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3 Thai Students Hurt In Bomb Attack By Rival School


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Students hurt in bomb attack

By The Nation

Three technical college students were injured when students from a rival school threw a homemade bomb at them while they rode a bus to school in Samut Prakan's Bang Sao Thong district yesterday morning.

Police said the attack happened on a route 133 bus when it stopped at a bus stop in Bang Plee Muang Mai.

They said about 20 students from Kanchanapisek Technical School were riding the bus to school when one of about 20 students from Krungthep Technology School at the bus stop threw a homemade bomb onto the bus. It failed to detonate straight away.

But it exploded when Ekkaluck Sinual, 18, grabbed the bomb and tried to throw it back. He lost his right hand.

Shrapnel from the bomb also injured Wiwat Putnor, 18, and Wirawat Torsup, 18.

Kanchanapisek Technical School deputy director Aniruth Hemathurin said the college had tried to prevent student brawls in various places after the school term started two days ago.

Police have interviewed students and bus passengers in a bid to find the culprit.


-- The Nation 2011-05-20

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Yeah this is pretty nuts, why exactly do these tech college guys hate each other? It was the same when I lived in Korat years ago, they would beat each other senseless, fighting I can understand but bombs? Thats like Northern Ireland s**t!

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What is it with technical colleges, does anyone know?

This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

School rivals--it's past a joke, have these got any parents?????:lol: Home made bombs powerful to blow a hand off.

I agree with you, unless someone( teacher) in the know we have to assume many things Jealousy =upmanship =lower and upper class schools-state or private?- this cannot fall back on education-only............To my mind the biggest problem starts at home, discipline, knowing right from wrong, these spoilt brats want more than a ticking off, and parents have to take the blame for


HURT---one lost his hand--maimed should have read.

Edited by ginjag
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What is it with technical colleges, does anyone know?

This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

School rivals--it's past a joke, have these got any parents?????:lol: Home made bombs powerful to blow a hand off.

I agree with you, unless someone( teacher) in the know we have to assume many things Jealousy =upmanship =lower and upper class schools-state or private?- this cannot fall back on education-only............To my mind the biggest problem starts at home, discipline, knowing right from wrong, these spoilt brats want more than a ticking off, and parents have to take the blame for


HURT---one lost his hand--maimed should have read.

station 'em in those 3 southern provinces.

my suggestion...........

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What is it with technical colleges, does anyone know?

This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

School rivals--it's past a joke, have these got any parents?????:lol: Home made bombs powerful to blow a hand off.

I agree with you, unless someone( teacher) in the know we have to assume many things Jealousy =upmanship =lower and upper class schools-state or private?- this cannot fall back on education-only............To my mind the biggest problem starts at home, discipline, knowing right from wrong, these spoilt brats want more than a ticking off, and parents have to take the blame for


HURT---one lost his hand--maimed should have read.

station 'em in those 3 southern provinces.

my suggestion...........

Yes--and make them walk there :lol::lol:

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What is it with technical colleges, does anyone know?

This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

School rivals--it's past a joke, have these got any parents?????:lol: Home made bombs powerful to blow a hand off.

I agree with you, unless someone( teacher) in the know we have to assume many things Jealousy =upmanship =lower and upper class schools-state or private?- this cannot fall back on education-only............To my mind the biggest problem starts at home, discipline, knowing right from wrong, these spoilt brats want more than a ticking off, and parents have to take the blame for


HURT---one lost his hand--maimed should have read.

station 'em in those 3 southern provinces.

my suggestion...........

There are two aspects to resolving this problem. The first is the police enquiry that leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible. The list of suspects cannot be very long, The second aspect is the difficult bit - getting these two schools (teachers and students) to direct the rivalry between them into postive and constructive channels. The threat of closure should focus their minds on the task in hand.

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Young men in this age group are a problem nearly everywhere. In Thailand, the problem is exacerbated by the social situation in which the group to which you belong becomes singularly important. Students stay with the same class throughout their studying and moving them around is more traumatic than in Western culture.

In politics and government you see the same thing. There is preference given by politicians to people who attended the same school and even higher status to those who graduated int he same year, even though they may not know each other.

