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This article is spot on, and I truly enjoyed reading all the ultra defensive comments in this thread. Some of them almost desperate! laugh.gif

Truth hurts like hell eh? It seems that many of you can't read. He was describing the stereotype farang, and said it wasn't at all accurate for all of us. So why are many of you beeing so ridiculously defensive?

I'm one of the guys of the sexpat community like in this article describe.

This guy is absolutely right.I'm here in huahin and there are a lot guys are like me.

They have a girl at least 30 years younger,run a bar or do like me,go for a drink 11 a.m with many of my mates and get drunk every day..

When I was in Pattaya it was there exactly the same.

When we have to go back to our home countries, then we are there scum.Drinking,screwing and have only drinking mates.

Bravo! Hats of to you sir. (even though I pretty much detest people like you.)

I am glad to see someone who doesn't try to sugarcoat their reasons of beeing here.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Thaskin and his hench me she says survive on Thai culture where the children can not tell there elders the truth about him

Her favorite saying is, OUR DAY WILL COME, when we get our say


Utter crap !

If he had used one of the Pattaya bar based forums as a basis for his Sexpat theories it might have been a little bit more believable.

Most Expats I know do not like Thaksin, most Thai's I know are in the same camp, why ? Because they are educated people who can read and understand that Thaksin and his "New Order" cronies took corruption to a totally stratospheric new level in Thailand, and it was the Thai people who suffered, while they funneled their illgotten billions into offshore bank accounts.

nah, I don't buy it. I reckon he has hit the nail right on the head.

The majority of the expats who contribute are absolutely the most conservative bunch of rednecks I have ever had to listen to.

I did once say in a post that they remind me of a conservative party branch meeting.

Anyway, it's a moot point now, Thanksin's won and the other bunch have been booted out.

Sorry lads, choke on yer beers!


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Thaskin and his hench me she says survive on Thai culture where the children can not tell there elders the truth about him

Her favorite saying is, OUR DAY WILL COME, when we get our say

Word! Most of the younger Thais i know (under 35) say "just wait till all the old people die and Thailand will get better".


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Thaskin and his hench me she says survive on Thai culture where the children can not tell there elders the truth about him

Her favorite saying is, OUR DAY WILL COME, when we get our say

Word! Most of the younger Thais i know (under 35) say "just wait till all the old people die and Thailand will get better".

I speak to the majority of my Thai wifes uni friends, and they all say the say thing,

Thai culture forbids them from telling their elders what to do

The Red shirts have a limited time to move from being terrorist to becoming well off business men

similar to the Mafi in the USA

now they run the big money company's and have the stamp of legitimacy


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

IT is mostly true, loosers that cant get a girl in their home country ,or maybe over the age to have a chance with a 22 year old back home.. And do not see any wrong with it actually, if y dont get what y want where y are , you change place ..

The Problem is if they totaly close down the sex dealing in this country , more than 50 prosent of the tourist will go other places , Probaly Philippines . And they know it.

what they should do, is make it legal , like Germany .

With gambling ,set up goverment Casinos , so the goverment get the money, not high rank police officers around.


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

IT is mostly true, loosers that cant get a girl in their home country ,or maybe over the age to have a chance with a 22 year old back home.. And do not see any wrong with it actually, if y dont get what y want where y are , you change place ..

The Problem is if they totaly close down the sex dealing in this country , more than 50 prosent of the tourist will go other places , Probaly Philippines . And they know it.

what they should do, is make it legal , like Germany .

With gambling ,set up goverment Casinos , so the goverment get the money, not high rank police officers around.

Man, that would be FANTASTIC if 50% of these A-holes went somewhere else. I hope they open up a casino there to satisfy their other appetites. Just so I don't run into another drunken sleazeball. TIA


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

IT is mostly true, loosers that cant get a girl in their home country ,or maybe over the age to have a chance with a 22 year old back home.. And do not see any wrong with it actually, if y dont get what y want where y are , you change place ..

The Problem is if they totaly close down the sex dealing in this country , more than 50 prosent of the tourist will go other places , Probaly Philippines . And they know it.

what they should do, is make it legal , like Germany .

With gambling ,set up goverment Casinos , so the goverment get the money, not high rank police officers around.

Man, that would be FANTASTIC if 50% of these A-holes went somewhere else. I hope they open up a casino there to satisfy their other appetites. Just so I don't run into another drunken sleazeball. TIA

Geez I thought 95% of thai tourism was the sex tourist.


