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I'm not a deviant either, but I did vote "no" to all things Thaksin in the TV pole..... because he is a santimonious criminal master mind......

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Enough said about this silly article , but we read it didnt we, smile.gif and some how it went from Sexpats to Politics I hate that dont you .angry.gif


I find it amusing that many of the posters did not manage to read the whole article; they saw the word "sexpat" and could no longer see straight enough to finish the story.

The best way to describe the average comment to this story is to compare it to a fart: "First one denied it, supplied it!". In other words, if the stereotype does not apply to you then you should not be offended.

Personally. I couldn't care less what any expat is doing here... just as long as they stay away from my daughter.


The truth hurts dont it ? lol

It might be YOUR truth but its certainly not MINE !!

As a Ph.D recruited in the Middle east, where I was working before, to chair a faculty at Chulalongkorn University I find this post extremely offensive. I believe it makes a total mockery of the so called FORUM RULES which Thaivisa sporadically enforces. The author obviously has detailed first hand knowledge of the workings here and is obviously feeling guilty about his own moral standards. I am Married to a Thai lady and have been for 4 years - i have been resident in Thailand for 5 years - I met my wife 3 weeks arriving here. We have a beautiful son who is one year old who was 3 months premature due to his wife being literally dragged out of her hospital bed during the red shirt occupation of Bangkok by two red shirts wanting to check her ward for hidden weapons - THAT IS WHY I DONT LIKE THAKSIN SHINAWATRA added to the fact that I dont want a criminal running the country where I intend to reside for a good few years!! I dont cheat on my Thai wife anymore than I would cheat on a western woman.

Let me ask you this question

"Why is it politically correct to stereotype and abuse the average white working male? If we made these statements about western women going to Jamaica for holidays we could find ourselves in trouble for demeaning women.

I believe that Thai visa should retract this article - it is not decent to stereotype people in this way and it makes the forum look slightly below the Sunday Sport


Wot,s this about us teechers not beeing kwollified ? Thatz a bit harsh dan (note small case). I be down from Somerset, I is, and down there we,s fightin the wimmin off wiv broom handles, we is, in between trips to these fair shores to edgeyoucate the naytivs. If youse trying to elevate your own staytus by tryin to put down uvvers oy,d say youse probly got a long way to go and lots of room to manoover. Silly lad.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

How did he help the little people? Gave the villages 1 million so they could borrow 10,000? Sure, that bought the first mobile phone from you know whose shop, operating on you know whose system. Now they they have to pay back that 10k every year so the village can show the 1 million. They dont have that 1 million, so where do they borrow it from? The local loan sharks. How much do they charge for 4 days, maybe 3 or 4k. Then they get the 10k back and have to fork out 3or 4 k on top. Every year its the same, the village going round trying to borrow money. Now, they want to give them a credit card just to put them even deeper into debt.


Thailand sexpats opposition or disdain for Thaksin is arguable. Thaksin's accomplishments or lack thereof is also arguable. But, if you spend anytime at all in the major cities of Thailand you will, without doubt, see farang that fit the stereotype in the post to a tee. If you travel to rural areas of Thailand you will see the same type farang who have run out of finances to continue the sexpat lifestyle they came to Thailand to enjoy. The number of farang that fit the stereotype is arguable but I believe the number is huge.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Of course they do... He paid them to vote for him !

I dont think Thaksin is running in this election and I know the parties running are already offering holidays and cash for votes already.:o

serious allegations-which parties?, how much cash? holidays to where?

more info please?

I never mentioned Thaksin or his sister lining anyone's pockets or paying anyone during Thaksin's elections. However I did say that I know that Parties are already paying for votes in the upcoming election, by purchasing bus trips to take the families to and from a fully paid holiday (WEEKEND). One city to mention is Lop Buri, as it happened to a family I know up there.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

No they dont!! Not in all villages by any means!!! isan and Chiang Mai where hes bought people maybe but Tak Sukhothai and Pitsanalot people CERTAINLY dont feel like that about him.

