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IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigns amid alleged sexual assault


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DSK's own lawyers defense for what DSK was doing is...he hired the prostitute, performed the act and left without paying her the agreed sum.

So I ask again: Is this the man the left in France want to see as the President?

France could use someone who was watching how much cash they spent a bit better.

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DSK's own lawyers defense for what DSK was doing is...he hired the prostitute, performed the act and left without paying her the agreed sum.

So I ask again: Is this the man the left in France want to see as the President?

Any link on this?

I doubt that story, because a handful of hundreds of dollars would be no object for DSK, even if the maid's services didn't meet his expectations.

The part in your post that is the most shocking for me would be "and left without paying".

That would cast my doubts over the person.

Regarding hiring prostitutes, I think many politicians should do it more often, especially female ones.

Maybe that could relax them a bit.

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DSK's own lawyers defense for what DSK was doing is...he hired the prostitute, performed the act and left without paying her the agreed sum.

So I ask again: Is this the man the left in France want to see as the President?

Any link on this?

I doubt that story, because a handful of hundreds of dollars would be no object for DSK, even if the maid's services didn't meet his expectations.

The part in your post that is the most shocking for me would be "and left without paying".

That would cast my doubts over the person.

Regarding hiring prostitutes, I think many politicians should do it more often, especially female ones.

Maybe that could relax them a bit.

He did not hire her,he had just jumped on her,like chimpansees do and he thinks,that she should enjoy that.

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DSK's own lawyers defense for what DSK was doing is...he hired the prostitute, performed the act and left without paying her the agreed sum.

So I ask again: Is this the man the left in France want to see as the President?

Any link on this?

I doubt that story, because a handful of hundreds of dollars would be no object for DSK, even if the maid's services didn't meet his expectations.

The part in your post that is the most shocking for me would be "and left without paying".

That would cast my doubts over the person.

Regarding hiring prostitutes, I think many politicians should do it more often, especially female ones.

Maybe that could relax them a bit.

He did not hire her,he had just jumped on her,like chimpansees do and he thinks,that she should enjoy that.

I guess you are an eyewitness then.

I suggest you contact the prosecution immediately so they can protocol your testimony.

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DSK's own lawyers defense for what DSK was doing is...he hired the prostitute, performed the act and left without paying her the agreed sum.

So I ask again: Is this the man the left in France want to see as the President?

Any link on this?

I doubt that story, because a handful of hundreds of dollars would be no object for DSK, even if the maid's services didn't meet his expectations.

The part in your post that is the most shocking for me would be "and left without paying".

That would cast my doubts over the person.

Regarding hiring prostitutes, I think many politicians should do it more often, especially female ones.

Maybe that could relax them a bit.


That he had sexual relations with the maid is a FACT. They found his semen on her clothes. The only defense that DSK has is to say that it was consensual and that she is a whore who went to the police after not being paid.

The woman is also now suing the NYPost for libel for calling her a prostitute.

DSK is also filing charges against the French journalist who claims that he attacked and tried to rape her

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DSK's own lawyers defense for what DSK was doing is...he hired the prostitute, performed the act and left without paying her the agreed sum.

So I ask again: Is this the man the left in France want to see as the President?

Any link on this?

I doubt that story, because a handful of hundreds of dollars would be no object for DSK, even if the maid's services didn't meet his expectations.

The part in your post that is the most shocking for me would be "and left without paying".

That would cast my doubts over the person.

Regarding hiring prostitutes, I think many politicians should do it more often, especially female ones.

Maybe that could relax them a bit.


That he had sexual relations with the maid is a FACT. They found his semen on her clothes. The only defense that DSK has is to say that it was consensual and that she is a whore who went to the police after not being paid.

The woman is also now suing the NYPost for libel for calling her a prostitute.

DSK is also filing charges against the French journalist who claims that he attacked and tried to rape her

wait wait, a US president said before that a blowjob is not a sexual relation!

I think you are referring to this passage:

Meanwhile, defense sources described a different scenario, in which DSK admittedly engaged with the maid in a consensual, sex-for-money exchange in his Sofitel suite, with no force involved -- and she turned against him only when he stiffed her.

"In the past, guests have left stuff for her," meaning money, one source close to the defense investigation said last night. "She goes back to look for the money," and is disappointed, the source said. Also likely irking the maid? "His dismissive nature," said the source.

Doesn't sound like classical sex for money to me...

Don't you agree that this a rather strange modus operandi?

Instead of getting the money right after the deed or up-front?

