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ManU In Decline?

Bredbury Blue

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Can't say a lot to this, after all Chelsea have never been beaten outside Manchester in the Premiership,  under the present boss. Must be something to do with the air. Poisonous? :o

Missed your point, if you had one that is. And aren't we the smug one this morning, Lampard 10! Won't be when Septic Blatter changes the rules on the number of foreigners in a team and you revert to form as the greatest team in Chelsea. As 'The Fiver' put it aptly, " a club about as fashionable as a mauve British Home Stores cardigan...hitherto regular challengers to Deportivo La Coruna and Schweppes as Europe's biggest bottlers..." After the 4 points last season I'm looking forward to Boxing Day, how about you?

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Why dont the two of you put on your respective club shirts, get a ball and have a one-a-side match that will put an end to this thread once and for all. I will be the ref, You will end up being best of freinds, unless I send you both off, then I will be a bit bored !!!



Rob Styles

Hey, me and Nev are buddies already, aren't we Nev - and we're both mancunians, he just happens to support that other team. Nothing wrong with a bit of banter on here as a stand-in for Boddingtons / Robinsons pub back home.


nothing like friendly banter between fans and when i am in thailand i would def sit down with bred blue and have a few singha's.

this is a healthy debate and i enjoy reading the thread.

by the way bred blue where in thailand ru,we could swap numbers, i am back on the 19th jan for 1 month, heading for khon khen to go and stay with my girls family and tour north thailand cannot wait.

boddies and robinsons are an aquired taste,prefer singha nowadays. cheers mate.

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nothing like friendly banter between fans and when i am in thailand i would def sit down with bred blue and have a few singha's.

this is a healthy debate and i enjoy reading the thread.

by the way bred blue where in thailand ru,we could swap numbers, i am back on the 19th jan for 1 month, heading for khon khen to go and stay with my girls family and tour north thailand cannot wait.

boddies and robinsons are an aquired taste,prefer singha nowadays. cheers mate.

You really prefer singha? Too much of an after taste for me. I'm obviously a wuss as i used to drink Singha Gold (do they still make it).

Back to my over the top put down of Lampard 10 (sorry mate), listening to Football Focus just now they mentioned that ManU had 10 local or english players in their team against Villa (could have been british but you get the point), which is commendable and like Herr Blatter i would like to implement a rule that clubs must have a set minimum number of British players in their starting squad.

Edited by Bredbury Blue
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Copied from a City website


I came across this merry bunch of Man City supporters who have invented ‘alternative shopping’ to while away the hours when they get dragged around the local shopping centre by ‘er indoors’ – and i thought what a brilliant idea to restrict the fervour of Asians for all things ManU. Read on…

***I am sure that I am not the only Blue who amuses himself by hiding Man Ure merchandise behind other things to pass the time whilst being dragged around the shops. Just covering up their filthy calendars with other more acceptable ones, putting rag books behind other sports books or moving them to other sections; you know the sort of thing. I'd like to hear from Blues who also enjoy this kind of thing.

Steve Hayman

***I have to confess that I suffer from the condition Steve Hayman openly talked about last week, namely covering over other team’s merchandise. Being a City fan in Aberdeen, there is little in the way of club merchandise to buy. There is a large Shopping Mall in the city centre and at this time of year, the concourse is used by small traders selling festive gifts.

One such trader has a Calendar stall selling various calendars of football teams. Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers are the obvious ones along with Man Ure, Chelski, Scousers and Arsenal. Imagine my delight, when looking through them I came across City ones. Naturally I bought one for my 13 year old son, also a City fan. My wife then visited a perfume shop and not being a "new man" I decided to wait outside. It was then that I took it upon myself to re-arrange the calendar display while she was in the shop. I casually walked over and put all the City calendars at the front of the racks for the whole of the North East of Scotland to admire as they entered the Mall.

This condition is getting worse, as the other 3 times I have been in the Mall, I have covered the other teams on display with City ones, much to my wife's disgust. City are now prominent in this particular Aberdeen shopping centre! My only concern is that if my schoolboy tricks are caught on security camera, will I get 12 months?

Ian Bell, Dee Blues Club, Aberdeen

***I don't know if I suffer from the same condition as Steve Hayman and Ian Bell but I have been inspired to try something a little different whilst out shopping recently. Please believe me it's great fun, not illegal although perhaps a little inconvenient for underpaid shop assistants.

I'm a 56 year old granddad, absolute pillar of the community, hold a responsible job and I'm loved and respected by all who know me. However Steve Haymen has released an unexpected desire and joy in my life in my life.

