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there are plenty of valid reasons to disdain Thaksin. The war on drugs

Are you serious? After midnight it is easier to get a Gramm of Cocaine than a bottle of Beer.

Taksin should return a.s.a.p. Night Clubs should close at 2am and Africa should...well...return to Africa.

Without Thaksin none of this will be done by Yellow High-So as they enjoy this kind of lifestyle.



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Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Please be so kind as to list the benefits the "Little Thai People" have received from him...aside from his bought and paid for votes

Thaksin, Toxin, Toxic, Takky whatever you want to call him has done nothing to advance this country culturally or economically that did not benefit his own or his family's wallet first. He is like every other career politician. They thrive on money and power and will do anything to make sure that no one or no entity deprives him of that. He is a coward. Afraid to take his punishment (so ordered by a Thai court) like a man. Thaksin remains popular, yet losing ground among his base because in his speeches he only speaks about himself and his dreams, not those of the people. The only help the people in the villages got from him is a few baht for their votes.

The primary problem with Thailand's inability to move forward as a nation is its educational system and its socialist views on too many things not to mention the inability to think past today. Unless and until the educational system receives a complete and total overhaul, it will be relegated to producing the next generation of farmers and farm workers, factory workers, street vendors and bar girls (and boys).

For all its faults, there is a great charm to Thailand. It's people, food, culture, inexpensive or as expensive as you wish lifestyle and climate are but a few. The Mai Pen Lai attitude is a great concept but it will be the downfall of this nation unless people start to stand up for themselves, take responsibility for their actions and do something more than "What's easy for me!"

Thaksin is vermin but like I said is no different than any other career politician or any number of other public and officials who got where they are through graft and intimidation.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Please be so kind as to list the benefits the "Little Thai People" have received from him.

Healthcare and Mobile Network (In the far upcountry)to name important ones.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Uhh, didn't you learn early on that many of the most infamous leaders (dictators) in the world have attempted to gain loyalty with the rural class by issuing government hand-outs and other give-aways? You know, to get the kind of person who already hates that yellow-shirty-looking guy who has a car, money and orders Jonnie Walker Black Label instead of cheap Thai whiskey. This loyalty grab seems to work no matter how many billions were transferred to offshore banks before they absconded.


I don't know who this <deleted> Dan Waites is. But he sure knows how to whip up a storm.

I wonder if he is a Thai Visa regular and what his user name might be? :lol:jb1


Double post

Yes the avatar has been made from my "best" portrait, as monkeys go people regard me as quite sophisticated, but unfortunately I get quite upset when red Thaksin puppet writers, make broad insults to ALL expats.


Uhh, didn't you learn early on that many of the most infamous leaders (dictators) in the world have attempted to gain loyalty with the rural class by issuing government hand-outs and other give-aways? You know, to get the kind of person who already hates that yellow-shirty-looking guy who has a car, money and orders Jonnie Walker Black Label instead of cheap Thai whiskey. This loyalty grab seems to work no matter how many billions were transferred to offshore banks before they absconded.

Uhhh...and you think that the little Thai Worker on his wide Rice field cares about a guy in a yellow shirt drinking Johnny W. and driving a Mercedes in Bangkok????

No, of course not. He would be happy what Thaksin has given him and his family and for that in the next election he will vote for Thaksin.

Yellow shirts or the so called do exactly the same thing. But on a different level. They buy Politician power to get what they want. So what???


This has to be really one of the most asinine posts I have ever seen on this forum. Let's see: I am a farang. I detest Thaksin. Therefore, I must be not only a sexual degenerate and alcoholic, but perhaps a criminal as well. Well, I am none of these, and while not a "sexpat", since I live in America, I do like Thailand for many reasons. Women are probably number one....

Followed by if not quite an asinine response, then at least an ill thought out one.

In any country, why would you ever label your primary fascination as being the women if you were NOT a sexpat?

Oh, sorry... you're a social anthropologist after all.

Those who think Thailand is the epitome of sex tourism haven't traveled much. Ever been to a sex club in Holland and get a free live show thrown in?

Yes. Obviously you haven't though.

Pattaya alone trumps Hamsterjam's red light district by several degrees.


I love the majority of responses.

You angry sexpats only prove the writer's point. You are not the best at anything and can't even write anything but the instant hate of being called the dog you are...and hey, I'm a punter too, but honest about it. There are a small group of us, who don't go around pretending to be "legit" and claiming our wives came from anywhere but walking street....oh, and a real expat is someone that makes 6 figures in the West....so if you don't, you are here to play the red light scene, or you are with a "ex" redlight worker, you ARE a sexpat.