You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Care to explain how Thaksin takes back 5 times as much the initial outlay, and how the "uneducated" members of your "uni educated" wife's village continue to get "ripped off" by him.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Thaskin and his hench me she says survive on Thai culture where the children can not tell there elders the truth about him

Her favorite saying is, OUR DAY WILL COME, when we get our say

Word! Most of the younger Thais i know (under 35) say "just wait till all the old people die and Thailand will get better".

I speak to the majority of my Thai wifes uni friends, and they all say the say thing,

Thai culture forbids them from telling their elders what to do

The Red shirts have a limited time to move from being terrorist to becoming well off business men

similar to the Mafi in the USA

now they run the big money company's and have the stamp of legitimacy

Just a little question, How can you speak for the majority of your wife's uni friends? Do they actually know that you are speaking on thier behalf? I guess you are all Uni students together and you have been made the spokesperson.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Thaskin and his hench me she says survive on Thai culture where the children can not tell there elders the truth about him

Her favorite saying is, OUR DAY WILL COME, when we get our say

When will she and family ripp you off? but i guess you smart and did not sign a house or appartment on she or frends name ....


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Thaskin and his hench me she says survive on Thai culture where the children can not tell there elders the truth about him

Her favorite saying is, OUR DAY WILL COME, when we get our say

Word! Most of the younger Thais i know (under 35) say "just wait till all the old people die and Thailand will get better".

Error ! "uni" educated doesn't mean young.

The wife of one of my neighbor is "uni" educated, she was even teaching there before she retired, she should be around 60 y.o. now biggrin.gif


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Thaskin and his hench me she says survive on Thai culture where the children can not tell there elders the truth about him

Her favorite saying is, OUR DAY WILL COME, when we get our say

Word! Most of the younger Thais i know (under 35) say "just wait till all the old people die and Thailand will get better".

Error ! "uni" educated doesn't mean young.

The wife of one of my neighbor is "uni" educated, she was even teaching there before she retired, she should be around 60 y.o. now biggrin.gif

What the hell you talking about?


Utter crap !

If he had used one of the Pattaya bar based forums as a basis for his Sexpat theories it might have been a little bit more believable.

Most Expats I know do not like Thaksin, most Thai's I know are in the same camp, why ? Because they are educated people who can read and understand that Thaksin and his "New Order" cronies took corruption to a totally stratospheric new level in Thailand, and it was the Thai people who suffered, while they funneled their illgotten billions into offshore bank accounts.

nah, I don't buy it. I reckon he has hit the nail right on the head.

The majority of the expats who contribute are absolutely the most conservative bunch of rednecks I have ever had to listen to.

I did once say in a post that they remind me of a conservative party branch meeting.

Anyway, it's a moot point now, Thanksin's won and the other bunch have been booted out.

Sorry lads, choke on yer beers!

There are some odd sexpats around who do actually believe the man is a god and also think everyone thinks it, but we will see who will be booted out if they carry on in this fashion. I do try not to be one way or the other , but I was taught the rights and wrongs in life, which tells be I smell something bad in the new set-up... and to a new person who knew nothing about the past and is looking at the figures in prominent positions, and their backgrounds in this government will also smell a rat or rats


Thailand has too many and too much desperate & poor expat living on pensions.Thaksin might fight for his own interest as his priority but no doubt his attempt along with the red shirts is pointing into 'more share of wealth'.And this is the reason why expat hate Thaksin.They hate to pay more for workers ( and hookers ).They hate to lose their higher status.Marrying Thai women ( 30+ years younger ) will no longer 'look ok'.In sum, it'll be no more expat heaven.They might presume themself as Thailand need them. But in fact they are (mostly) poor and no other country will let them do as they are doing in Thailand.


Thailand has too many and too much desperate & poor expat living on pensions.Thaksin might fight for his own interest as his priority but no doubt his attempt along with the red shirts is pointing into 'more share of wealth'.And this is the reason why expat hate Thaksin.They hate to pay more for workers ( and hookers ).They hate to lose their higher status.Marrying Thai women ( 30+ years younger ) will no longer 'look ok'.In sum, it'll be no more expat heaven.They might presume themself as Thailand need them. But in fact they are (mostly) poor and no other country will let them do as they are doing in Thailand.

Dis-proven by the fact that the poorer expats are only able to hook up with poorer girls and living in their place of birth - i.e. Red Shirt territory - and often being vocal Red Shirt fans on the forum.


