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Oh you mean these guys?

His pack of cronies, and former employees?

The Thai Rak Thai was registered on July 15, 1998, by telecommunications entrepreneur Thaksin Shinawatra and 22 other founding members, including Somkid Jatusripitak, (Thai: ธรรมรักษ์ อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา) is a former Thaimilitary officer, Member of Parliament, co-founder of the Thai Rak Thai party, and former Defence Minister. He was forced into hiding in the 2006 Thailand coup and his whereabouts are unknown.

On 26 June 2007, they founded Ruam Jai Thai.

</h2> Thanong Bidaya, (born Thanong Lamyai) is a Thai politician and deposed Finance Minister. After the military overthrew the government of Thaksin Shinawatra, he remained in Singapore where he was attending the annual meeting of the World Bank/IMF. Thanong was invited by the government of Premier Chavalit Yongchaiyudh

to be Finance Minister from June to October 1997, the height of the Asian financial crisis.

He served as Finance Minister under the government of Thaksin Shinawatra

for a second term from August 2005 until the military coup of September 2006.

Sudarat Keyuraphan, born May 1, 1961, Thai: สุดารัตน์ เกยุราพันธ์) is a Thai politician and the deputy leader of the Thai Rak Thai party. She served as the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand in the Thai Rak Thai government until its ousting in the September 2006 coup. Sudarat also served as Minister of Public Health from October 3, 2002 to March 11, 2005. Which included the Bird Flue scandal, where Bird Flue in Thailand was officially denied until it was out of control Purachai Piumsombun, In 2001 the Interior Minister of Thailand, , began a campaign to enforce his somewhat puritanical ideas of social order ... Thammarak Isaragura na Ayuthaya, (Thai: ธรรมรักษ์ อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา) is a former Thaimilitary officer, Member of Parliament, co-founder of the Thai Rak Thai party, and former Defence Minister. He was forced into hiding in the 2006 Thailand coup and his whereabouts are unknown.[1]

Na Ayuthaya is of Chinese descent,[2][3][4] and prior to the adoption of the Na Ayuthaya family's current family surname, and Prommin Lertsuridej.M.D. (Thai:พรหมินทร์ เลิศสุริย์เดช) (born 5 November 1954) was a Thai politician, former student leader, former Secretary General to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, former Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, and former Minister of Energy in the Thaksin government. After a 2006 military coup overthrew the Thaksin government, Prommin was arrested and detained by the junta for three weeks Business career He began his business career in 1993 as Senior Manager of Business Development with IBC Cable TV (which later merged with UTV to become United Broadcasting Corporation). IBC was launched by Thaksin Shinawatra. he later became General Manager of IBC in Cambodia and Laos. In 1995, he was promoted to become IBC's General Manager. From 1997 to 2000, he was appointed VP of Ground Services for Shin Satellite. From November 2000 to February 2001, he was Managing Director of C.S. Communication, anotherShin Corporation company.[

Prommin was appointed Secretary General to the Prime Minister. Prommin was Thaksin's primary liaison in managing groups demanding justice and compensation from the government. The role allowed him to utilize the strong understanding of protestor psychology he developed during his student days. From October 2002 to February 2003, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, replacing Somkid Jatusripitak. This gave him responsibility for all key economic portfolios, including the Finance Ministry, the Commerce Ministry, the Industry Ministry, the Energy Ministry, the National Energy Policy Committee, the Board of Investment, and the privatisation of state enterprises. Key tasks included managing the 650 billion baht debts of the Financial Institutions Development Fund, price controls for agricultural products, and hallmark Thai Rak Thai grass-roots programs like farmer debt suspension, One Tambon One Product (OTOP), the Village Fund, and the People's Bank.[21

Someone needs to update Wikipedia... Their current whereabouts are all to well known!<_<

Only one was where abouts unknown.

But it still gives an interesting juxtaposition about who was surrounding Thaksin at the founding of a party he controlled from day one.

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I would vote for Yingluck no matter what party she's from, just to see her pretty face every day

Do you think her husband would entice many voters to vote for his wife, also?


