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Why Thailand’s Sexpat Community Hates Thaksin


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Most expats don't like Thaksin ... sexpats included. Really no need to break it down further than expats.

But the reasons WHY they don't like him vary.

The family man community at TV don't like him because of the divorce and that he exploited his kids with sending them to work at the Mac Donalds for his own personal gains.

Why the sexpats hate him answers the article in the first post.

I doubt that the divorce figures much in why *anyone* hates Thaksin. It was largely ignored by most people.

Okay, I see.

Would you also say that sexpats actually like Thaksin. Or why everyone says that writer of the article got it totally wrong?

I stick with my *family men theory*. :P

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Okay, I see.

Would you also say that sexpats actually like Thaksin. Or why everyone says that writer of the article got it totally wrong?

I stick with my *family men theory*. :P

The "writer" is saying that sexpats hate Thaksin because of the drinking restrictions he brought in.

I don't believe that. I think sexpats hate him for completely different reasons (... IF they hate him at all).

I don't think Thaksin's divorce is one of those reasons, for the sexpats, for the expats in general, or for anyone that hates Thaksin. The divorce is a non-issue.

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Just let me clue you in Mr.Dan Waites. :annoyed:

This sort of stereo typing is ugly demeaning insulting and completely false.

Yes there are a handful like this but not as many as you would want us to believe in your stupid story. :redcard2:

Most of my friends are ex-military, or retired form a successful career in the petroleum business. And worked here for contractors servicing Union Oil Thailand.

We stayed for various reasons. For one our retirement pay would not go very far in our home countries. Second some of us are sick of the politics, over regulation and ignorant liberalism that allow black men to call a white man honky, a Muslim to call us filthy infidels, a mexican to call us white trash. But let one of us call one a negro, a terrorist or a wetback and we go to JAIL and get fined for discrimination. They can burn our flags but we cant burn theirs, they can burn a bible but we can not burn a koran. Just like the spell check in Microsoft bible can be in lower case but koran must be upper case. Stupid liberal crap

Regulation yea the Department of Energy demands and will fine and jail you if you do not install a toilet that saves water and the dang thing does NOT WORK. And this is in more than one country. You must have a % of mexican negro or others in your business if you employ more that 25 people. And if you run a business of call center help, answering service or the like YOU MUST HAVE SPANISH, or they shutdown your business and fine you.


Is that for real or irony?


Not only is he Stereotyping as you say,but it also gives a Talentless blogger,the chance to elude having to produce facts,

anyone can produce an article like his,full of cliches,bigotry,and discrimination,and I also think more than a Tad of jealousy,seeing the older Farangs get the lovely Young Ladies,and he can't,because he's too busy trying to get established,and probably doesn't have 2 Baht to rub together anyway.

Up to now he has not written one word defending his article,my guess is: he is unlikely to either! except,perhaps to keep stirring the publicity pot,of the thoughts of an Angry Young Man,who can't stand seeing Older men having fun.

But why let facts spoil a biased article? his style of writing is common practice in the Worlds Gutter Press! and saves many hours of Factual Research, just crank out the controversial Tripe,and sit back and watch the Fireworks,we have Three Daily Newspapers in the UK (who shall remain nameless,but Brits will know them instantly ) that stir up this kind of crap every day on every page,thats why they are Members of the "Gutter Press"

Pathetic Excuse for Journalism ! and the reason why I don't buy Daily Newspapers any more.

I was puzzled by a comment on Dan Waite's website that Thai Visa is seen by some as Redneck Central.Having read this post I think I'm beginning to understand.

I particularly cherish the delusion that a young well educated man is motivated by the jealousy he feels when seeing overweight foreign oldsters with some young Thai lovely.I would have thought the main motivation would be to avoid throwing up.

A bit too near home for you?

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Troll post removed, also numerous quoted replies. I would suggest a check of the forum rules would be in order for the person that originally posted it.

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Most expats don't like Thaksin ... sexpats included. Really no need to break it down further than expats.

But the reasons WHY they don't like him vary.

The family man community at TV don't like him because of the divorce and that he exploited his kids with sending them to work at the Mac Donalds for his own personal gains.

Why the sexpats hate him answers the article in the first post.

I doubt that the divorce figures much in why *anyone* hates Thaksin. It was largely ignored by most people.

Okay, I see.

Would you also say that sexpats actually like Thaksin. Or why everyone says that writer of the article got it totally wrong?