Thaksin did many things, like let those real expats with real Western salaries and incomes own homes by looking the other way, like those before him and after him. He declared a PR war on sex. Nothing more. It just made it harder for cheapskates unwilling to pay more for a cheap piece of streetmeat or for nasty beer bar "product"...and that is the definition of a sexpat....most won't even go to the gogo bars anymore, since they are too "expensive". They are dirt cheap compare to the West, but hey they don't make Western salaries.

Be honest, almost all expats of any "form" have and do to some degree play around with the "product" around town.....few don't. Most do. So shut up and admit why you hate thaksin.

He was corrupt. So are you. Next time you go buy yourself some "product" think about it, and stop pretending you care.....you don't. You want the corruption or your fantasy land, my fantasy land, will end.


It's amusing how this article seems to have hit a sensitive spot in many of the forum's aficionados, who are by no means a representative sample of the whole expat community in Thailand but definitely fit the stereotype described in the piece. Arrogant, racist, ignorant - no matter how many degrees they claim to have - westerners who abuse the country's friendliness and hospitality are the main drag here for all the other peace-seeking, decent foreigners. Luckily, most of them are early baby boomers and won't be around much longer, especially considering their lifestyle... But I would not fully blame them for their disconnected rantings, we all know those little pills can wreak havoc on the human brain..

The article hit a nerve, true. You, have pulled your head out of your &*$# long enough to use spell check and to consider all westerners to be arrogant, racist and ignorant, with fake degrees. Might I suggest you do the world a favor.......don't reproduce!!!!!!!


The problem with this article isn't the retelling of stereotypes. Like other people have commented, we all have met the stereotypical sexpat. The problem with this article is that the writer says ThaiVisa is a place where many sexpats like to congregate. That is demonstrably false. I've known lots of young writers like Dan in my many years here, and am pretty sure how this played out. Dan has commented on ThaiVisa before and got angry with various people here. So, he decides that as retribution he is going to write a story about sexpats and ugly farangs, and then say ThaiVisa is their hangout. Now, he is laughing wholeheartedly at the hornets nest he's stirred up, which was his sole intention. Those of us who have been in Thailand a long time can often spot a sexpat at first glance. There is a certain expression, a look in the eye, and intangible feeling. And one look at that photo of Dan, and I would have to say people are spot on with the perception that a lot of the bad farang character traits Dan describes, he has himself.


And in other news: .................... an amazingly original and revealing factual well researched article was recently published on Al J TEE VEE.com ( a well known news/information and blog site for foreign visitors and residents in Thailand who have nothing better to do between Changs..)

..it reveals the amazing fact there is an ever constant stream of “taking” fly-in f..k tourists coming to Thailand... conversely the number of the latter “giving” a fly-in f..k about despot ex politicians has increased by well over .000005%.

Rumour has it that the author of said article is up for an award.....the nature of which has yet to be disclosed.

Our attempts at extracting comment from the editor of the above news /blogs and views website have been thwarted by a lack of returned calls or replies to our emails and PMs...

However we (our intrepid reporting team and cameramen) were able to locate an unidentified spokesperson....he was in actually in an administration meeting under a pool table with an extremely attractive muscular blonde fellow administrator. The blonde was administering at the time and on our approach ducked out from under the pool table screamed like stuck Giraffe and spat repeatedly into a wad of tissue...we then approached and asked for comment from said administrator (dressed in inside-out back to front ‘y” fronts from St Michel and black socks clutching a half full bottle of unidentified liquor.....our camera man swears he saw a small tin star projecting from his “guaranteed” elastic waistband).

Our “spokesperson administrator” seemed a bit disoriented and suggested we might try self procreation and added as we left that the large Adam’s apple on the associate was in fact a common birth defect on this particular Soi.

Film at eleven...regrettably forum rules dictate that we are unable to provide a link thereto...


Thaksin is a convicted tax criminal, a puppet player who (still) plays 'prai against amart', corruption reached a historical high during his 'regency', and he has exploited the country on countless occasions for his very personal (and his families') interest.

Does thinking that (and thus opposing the idea of an amnesty) make me a sexpat?

If you are a Thaksin fan (as your full article reveals) and want to see him back in power, why don't you say so straight away but utilize sex tourism to put everyone who is opposing him in the 'sexpat' corner?!

That being said, personally I don't think that wanting to have sex is unnatural. It is also not morally "bad" and thus, doesn't have to be looked down upon.


Does Thailand's "sexpat" community hate Thaksin?

IF they do hate Thaksin, is it only because of laws reducing drinking hours, or because of the multitude of things Thaksin did to harm Thailand?

We've had this debate loads of times and i'm sure Dan Waite probably stumbled on a thread discussing it which is what prompted him to write his editorial. It all comes down to a silly expat grudge because Thaksin started tightening up immigration and whoring/beer hours and he's also perceived as being part of the hi-so thai-chinese elite. If you dare touch upon those sacred oaks then your average expat flies off the hinges. If you can go back far enough you'll see massive threads full of expats weeping hysterically over closing hours and how "it's open season" etc..