If Pheu Thai is able to win the election, Yingluk will become Thailand's first female prime minister.


and if that happens, Thailand's first First Gentleman, Anusorn Amornchat


nope dude i am not nacionalist neither racist, and when i say that the most of us dont have an oxford education i am not talking about you(how egocentric ) i am talking about abhist,i didnt asked you if you were english or not,and maybe ur wife relly consult with you every simple decition that she makes(;) ) just cuz u r marry to her but i don't care that's ur familly problem not mine but what can tel you is that you like it or not we are gonne win,why??? cuz we look better(compare abhisit with our candidate) we are smarter( you hav been almost 4 year trying to make us dissapear from the thai politics,but you cant :) and unfortunatelly for you guys we have the support of almost the mayority of the farmers, and the poor people of this country,so,i am sorry for you!!!

pathetic isn't it?

One can only go by what you write....

What you said, and I will give credit for it being a second language, came off JUST as I stated it did.

Food for thought.

As to it being 'egocentric',

again your language appeared directed specifically at me.

If you are informed, voting can be a very simple decision.

Nor is it any problem for the family.

It is not a foregone conclusion that 'you are gonna win'.

Even as Thaksin is tooling up his kow tow feudal style political machine to get it done. You do see an elite is controlling your movement don't you?

isn there an obvious push to sway sentiment your way on Thai visa now when you seem to think it doesn't matter, only farangs.... Unless some one fears our abilities to sway Thais. No? you are all mentally incorruptible to english language thoughts?

I meet many farmers from the north who double as construction workers, and there is far from a uniform liking of PTP out there.

My wifes from the north her friends never liked Thaksin since 10 years. The ladies in our neighborhood are all Issan and not a one likes Thaksin and his plans. No huge fans of Suthep either, none of them like the old political dinosaurs.

So Yingkuck is cute for a 44 year old lady,

is that a reason she should get elected??? Not her abilities?

You have Jatuporn, Veera, Chalerm and Chavalit too,

still balanced on the cute meter to your side?

All hit the scary meter with Suthep just as hard.

It would be quite pathetic to see Thailands fortunes decide by a beauty contest!


and what's the problem with that???btw it doesnt matter how much you concern about the ellections,you can't do anything since you can't vote, so go and get a life. i ganne leave you with one advide of my good friend bob marely:

don't worry,about a thing

cuz every little thing is gone be allright :)

ahhh ok, that explains a few things.

Enjoy another toke for me, ma'an.


and don't forget Bob's words for Yingluck, ma'an....

"No Woman, No Cry"

nope dude,she's not gonne cry, u can b sure of that,she doesn't have a "dog's heart and deer's eyes"(like aquillis said to agamenon) like ur dear abhisit B)

Wow, that's some good stuff you got.



Some more advice for Krishnak: Personal attacks and insinuations like the post quoted above you should just let go. If you respond with a flame, typically the newbie (that's you) gets banned. You can only let this one go. (or respond VERY politely..)


This translate to 2 things for me;

1) Shinawatra makes the calls

2) PTP thinks that even if they nominate a "PIG" as PM, they would still win the election


So Yingkuck is cute for a 44 year old lady, is that a reason she should get elected???

Not her abilities?

You have Jatuporn, Veera, Chalerm and Chavalit too,

still balanced on the cute meter to your side?

HELL YES! :) Yingluck at least has proven herself in a real business career, and is clean politically.

The others you mention are either thoroughly corrupt dinosaurs, or part of the Red Shirt movement.


So Yingkuck is cute for a 44 year old lady, is that a reason she should get elected???

Not her abilities?

You have Jatuporn, Veera, Chalerm and Chavalit too,

still balanced on the cute meter to your side?

HELL YES! :) Yingluck at least has proven herself in a real business career, and is clean politically.

The others you mention are either thoroughly corrupt dinosaurs, or part of the Red Shirt movement.

Well other than breaking down in tears in her families assets case a year ago... seems she was right in the middle of that.