I stick with my *family men theory*. :P

I am beyond confident that you would have to look extremely hard to find a handful of expats who care about Thaksin being divorced let alone are against him solely because of he was divorced. As I understand Thaksin was divorced in 2008 and it was reported that it was to do with protecting his assets but no reason was actually given by the parties involved. By the way, they were married for 32 years. I cannot even see this being a huge issue with the Christian Right type people in the UK or US let alone the expat community in a place like Thailand. Unless more information has come out about the divorce, we don't even know if Thaksin was the one who initiated the divorce. I think the majority of folks expats and otherwise don't even consider the divorce as any kind of significant reason to support or not support him let alone it be their sole reason.

I just have never heard anybody come close to making a statement such as, "I'm okay with Thaksin being corrupt, a fugitive, responsible for he murders of thousands but what I'm not okay with is his getting a divorce."

Edited by Nisa
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I fail to understand why so many forum members would waste their energy hating a person they have never even met and are unlikely to ever meet.......

Why not utilise your energies for something positive?

But I guess whatever floats your boat!

Edited by 473geo
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Would you also say that sexpats actually like Thaksin. Or why everyone says that writer of the article got it totally wrong?

I stick with my *family men theory*. :P

I am beyond confident that you would have to look extremely hard to find a handful of expats who care about Thaksin being divorced let alone are against him solely because of he was divorced. As I understand Thaksin was divorced in 2008 and it was reported that it was to do with protecting his assets but no reason was actually given by the parties involved. By the way, they were married for 32 years. I cannot even see this being a huge issue with the Christian Right type people in the UK or US let alone the expat community in a place like Thailand. Unless more information has come out about the divorce, we don't even know if Thaksin was the one who initiated the divorce. I think the majority of folks expats and otherwise don't even consider the divorce as any kind of significant reason to support or not support him let alone it be their sole reason.

I just have never heard anybody come close to making a statement such as, "I'm okay with Thaksin being corrupt, a fugitive, responsible for he murders of thousands but what I'm not okay with is his getting a divorce."

Well, actually the issue is that I don't believe that the majority of Thaksin haters are proper human right activists.

But according to a couple of CVs posted here on this thread they are family men. ;)

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I just have never heard anybody come close to making a statement such as, "I'm okay with Thaksin being corrupt, a fugitive, responsible for he murders of thousands but what I'm not okay with is his getting a divorce."

Well, actually the issue is that I don't believe that the majority of Thaksin haters are proper human right activists.

But according to a couple of CVs posted here on this thread they are family men. ;)

I have been a family man (3 times) and don't care about Thaksin's divorce. I am 99.9% certain that you are the only TV member who gives a flying fart about Thaksin's divorce. It is a non-issue. Period,

(If you are still not sure, start a Thai Visa poll "I'm not okay with Thaksin getting a divorce")

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I just have never heard anybody come close to making a statement such as, "I'm okay with Thaksin being corrupt, a fugitive, responsible for he murders of thousands but what I'm not okay with is his getting a divorce."

Well, actually the issue is that I don't believe that the majority of Thaksin haters are proper human right activists.

But according to a couple of CVs posted here on this thread they are family men. ;)

I have been a family man (3 times) and don't care about Thaksin's divorce. I am 99.9% certain that you are the only TV member who gives a flying fart about Thaksin's divorce. It is a non-issue. Period,

(If you are still not sure, start a Thai Visa poll "I'm not okay with Thaksin getting a divorce")

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I fail to understand why so many forum members would waste their energy hating a person they have never even met and are unlikely to ever meet.......

Why not utilise your energies for something positive?

But I guess whatever floats your boat!

Same reason you seem to care about how forum members use their energy. wink.gif

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What a stereotypical lazy ass article about sex in Thailand. Broad generalizations. Inherent prejudices. Poorly thought out. Poorly written. Anyone have a pic of this loser picking up bar girls? I'm sure its happened many a time. Come on Danny boy come clean! Won't it be funny if a pic pops up of you? roflmao

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It’s an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it’s several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it’s also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand

Yes It's ugly to stereotype, and of course Mr.Dan Waites is just another media after his 25satang worth of fame.

I am sure Mr.Waites went to lots of bars to do research for his report.

Edited by LindsayBKK
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If certain sectors of the Thai community have "divorced" Thaksin it seems they are now prepared to re-marry him again....:whistling:

"Abhisit added that if he wins the election, he will first resolve economic difficulties. On the other hand, if the voters elect the Pheu Thai party into office, the party will focus on granting amnesty to former PM Thaksin Shinawatra and all of the red shirts, who are facing political charges."

