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Pregnant By Absent Farang


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Even direct communication (if she has an address) is costly, and I imagine the few baht she has are needed for the birth.

Birth is only 30bht

We have been getting vitamin supplements from our hospital along with all sorts of other pills, total cost for the pregnancy so far 100bht a month for 3 months.

Without the optional extras it would only be 30bht a month. My wife didn't even want to go to the hospital until she was 6 months along, I insisted we spend the extra money.

I'm anticipating a total cost in the order of about 800bht for the pregnancy. Not all that expensive.

Without the frills, the whole thing would cost around 120bht.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Even direct communication (if she has an address) is costly, and I imagine the few baht she has are needed for the birth.

UK father would probably ignore any letter he received; she would not know whether he received it or not, and any follow up using professionals would be beyond her, unless someone was prepared to do so for a percentage of what they obtained from the father!

I was assuming that the OP was willing to do something more than just post on an Internet forum.

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I think, despite all the prior posts making a big deal of it, the issue of who caused the pregnancy is a horse that has left the barn. The issue now is care for the child. You might check with her to see if he was listed as the father on the Thai birth record. Could be important to the child later on. Also, if she is sure that the Brit is the father - and I'm not casting any aspersions one way or the other, the child is, by birth a British citizen. As noted on the British Consulate website, "Consular birth registrations do not confer British nationality and are not required to register your child as a British citizen or to apply for a British passport as British nationality is passed from parent to child." Whether they were married or not, the child would be a British national. If he is listed as the father on the Thai birth record, that will generally create a rebuttable presumption that he is the father.

As for locating the father, I would find out if he was here working since you mentioned that they had a long-term relationship. If so, is it possible that he is still working for the same employer but has just transferred? Even if he is not working for the same employer, they might be able to provide a forwarding address. Also, depending on the type of visa he had, Immigration should have a fair amount of background information on him as well.

Just some things to consider.


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You might check with her to see if he was listed as the father on the Thai birth record. Could be important to the child later on. Also, if she is sure that the Brit is the father - and I'm not casting any aspersions one way or the other, the child is, by birth a British citizen. As noted on the British Consulate website, "Consular birth registrations do not confer British nationality and are not required to register your child as a British citizen or to apply for a British passport as British nationality is passed from parent to child." Whether they were married or not, the child would be a British national. If he is listed as the father on the Thai birth record, that will generally create a rebuttable presumption that he is the father.

No check is made on the father when the birth is registered, any name can be entered.

Often a male relatives name is entered (uncle or brother).

It is not considered as evidence of paternity in Thailand.

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You might check with her to see if he was listed as the father on the Thai birth record. Could be important to the child later on. Also, if she is sure that the Brit is the father - and I'm not casting any aspersions one way or the other, the child is, by birth a British citizen. As noted on the British Consulate website, "Consular birth registrations do not confer British nationality and are not required to register your child as a British citizen or to apply for a British passport as British nationality is passed from parent to child." Whether they were married or not, the child would be a British national. If he is listed as the father on the Thai birth record, that will generally create a rebuttable presumption that he is the father.

No check is made on the father when the birth is registered, any name can be entered.

Often a male relatives name is entered (uncle or brother).

It is not considered as evidence of paternity in Thailand.

Understood as to evidence for Thailand. The important part is how the British would treat it. Absent some showing by the man, generally by a paternity test, the name on the birth certificate is presumed to be correct. Important for the child in proving up British citizenship.


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There's always two sides to every story.

If she is telling the truth and has a UK address or any correspondence from him to her in procession as proof, beyond that as "prakhonchai nick" has said there is a way for for her but expensive, even if she got as far as DNA test what " Genericnic " said makes sense and something that wouldn't cost much, as sad as it may seem I'm afraid her only option is to wait and hope he might face up to his responsibilities. If she tried writing and if no replies just forget and move on. Hope she gets lucky anyhow.

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You might check with her to see if he was listed as the father on the Thai birth record. Could be important to the child later on. Also, if she is sure that the Brit is the father - and I'm not casting any aspersions one way or the other, the child is, by birth a British citizen. As noted on the British Consulate website, "Consular birth registrations do not confer British nationality and are not required to register your child as a British citizen or to apply for a British passport as British nationality is passed from parent to child." Whether they were married or not, the child would be a British national. If he is listed as the father on the Thai birth record, that will generally create a rebuttable presumption that he is the father.

No check is made on the father when the birth is registered, any name can be entered.

Often a male relatives name is entered (uncle or brother).

It is not considered as evidence of paternity in Thailand.