I think there is an current, and intense effort happening to sanitize her records.


It will take some doing to get to the level of filth that Chavalit and Chalerm have accumulated over the years.. ;) The clean up with Yingluck should be relatively easy in comparison. And actually a lot easier than, say, Suthep.


It will take some doing to get to the level of filth that Chavalit and Chalerm have accumulated over the years.. ;) The clean up with Yingluck should be relatively easy in comparison. And actually a lot easier than, say, Suthep.

Well big money also leaves big paper trails.


MR, i also think that women and men hasthe same abilities and capabilities, but the problem is that we are living in a country in which in the constitution ,both gender suposly have the same rights etc but in the reallity men has many priviledges and many rights giving to him by the law for the only reason of been a man, so is completly normal to make those kinds of statements,since in the thai cultre women are supose to be softer and more docile than man so i do will vote for her for the only reason that she's a woman, i allready saw abhisit in action,also saw some others prime minister(all of them man) so now i wanna see how she is gonne perform as PM, i don't think that she's gonne be a puppet of thaksin,but anyways if she's one i don't care too, cuz here only a few PM has been really originals te most of them has been puppets soem times of the army, some times.....anyway i hope she win and that afeter winnin' we shall not have another "pro-democracy coup", i see that in this forum there are lots of people more intereted in thai politics than thaipeople themselves, and i would like to know how many of them are able of speaking ,writing and reading in good thai, cuz if really wanna know about thai politician you should read thai newspapers and listening to thai radiostation.สวัสดีทุกคน!!!!!!:jap:

Thank you. That's exactly where I'm coming from.

Thai radiostation.. How about 92.5 FM in Chiang Mai. :D

at least appear soemone who listen to the Thai people and not to all currupt media who get lotsof money from the government for oculting the truth to the people,like for example how the snippers sended by abhisit killed my thai brothers during the protest or the same media who only expose the PM view rellating to the shutting down of the the red shirt radio stations and dont say all the facts ,thank you my brother i am half thai and half farang too,thats why i know that not all the farang are so obtuse like the most of the senior members of this forum who as you said seems to be living inside a yellow burble,thanks again, and God bless you


So Yingkuck is cute for a 44 year old lady, is that a reason she should get elected???

As long as I don't have to look at Suthep's face anymore on the evening news every day, YES.


Chalerm isn't going anywhere. He's been her biggest proponent in PTP... and it shows


Yingluck Shinawatra, a member of Pheu Thai Party, right, talks to fellow party members at the party headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, on Monday, May 16, 2011.



Look at their faces. She's got their heads twisted just by looking at them. Just like she'll twist the heads of Thai male voters during the election. If she told Chalerm to strip nude and dance upside down on a table, he'll do it without hesitation.


excerpt from Fugitive Thaksin’s Sister Picked to Lead Thailand Opposition

Further turmoil may hurt economic growth that reached a 15- year high of 7.8 percent last year and stocks that have been among Asia’s best performers over the past 12 months. Foreign investors have bought a net $871 million of Thai stocks this year, the second-most in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.

“Everybody knows that she’s not a seasoned politician,” said Kiat Sittheeamorn, Thailand’s trade representative and a member of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’s party. “It will be difficult not to imagine that many people would understand that she’s also acting on behalf of someone else."

From 2002 to 2006, Yingluck served as president of Advanced Info Service Pcl, a mobile-phone company founded by Thaksin that is now Thailand’s biggest.

She stepped down in 2006 shortly after Thaksin’s family sold its stake in holding company Shin Corp. to Singapore’s Temasek Holdings Pte for 73 billion baht ($2.4 billion), a deal that netted Yingluck 985 million baht and fueled protests that led to Thaksin’s overthrow in a coup later that year.

Bloomberg - May 16, 2011



Some posters need to be reminded that Thai Visa is an English language forum. English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed. Some posts have been removed.

Some off topic posts have also been removed.