Thailand has too many and too much desperate & poor expat living on pensions.Thaksin might fight for his own interest as his priority but no doubt his attempt along with the red shirts is pointing into 'more share of wealth'.And this is the reason why expat hate Thaksin.They hate to pay more for workers ( and hookers ).They hate to lose their higher status.Marrying Thai women ( 30+ years younger ) will no longer 'look ok'.In sum, it'll be no more expat heaven.They might presume themself as Thailand need them. But in fact they are (mostly) poor and no other country will let them do as they are doing in Thailand.

Dis-proven by the fact that the poorer expats are only able to hook up with poorer girls and living in their place of birth - i.e. Red Shirt territory - and often being vocal Red Shirt fans on the forum.

Thus speaks the poster who can make definitive statements about why girls work in sexmassage parlours based on him knowing lots of them :rolleyes: .


Thailand has too many and too much desperate & poor expat living on pensions.Thaksin might fight for his own interest as his priority but no doubt his attempt along with the red shirts is pointing into 'more share of wealth'.And this is the reason why expat hate Thaksin.They hate to pay more for workers ( and hookers ).They hate to lose their higher status.Marrying Thai women ( 30+ years younger ) will no longer 'look ok'.In sum, it'll be no more expat heaven.They might presume themself as Thailand need them. But in fact they are (mostly) poor and no other country will let them do as they are doing in Thailand.

Dis-proven by the fact that the poorer expats are only able to hook up with poorer girls and living in their place of birth - i.e. Red Shirt territory - and often being vocal Red Shirt fans on the forum.

Thus speaks the poster who can make definitive statements about why girls work in sexmassage parlours based on him knowing lots of them :rolleyes: .

There's a bit of truth in all three posts. What seems to be forgotten though is that lots of parties tend to profit, even if circumstances and situation may be impossible or just thrown upon in other countries.

(thrown upon? too late, too lazy to look in my OCD, sorry)


Thailand has too many and too much desperate & poor expat living on pensions.Thaksin might fight for his own interest as his priority but no doubt his attempt along with the red shirts is pointing into 'more share of wealth'.And this is the reason why expat hate Thaksin.They hate to pay more for workers ( and hookers ).They hate to lose their higher status.Marrying Thai women ( 30+ years younger ) will no longer 'look ok'.In sum, it'll be no more expat heaven.They might presume themself as Thailand need them. But in fact they are (mostly) poor and no other country will let them do as they are doing in Thailand.

Dis-proven by the fact that the poorer expats are only able to hook up with poorer girls and living in their place of birth - i.e. Red Shirt territory - and often being vocal Red Shirt fans on the forum.

Proven / disproven ??? by the fact that the majority of Thai girls, more often than not marry a farang believing that the farang is rich and therefore able to improve their standard of living.


Thailand has too many and too much desperate & poor expat living on pensions.Thaksin might fight for his own interest as his priority but no doubt his attempt along with the red shirts is pointing into 'more share of wealth'.And this is the reason why expat hate Thaksin.They hate to pay more for workers ( and hookers ).They hate to lose their higher status.Marrying Thai women ( 30+ years younger ) will no longer 'look ok'.In sum, it'll be no more expat heaven.They might presume themself as Thailand need them. But in fact they are (mostly) poor and no other country will let them do as they are doing in Thailand.

Dis-proven by the fact that the poorer expats are only able to hook up with poorer girls and living in their place of birth - i.e. Red Shirt territory - and often being vocal Red Shirt fans on the forum.

Possibly though personally I don't know any foreign pensioners in that category.Some on this forum living in a village environment seem to be shrilly anti Thaksin while surrounded by a red sea (though with the statutory university educated wife)!Others more impressively sympathised with their friends and neighbours, and seemed politicised in the interests of justice and compassion.However there's little doubt that the typical expatriate (by which I mean retiree or small time "businessman") was mistrustful of Thaksin because of his perceived unfriendly attitude towards foreigners.There was some truth in this and my hunch is that this is the reason most expats dislike Thaksin, rather than some ideological motivation.

Returning to the article under discussion I don't see any link between dislike of Thaksin and being a "sexpat", unless one was to argue - which some do - that most foreigners consciously or not gravitate towards Thailand for extra curricular activity, as Bernard Trink called it.The article by Dan Thwaites was therefore mischievous and I suspect written to get a rise from the sexpat community, which he clearly has.