Thais are NOT stupid!!


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Of course they do... He paid them to vote for him !

I got news for you, most everybody gets paid to vote in Thailand. The Dems were giving out 500 baht per vote in my area last week. That's the oldest hypocritical excuse I've ever heard.

that's quite a serious accusation against the Dems

they could be dissolved for vote buying if you can put some meat on the bone

so is it just you saying it for propaganda purposes for the reds or can you prove it?

If I understand it correctly from the Isaan sister in law, they are routinely, year after year, offered money from both sides. Seems the best thing would be to accept money from both and then vote for who you want.


It might be YOUR truth but its certainly not MINE !!

As a Ph.D recruited in the Middle east, where I was working before, to chair a faculty at Chulalongkorn University

Hey, me too. I am also very wealthy, know Barrack Obama personally and only have sex with other Ph.Ds. :D


I don't believe he said all expats are sexpats. He said there are a lot of sexpats in Thailand .




The farang Thaksin brigade has completely and utterly failed to in their propaganda attempts to promote Thaksin, and now move on to outright ad hominem attacks. Blatant attempt to marginalize their opposition among people who don't follow Thailand by smearing them as deviants. Stay classy guys.


The truth hurts dont it ? lol

It might be YOUR truth but its certainly not MINE !!

As a Ph.D recruited in the Middle east, where I was working before, to chair a faculty at Chulalongkorn University I find this post extremely offensive. I believe it makes a total mockery of the so called FORUM RULES which Thaivisa sporadically enforces. The author obviously has detailed first hand knowledge of the workings here and is obviously feeling guilty about his own moral standards. I am Married to a Thai lady and have been for 4 years - i have been resident in Thailand for 5 years - I met my wife 3 weeks arriving here. We have a beautiful son who is one year old who was 3 months premature due to his wife being literally dragged out of her hospital bed during the red shirt occupation of Bangkok by two red shirts wanting to check her ward for hidden weapons - THAT IS WHY I DONT LIKE THAKSIN SHINAWATRA added to the fact that I dont want a criminal running the country where I intend to reside for a good few years!! I dont cheat on my Thai wife anymore than I would cheat on a western woman.

Let me ask you this question

"Why is it politically correct to stereotype and abuse the average white working male? If we made these statements about western women going to Jamaica for holidays we could find ourselves in trouble for demeaning women.

I believe that Thai visa should retract this article - it is not decent to stereotype people in this way and it makes the forum look slightly below the Sunday Sport

me thinks you doth protest too much.....:D No need to provide a resume'


Sorry, but i think this article is a valid topic in Thialand,read it, show me a criminal who isn't running a country? all politicians have ghosts some where, as for sexpats? yes mate,heaps of them here, as for good people? they are here to,but out numbered, the scum of the Earth can be found here if you really want to find it, scammers,gun runners,drug dealers, the list is endless, i hope i didn't tarnish your vision of LOS.:whistling:

The truth hurts dont it ? lol

It might be YOUR truth but its certainly not MINE !!

As a Ph.D recruited in the Middle east, where I was working before, to chair a faculty at Chulalongkorn University I find this post extremely offensive. I believe it makes a total mockery of the so called FORUM RULES which Thaivisa sporadically enforces. The author obviously has detailed first hand knowledge of the workings here and is obviously feeling guilty about his own moral standards. I am Married to a Thai lady and have been for 4 years - i have been resident in Thailand for 5 years - I met my wife 3 weeks arriving here. We have a beautiful son who is one year old who was 3 months premature due to his wife being literally dragged out of her hospital bed during the red shirt occupation of Bangkok by two red shirts wanting to check her ward for hidden weapons - THAT IS WHY I DONT LIKE THAKSIN SHINAWATRA added to the fact that I dont want a criminal running the country where I intend to reside for a good few years!! I dont cheat on my Thai wife anymore than I would cheat on a western woman.