I'm currently enjoying life by hiding Rag calendars wherever I see them in local stores. I recently completely re-arranged the calendar shelf in my local Woolies whilst pretending to take an interest in what was on offer. My other half kept giving me that sideways, disapproving look but completely understanding where I was coming from. To be fair to rag fans I hid their calendars amongst the Barbie calendars so they would have an equal chance of finding them.

If there are any readers out there who fancy giving this newly discovered pastime a go, I can heartily recommend it. The experience is thrilling and perfectly harmless. I would welcome new and inventive ways of trying this experience so if you've given it a go there's no shame in coming out of the closet and sharing this fetish with like minded blues.

Her indoors has currently got me embroiled in the mindless pursuit of Christmas shopping, any relief would be more than welcome.

Alex Channon

You’ve got to laugh, haven’t you!

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just would like to wish everyone a very happy xmas and a happy new year,may all your dreams come true,except if you dream of a decline in uniteds fortunes,,as we are back. cheers everyone.

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Copied from a City website


I came across this merry bunch of Man City supporters who have invented ‘alternative shopping’ to while away the hours when they get dragged around the local shopping centre by ‘er indoors’ –  and i thought what a brilliant idea to restrict the fervour of Asians for all things ManU. Read on…

***I am sure that I am not the only Blue who amuses himself by hiding Man Ure merchandise behind other things to pass the time whilst being dragged around the shops. Just covering up their filthy calendars with other more acceptable ones, putting rag books behind other sports books or moving them to other sections; you know the sort of thing. I'd like to hear from Blues who also enjoy this kind of thing.

Steve Hayman

***I have to confess that I suffer from the condition Steve Hayman openly talked about last week, namely covering over other team’s merchandise. Being a City fan in Aberdeen, there is little in the way of club merchandise to buy.  There is a large Shopping Mall in the city centre and at this time of year, the concourse is used by small traders selling festive gifts.

One such trader has a Calendar stall selling various calendars of football teams.  Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers are the obvious ones along with Man Ure, Chelski, Scousers and Arsenal.  Imagine my delight, when looking through them I came across City ones.  Naturally I bought one for my 13 year old son, also a City fan.  My wife then visited a perfume shop and not being a "new man" I decided to wait outside. It was then that I took it upon myself to re-arrange the calendar display while she was in the shop.  I casually walked over and put all the City calendars at the front of the racks for the whole of the North East of Scotland to admire as they entered the Mall.

This condition is getting worse, as the other 3 times I have been in the Mall, I have covered the other teams on display with City ones, much to my wife's disgust. City are now prominent in this particular Aberdeen shopping centre! My only concern is that if my schoolboy tricks are caught on security camera, will I get 12 months?

Ian Bell, Dee Blues Club, Aberdeen

***I don't know if I suffer from the same condition as Steve Hayman and Ian Bell but I have been inspired to try something a little different whilst out shopping recently. Please believe me it's great fun, not illegal although perhaps a little inconvenient for underpaid shop assistants.

I'm a 56 year old granddad, absolute pillar of the community, hold a responsible job and I'm loved and respected by all who know me. However Steve Haymen has released an unexpected desire and joy in my life in my life.

I'm currently enjoying life by hiding Rag calendars wherever I see them in local stores. I recently completely re-arranged the calendar shelf in my local Woolies whilst pretending to take an interest in what was on offer. My other half kept giving me that sideways, disapproving look but completely understanding where I was coming from. To be fair to rag fans I hid their calendars amongst the Barbie calendars so they would have an equal chance of finding them.

If there are any readers out there who fancy giving this newly discovered pastime a go, I can heartily recommend it. The experience is thrilling and perfectly harmless. I would welcome new and inventive ways of trying this experience so if you've given it a go there's no shame in coming out of the closet and sharing this fetish with like minded blues.

Her indoors has currently got me embroiled in the mindless pursuit of Christmas shopping, any relief would be more than welcome.

Alex Channon

You’ve got to laugh, haven’t you!

See Bred Blue,

That is the difference between reds and blues. Us reds just give a little snigger when we see City shirts. Make of that what you will.

Come on, walking round the shopping Mall and having to turn to childish pranks. (Personally, i like looking at all the women ho ho) so maybe i have a weird fetish eh, but its better than being obsessed with a team you don't even support. The funny thing is Bred Blue,

Santa wears red and i was just wondering if you told your kids that he should be dressed in blue. :D

It does not surprise me that all bitters have this obsession with UTD but hey people, think in all kinds of weird ways :o

Happy Christmas to all the bitters out there and long may you live in our shadow.