(this taken from article on thaivisa news page today)

and Boy when he comes back will he be p^ssed at the sexpats on this thread :hit-the-fan::clap2:

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Well, actually the issue is that I don't believe that the majority of Thaksin haters are proper human right activists.

But according to a couple of CVs posted here on this thread they are family men. ;)

I have been a family man (3 times) and don't care about Thaksin's divorce. I am 99.9% certain that you are the only TV member who gives a flying fart about Thaksin's divorce. It is a non-issue. Period,

(If you are still not sure, start a Thai Visa poll "I'm not okay with Thaksin getting a divorce")

Take it easy, chill and take a closer look at these little smiling faces I included in my posts. B)

Or just read one of the threads at Thaivisa about Thaksins divorce, then you will know which members give a fart about.


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...And by the way,Thai citizens receive hospital treatment for 30 Baht,rsgardless of their condition.

I myself paid the full cost for a urinary complaint at a state hospital.It set me back 192 Baht.

Misplaced patriotism?

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This thread has gone off in so many directions I don't know which one to comment on, so I'll just ask how to change the electronics on my JRD motorcycle to the ones made for a Honda Shadow. Do you think one of Thaksin's red shirt supporters would do it for me? :whistling::lol:

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I fail to understand why so many forum members would waste their energy hating a person they have never even met and are unlikely to ever meet.......

Why not utilise your energies for something positive?

But I guess whatever floats your boat!

That's a very good question, that baffles me too.

On top of that they keep on recycing the same arguments over and over again. It reminds me when I used to work in call centre as a student. We were issued a small book with a list of common answers to objection, so every time a prospective customer had an objection to our sales argumentation, we were looking frantically in our notebook to find which answer within the ten we had in the book will fit more with the objection. A dumb job I tell you but I was a student and I needed the money. Then I had an opportunity with Mc Donald and I was gone.

Edited by JurgenG
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I fail to understand why so many forum members would waste their energy hating a person they have never even met and are unlikely to ever meet.......

Why not utilise your energies for something positive?

But I guess whatever floats your boat!

That's a very good question, that baffles me too.

On top of that they keep on recycing the same arguments over and over again. I used to work in call centre as a student. We were issued a small book with a list of common answers to objection, so every time a prospective customer had an objection to our sales argumentation, we were looking frantically in our notebook to find which answer within the ten we had in the book will fit more with the objection. A dumb job I tell you but I was a student and I needed the money. Then I had an opportunity with Mc Donald and I was gone.

I hear KFC has career opportunities.

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Of these two scams, which would you say is the more intelligent / genius / brilliant ?

  • The scam which is so brilliant, anyone above the 5th percentile is liable to fall for it. However, it's obviously not packaged to appeal to the masses. And, as a result of being only scoped at the tiny upper echelon of potential marks - even whilst undeniably brilliant...the con can only ever hope for modest returns (I can't be bothered thinking of an example)

  • Or would it be a scam so utterly moronic and ridiculous, it's almost too ridiculous for anyone to be suspicious - and just like that, almost 100% have fallen for it hook, line and sinker? (Like...the entire malware-writing AV industry...or Facebook "phishing" SEE WHO IS LOOKING AT YOUR PROFILE ZOMG!!! - you get the picture.


As a result of the very intentional qualifier, the question becomes a philosophical / hypothetical. The former is brilliant and will likely make peanuts. The latter is simply so retarded, it hits the mother lode.

Your opinion would simply come down to how you adjudicate the motivators or whatever.


This may sound like a retarded hypothetical but I assure you it's a very legitimate question and - even poignant, perhaps. It's a philisophilical dilemma that isn't isolated to con artists. Every writer in the world lives in the middle of that endless untenable vortex. It is happening all around us, all the time, non-stop.

Dan's writing is so impossibly terrible; he simply could only be either brilliant in ways that are glorious if he was.....or, vastly more likely, the other alternative is that he's just a cringe-inducing utter hack.

Perhaps, dreaming of the license for debauchery issued only to artists, he becomes a "writer", imagining himself a Bukowski or Hunter S. Thompson. He is not a Bukowski, nor a Hunter S. Thompson, and his books, which invariably detail his lurid exploits, are filed in a special section of Thai bookshops labelled "Expat Writing". Perhaps he finds work in a boiler room or sells drugs or runs scams.

Perhaps, I would be embarrassed to write that paragraph when I was 14. Don't make me dissect the specifics. It hurts enough just skimming through that terrible again.

