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Israel rejects U.S. call for 1967 borders


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the elected "Palestinian" government

Do you insist on putting Palestinian in quotation marks because you're trying to convince yourself that they don't exist?

No matter. The only question of importance now is whether Israel will realize the error of its ways and recognize Palestine before 140 nations do at the UN in September.


a resolution for that vote does not [yet] exist. but even the possibility that there will be a resolution and [perhaps] a recognition makes some people froth around their mouths.

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Even you do not believe that it would "resolve" anything other than providing an even bigger military base for terrorists unless the Palestinians recognize Israel and take the goal of destroying Israel out of their charters. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Maybe you had better watch the video again. Barack the Deceiver said that he & we (the United States) will not negotiate with Hamas.

So what part of that do you not understand?

He also addressed that bunch of whining libs at the UN. We don't care what 140 nations do. They can go jump for all we care.

Oh, someone had actually listen to Obama instead of making things up.

So what makes the Obama speech different from that what previous US presidents have said? His birth certificate?

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Just mine huh? :cheesy:

Read a newspaper or watch CNN.


Obama seeks funding to help Israel build defense system

May 14, 2010|By the CNN Wire Staff

The Obama administration is helping Israel enhance its security systems.

The White House is asking Congress to approve $205 million to help Israel build a new short-range rocket defense system, Obama administration officials confirmed Friday. ...


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I tend to agree.

I had the misfortune to be watching Fox News for the speech. It was astonishing to me how prepared they were with the damning comments about how Israel was going to be so furious (I found it odd that this should matter so much to them because it obviously did). The newscaster was visibly distrubed. To anyone sensitive to normal human signalling it was clearly pre-prepared outrage. They merely want Obama out.

News outlets tend to get copies of speeches beforehand, so, yeah, their remarks were likely prepared in advance - like all the others.

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Oh, someone had actually listen to Obama instead of making things up.

So what makes the Obama speech different from that what previous US presidents have said? His birth certificate?

It has already been explained here. Previous Presidents sided with our ally, Israel, while Obama apparently does not so any conditions wouldn't favor our ally.

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Oh, someone had actually listen to Obama instead of making things up.

So what makes the Obama speech different from that what previous US presidents have said? His birth certificate?

It has already been explained here. Previous Presidents sided with our ally, Israel, while Obama apparently does not so any conditions wouldn't favor our ally.

You only said that it is so, because you said so. A claim. Not an explanation.

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Maybe some have forgotten or never heard, but it fits the times very well.

"If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies "

A good quote now as always,,,,,, If you don't know ...... look it up....you may be suprised who said it.

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That is what you called throwing Israel under the bus? I doubt that.

Do you really think that CNN only has one commentary on the subject? :rolleyes:

Okay, you are not the only one. There are other that argue the same. And these people are exactly the same people who came previously up with the birth certificate issue. That is only one certain wing in US politics, they lost the birth certificate argument and don't have much credibility IMHO.

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Maybe some have forgotten or never heard, but it fits the times very well.

"If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies "

A good quote now as always,,,,,, If you don't know ...... look it up....you may be suprised who said it.

Mother Teresa? :ph34r:


Did I win something?

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these people are exactly the same people who came previously up with the birth certificate issue.

Complete nonsense. Both Democrats and Republicans have condemned Obama's statement on the 67 lines. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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A good quote now as always,,,,,, If you don't know ...... look it up....you may be suprised who said it.

It does not seem to have worked out for him, but then he said a lot of things.

"Let us not be afraid to see the hatred that consumes the lives of hundreds of thousands of Arabs who sit around us and wait for the moment when their hands will be able to reach our blood".

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Obama just lost the $upport of the Jewish community back home who were foolish enough to back him the first time around. I think he is trying to throw the election just so he can retire with all those cool presidential benefits before he is 52. Then he can have his own show on ESPN or the Golf Channel.


Jewish groups respond to Obama's Mideast speech

Jewish Donors Warn Obama on Israel


Jewish donors and fund-raisers are warning the Obama re-election campaign that the president is at risk of losing financial support because of concerns about his handling of Israel.

The complaints began early in President Barack Obama's term, centered on a perception that Mr. Obama has been too tough on Israel.

This is what I tried in vain to point out during his campaign for President in which he was naively proclaiming to be all things to all people and sadly the voters and world revered him so much they were blinded by their fantasies. Enough to give him a Noble peace prize before he had even done a single thing for world peace :rolleyes: ..

I don't think Obama gives a dam_n about Jewish donors and fund-raisers-as long as he

takes care of the squid-they will take care of him :ph34r:


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It seems Netanyahu's belligerence could be due to domestic political pressures:

Tzipi Livni, leader of Israel’s opposition Kadima party, also backed Mr Obama’s two-state solution and accused Mr Netanyahu of putting Israel at risk in order to save his right-wing coalition.

“The prime minister has violated relations between Israel and the United States,” she said, speaking after Mr Obama’s speech but before the Oval Office meeting. “He has endangered the security of Israel and its power of deterrence.”



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Jewish Donors Warn Obama on Israel


Jewish donors and fund-raisers are warning the Obama re-election campaign that the president is at risk of losing financial support because of concerns about his handling of Israel.