30 years ho ho!

I bet I know what you asked Santa for BredBlue. A nice little silver pot, me thinks to put all your bitterness into.

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year

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I just caught some report on the tellie that Man City has had a robbery, and theives have broken into the cabinet containing their trophies and cups.

Police are now looking for a small square of blue carpet. If you have any information, you can contact the Manchester Police Dept.

Actually, this joke should work pretty well for Man U shortly :-) Finally! hooray!


Happy NY.

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Yep Liverpool are in ascendancy and manu in decline, watch out Chelski European champions (5 times) coming through


You Wish, Man Utd might not be able to mount a challenge, but nor will you. You may have won a few games on the bounce, but look at the quality of the oposition you have been up against. What was the score when Liverpool played Chelsea at home???

there is only ONE team that can win the league.. and that team are 11 points in front of second place and 17 in front of the Scallys (even with your games in hand... you have a better chance of retaining the CLC!!... But I doubt it.. my money is on Barcalona

nighty night sweet dreams :D



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everyone said i was dreaming last year when i predicted Pool would knock out chelski and go on to win the final, and if we won our games in hand then its 9 points difference (ie 15 points at present not 17) so please do pay attention :o

your'e probably right though chelski will have it wrapped up by april, but we are allowed to dream, and sometimes they come true, mine did


btw was your money on Milan last year, or Juve or Chelski


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The three wise men enter the stable bearing gifts.

The first wise man says "I am Souniechadnezzar. I come from a city far away called Newcastle, of which you will not have heard. I have brought a crate of wondrous brown ale to keep you and Joseph in good cheer while you are watching over the baby Jesus."

Mary and Joseph knock the tops off a brace of bottles and, after one swig, agree that the brown ale is indeed wondrous.

The second wise man says "I am Jewellchadnezzar. I come from a town far away called Wigan, of which you will not have heard. I have brought a bag of fabulous pies to keep away the pangs of hunger while you are watching over the baby Jesus.

Mary and Joseph take two pies out of the bag and after one bite agree that the savoury morsels are indeed fabulous.

The third wise man says "I am Fergiechadnezzar and I come from a great city far away called Manchester, of which you will not have heard. I have brought a couple of shirts to keep you warm while you are watching over the baby Jesus.

Mary and Joseph unwrap the shirts, take a look at them and Joseph says "Very nice, but are you sure you're from Manchester?"

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To the ManU fans reading this who for some unknown reason seem to think all City fans sing or use or accept the use of the ‘munich’ song or term, please be aware that that is not correct, it is only a very small minority of morons, and as can be seen from this extract below from the excellent ‘MAN CITY INFO VIA THE ALPS "McVittee!" (1186)’ http://www.uit.no/mancity/ , the club, the fans and the fanzines are trying to take steps (‘a campaign’) to get it stopped.


Regarding the 'open letter from our fans to our fans' published in the programme for the Chelsea game, you may be wondering why the fanzine ‘King of the Kippax’ (motto: for the fans, by the fans - sound familiar?) is not included in the message - or any other fanzine for that matter. Well, we are wondering too! We only knew of the 'campaign' because Heidi [Editor of MCIVTA] had the good grace to contact us when the club failed to do so, and we agreed to include something in the next issue of KOTK (not on sale yet).

Just for the record, we have been campaigning against the singing of THAT song since issue 8 of KOTK (January 1990), and the use of the word 'Munich' as a derisory term for a United fan - MORE TO DO WITH THE CLUB'S CYNICAL EXPLOITATION OF THE TRAGEDY THAN ANY MOCKERY OF THE VICTIMS - has been discussed within the pages of KOTK from every angle over the years. And respect to all who died in the Munich air disaster, whether they were football stars or not, it was an avoidable tragic waste of life.

In crowds of 40,000+ shouldn't we be able to drown out the sound of a few cretins who, in true 'awkward sod' tradition will probably shout even louder than usual in reaction to this current campaign? Maybe the stewards who work so hard every game trying to get people to sit down in the seats they've paid for could now divert their attention to the singers of THAT song and politely ask them to stop offending the rest of us.

Sue Wallace (dw001e8104 at blueyonder.co.uk)

Just thought you should know! Bredbury Blue.