"Guests have left stuff for her"

I guess she was "kind" to DSK, and metioned he can leave a "petit cadeau" (= small present) for her later as a "tip".

Edited by manarak
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He sounds like less than a stellar moral example of humanity, but sadly his career is in tatters and he is not a young man.

"Morality" is the last thing I would look for in a politician.

Ethics, honor yes.

But Morality is best left in the church.

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DSK's own lawyers defense for what DSK was doing is...he hired the prostitute, performed the act and left without paying her the agreed sum.

So I ask again: Is this the man the left in France want to see as the President?

Any link on this?

I doubt that story, because a handful of hundreds of dollars would be no object for DSK, even if the maid's services didn't meet his expectations.

The part in your post that is the most shocking for me would be "and left without paying".

That would cast my doubts over the person.

Regarding hiring prostitutes, I think many politicians should do it more often, especially female ones.

Maybe that could relax them a bit.

He did not hire her,he had just jumped on her,like chimpansees do and he thinks,that she should enjoy that.

Monkey lost the election but there is no need to slander.wink.gif

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I dont think - he lost already,in France they like such guys.Strong vital energy comes together with life energy .And they had Mr.M as president.He also loved women;he used to have dates everyday - everyday with different one?no! he liked to

have 3 dates in one evening - entre-main course - desert;and who? high society mostly,often somebodys wife,even royalty,once - queen;it was going on discreetly,no scandals - only after his trusted chaufere published his own memoires.

it was not much of scandal at all,but nobody complained about him,contrary..

And Mr.DSK is not worse - you might have heard it somewhere already,that during night before the incident,he had woman in his room,she had been identified and found,but she did not talk.And after midnight - later in very early morning DSK

tried to invite two times- female hotel staffers to his room,sadly - they refused.

there is one detail in this story not fully explained:blood on bed sheets;chambermaid reported it to manager declaring,that it was not her.So - whose?Him? - may be she bite his famous 30cmtrs dick(12 inch) during struggle?

It was not me,who called him chimpansee - it was that second lady -writer Tristan Banon,who called him so(even worse!)long time ago already:,however it was her very own experience,not hearsay.

I think he is medical case - satyriosis.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, DSK is out, off the hook and his accuser discredited. One can't but wonder why the news service didn't pick this up or the posters who slammed DSK come back to this thread and admit they were wrong. The guy just got a hummer from a hooker, so what's new? The hooker figured to make some big bucks fast, again what's new? A rose by any other name, be it politician or prostitute is still a rose.

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I'm back and nothing has been provided to prove I was wrong.

The only thing that has been proven is the NYDA's office didn't do their homework before they filed the charges. They ended up with a very unreliable witness and would have never been able to convince a jury that reasonable doubt did not exist.

He said, she said. The bottom line is he admitted to having sex outside his marital vows, unless of course he wants to claim he was raped.

He's still a sleazy politician, like nearly all the others.

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I'm back and nothing has been provided to prove I was wrong.

The only thing that has been proven is the NYDA's office didn't do their homework before they filed the charges. They ended up with a very unreliable witness and would have never been able to convince a jury that reasonable doubt did not exist.

He said, she said. The bottom line is he admitted to having sex outside his marital vows, unless of course he wants to claim he was raped.

He's still a sleazy politician, like nearly all the others.

And sloppy. Of course if the DNA evidence is correct there were also at least three other men in that room who were sloppy too. I wonder if they were politicians too?

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Hey, something happened for him to have his emissions on a hotel maid. As I've said before, good guys don't get in these kinds of scrapes.

Maybe the maid isn't "perfect enough" to be a victim, but at the least the arrest gave impetus to the French journalist to file on the creep.

Edited by chaoyang
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He sure resigned fast enough for it all being a lie. Face it, everyone knows what happened - he paid her off and the charges were made to go away. That's how the super rich deal with their problems with the dirt poor. That or just have them killed. So the maid came away with a great deal.

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Well, DSK is out, off the hook and his accuser discredited. One can't but wonder why the news service didn't pick this up or the posters who slammed DSK come back to this thread and admit they were wrong. The guy just got a hummer from a hooker, so what's new? The hooker figured to make some big bucks fast, again what's new? A rose by any other name, be it politician or prostitute is still a rose.

moral is - you can rape illegals and you will get off the hook.

but DSK has f*..$#!d himself already and he remains so...in disgrace.

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He sure resigned fast enough for it all being a lie. Face it, everyone knows what happened - he paid her off and the charges were made to go away. That's how the super rich deal with their problems with the dirt poor. That or just have them killed. So the maid came away with a great deal.