Incidentally Dan is young, good looking, very well educated, and knowledgeable about Thailand - so frankly the personal abuse is a little absurd.But he is cheeky and his article should be taken with a pinch of salt


You should talk to my uni educated Thai Wife

She will tell you how Thaskin said all the right words to her family and other people in her home village

Gave them the basic minimum

and took back 5 times as much in the years to follow

Problem is the same uneducated members of the village still follow him like a God

And they still get ripped off month after month

Care to explain how Thaksin takes back 5 times as much the initial outlay, and how the "uneducated" members of your "uni educated" wife's village continue to get "ripped off" by him.

I suspect that ozzieman was making reference to the local godfather and his clan that while supporting Thaksin and the UDD they are at the same time ripping the villagers off in the myriad ways that rural people are ripped off by their patrons.



An incompetent article by an incompetent writer.

His premise is laughable. This fellow just wants to bash ThaiVisa.com and fellow Westerners that he feels are not as "hi-so" as he is. :rolleyes:

A lot of expats loathe Thaksin, but very few are concerned about his crackdown on bars. "Crackdowns" happen all the time here and never amount to much.

Initially, I was somewhat sympathetic to Thaksin, but my complaint is with the protests last year that ruined so many businesses, hurt tourism and the economy, caused so much violence and the eventual refusal of the peace deal that the government offered - that and the fact that the redshirts burned down and destroyed so much property when they finally were forced to stop holding the financial district hostage.

Causing so much hatred among the populace in order to take back power will not be soon forgotten. Thaksin has a lot to answer for and the bars have little to do with it.

Thank You. That's the final word on the matter, I don't think anything else needs to be said.

What amazes me though: You take a troll article and then you get a gem like this in the comments. That's why I love the internet.


BTW I take issue with Thaksin for 2 reasons: One, taking $ Billions of the people's money and putting it in his own pocket through various schemes involving his businesses. There are a few high profile examples of this that are extremely well documented, for anyone who cares to look. And I am sure there's others that are less well known. And two, sending out death squads to kill over 2,000 "drug suspects". The burning of Bangkok is then the 3rd of the unforgivables, as far as Thaksin is concerned.


i thought the article was a relatively fair assessment

edit : i mean on the type of some of the people living here, not agreeing that this equates to those people disliking thaksin, as suggested..

also within it he writes .

"And it's also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality. There are people like those I've described above living in this country. In fact, there are lots"

i 100% agree with this... 100%


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer.

His premise is laughable. This fellow just wants to bash ThaiVisa.com and fellow Westerners that he feels are not as "hi-so" as he is. :rolleyes:

A lot of expats loathe Thaksin, but very few are concerned about his crackdown on bars. "Crackdowns" happen all the time here and never amount to much.

Initially, I was somewhat sympathetic to Thaksin, but my complaint is with the protests last year that ruined so many businesses, hurt tourism and the economy, caused so much violence and the eventual refusal of the peace deal that the government offered - that and the fact that the redshirts burned down and destroyed so much property when they finally were forced to stop holding the financial district hostage.

Causing so much hatred among the populace in order to take back power will not be soon forgotten. Thaksin has a lot to answer for and the bars have little to do with it.

Thank You. That's the final word on the matter, I don't think anything else needs to be said.

What amazes me though: You take a troll article and then you get a gem like this in the comments. That's why I love the internet.


BTW I take issue with Thaksin for 2 reasons: One, taking $ Billions of the people's money and putting it in his own pocket through various schemes involving his businesses. There are a few high profile examples of this that are extremely well documented, for anyone who cares to look. And I am sure there's others that are less well known. And two, sending out death squads to kill over 2,000 "drug suspects". The burning of Bangkok is then the 3rd of the unforgivables, as far as Thaksin is concerned.

wow. You have little idea what you'r talking about.

Thaksin taking billions from people to his own ?? WRONG !

He abused the power to benefit himself ? YES. But he sucessfully spread the wealth to MAJORITY of Thais. That's more important.

So, the minority - upper class - was getting poorer ?


Everyone was better under Thaksin administration. The country was going well.

BUT his actions was the THREAT to upper class. That is the root cause of this whole mess.

His wealth mostly from AIS stock. And AIS stock rised at the same rate as SET. Stealing money is just wayy wrong. Conflict of interest is more correct.

And guess what. Thais DO NOT care. Otherwise he and his proxies won't be elected for 10 years straight !@!