Understood as to evidence for Thailand. The important part is how the British would treat it. Absent some showing by the man, generally by a paternity test, the name on the birth certificate is presumed to be correct. Important for the child in proving up British citizenship.


As there is no requirement for the man to be at the registration of the birth, the British would treat it the same as the Thais.

British citizenship is granted after the father agrees paternity and fills out the forms, no DNA test is required (bit of a surprise really)

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Does he know he is a father?

Does she have a contact number? He may be very happy to know he is a father!

If not then it is really no different to what happens to hundreds of thousands of Thai ladies here in Thailand every year! Especially with Thai BFs

I wish her luck.

Hello. He done a runner? :rolleyes:


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Even direct communication (if she has an address) is costly, and I imagine the few baht she has are needed for the birth.

Birth is only 30bht

We have been getting vitamin supplements from our hospital along with all sorts of other pills, total cost for the pregnancy so far 100bht a month for 3 months.

Without the optional extras it would only be 30bht a month. My wife didn't even want to go to the hospital until she was 6 months along, I insisted we spend the extra money.

I'm anticipating a total cost in the order of about 800bht for the pregnancy. Not all that expensive.

Without the frills, the whole thing would cost around 120bht.

So, Thai women do not sctually pay to give birth in a hospital? I was expecting pregnancy and birth to be expensive here.

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Yes, the morning after pill is available but if you do not know your contraception is missed, why would you take the morning after pill??

Some take the injection form of contraceptive that lasts for 3 months and the dates can be missed or forgotten and not deliberately. Maybe they have ill health, other problems to worry about and the date slips their mind? Taking some medications also negates the contraceptive pill. Therefore if they are ill and taking medication they can fall pregnant.

I know quite a few respectable ladies in Thailand who have sex before they are married. Many are in long term relationships and sex is part of that relationship. I'd expect any 'respectable' woman anywhere in the world not to be sleeping around with different men every night.

ROFL if your wife thinks respectable Thai women do not socialise with white men. I can see that being understood of Thai women in Pattaya or other seedy places.

But on topic, I'd doubt the woman could pursue the case of finding the errant father without funds and the proper backing.

What do you mean by IF you do not know your contraception is missed? Do you mean you don't know IF you used condom or not? You don't know if you forgot to take your daily pill?

- Woman can occasionly skip (forget) to take her pill, her chances of getting pregnant won't change much, unless she forget to take them fort a week or longer...

- Morning after pill is effective for up to one week (maybe even longer) after the unprotected sex. Just it's effectiveness will decrease with every passing (forgotten) day.

- Injections and implants are still effective for quite a while after that time period they supposed to last. Again, their effectiveness will decrease over time, so there is no way a girl's chances of getting pregnant will drammatically increase on the next day or two after the 3 month peroid.

- All these birth control pills and injections, etc, are hormonal preparations, they do not interfere with other medications, so a girl can't get pregnant if she got ill and taking other meds.

What I am trying to say here - a girl will not get pregnant is she doesn't want to. End of story.

I know quite a few respectable ladies in Thailand who have sex before they are married. Many are in long term relationships and sex is part of that relationship.

Of cource they all have sex before marriage, but they wouldn't tell you that, or anyone else for that matter. Sex before marriage is a big shame if it's found out.

If a respectable lady puts her sexual relationship out in the open - she isn't Thai or she doesn't give a dam_n about Thai culture and traditions.

If lady is really Thai and respectable - you wouldn't know if she has/had sex before marriage, you could only guess.

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So, Thai women do not sctually pay to give birth in a hospital? I was expecting pregnancy and birth to be expensive here.

It was, before Thaksin introduced the 30bt hospital scheme.

However, if the woman gives birth away from her registered hospital she is expected to pay. Then can be expensive.

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Yes, the morning after pill is available but if you do not know your contraception is missed, why would you take the morning after pill??

Some take the injection form of contraceptive that lasts for 3 months and the dates can be missed or forgotten and not deliberately. Maybe they have ill health, other problems to worry about and the date slips their mind? Taking some medications also negates the contraceptive pill. Therefore if they are ill and taking medication they can fall pregnant.

I know quite a few respectable ladies in Thailand who have sex before they are married. Many are in long term relationships and sex is part of that relationship. I'd expect any 'respectable' woman anywhere in the world not to be sleeping around with different men every night.

ROFL if your wife thinks respectable Thai women do not socialise with white men. I can see that being understood of Thai women in Pattaya or other seedy places.