I do not know if Dan is brilliant and going for the lowest common denominator because his insanely brilliant writing skills and enviable insight into human nature simply affords him that luxury....or whether he is just so retarded, he thinks he's being insightful in ways Stephanie Meyer is probably immensely proud of her Twilight manuscripts. But it doesn't really matter.

What matters is that so many of you fell for it; and more importantly - or disappointingly - you only fell for one side of it. And that chain reaction makes it brilliant (assuming it was intended) as it hooks those who know better, but cannot help themselves. To wit.

For what it's worth, my gut hunch is that he's just a standard, terrible, tragic hack. A self-loathing sexpat, who - cares (intensely) about two groups of people he hates. Those who have argued against him (one imagines he did not fare well) in past debates on TV spinning his pro-Thaksin rhetoric (which is so ridiculous now, it's laughable and I'm ashamed to have actually got sucked in by that silliness).

I could argue for Thaksin better than these jokes; and heck I just might.

"You guys always go on about his corruption but what you don't understand is he wasn't the first and he won't be the last corrupt politician"

"No no no it wasn't 2600, no one knows how many he killed extra-judicially - some estimates are as low as 80. And when it comes to executions why aren't we talking about Mexico? Thousands are getting killed there but you just have it in for Thaksin"

etc etc etc. Every argument. Identical. lol I'm a moron. I actually thought it mattered. When none of you really do 555

But anyway, the other group he hates - intensely - are those who one cannot possibly feel emotions over.....unless....one was repulsed by the mirror images their existence represented. But they're not like them! Trust me. Those guys...those guys are losers. lol. They are different , obviously! I imagine (though only now cause who like, who cares...) that the mutual contempt felt by all those who live in Denial must be spectacular and horrific and I daresay there would be few in the world who any human would hate quite as much as the reality of their mirror self. I cannot image it is easy jostling for elbow space and the best view....with such 'distasteful' sorts. Who feel exactly the same way about him. etc.

It's likely just wishful thinking that I'm trying to spin a thread of brilliance ever so finely...but I cannot shake the sneaking suspicion that he might well have played you all - and now me goddammit - for fools. When the discussion goes for 24 pages of idiocy (no offense) - the simple fact is, whether he intended to or not, he's pulled off a little Stephanie Meyer. He pulled the emotional strings of 90% of you in ways you should be blushing beetroot over. None more so than those who started flopping their johnsons out on the table; and falling over themselves to proffer their CVs as proof that....? ...they clearly aren't the ones he was talking about. I have some bad news for those people, and some good news.

He is almost certainly one of the ones he was talking about. That's your good news.

Unfortunately, if you felt even a stirring of emotion, you were played and you lost. Whether he intended to 'speak' to Meyer's 12 year old girls or not, the simple fact is he spoke to you - and you responded. It's the response that proves that half of the premise. That means you're one of the ones he is talking about.

My annoyance is....WHY would you care? When there are boldfaced lies and ludicrous assertions and just....babbling attempts to link two groups of people he hates, with each other. Why would you care about sex? Do you see why he might be brilliant? He's not, but he can't discount it....


I'm not brilliant. I have no discipline. And because I have only myself to blame, I take my shame out on you. With a tiny sliver of exceptions like the on again off again Jayboy (who was rather - on - in this thread) and maybe ? 1 or 2 others who argue for the Reds; anyone who's ever participated in a single debate about Thaksin on TV knows the nature of how that discourse would proceed without exception. There are a dozen eloquent - almost stunningly educated and insightful - posters / writers who were consistently taking the high road in the face of sheer gall from the other side. So whilst I couldn't tell you about their sex lives, and couldn't remotely care; I was incensed by the implication that the nature of the discourse was all "hi-so" on one side and uncouth sex animals harboring a grudge over ?? some corrupt joke I'd never heard of who passed out condoms 10 years ago?

His arguments were so appalling ludicrous.....

It's the oldest trick in the book and it gets me every time. I just realise the vast majority of them simply didn't get sucked in like I did. RATS.

But the sheer gall of those without decency. Yeah he got me - and yall helped him. Well not all of you; 10% were rather appropriately dismissive. There's a right way and a wrong way to respond to filth like this tripe; the sort gratuituously going for the cheap points by being 'controversial' and drilling at the insecurities of the lowest common denominator...my post is not the right way to respond to a post like his.

There was a standout example of the right way to respond.