Kind of hard to imagine she got a good deal since she is suing him.

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Well, DSK is out, off the hook and his accuser discredited. One can't but wonder why the news service didn't pick this up or the posters who slammed DSK come back to this thread and admit they were wrong. The guy just got a hummer from a hooker, so what's new? The hooker figured to make some big bucks fast, again what's new? A rose by any other name, be it politician or prostitute is still a rose.

moral is - you can rape illegals and you will get off the hook.

but DSK has f*..$#!d himself already and he remains so...in disgrace.

Or you can entrap a rich guy but you should not lie to the DA, at least not in NYC today.

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Well, DSK is out, off the hook and his accuser discredited. One can't but wonder why the news service didn't pick this up or the posters who slammed DSK come back to this thread and admit they were wrong. The guy just got a hummer from a hooker, so what's new? The hooker figured to make some big bucks fast, again what's new? A rose by any other name, be it politician or prostitute is still a rose.

moral is - you can rape illegals and you will get off the hook.

but DSK has f*..$#!d himself already and he remains so...in disgrace.

Or you can entrap a rich guy but you should not lie to the DA, at least not in NYC today.

He f!.#%d himself going around with his dick out of fly,you can not deny this fact.

all asylum seekers lie in their applications to make it work,everybody knows it.

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One post quoting the NY Times but not supplying a link, has been deleted.

Under the policy of fair use, you may quote the first 3 sentences to an article and then a link to the remainder of the article. More than this can be viewed as a copyright violation.

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Sorry Scott. It is difficult to quote the first three sentences because it is a long article but basically it says three things. 1. She changed her testimony about what happened after the alleged incident eventually saying she went and cleaned another room after he raped her. . 2. She discussed her testimony with a friend of hers who is in jail and he deposited $100,000 in her bank account. 3. Her lawyer pointed out she towered over DSK in height and was many years his junior.

Here is the link. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/d/nafissatou_diallo/index.html

Read it and you will see it is quite a bit more than just lying on an application for asylum.

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In Saudi Arabia,not so long time ago but not today - when you stayed in hotel room you had servant attached to your room,

servant was young boy and he was for your all needs,sex including.

This is not situation today in Four Season Hotels in NYC.But DSK on night before that infamous incident had prostitute in his room around midnight,which was not enough, so later in weehours he tried to get one of hotel staffers to his room,which was rejected;at noon however he used chambermaid,which is the fact.

Is it legit to bring prostitutes(unregistered guest I believe) to hotel rooms for night stay in NYC?

Is it legit to f!.$#!k hotel staff on duty anytime?

I think it is breach of contract with hotel?

I wander if hotel sue him?

What do you think?

NYC is not Bangkok I think.

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In Saudi Arabia,not so long time ago but not today - when you stayed in hotel room you had servant attached to your room,

servant was young boy and he was for your all needs,sex including.

This is not situation today in Four Season Hotels in NYC.But DSK on night before that infamous incident had prostitute in his room around midnight,which was not enough, so later in weehours he tried to get one of hotel staffers to his room,which was rejected;at noon however he used chambermaid,which is the fact.

Is it legit to bring prostitutes(unregistered guest I believe) to hotel rooms for night stay in NYC?

Is it legit to f!.$#!k hotel staff on duty anytime?

I think it is breach of contract with hotel?

I wander if hotel sue him?

What do you think?

NYC is not Bangkok I think.

It is your hotel room you can bring in anyone you want.

Normally you bang the CW's from the bar after hours if all the pros have gone home or look up an escort service in the Yellow Pages and call one or look in the back of the bible in most rooms for numbers. I have never seen any maids that I thought were good looking enough to proposition. But I am sure it happens. I had a friend who would wrap a $50 around his manhood with a rubber band and lay on the bed nude in the morning and wait for the maid to come in. He claimed he was successful most of the time. The head bell boy in most hotels can get you anything you want in the States.

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I'm back and nothing has been provided to prove I was wrong.

The only thing that has been proven is the NYDA's office didn't do their homework before they filed the charges. They ended up with a very unreliable witness and would have never been able to convince a jury that reasonable doubt did not exist.

He said, she said. The bottom line is he admitted to having sex outside his marital vows, unless of course he wants to claim he was raped.

He's still a sleazy politician, like nearly all the others.

His own lawyer said he had established a price and then skipped on the payment. Sounds like an honorable man. Having to scam maids. :rolleyes:

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