Let me ask you this question

"Why is it politically correct to stereotype and abuse the average white working male? If we made these statements about western women going to Jamaica for holidays we could find ourselves in trouble for demeaning women.

I believe that Thai visa should retract this article - it is not decent to stereotype people in this way and it makes the forum look slightly below the Sunday Sport


I know,the truth hurts.jap.gif

just another down at heel would be journalist major, presenting another opportunist Thaksin sensationalized article using the expat population as cannon fodder for his own meanderings

if the Asian correspondent dot com will pay for such fiction and outright speculation then there's room for all of us to be budding commentators on ''Thai life through the eyes of an expat,'' and to get paid for our fumblings in Thailand

at least we are actually here in Thailand to be able to comment accurately and enjoy doing the research rather than exercising your wrists just dreaming about it.........

The interesting photo of our occasional blogger from his Twitter page


Dan Waites




Bob Sexers?

I like that.


I had my anti Thaksin posts deleted from there when he was in power so I don't want to address all the erroneous mistakes in this article. The writer is also waving stereotypes around freely while unaware of the massive gay sexpat demographic (Those guys get free/paid asian cock multiple times a day. It's truly eye popping)

But the largest error is one of logic. The article ignores that the lowest priced prostitutes are from Thaksin country so it's just plain wrong on its central premise. Play it safe arse lickers. Very few exceptions.


Im loving the comments. Lots of sexpats defending themselves by providing some real or fake 'credentials'..

Having a PH.D does not stop you from being a chav or a sexpat. The biggest "Barn nok" in my moobaan have the nicest house.. (saved their whole life and on loan).

Thaksin is a douche, he put the country back into serious debts. But if someone had been there in his spot, they would of done the same and made the country worse instead of setting a few % for the country's good.

thais will only get douche prime ministers, so why not have a douche with 5% of good in him? Country's law enforcement has been a joke since thaksin left.


Quote from the OP:

"A good place to find these shining examples of manhood is the Thai Visa Forum. Many of the people who post on the site seem to dislike almost everything about the country and yet, for some reason, they remain here (I suspect it must be the temples). "

Beautiful. Such an accurate summation of the TV community.


I find it amusing that many of the posters did not manage to read the whole article; they saw the word "sexpat" and could no longer see straight enough to finish the story.

The best way to describe the average comment to this story is to compare it to a fart: "First one denied it, supplied it!". In other words, if the stereotype does not apply to you then you should not be offended.

Personally. I couldn't care less what any expat is doing here... just as long as they stay away from my daughter.

I believe through my many travels and educational experiences is that it is" Whomever dealt it smelt it!" but luckily mine smells of jasmine.cool.gif


Who is Dan Waites?

Actually, who cares?

This really is some of the worst journalistic writing that I have seen in a long time. I wonder how much Taxsin :whistling: paid Dan to wrote that article?


well the fact that he stole about 2billion US dollars kinda makes him a bit inadequate for the job I think

and where does this fact come from? from the media? just like WMD in Iraq?

I just cant imagine how people believe in everything they read.

Thailand was much better in the times of Thaksin than it is now. This if the fact. Don't believe me? Look at the economic outcomes.

In economic terms, just about every country, and especially the USA, was better off when Thaksin was in power - should we elect him President of the US or World Supreme Leader?


Maybe after writing this article he can expect to receive his check so he can go for a short time. Hate these guys who judge people by hangin out in Pattaya or Nana or Soi Cowboy in Bangkok or Patong in Phuket and then come up with all this crap...darn wanke_rs

I came here and married a Thai over 8 years and adopted my wife 2 Thai daughters. I know all about the normal life here but I am still not an expert.

85% come here never see the real country and should not even be able to judge anybody or anything. Many years ago this Thai visa was great and George was fair and

most likely still is today, but many are not. The Nation to me is a local fish rapper and Thai Visa was great years ago and not bias but now it is a run like British tabloid.

Warn me, kick me out, for saying like it is.You are very welcome.

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