It's one thing to complain about the low quality of expat writers in Thailand, but putting on a demonstration to prove it was over the top. :rolleyes:


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Gee thanks for that.

lol sorry Ulysses G I swear on my life that - as one of the dozen I was referring to - I was going to specify an exclusion for your participation, which was perfectly appropriate of course. But by then I'd already rambled far too long, and as I clearly abhor editing and word limits, I thought it best just to close out with the quote which best exemplified the kind of response one day I shall be disciplined enough to deliver...routinely.

Also, I couldn't endure more than the first 9 pages or so, and I thought if I got into details like that, another of the dozen may well think "what a blowhard".

I am a blowhard, but it's kind of ironic that this Dan fellow whines about censorship on TV. I wrote an impossibly fair comment to his article Spooner posted on AsianCorrespondent - which might have been a little bit too cute / close to truth for Spooner's likings - instantly censored. I will see if I have it saved somewhere but rest assured, it wasn't remotely censure-worthy. But then, so little of the globe's censored content ever is.

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Gee thanks for that.

lol sorry Ulysses G I swear on my life that - as one of the dozen I was referring to - I was going to specify an exclusion for your participation, which was perfectly appropriate of course.

Of course. All is forgiven.

I was really just commenting on your William S. Burroughs on DMT writing style. :D

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Pretty much all smileys look alike if that has escaped you. :rolleyes:

Not really, and beside the look some even seems to have their own little personality. And the little blue one is close to your avatar. IMHO. It is also his tic to dance in that loop.

smilies are use to express ones own emotion, right?

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Of these two scams, which would you say is the more intelligent / genius / brilliant ?

  • The scam which is so brilliant, anyone above the 5th percentile is liable to fall for it. However, it's obviously not packaged to appeal to the masses. And, as a result of being only scoped at the tiny upper echelon of potential marks - even whilst undeniably brilliant...the con can only ever hope for modest returns (I can't be bothered thinking of an example)

  • Or would it be a scam so utterly moronic and ridiculous, it's almost too ridiculous for anyone to be suspicious - and just like that, almost 100% have fallen for it hook, line and sinker? (Like...the entire malware-writing AV industry...or Facebook "phishing" SEE WHO IS LOOKING AT YOUR PROFILE ZOMG!!! - you get the picture.


As a result of the very intentional qualifier, the question becomes a philosophical / hypothetical. The former is brilliant and will likely make peanuts. The latter is simply so retarded, it hits the mother lode.

Your opinion would simply come down to how you adjudicate the motivators or whatever.


This may sound like a retarded hypothetical but I assure you it's a very legitimate question and - even poignant, perhaps. It's a philisophilical dilemma that isn't isolated to con artists. Every writer in the world lives in the middle of that endless untenable vortex. It is happening all around us, all the time, non-stop.

Dan's writing is so impossibly terrible; he simply could only be either brilliant in ways that are glorious if he was.....or, vastly more likely, the other alternative is that he's just a cringe-inducing utter hack.

Perhaps, dreaming of the license for debauchery issued only to artists, he becomes a "writer", imagining himself a Bukowski or Hunter S. Thompson. He is not a Bukowski, nor a Hunter S. Thompson, and his books, which invariably detail his lurid exploits, are filed in a special section of Thai bookshops labelled "Expat Writing". Perhaps he finds work in a boiler room or sells drugs or runs scams.

Perhaps, I would be embarrassed to write that paragraph when I was 14. Don't make me dissect the specifics. It hurts enough just skimming through that terrible again.

I do not know if Dan is brilliant and going for the lowest common denominator because his insanely brilliant writing skills and enviable insight into human nature simply affords him that luxury....or whether he is just so retarded, he thinks he's being insightful in ways Stephanie Meyer is probably immensely proud of her Twilight manuscripts. But it doesn't really matter.

What matters is that so many of you fell for it; and more importantly - or disappointingly - you only fell for one side of it. And that chain reaction makes it brilliant (assuming it was intended) as it hooks those who know better, but cannot help themselves. To wit.

For what it's worth, my gut hunch is that he's just a standard, terrible, tragic hack. A self-loathing sexpat, who - cares (intensely) about two groups of people he hates. Those who have argued against him (one imagines he did not fare well) in past debates on TV spinning his pro-Thaksin rhetoric (which is so ridiculous now, it's laughable and I'm ashamed to have actually got sucked in by that silliness).

I could argue for Thaksin better than these jokes; and heck I just might.