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yes bred blue i have heard about this and fair play too whoever is trying to stamp this out there will still be a few who do use the munich taunt,but us at united dont really give a shit if other fans sing or chant or use this.

and even more amazing is man city lost one of there own legends on that flight how ironic and if you mention this to some city fans they dont seem to care or is it they dont no?

anyway happy new year bred blue you seem like one of the genuine fans and respect to the city fans who want to end this.

and back on topic we have 40 points from 20 games and on 6 of the 8 premier league tittles we have won that is more points at the same period.take away the russian mafia run cllub with all his money we would be favourites again.

our big test tonight at arsenal think 2-1 united.

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.take away the russian mafia run cllub with all his money we would be favourites again.

No Liverpool would be favourites if you took that away, and left the septic run cllub :o

Of course if we was to stay with your pathetic way of thinking now that the boot is on the other foot, take away ALL the clubs with foreign money invested in them then Sudbury Town would be favourites for the Premiership.

Edited by lampard10
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i new it would be a chelsea fan the first to bit, pmsl.

never saw a chelsea shirt in sydney untill 2 years ago now every ######er has one,, even one with no 12 and abramovich on his back what a ######.

you are the same as blackburn but with more money.

fergie is building his next great team and next year put your money on united.

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i new it would be a chelsea fan the first to bit, pmsl.

never saw a chelsea shirt in sydney untill 2 years ago now every ######er has one,, even one with no 12 and abramovich on his back what a ######.

you are the same as blackburn but with more money.

fergie is building his next great team and next year put your money on united.

Exactly..............................Fergie is building his next great team.............with American money. You've just summed it up. But as when United were buying up all the good players and sidelining them,as when as many people say Blackburn bought the title, as when Liverpool were the first side to field a team without a single Englishman in it, you won't hear any whinging from me. No matter what nationality the players is, no matter how much he costs, it's the trainer that moulds the side together. Look at your mob. The two most expensive players in English football. What good has it done you? One of them is maybe starting to live up to his expectations and value, the other not worth a tenth of what he cost.Now be honest; did you hear any of the other clubs whinging when United were buying the cream of world football, because they had a good bank balance. I'll answer it for you. NO. The whinging started when the great Manchester United were dethroned, and, as Northerners are not known for their quick thinking, this was the only excuse that came to hand. Come off it pal. We were jellous that you had a bottomless pit of wealth. We didn't throw insults around like you lot are doing to us,although I think if a British millionaire had put money in, your brains would have all exploded trying to think of a smart retort. A Russian. Tailor made for the whingers and non-football knob-heads that reside in your half of the World. Get real. If we, as you predict, are dethroned by the great again re-vitalised Man U,bloody good show on you.

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i new it would be a chelsea fan the first to bit, pmsl.

never saw a chelsea shirt in sydney untill 2 years ago now every ######er has one,, even one with no 12 and abramovich on his back what a ######.

you are the same as blackburn but with more money.

fergie is building his next great team and next year put your money on united.

Exactly..............................Fergie is building his next great team.............with American money. You've just summed it up. But as when United were buying up all the good players and sidelining them,as when as many people say Blackburn bought the title, as when Liverpool were the first side to field a team without a single Englishman in it, you won't hear any whinging from me. No matter what nationality the players is, no matter how much he costs, it's the trainer that moulds the side together. Look at your mob. The two most expensive players in English football. What good has it done you? One of them is maybe starting to live up to his expectations and value, the other not worth a tenth of what he cost.Now be honest; did you hear any of the other clubs whinging when United were buying the cream of world football, because they had a good bank balance. I'll answer it for you. NO. The whinging started when the great Manchester United were dethroned, and, as Northerners are not known for their quick thinking, this was the only excuse that came to hand. Come off it pal. We were jellous that you had a bottomless pit of wealth. We didn't throw insults around like you lot are doing to us,although I think if a British millionaire had put money in, your brains would have all exploded trying to think of a smart retort. A Russian. Tailor made for the whingers and non-football knob-heads that reside in your half of the World. Get real. If we, as you predict, are dethroned by the great again re-vitalised Man U,bloody good show on you.

That is so funny!.................however as a Charlton fan I'm keep quite for the rest of the season.

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our success was paid for from gate reciepts has we have been the best supported club for many years not from money brought in,and has for building a team we build from our youth system and we still are doing so,name one player to come through your youth system in the last 2 years and play first team football,and has for building a team through yank money we do not have has he has load his huge debt on the club,we do not have the resources to buy like you do now.

duff robben and essien where all united bound untill the russian money came in to factor.

so you cannot take a few insults lmao its called banter mate.