He abused the power to benefit himself ? YES. But he sucessfully spread the wealth to MAJORITY of Thais. That's more important.

I must of slept through that bit.


This article is spot on, and I truly enjoyed reading all the ultra defensive comments in this thread. Some of them almost desperate! laugh.gif

Truth hurts like hell eh? It seems that many of you can't read. He was describing the stereotype farang, and said it wasn't at all accurate for all of us. So why are many of you beeing so ridiculously defensive?

It is the right of anyone to defend themselves against false smears.

It is the SOP of Communists to falsely smear, and then whistle at the indignant responses. Actually, it's arguably their entire strategy - and it's breathtakingly effective.

I am not a chef, but I do know the recipe for cooking Truth.

1. State a lie.

2. Repeat it 1000 times.

I'm one of the guys of the sexpat community like in this article describe.

This guy is absolutely right.I'm here in huahin and there are a lot guys are like me.

They have a girl at least 30 years younger,run a bar or do like me,go for a drink 11 a.m with many of my mates and get drunk every day..

When I was in Pattaya it was there exactly the same.

When we have to go back to our home countries, then we are there scum.Drinking,screwing and have only drinking mates.

Bravo! Hats of to you sir. (even though I pretty much detest people like you.)

I am glad to see someone who doesn't try to sugarcoat their reasons of beeing here.

I don't detest anyone. But I pity those who do detest others. In my experience, they're usually the sort of people who one might find inherently detestable (if one was that sort of person). May I ask, are you Dan Waites, perchance?

How magnanimous of you to state your despise for someone who is being honest. Whilst congratulating him for 'admitting' his 'shame'. May I ask, are you Catholic, perchance?

I don't buy the premise of the article. All the sexpats I know LOVE Thaksin. Then again, to a man, theyre all woman hating losers.

I don't know any sexpats. But I have read some of their 'writing'. I don't know what the % breakdown would be for sexpats v expatriates on the Thaksin issue; but I do know one thing that is an irrefutable Truth (please, attempt to refute it - if you disagree):

A person here for sex (nothing wrong with that, ignoring caveats of course; for example, 8 /= 18) would resist changes to the status quo. It goes without saying that they would strongly resist anything which they believed posed a threat which might erode or even eradicate the primary reason/s for their having emigrated to Thailand.

The pertinent point being; from 2001 (when Thaksin purchased his way up the Power Ladder) to present, have the key economic, social and cultural peculiarities which have combined (not even - remotely - accidentally) to make Thailand the world's leading sex tourism destination...been fundamentally (or even minutely) altered in any way, shape or form?

I mean, compared to something like...the catastrophic upheaval and destruction of Thailand's "happy smiles" industry, if some annoying busybody attempted to transform Thailand into a "Welfare State". or something. hypothetically.

Morality, liberalism, empathy and other irrelevance aside; the simple fact is that if you approve of the current nature of Thailand's unique and complex approach (after all, it is a 'delicate' issue) to the millions of serious crimes being conducted by child criminals - brazenly, without even the slightest deference to decency (those kid criminals just run amok, they're shameless - "Father forgive them") - then you would be a fool not to support Thaksin.

If for some arguably pathetic or deluded or idealistic reason, you were of the laughably pitiful minority who cared about the welfare of a 13 year old criminal girl or boy, then you would be a fool not to support Abhisit.

I detest morality, and will always detest it until it is returned from the Orwellian hijackers who stole it circa 0 AD. But I honestly struggle to even care - I'm not being 'depressed' or cynical. The truth is, I just don't care about that crap. All I care about is Correct v Incorrect (in the mathematical / scientific sense). Considerations of 'right' v 'wrong'; 'good' v 'evil', etc...these things are a bore to me, now. And I couldn't care less about child criminals. Lock them all up, for all I care. Or don't. Or..lock them up when it suits the winners of the game of Laws. It cannot possibly interest me.

But the above is Correct. And you would have to use Biblical Logic to dispute it. And this is why Dan's article belied his (perhaps admirably-feigned) idiocy. It was yet another classic propaganda piece, straight from a little Red book which wasn't written in Orwellian (not by any means hah), not that you'd know that because you probably haven't even read it. The practice of the brilliant plays in that little Red book, however...are literally conducted in fluent Orwellian. Almost exclusively.

Incident #194398 in Thailand's recent history. But who's counting....