This means no one dared go against the liege lords wishes publicly. All in favor raise your hand. Ok good, you've all been counted in, no need to ask for the Nay votes.

please i've noted that you don't like k.Thaksin,but stop writin' nonsense, if the most of the people of PTP don't like her , she has noway of becoming the formal candidate, otherwise k.Thaksin can lose many partymembers.:ermm:

you are naive aren't you dont you yet know its just about money and no one is going to walk away from that in Thailand or most places but continue with your delusion if you want


excerpt from Fugitive Thaksin's Sister Picked to Lead Thailand Opposition

Further turmoil may hurt economic growth that reached a 15- year high of 7.8 percent last year and stocks that have been among Asia's best performers over the past 12 months. Foreign investors have bought a net $871 million of Thai stocks this year, the second-most in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.

"Everybody knows that she's not a seasoned politician," said Kiat Sittheeamorn, Thailand's trade representative and a member of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's party. "It will be difficult not to imagine that many people would understand that she's also acting on behalf of someone else."

From 2002 to 2006, Yingluck served as president of Advanced Info Service Pcl, a mobile-phone company founded by Thaksin that is now Thailand's biggest.

She stepped down in 2006 shortly after Thaksin's family sold its stake in holding company Shin Corp. to Singapore's Temasek Holdings Pte for 73 billion baht ($2.4 billion), a deal that netted Yingluck 985 million baht and fueled protests that led to Thaksin's overthrow in a coup later that year.

Bloomberg - May 16, 2011


This Bloomberg article should put "PAID" to several arguments about the current Government's handling of some things .... AND paid to a lot of the assumptions of "how the world sees Thailand" that keep coming up in the political forums.


excerpt from Fugitive Thaksin's Sister Picked to Lead Thailand Opposition

Further turmoil may hurt economic growth that reached a 15- year high of 7.8 percent last year and stocks that have been among Asia's best performers over the past 12 months. Foreign investors have bought a net $871 million of Thai stocks this year, the second-most in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.

"Everybody knows that she's not a seasoned politician," said Kiat Sittheeamorn, Thailand's trade representative and a member of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's party. "It will be difficult not to imagine that many people would understand that she's also acting on behalf of someone else."

From 2002 to 2006, Yingluck served as president of Advanced Info Service Pcl, a mobile-phone company founded by Thaksin that is now Thailand's biggest.

She stepped down in 2006 shortly after Thaksin's family sold its stake in holding company Shin Corp. to Singapore's Temasek Holdings Pte for 73 billion baht ($2.4 billion), a deal that netted Yingluck 985 million baht and fueled protests that led to Thaksin's overthrow in a coup later that year.

Bloomberg - May 16, 2011


This Bloomberg article should put "PAID" to several arguments about the current Government's handling of some things .... AND paid to a lot of the assumptions of "how the world sees Thailand" that keep coming up in the political forums.

Agreed. Some impressive stats there for the government.

As well as impressive numbers for Yingluck's take on the Shin sale.


The media gets the equation,

Thaksin = PTP = Red Shirts

Pheu Thai Nominates Thaksin's Sister For Prime Minister's Post


Bernama (Malaysia) - May 16, 2011



Thaksin's sister to contest Thai elections

Mr Thaksin was ousted in a coup in 2006 and is now in self imposed exile after being convicted on corruption charges.

He remains the figurehead for the anti-government Red Shirt movement.

ABC (Australia) - May 16, 2011




Is Yingluck currently in the management levels of any companies?

Will she be stepping down from those positions when she becomes an MP (100% certain) or PM (36% certain).


Is Yingluck currently in the management levels of any companies?

Will she be stepping down from those positions when she becomes an MP (100% certain) or PM (36% certain).

SC Assets --- I think :)

I don't think her failure to disclose assets in the past will count against her. The assets forfeited in the assets forfeiture case don't count against her as THAT case was civil and not criminal.


Is Yingluck currently in the management levels of any companies?

Will she be stepping down from those positions when she becomes an MP (100% certain) or PM (36% certain).

SC Assets --- I think :)

I don't think her failure to disclose assets in the past will count against her. The assets forfeited in the assets forfeiture case don't count against her as THAT case was civil and not criminal.