It's amusing how this article seems to have hit a sensitive spot in many of the forum's aficionados, who are by no means a representative sample of the whole expat community in Thailand but definitely fit the stereotype described in the piece. Arrogant, racist, ignorant - no matter how many degrees they claim to have - westerners who abuse the country's friendliness and hospitality are the main drag here for all the other peace-seeking, decent foreigners. Luckily, most of them are early baby boomers and won't be around much longer, especially considering their lifestyle... But I would not fully blame them for their disconnected rantings, we all know those little pills can wreak havoc on the human brain..

The article hit a nerve, true. You, have pulled your head out of your &*$# long enough to use spell check and to consider all westerners to be arrogant, racist and ignorant, with fake degrees. Might I suggest you do the world a favor.......don't reproduce!!!!!!!

There is an amount of evidence in this thread alone that that has already happened.


Those of us who have been in Thailand a long time can often spot a sexpat at first glance. There is a certain expression, a look in the eye, and intangible feeling.

So what your saying is there is truth in the old saying "it takes one to know one".....:whistling:


"It’s an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it’s several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it’s also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality"

What's wrong people? The description come just a little to close to home?

Me thinks thou doth protest to much.

Well said!


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

Well said ricardofel...I couldn't have put it better myself.


westerners who abuse the country's friendliness and hospitality are the main drag here for all the other peace-seeking, decent foreigners.

Have actually lived in Thailand for any length of time...?....:rolleyes: and <deleted> has peace seeking got to do with sexpats or Taksin...:whistling:

Maybe the fact that I can't even be suspected of being a sexpat gives me a different perspective...or maybe I just hang around better people than you, dear...and by the way, I mean it, slow down on those pills, they might give you a heart attack!

I would assume that you are, female? If that is so. Why can you not be suspected of being a sexpat? :whistling:



Warning to all TV community:

I wanted to find out who Dan Waites is so I found his site with Google - www.danwaites.com found out he is an activist writer for the Red Shirts and a supporter of Thaksin.

That is not the problem though! the problem is, when you go to his site Kaspersky sends up a warning that a Trojan is making an attack from the site. Makes me wonder about this guys modus operandi?


As I recall, Purachai, who Dan claims was the nemesis of the sexpats and the reason all expats hate Thaksin, was probably the only member of the Thaksin government who had any sense of morality. As someone who doesn't go on bar crawls, I don't care if they close at midnight, 2am or whenever.

My dislike of Thaksin and his cronies stems from their industrialised looting of the national coffers, their blatant lies and their duping of the rural poor who really deserve a better deal - but who need an honest politician (oxymoron!) to improve their lot.


I love the majority of responses.

You angry sexpats only prove the writer's point. You are not the best at anything and can't even write anything but the instant hate of being called the dog you are...and hey, I'm a punter too, but honest about it. There are a small group of us, who don't go around pretending to be "legit" and claiming our wives came from anywhere but walking street....oh, and a real expat is someone that makes 6 figures in the West....so if you don't, you are here to play the red light scene, or you are with a "ex" redlight worker, you ARE a sexpat.

Thaksin did many things, like let those real expats with real Western salaries and incomes own homes by looking the other way, like those before him and after him. He declared a PR war on sex. Nothing more. It just made it harder for cheapskates unwilling to pay more for a cheap piece of streetmeat or for nasty beer bar "product"...and that is the definition of a sexpat....most won't even go to the gogo bars anymore, since they are too "expensive". They are dirt cheap compare to the West, but hey they don't make Western salaries.

Be honest, almost all expats of any "form" have and do to some degree play around with the "product" around town.....few don't. Most do. So shut up and admit why you hate thaksin.

He was corrupt. So are you. Next time you go buy yourself some "product" think about it, and stop pretending you care.....you don't. You want the corruption or your fantasy land, my fantasy land, will end.

Yo timestamp/punter,

Stick your head back in the sand. I am an expat who made six figures in the west, and I don't find Asian women to be that particularly attractive. Each has their own idea of beauty. That being said I have had a great Thai girlfriend who did not ask me for anything.........and got everything! She is both beautiful on the inside and beautiful on the outside, and that was the attraction for me. It was not at all superficial, and why we remain friends.

Thaskin's product was smoke and mirrors just like every other scum sucking worthless politician regardless of country. The fact that you mentioned he let "real expats with real western salaries" own homes by looking the other way only confirms how incredibly corrupt he is; it's only about money. If he had a modicum of sense he would embrace any idea that would better the lives of Thai people, like education, just to name one.

timestamp, I read your post in another part of this forum on the value of tigers in the world, and at this point I have only one conclusion; your one sick <snip>.