Until there is a more fluid social and educational system, these problems will persist. It's a matter of degrees, however, and playing it out on a football field is better than a shooting or bombing.

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...and that is happening in a peace loving, "smiling" Buddhist country. :(

"In God We Trust" do you think every one in this country trusts in God?

This is a never ending story...really. Thai Laws are *&$#^&$^(@$%%_*@

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What is it with technical colleges, does anyone know?

This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

School rivals--it's past a joke, have these got any parents?????:lol: Home made bombs powerful to blow a hand off.

I agree with you, unless someone( teacher) in the know we have to assume many things Jealousy =upmanship =lower and upper class schools-state or private?- this cannot fall back on education-only............To my mind the biggest problem starts at home, discipline, knowing right from wrong, these spoilt brats want more than a ticking off, and parents have to take the blame for


HURT---one lost his hand--maimed should have read.

station 'em in those 3 southern provinces.

my suggestion...........

There are two aspects to resolving this problem. The first is the police enquiry that leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible. The list of suspects cannot be very long, The second aspect is the difficult bit - getting these two schools (teachers and students) to direct the rivalry between them into postive and constructive channels. The threat of closure should focus their minds on the task in hand.

Here's 2 aspects for you.

1) when caught, and found guilty, deposit them in one of the 3 provinces down south, and let them play with the big boys.

2) incarcerate their parents for a few years, and force them after they get out, to pay restitution.

Make that law, and broadcast on all media, and see how fast parents take control of their future criminal offspring.

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Lost his hand... ********uck!!!! :bah:

So they've gone up from guns to bombs. Brilliant.

...and that is happening in a peace loving, "smiling" Buddhist country. :(

A statement like that, is beyond simplistic. It is childish in it's naivety. Surely Thailand has less violent crime than most countries. We are all watching with concern, as there are more and more incidents like this one. It appears that the youth culture is alot less peaceful than their parents. Of course one could argue that this is a worldwide phenomenon. Drugs may be part of the problem. What does Buddhism have to do with it? Because a country is Buddhist, the people are supposed to be the embodiment of perfection? What kind of foolishness is this? Where does a statement like that come from? Do you hate Buddhists? I have found the vast majority of them to be delightful people. Do you hold Christians to the same standard? They are peace loving people. So they have some criminals, and some hooligans. Does that implicate the entire population? Please consider your words before defiling an entire people with silly chatter.

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My suggestion - use their "class loyalty" to stop this behaviour. If any student in any given class is involved in inter-school violence, then every student in that class is expelled, no exceptions.

The onus then is for the students to police themselves, either by reporting other students discussing/planning such actions, or by the students themselves taking appropriate action to discourage it.

Any person who would throw a bomb into a bus has to have serious psychological problems - to do it for the honour of your school beggars belief.

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What is it with technical colleges, does anyone know?

This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

I have seen reports of gang fights between technical college students in Bangkok from the 70s when home made pen guns were already being turned out in the school metal workshops. Not sure if you were here then but the problem must date from the 60s or late 50s when technical colleges started to proliferate.

Thailand has a system of streaming whereby kids not deemed to be university material, i.e. mainly those from poor families, are bundled off to technical schools after finishing Mor 3. Take a bunch of underprivileged adolescents, mark them as failures and send them to the worst schools with the worst teachers. Give them access to materials and workshops to make their own home made guns and ping pong bombs. Combine that with a corrupt, incompetent police force that only cares about making money and guess what you get.

My brother-in-law's best friend was shot in the head and killed with a pen gun in broad daylight whilst walking on Sukhumvit Road a stone's throw from a police station. The murderer, a delinquent technical school student, who killed him because he thought he was a student at a rival school, turned out to be the son of a local police constable. Despite an immediate arrest and confession, the suspect was mysteriously released within days and back on the streets threatening other kids. Although they had both a confession and a large number of witnesses, the police decided not to press charges and threatened to murder the victim's father instead, if he didn't stop pestering them about justice for his only son.

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Lost his hand... ********uck!!!! :bah:

So they've gone up from guns to bombs. Brilliant.