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duff robben and essien where all united bound

Oh! that's where it stems from? OK I get it........mind you once Fergie had got his hands on them they would probably have been put out to graze like a host of other stars his money bought to stop other clubs getting their hands on them :o

So let me get this straight: If United had bought all the stars Chelsea had it would have been perfectly alright. I have a funny feeling you have just shot yourself in the foot old mate, and given us the answer as to why United fans are so spitful to us.


Envy it's called, and green with it as well. Or should it be called the'Blues'

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Continuin gon from my earlier email...from today's MEN (Manchester Evening News to all you super smart southerners, eh Lamps). So far 60 comments have been posted on their webpage and they're a right mixed bag.

Plea over Munich chants

MANCHESTER City supporters groups are urging fellow fans to stop using Munich air disaster chants, labelling anyone who does an "embarrassment".

The official supporters club, and other groups such as the Centenary Supporters Association, penned an open letter in the programme for the match against Chelsea in a bid to stop the taunts.

The letter will be REPRINTED in the programme for the Tottenham game, report the BBC, with the derby approaching on January 14.

The 1958 air crash claimed 23 lives, including eight members of the Busby Babes and Frank Swift, a journalist and former City goalkeeper.

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I find I’m sat here smirking at today's comments from the ManU fan/s and the Chelski fan arguing about the money aspect of their respective success and ‘my dad’s bigger than your dad’. The reason I’m smirking is that this is one of my pet subjects and by coincidence I was reading this months 4-4-2 magazine (barsteward to find in BKK) which picks up on this subject and proposes changes. The subject is the spread of football money, the way for decades and decades gate receipts were shared (not anymore), TV money was spread through the Football League, etc (not anymore) , and the result was there was a degree of parity financially which was the way the Football League was always intended to be. Along came the top 5 of the 80's (ManU & Spurs being the leaders, followed by Arsenal, and the 2 SCOUSE teams) who cut a secret deal with the TV people for the majority of TV pool money, and then with the FA in order to breakaway in to the Premier. Is it a coincidence that since the Premier was formed ManU have been successful in the league but prior to that they went donkey’s years without a win? I think you’ll find the answer is yes. The way the Premier is set up - most the TV money stays in the Premier, the more you’re on the telly the more money you get, the higher up the league the more money – means the successful get richer means they get more successful etc etc etc. No surprise that FIFA are quickly trying to put a plan in place to minimize the number of foreign players allowed, again, and the general feeling of supporters in the UK is one of being unsatisfied with high gate prices, out of touch with the millionaire players, unhappiness with the usual suspects winning the League every year (becoming the same as the ‘Glasgow’ league) and there is a distinct gap in the ranks coming through of a fan base – the average age of the man on the terrace is 39 with less and less in the 16 to 24 bracket. What’s the future of football – well unless something changes to link the Premier and the football League again, and restructures the financial setup, then it will probably be more of the same. One thought, prior to the greedy clubs getting their way 15 years or so back with the introduction of the Premier, why was it that the Scousers won the League year after year and ManU could only win a cup or two?

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.....and what did Citeh win....?

United in decline. Still a resounding no and, still nothing I read here comes close to doing anything else but, make me smile. Certainly not changing my mind.


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1. .....and what did Citeh win....?

2. United in decline. Still a resounding no and, still nothing I read here comes close to doing anything else but, make me smile. Certainly not changing my mind.


1. Sorry but exactly what comment are you responding to?

2. Pleased to hear this is pleasing to you, its certainly pleasing to see the mighty ManU struggling along behind that little club from Larndon, ha! :o

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and given us the answer as to why United fans are so spitful to us.


Envy it's called, and green with it as well. Or should it be called the'Blues'

Lampard10 , is the above a joke. envy, spitful, come back when you have won a few more trophies and get off your high horse. Chelsea have raised the bar and are a notch above everyone at the moment but envious of you, come on!

History and tradition make a club what it is and i am afraid even Man City have got more then your lot.

As for the northerners dig, what is that all about ,sticks and stones. Me thinks, trophy wise northern teams have won more! Even i don't need to be quick thinking to work that one out.

Oh, that reminds me, wheres me flat cap :o

Bredblue and Nev,

How are you? Been on me hols. I was looking for a blue santa but i couldn't find one. Any ideas where i can find one?


The Munich thingy won't work i'm afraid. I agree its a great idea but i can't see it happening. When i watch City and they sing the Andy Cole song, which goes Oh Andy Cole oh Andy Andy Cole ur not Munich any more ur not Munich any more i can certainly hear it loud and clear so i think there are more people singing than what they make out on that report you posted. I am not having a dig but i just can't see it mate.

A week on Saturday, are you getting all giddy :D


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