Those of us who have been in Thailand a long time can often spot a sexpat at first glance. There is a certain expression, a look in the eye, and intangible feeling.

So what your saying is there is truth in the old saying "it takes one to know one".....:whistling:

Nope. That is not what I am saying. I am saying that one gets to recognize it after seeing it enough times. But okay, I'll admit. I am a raging sexpat who can't get a job anywhere and am here for the cheap ladies. How I wish I were as awesome as you and writer Dan. :rolleyes:


Taksin was the first real hope for Thailand to become a real democracy as opposed to the mock democracy it is now and always has been.

1. Taksin rose from the non-elite to the elite by forming his own political party and winning the popular vote.

2. Taksin was the longest serving elected prime minister in the history of Thailand.

3. It was up to the voters to get rid of Taksin, not the army. The army once again killed any hope for a real democracy.

I am not pro-Taksin but I do support some of his populist initiatives to improve the lives of the working poor. More work needs to be done in this area.

Good post and my sentiments exactly.

By the way, is there anything wrong about meeting your girlfriend/wife in a bar? Or is it veiled snobbery that makes posters feel they have to state that they didn't meet their girlfriend/wife that way? Why is someone's background so important?

there are plenty of valid reasons to disdain Thaksin. The war on drugs

Are you serious? After midnight it is easier to get a Gramm of Cocaine than a bottle of Beer.

Taksin should return a.s.a.p. Night Clubs should close at 2am and Africa should...well...return to Africa.

Without Thaksin none of this will be done by Yellow High-So as they enjoy this kind of lifestyle.



Are you high?

Or please supply us with name and address to your friends, family or loved ones and we will make sure they are added to the inaccurate list the police use the next time they send around the death-squads.

Anyone that doesn't understand why extrajudicial killings -- even more so of innocent people -- is a bad thing should be disqualified from ever having a vote.


People should re-read the article and actually READ what is written.

In my case he is completely off the mark...

I am a student at Uni here in BKK, and I'm still young enough not to go for the bargirls... but of all the reasons that I came to Thailand he is spot-on about the number one: sex.

So what?

Don't we all ultimately support politicians for our own personal selfish reasons?

I dream of the legendary sex, drugs and rock and roll of SE Asia... One Night in Bangkok.

So, I like Abhasit because he is better looking and speaks better English.

Doesn't matter who is in power, I am still here for the sexy Thai girls, that's it!

I find your post a tad sad. The friends I have visit me here, they're really rather put off by the Thai bar scene. They're all young, well educated and attractive.

I'm supposing you're not?

Well, I don't know who goes around calling themselves educated and attractive, certainly not me myself.:annoyed:

I don't go to the Go-go bars, I go to 'normal' places, and I don't pay for sex directly... but I did come for the sex, and I know many professional models in Bangkok who will tell you the same thing. This is a center for sex... be that between old fat dudes and youngsters, or good looking models... people flock here for sex mate.

Well said and quite a few years ago you would be climbing over me to get at them. B)



Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Not true, our nanny lives there and they don't like him. They are scared of what he can do to them. And they never liked him. It was the cash he spread around for the elections. He bought his post, and then stole billions of baht from the Thai people. Some have figured it out.

Are you that naive? No domestic servant is goint to tell her employer that she thinks their political views suck! In private, she might have a different opinion.

there are plenty of valid reasons to disdain Thaksin. The war on drugs

Are you serious? After midnight it is easier to get a Gramm of Cocaine than a bottle of Beer.

Taksin should return a.s.a.p. Night Clubs should close at 2am and Africa should...well...return to Africa.

Without Thaksin none of this will be done by Yellow High-So as they enjoy this kind of lifestyle.



And what does Africa have to do here? Thaksin? Sexpats? tasteless Article?

again another racist ............

and wrong stereotypes that African people are drug dealers. A number of them are physicians, scientists, athletes and businessmen.

what is the connection between Africa and the news article?

they are black but not stupid.....dude

************************* Please re-program yours


Who would give up a good job in the middle east to work in thailand ??? Only three weeks to meet and get married ??? Hmmmm

Are you joking? Ask any expatriate petroleum engineer, construction manager, or university lecturer whether they would prefer to be stationed in Saudi or Thailand (for the same salary) and I would be suprised if more than10% of them would choose the Middle East over Thailand. This is an expat's dream posting...and if you don't believe it, just go anywhere in Thailand that has workers in the oil industry (Songhkla, Ban Chang) who have previously been posted in the Middle East and ask them if they would like to give up their job here to go back, and then wait to see their reaction...

And...Hmmmm...learn to read. He said he met his wife after being here three weeks; not that they married after three weeks.

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