...and that is happening in a peace loving, "smiling" Buddhist country. :(

A statement like that, is beyond simplistic. It is childish in it's naivety. Surely Thailand has less violent crime than most countries. We are all watching with concern, as there are more and more incidents like this one. It appears that the youth culture is alot less peaceful than their parents. Of course one could argue that this is a worldwide phenomenon. Drugs may be part of the problem. What does Buddhism have to do with it? Because a country is Buddhist, the people are supposed to be the embodiment of perfection? What kind of foolishness is this? Where does a statement like that come from? Do you hate Buddhists? I have found the vast majority of them to be delightful people. Do you hold Christians to the same standard? They are peace loving people. So they have some criminals, and some hooligans. Does that implicate the entire population? Please consider your words before defiling an entire people with silly chatter.

oh dear some one got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning

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This reply just about sums up everything wrong with Thailand today in my reckoning.

This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

I have seen reports of gang fights between technical college students in Bangkok from the 70s when home made pen guns were already being turned out in the school metal workshops. Not sure if you were here then but the problem must date from the 60s or late 50s when technical colleges started to proliferate.

Thailand has a system of streaming whereby kids not deemed to be university material, i.e. mainly those from poor families, are bundled off to technical schools after finishing Mor 3. Take a bunch of underprivileged adolescents, mark them as failures and send them to the worst schools with the worst teachers. Give them access to materials and workshops to make their own home made guns and ping pong bombs. Combine that with a corrupt, incompetent police force that only cares about making money and guess what you get.

My brother-in-law's best friend was shot in the head and killed with a pen gun in broad daylight whilst walking on Sukhumvit Road a stone's throw from a police station. The murderer, a delinquent technical school student, who killed him because he thought he was a student at a rival school, turned out to be the son of a local police constable. Despite an immediate arrest and confession, the suspect was mysteriously released within days and back on the streets threatening other kids. Although they had both a confession and a large number of witnesses, the police decided not to press charges and threatened to murder the victim's father instead, if he didn't stop pestering them about justice for his only son.

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They are just copying what is accepted practise here in Thailand.Taught to them by their eldets and peers. .You don't believe me then how is it that the Red Shirts and Yellow shirys got away with it...TIT....3 rd world democracy

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Yeah this is pretty nuts, why exactly do these tech college guys hate each other? It was the same when I lived in Korat years ago, they would beat each other senseless, fighting I can understand but bombs? Thats like Northern Ireland s**t!

I have never heard of school students in Northern Ireland throwing bombs at each other. Nor shooting each other. School gangs attacking each other? Sounds more like our less civilised neighbours in the UK :rolleyes:

Edited by liamog
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Yeah this is pretty nuts, why exactly do these tech college guys hate each other? It was the same when I lived in Korat years ago, they would beat each other senseless, fighting I can understand but bombs? Thats like Northern Ireland s**t!

I have never heard of school students in Northern Ireland throwing bombs at each other. Nor shooting each other. School gangs attacking each other? Sounds more like our less civilised neighbours in the UK :rolleyes:

Perhaps you would like to offer us more on your insight. :fight:


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Lost his hand... ********uck!!!! :bah:

So they've gone up from guns to bombs. Brilliant.

...and that is happening in a peace loving, "smiling" Buddhist country. :(

You should see what's going on in the lower northeast. But watching Thai soap operas from earliest childhood on could be an answer why they behave like they behave..........:jap:

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The Technical college in Chonburi was closed about 3pm today and a little further up the road were about 4 coaches driving in convoy with 4 police pick ups as an escort. Is this linked or am I putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5 ?

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What is it with technical colleges, does anyone know?

This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

School rivals--it's past a joke, have these got any parents?????:lol: Home made bombs powerful to blow a hand off.

I agree with you, unless someone( teacher) in the know we have to assume many things Jealousy =upmanship =lower and upper class schools-state or private?- this cannot fall back on education-only............To my mind the biggest problem starts at home, discipline, knowing right from wrong, these spoilt brats want more than a ticking off, and parents have to take the blame for


HURT---one lost his hand--maimed should have read.

"parents have to take the blame"! Nice try. That is not going happen, not here. If they did, they would, in their eyes, lose face as it would show they had failed in upbringing their offsprings. And taking the responsibility for anything they do here, is not in the cards.

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