The complaints began early in President Barack Obama's term, centered on a perception that Mr. Obama has been too tough on Israel.

This is what I tried in vain to point out during his campaign for President in which he was naively proclaiming to be all things to all people and sadly the voters and world revered him so much they were blinded by their fantasies. Enough to give him a Noble peace prize before he had even done a single thing for world peace :rolleyes: ..

I don't think Obama gives a dam_n about Jewish donors and fund-raisers-as long as he

takes care of the squid-they will take care of him :ph34r:


Well my post was in general overall terms and not specifically about Jewish supporters but since most of them are the Dems base it would not be a wise choice to alienate them..Hence why he once again finds himself backstepping and rephrasing his previous statements today, seems he cares more then you think :whistling: .

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Obama is nothing if not a politician - In other words follow his actions and not his words.


Obama began to whine that his call for a return to the Auschwitz borders was not his original idea. But did anyone really think he was capable of an original idea? His copout was that these 1967 borders had been whispered about behind the scenes for years by previous administrations. But this weak excuse rings hollow. You don't publicly start negotiations with your end position. The Muslims in Gaza, and in Judea and Samaria, have given nothing, have agreed to nothing. Their only movement has been toward radicalization by aligning with Hamas.

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Thanks. Some interesetting points.

Once again, he cited "the new generation of Arabs changing the region." As if this new generation of goosesteppers have any other intention than to destroy the State of Israel -- which is why the peace treaty with Egypt is now in jeopardy.

Obama's declaration that the U.S./Israel relationship was ironclad does not reassure me. I am dubious about Obama's promise. Obama's idea of ironclad is sketchy at best. After all, in 2008 Obama vowed at the AIPAC conference that Jerusalem would remain the undivided capital of the state of Israel if he was elected. He walked back on that promise the next day.

I am glad that he said that the UN won't create "Palestine," and while this is elemental, with Obama, you gotta be happy with any crumb. When he said that Israel's isolation in the international arena won't be sanctioned or tolerated, he did not expand upon that. So while his propaganda ministers will spin this for the Jewish campaign dollar, when you really look at it, it's a lot of empty rhetoric. He used AIPAC today to reassure the Jews ....... and many bought the ruse.

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This is what I tried in vain to point out during his campaign for President in which he was naively proclaiming to be all things to all people and sadly the voters and world revered him so much they were blinded by their fantasies. Enough to give him a Noble peace prize before he had even done a single thing for world peace ..

I'm trying to think of another politician who does not try to 'be all things to all people' :unsure:

Do they exist? I don't undertsand the singling out of Obama in this regard

The complaints began early in President Barack Obama's term, centered on a perception that Mr. Obama has been too tough on Israel

Has Obama been late on sending out the 3 billion USD plus State of Israel, yearly entitlement check? I think not!

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Lomsak, 3 billion, well 3.5 to be precise is what Palestine gets from USA for celebrating the death of us citizens.

Egypt gets 6.5 billion for burning us flag now and then

Israel gets 8 billion

Good to get the figures correct before posting!

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Lomsak, 3 billion, well 3.5 to be precise is what Palestine gets from USA for celebrating the death of us citizens.

Egypt gets 6.5 billion for burning us flag now and then

Israel gets 8 billion

Good to get the figures correct before posting!

Where are you getting these figures from kuffki? I'm finding much lower figures, example http://www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/politics/us-foreign-aid.htm

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Just google "American aid to Palestine " or financial aid to middle east

Lomsak, 3 billion, well 3.5 to be precise is what Palestine gets from USA for celebrating the death of us citizens.

Egypt gets 6.5 billion for burning us flag now and then

Israel gets 8 billion

Good to get the figures correct before posting!

Where are you getting these figures from kuffki? I'm finding much lower figures, example http://www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/politics/us-foreign-aid.htm

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This is what I tried in vain to point out during his campaign for President in which he was naively proclaiming to be all things to all people and sadly the voters and world revered him so much they were blinded by their fantasies. Enough to give him a Noble peace prize before he had even done a single thing for world peace ..

I'm trying to think of another politician who does not try to 'be all things to all people' :unsure:

Do they exist? I don't undertsand the singling out of Obama in this regard

Maybe it has something to do with all the "Hope" and "Change" he peddled leading up to his election?

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In front of AIPAC yesterday, the US president displayed impressive leadership:

"If there's a controversy, then it's not based in substance," Obama said in a well-received speech. "What I did on Thursday was to say publicly what has long been acknowledged privately. I have done so because we cannot afford to wait another decade, or another two decades, or another three decades, to achieve peace."



By the way, I've noticed that Netanyahu is ratcheting down his belligerence over the last two days. This is likely due to the fact that everyone now realizes that President Obama said essentially the same thing as President Bush did in 2008.

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Historically, this argument has collapsed under the weight of its own chutzpah. When the American people take a time out from the unemployment line to consider whether their well-being is more important than protecting Israel's borders, this mess will come tumbling down. If we keep it on the front burners long enough, they will figure it out.

Looks like Barky cannot stand up to Nitty but he is giving it somewhat of an effort perhaps lending some truth to the theories that he has some "Boots on the ground" intelligence time instead of the executive summary routinely provided heads of state.

The constant is that Israel cannot back off and let things settle. Just no way. Humility is something they just don't possess.

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