"You guys always go on about his corruption but what you don't understand is he wasn't the first and he won't be the last corrupt politician"

"No no no it wasn't 2600, no one knows how many he killed extra-judicially - some estimates are as low as 80. And when it comes to executions why aren't we talking about Mexico? Thousands are getting killed there but you just have it in for Thaksin"

etc etc etc. Every argument. Identical. lol I'm a moron. I actually thought it mattered. When none of you really do 555

But anyway, the other group he hates - intensely - are those who one cannot possibly feel emotions over.....unless....one was repulsed by the mirror images their existence represented. But they're not like them! Trust me. Those guys...those guys are losers. lol. They are different , obviously! I imagine (though only now cause who like, who cares...) that the mutual contempt felt by all those who live in Denial must be spectacular and horrific and I daresay there would be few in the world who any human would hate quite as much as the reality of their mirror self. I cannot image it is easy jostling for elbow space and the best view....with such 'distasteful' sorts. Who feel exactly the same way about him. etc.

It's likely just wishful thinking that I'm trying to spin a thread of brilliance ever so finely...but I cannot shake the sneaking suspicion that he might well have played you all - and now me goddammit - for fools. When the discussion goes for 24 pages of idiocy (no offense) - the simple fact is, whether he intended to or not, he's pulled off a little Stephanie Meyer. He pulled the emotional strings of 90% of you in ways you should be blushing beetroot over. None more so than those who started flopping their johnsons out on the table; and falling over themselves to proffer their CVs as proof that....? ...they clearly aren't the ones he was talking about. I have some bad news for those people, and some good news.

He is almost certainly one of the ones he was talking about. That's your good news.

Unfortunately, if you felt even a stirring of emotion, you were played and you lost. Whether he intended to 'speak' to Meyer's 12 year old girls or not, the simple fact is he spoke to you - and you responded. It's the response that proves that half of the premise. That means you're one of the ones he is talking about.

My annoyance is....WHY would you care? When there are boldfaced lies and ludicrous assertions and just....babbling attempts to link two groups of people he hates, with each other. Why would you care about sex? Do you see why he might be brilliant? He's not, but he can't discount it....


I'm not brilliant. I have no discipline. And because I have only myself to blame, I take my shame out on you. With a tiny sliver of exceptions like the on again off again Jayboy (who was rather - on - in this thread) and maybe ? 1 or 2 others who argue for the Reds; anyone who's ever participated in a single debate about Thaksin on TV knows the nature of how that discourse would proceed without exception. There are a dozen eloquent - almost stunningly educated and insightful - posters / writers who were consistently taking the high road in the face of sheer gall from the other side. So whilst I couldn't tell you about their sex lives, and couldn't remotely care; I was incensed by the implication that the nature of the discourse was all "hi-so" on one side and uncouth sex animals harboring a grudge over ?? some corrupt joke I'd never heard of who passed out condoms 10 years ago?

His arguments were so appalling ludicrous.....

It's the oldest trick in the book and it gets me every time. I just realise the vast majority of them simply didn't get sucked in like I did. RATS.

But the sheer gall of those without decency. Yeah he got me - and yall helped him. Well not all of you; 10% were rather appropriately dismissive. There's a right way and a wrong way to respond to filth like this tripe; the sort gratuituously going for the cheap points by being 'controversial' and drilling at the insecurities of the lowest common denominator...my post is not the right way to respond to a post like his.

There was a standout example of the right way to respond.

It's one thing to complain about the low quality of expat writers in Thailand, but putting on a demonstration to prove it was over the top. :rolleyes:


You sir are no Dan Waites!cowboy.gif

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I was really just commenting on your William S. Burroughs on DMT writing style. :D

Psychedelics shiver...not for me. I tried some tea in Boracay 6 yrs back; I believe someone mixed up a box of Lipton's with mushrooms. :coffee1: I was an innocent victim of course; being something of a tea connoisseur. I haven't had a tea since. Things got....real. Way too real. If any children are reading, don't drink mushroom tea. At least, I never will again.

I churn out my 80,000 word quota every other evening skipping along; juiced up on the queer adrenalin that is sleep deprivation. It's really quite marvelous. When the Bacardi gets involved, it can get real messy, sure; but this is the cost of doing sleep deprived business.

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Pretty accurate of many I'd say - and most are hardened 'we hate Thaksin' brigade from what I've read - I'd say 90% of posters are anti-PT and very self-opinionated thinking 'they know best' for Thais

For a new member you have learned fast. 'hardened we hate Thaksin brigade' and '90% of posters anti-PT'. Furthermore opinionated 'they know best'. Of course it would help when you can qualify your statement to make it more than just your (self-)opinionated thinking. IMHO of course ;)

Please remember the obvious always needs to be pointed out :)

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