again challenged caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to a live TV showdown - something Thai voters would love to see most, according to the latest opinion poll.

"If Prime Minister Thaksin is confident in Thai Rak Thai policies, please see me on television so that people can see and compare the differences," Abhisit said at a major seminar on his party's policies.

Of the 2,812 people in 15 provinces surveyed in an Abac poll from July 28 to August 5, 85 per cent said they were keen to hear what the party leaders had to say to each other on TV.

The Nation

August 7, 2006

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i see that people in this forum are very eager to emit their opinions and speculations, is true that thaksin's sister apparently don't has a lot of experience in politics,but she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here, people should nout understimate her ;)

Oh despite the words they are not under estimating the threat.......why else the clamour to discredit a person before they have had chance to speak for themselves.....:D

Methinks they protest too much............:)

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Before every election all the TV channels invite the leading members of each party to debate their policies. If Yinglak refuses to go they should put a puppet in the chair reserved for the Pheua Thai member in the TV studio.

It's common use in western countries to invite the leaders of every party to invite them in a TV transmitted debate before general elections. K. Abhisit accepts this democratic common use. Why to blame him?

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she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here

If she does accept it would be a first for a Thaksin or Thaksin-proxy candidate.

I do hope she bucks the trend of the past 11 years for the group, but I'm not holding my breath.

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'473geo' timestamp='1305450665' post='4425356'

Interesting, a rather arrogant sounding statement.........

Are the Democrats under estimating the opposition yet again?

Which statement did you find arrogant-sounding and why?

When did the Dems underestimate the opposition and how do you know this?

I thought the statement suggesting a debate and that Abhisit was ready to debate a political novice.....as a rather arrogant statement.....just my opinion

The government under estimated, and thus failed to control, the gathering, which led to the crackdown and subsequent violence.......in my opinion of course

Please do not hesitate to cantact me if you require any further information or assistance.......:)

Abhisit has a right to offer a debate and in doing so to make ridicule of the Thaksin puppet

she is a ridiculous choice for a PM and Abhisits offer highlights just how ridiculous it is t

it would be like Katie Couric interviewing Palin

maybe she can see Cambodia from here door step.........

in my opinion:

no illegal gathering

no crackdown

no violence

the reds shouldn't have been there

all fruit of the Thaksin poisoned tree

But they were there..........an undeniable fact.......and could have been better controlled from the outset.....in my opinion......

Yes Abhisit has the right to offer debate....he also had a weekly platform to convince the electorate he is the man for the job.........

So why does he require debate....are the electorate still unsure?.......:)

I am sure many are unsure. Especially with a candidate in which so little is known and whose experience is known to be limited. I'll give her credit for being less idiotic that Sarah Palin.

In all 'successful nations', candidates debate the points of their platforms and intentions, and this is so the electorate can see for themselves the points made, lost,and how the future national leader handles themselves in debate and under pressure. Because surely for a Thai PM debating another national leader one on one, like Hun Sen for example, will not be as easy as addressing your older brothers cronies at a party dinner meeting.

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she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here

If she does accept it would be a first for a Thaksin or Thaksin-proxy candidate.

I do hope she bucks the trend of the past 11 years for the group, but I'm not holding my breath.

There is no logical reason for her to accept.....after all, Abhisit will already have a great bond with his viewing public, and will have garnered support with his weekly telecast, so really nobody should even come close to matching his popularity.......unless of course.......the government is percieved not to have delivered............

Surely not!!!

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Hilarious all the forum reds are against her debating. Back in our countries, can you even IMAGINE a a presidential/prime minister candidate NOT debating? REFUSING to debate the opposition? What a joke.

The Thai public WANTS to see a political debate.

In 2006, a poll conducted showed that 85% of the respondents wanted to see a debate (which certainly covers any poll margin of error) and still Thaksin refused:

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday again challenged caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to a live TV showdown - something Thai voters would love to see most, according to the latest opinion poll.

"If Prime Minister Thaksin is confident in Thai Rak Thai policies, please see me on television so that people can see and compare the differences," Abhisit said at a major seminar on his party's policies.

Of the 2,812 people in 15 provinces surveyed in an Abac poll from July 28 to August 5, 85 per cent said they were keen to hear what the party leaders had to say to each other on TV.

The Nation

August 7, 2006


85% with a gross margin of error in it of 5% + or - ...

so somewhere between 80% and 90% of Thais wanted to hear Abhisit and Thaksin debate THEIR countries future.

Why should anyone assume that any fewer today would want to hear these two main political prospects debating their visions, when the stakes are seemingly much greater?

Aside from the fact it would be the most photogenic debate in Thai history!

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she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here

If she does accept it would be a first for a Thaksin or Thaksin-proxy candidate.

I do hope she bucks the trend of the past 11 years for the group, but I'm not holding my breath.

There is no logical reason for her to accept.....after all, Abhisit will already have a great bond with his viewing public, and will have garnered support with his weekly telecast, so really nobody should even come close to matching his popularity.......unless of course.......the government is percieved not to have delivered............

Surely not!!!