Somewhat irrelevant what happened before I think, especially since the case was dismissed. What does matter is her NEW declaration of assets she has to submit after she's elected as MP.



This means no one dared go against the liege lords wishes publicly. All in favor raise your hand. Ok good, you've all been counted in, no need to ask for the Nay votes.

please i've noted that you don't like k.Thaksin,but stop writin' nonsense, if the most of the people of PTP don't like her , she has noway of becoming the formal candidate, otherwise k.Thaksin can lose many partymembers.:ermm:

you are naive aren't you dont you yet know its just about money and no one is going to walk away from that in Thailand or most places but continue with your delusion if you want

i think that the only naive here is you and the rest that think like you,this fight is not only about money,in many other party many of the PTP mamber will be welcome if they leave PTP, but with your comments is obvious that you don't understand how thing work here in thailand :)


Another reminder, in this forum, English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

Posts that are not in English will continue to be deleted.


I noticed that Yingluck's marriage was never registered. I know that this is frequently the case in wealthy Thai-Chinese families when both husband and wife have substantial pre-marital assets which they want to keep and administer separately (often these assets include part ownership of family businesses).

As a non-registered partner, would he have to abide by the rules governing the spouse of a PM?


sorry cuz i dont use to speak in english, but i am 100 % sure that you can perfectly well ,undertand what i write,if this forum were in thai,chinese, japanese,spanish or russian( the languages that i do speak really well) then i will not make mistakes while i am writing , and i just gonne give you one advise,go and get a life,and don't waste so much of your time saying nonesense here,you obviously are living in fantacy world, you need to get in touch with more thai people,and special recomendation, stop believing all the crap that our very "neutral' media publish, i don't have more timE for you, ahhhh i almost forget , my language it is specifically directed to you, i am very direct when i write :)

Ah, I can't give advice but you can?

I have a life.

But I also happen to work on the computer and have free time too.

It maybe nonsense to you since you disagree,

but I have more than enough positive responses from Thais to know

that I do NOT speak nonsense from a fantasy world as you put it.

Trying to make me look out of touch and delusional are we?

And you assume, incorrectly, that all my info comes from "neutral' media publish"

You make me feel so special singling me out for your advice....

Yes Kuhn Counciller, go find other fish to fry, time is short.

Yinglucks Big Week for sure, and Big Bros forces are marshaled all around her

to make sure she gets a BIG send off, and no dissenting voices should be allowed to mar that.

No pertinent questions asked, position for the future mapped out, just the big smile and

show her with 'influencial people' She is sitting with them she MUST be a player.

Lets not forget than anyone questioning her credentials and abilities MUST be anti-poor and anti-Thailand, and living in a suborned media fed fantasy world,

why else would they question her credentials?

It is high theater with a spin cycle added, to make her more than she is.


I noticed that Yingluck's marriage was never registered. I know that this is frequently the case in wealthy Thai-Chinese families when both husband and wife have substantial pre-marital assets which they want to keep and administer separately (often these assets include part ownership of family businesses).

As a non-registered partner, would he have to abide by the rules governing the spouse of a PM?

It's frequently the case with many Thais of all ethnicity and income groups


Loved this quote from the lady

I'll reform the justice system

She will have to before Thaksin can come back.

And reform the military and police.

But Thaksin will have a lot to do before he comes back.

The border with Cambodia will have to be redrawn with the yemple land given to Thailand in exchange for a big chunk of the gulf so the oil expoloration rights can go to the Sansin company to be onsold at a profit.

Then there are the computer and credit card companied to sort out.


Loved this quote from the lady

I'll reform the justice system

She will have to before Thaksin can come back.

And reform the military and police.

But Thaksin will have a lot to do before he comes back.

The border with Cambodia will have to be redrawn with the yemple land given to Thailand in exchange for a big chunk of the gulf so the oil expoloration rights can go to the Sansin company to be onsold at a profit.

Then there are the computer and credit card companied to sort out.

Yes, this is all about profits.

Follow the money.

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