Thaskin and his hench me she says survive on Thai culture where the children can not tell there elders the truth about him

Her favorite saying is, OUR DAY WILL COME, when we get our say

There is nothing unique about the 'curious' illogical deference to age. The Holy Bible even advises how to ensure its sustained cultural benefits are handed down, cyclically.

"He who spareth the rod hateth his son" (Proverbs 13:24)

"Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs 23:13-14)

I am not so arrogant that I would question the purity of religious 'logic'. I have Faith, in the inability of those who have an interest in perpetuating these kinds of cycles, to perpetuate them. I might idly wonder why those who reason with children, use logic, rationale, sensible arguments, etc (as opposed to assault / beatings / violence as a form of 'persuasion')...are sending their children straight to Hell. But then I might only wonder, if I was the wondering type. I used to wonder a great deal, but then I found out things aren't all that wonderful.

"Honor thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee" (Deuteronomy 5:16).

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (Ephesians 6:1-4.)

"Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. (Colossians 3:20-21.)

"Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul," (Proverbs 29:17.) **I have it on good authority 'son' can be interchangeable with 'daughter' in this context, and the formula will be equally effective. Perhaps...even more equal.

"For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth," (Hebrews 12:6.)

The logic...is inherent. It's neither debatable nor respectful to question it. To recap, children must be exploited because:

* God has commanded it.

* It just so happens to be the right thing to do.

* It pleases the Lord.

* It ensures early retirement and increased leisure time.

* Only those whom are loved, are exploited. Only those who don't love their children wouldn't control them with violence / psychological / emotional abuse.

I'm not suggesting that Thai cultural values were derived from the Christian Bible. I have it on good authority every religion ascribes to similar logical proofs. I'm merely pointing out that deference to age (in the absence of any rational reason to defer - or else, what would be the point - is a cultural value enshrined in every beautiful culture across this eclectic globe. A myriad of goodness.

It's a dam_n shame it's so conveniently pedophilia-enabling. But it would be a fool who would dream of making such an insightful, laughable, assertion...in trying to link cause > effect by referencing the Obvious.

Word! Most of the younger Thais i know (under 35) say "just wait till all the old people die and Thailand will get better".

Well, that's just silly. Why would you endure, and then when it's your turn to benefit, just....abstain? Unless they mean it will get better, for them. Of course it will lolz.

It will be their turn.

You clearly missed the day in school they taught "cycles".

The Red shirts have a limited time to move from being terrorist to becoming well off business men

similar to the Mafi in the USA

now they run the big money company's and have the stamp of legitimacy

Look, I don't think it's polite to call people terrorists. Every opinion is equally valid, and we must respect all cultures and all positions and all political tactics.

Or maybe you're some kind of social rabble-rousing misfit? An anti-social, with mental illness? Going around offending people and being rude and highlighting unpleasantness. You better watch yourself buddy. You should like someone Polite Society could well do without hmm...?

IT is mostly true, loosers that cant get a girl in their home country ,or maybe over the age to have a chance with a 22 year old back home.. And do not see any wrong with it actually, if y dont get what y want where y are , you change place ..

I wouldn't know about that. I didn't even realise there were cute girls in Thailand when I was faced with the horrific prospect en route to home, waking up one day in Bangkok and realising the next leg of the journey was Bangkok > Brisbane. So I procrastinated. You cannot imagine how stupid I felt about 18 months later, when I wandered into a g-club. You can't imagine how stupid I felt, because almost no one is willing to admit what I find no shame - in the slightest - in admitting; Thai girls who are not working aren't attracted to the colour of my skin. Or to the 'limited' (bordering on non-existent) personality I am capable of delivering, when I cannot speak their language, do humour, make attempts at wit...or communicate in any worthwhile or entertaining or valuable fashion, whatsoever.

The best kept (non) secret Thailand has is that Thai girls aren't psyched about guys like that. This should not shock you. Australian, American, British, French, German, Russian, Brazilian girls are all....identical, in that way. Not sure how there is any 'confusion' about this, really. It's not even remarkable, or even note-worthy?

The reason I was traveling the world was impossibly dignified. I was running away. And could afford to. But then there is a really mean girl in Brisbane who used to make me do embarrassing things, like send unsolicited text messages at indecent hours of the night. She a horrible person, obviously. She took only 2-3 months to realise she could do better. I met that joker. He's a horrible person, obviously. Substantially better.

Also, my extended family resides primarily in Australia. I don't care for water, but my position on the strategic effectiveness of large bodies of it (like oceans) has always been firm. You would sympathise, if you were in my position.

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