A reason more to accept the invitation and counter the advantage the democrats have,not?

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she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here

If she does accept it would be a first for a Thaksin or Thaksin-proxy candidate.

I do hope she bucks the trend of the past 11 years for the group, but I'm not holding my breath.

There is no logical reason for her to accept.....after all, Abhisit will already have a great bond with his viewing public, and will have garnered support with his weekly telecast, so really nobody should even come close to matching his popularity.......unless of course.......the government is percieved not to have delivered............

Surely not!!!

A reason more to accept the invitation and counter the advantage the democrats have,not?

That is the point, I think the opposition can live with any advantage Abhisit may have gained.........:lol:

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she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here

If she does accept it would be a first for a Thaksin or Thaksin-proxy candidate.

I do hope she bucks the trend of the past 11 years for the group, but I'm not holding my breath.

There is no logical reason for her to accept.....after all, Abhisit will already have a great bond with his viewing public, and will have garnered support with his weekly telecast, so really nobody should even come close to matching his popularity.......unless of course.......the government is percieved not to have delivered............

Surely not!!!

A reason more to accept the invitation and counter the advantage the democrats have,not?

PTP seems to be (by a small minority) the most popular political party in Thailand and may in fact get a few more seats in parliament than the Dems (and probably still not be able to form the next government) The reds have at least 2 TV stations and countless (mostly illegal) radio stations ... There is no reason that the red stations can't share in the pool coverage of the debate. (Thus totally countering the, what I see as undemocratic and quite fearful excuses for Thaksin's sis to refuse any debate!)

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The people that she hopes to lead need to get to know her, so she should do some sort of public appearance. There are less than 50 days left to the election.

It's difficult to imagine people actually entrusting someone with no political experience and whom they've only gotten to know in less than 50 days to lead a country of 67M people.

It would also be absurd to think that a country can be effectively managed remotely from some other country. Can you imagine the President of the United States moving to Thailand permanently whilst still continuing to lead his country via his sister? Can you also imagine going to a job interview for a management position and saying that you will work remotely in another country and will send your brother or sister into the office every day?

Yingluk's going to be a proxy. A nominee. A de facto leader. A caretaker PM for Mr. T.

It's no problem here. Try to look at it like it's working from home. Nothing wrong with that? Is there? :whistling:

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^ The point is,that this is the weakest excuse I have ever heard in my life.

If you children really think that shouting cowardy cowardy custard, on an internet forum, is going to have the slightest effect on Yingluck accepting or declining, I suggest you take a little reality check.......but I guess you gotta fill your sunday afternoons somehow......

I gotta take another break and watch some paint dry........:)

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she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here

If she does accept it would be a first for a Thaksin or Thaksin-proxy candidate.

I do hope she bucks the trend of the past 11 years for the group, but I'm not holding my breath.

There is no logical reason for her to accept.....

The public want it and deserve it.

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she has not answered yet, we all should wait to hear if she's gonne accept the challenge or not and then we can debate here

If she does accept it would be a first for a Thaksin or Thaksin-proxy candidate.

I do hope she bucks the trend of the past 11 years for the group, but I'm not holding my breath.

There is no logical reason for her to accept.....

The public want it and deserve it.

Is that so.......and perhaps they also want her to make a good showing.......:D

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Abhisit was a minister at twenty-seven. He's had years of ministerial experience compared to Thaksin Lite - Yingluk - and is presumably very knowledgable about ministrial procedures and other matters.

I fear he could expose her ignorance concerning such things as - statistics - facts - figures - policies - procedures - you name it - things the electorate would presume she would know about.

It would not be a pretty sight to see Abhisit tear Yingluk apart in front of the television cameras.

I always thought that leading and representing the citizens of a country was a task for an experienced person instead of being done by just someone who happens to have a pretty face.

So do you think that one who doesn't know anything about the facts you state yourself shoulkd even be considered as a candidate to lead a country?

No - of course not. But all the same I believe it's a clever move by Thaksin. She looks good and that's obviously a counter to Abhisit's good looks. As you're probably no doubt aware - looks and appearance are very important here particularly when it's a case of garnering votes in an election.

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Abhisit was a minister at twenty-seven. He's had years of ministerial experience compared to Thaksin Lite - Yingluk - and is presumably very knowledgable about ministrial procedures and other matters.

I fear he could expose her ignorance concerning such things as - statistics - facts - figures - policies - procedures - you name it - things the electorate would presume she would know about.

These are the reasons to why Yingluck is not an appropriate person for the job. She should have acquired some years in public political life before going for the position of Prime Minister.

Of course - that would have been an ideal scenario. But Thaksin has encountered difficulties finding a suitable individual to lead Pheu Thai into this election and has unfortunately - or fortunately as the case amy be - had to fall back on his sister.

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Of course - that would have been an ideal scenario. But Thaksin has encountered difficulties finding a suitable individual to lead Pheu Thai into this election and has unfortunately - or fortunately as the case amy be - had to fall back on his sister.

By suitable candidate you mean be sure to go after their only real goal, pardoning Thaksin and returning his wealth. Anyone else might have wavered in this

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