But on topic, I'd doubt the woman could pursue the case of finding the errant father without funds and the proper backing.

What do you mean by IF you do not know your contraception is missed? Do you mean you don't know IF you used condom or not? You don't know if you forgot to take your daily pill?

- Woman can occasionly skip (forget) to take her pill, her chances of getting pregnant won't change much, unless she forget to take them fort a week or longer...

- Morning after pill is effective for up to one week (maybe even longer) after the unprotected sex. Just it's effectiveness will decrease with every passing (forgotten) day.

- Injections and implants are still effective for quite a while after that time period they supposed to last. Again, their effectiveness will decrease over time, so there is no way a girl's chances of getting pregnant will drammatically increase on the next day or two after the 3 month peroid.

- All these birth control pills and injections, etc, are hormonal preparations, they do not interfere with other medications, so a girl can't get pregnant if she got ill and taking other meds.

What I am trying to say here - a girl will not get pregnant is she doesn't want to. End of story.

I know quite a few respectable ladies in Thailand who have sex before they are married. Many are in long term relationships and sex is part of that relationship.

Of cource they all have sex before marriage, but they wouldn't tell you that, or anyone else for that matter. Sex before marriage is a big shame if it's found out.

If a respectable lady puts her sexual relationship out in the open - she isn't Thai or she doesn't give a dam_n about Thai culture and traditions.

If lady is really Thai and respectable - you wouldn't know if she has/had sex before marriage, you could only guess.

And accidents NEVER happen? :blink:

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What do you mean by IF you do not know your contraception is missed? Do you mean you don't know IF you used condom or not? You don't know if you forgot to take your daily pill?

- Woman can occasionly skip (forget) to take her pill, her chances of getting pregnant won't change much, unless she forget to take them fort a week or longer...

Most contraceptive pills cost upwards of 70bt for a monthly course, and if taken correctly should prevent pregnancy.

In the villages those that take the pill rely on those provided by the local health care worker at 10bt a months course. These frequently let women down if they miss even one.

Sadly the young girls who experiment with sex whilst still at school and often as young as 13/14 know nothing of contraception or Aids. Parents don't tell them, the school doesn't tell them. That's why so many end up pregnant and are making their way to the bars and gogos of Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket at an early age to support their unwanted kids.

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Some awfully embarrassing statements have been made regarding birth control and how it's the woman's. Sorry, but the "pill" is not 100% effective and if it is a product sourced from China or Thailand, the likelihood of failure most likely is higher. Post coitus contraception only works if it is available and the woman knows that she is at risk of the pregnancy. Abortion is not available to most Thais.

Why is the woman being blamed for the pregnancy? She didn't provide the sperm that fertilized the egg. In the absence of knowing the actual relationship between the two parties, how can anyone call the woman irresponsible or as many of the comments indirectly accuse, a woman of loose morals. Some of these comments are quite unfair and I suspect that the tone would be different if the woman was one of the respondents' children or sister. Put yourself in the woman's position and think about it.

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So, Thai women do not sctually pay to give birth in a hospital? I was expecting pregnancy and birth to be expensive here.

It was, before Thaksin introduced the 30bt hospital scheme.

However, if the woman gives birth away from her registered hospital she is expected to pay. Then can be expensive.

I have to admit that I am surprised at that. I do not know why but I have always thought it to be expensive. Maybe down to the way some talk of pregnancy and costs here.

Would there be much difference in going to another hospital in the way of treatment? Pay more get a better deal type of thing? Less scarring on the abdomen - or is that down to luck in who does the cutting and stitching?

Apologies OP for getting into this a bit, but my curiosity is raised :)

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why is it assumed man is bad guy all the time. responsible thai women use condoms!

Right on.

Also, as one poster quite rightly pointed out, perhaps this guy has no knowledge of the child, plus the woman could have had numerous farangs on the go, who knows?

I would say that this woman's chances of getting who ever farang is the father of the child to a Thai court is minus plus minus zero.

Only 2 options: If she had adequate funds to visit and stay for a long period in the UK, trace the man, get a court order that imposes the man to take a blood or DNA test to confirm whether or not he is the father of her child and sue in the family UK court for maintenance for herself and the child. Then probably the Child protection agency would become involved to insure that he pays, probably right up until the child reaches the age of 18. This of course depends on if the Thai woman can remain in the UK as this case will have no jurisdiction in the Thai courts.

Or: if the man returns to Thailand to live, the woman could take him to court for maintenance claiming from any income or savings he has either in Thailand or from abroad. But again she would require enough money to do this.

Third option is naming and shaming- if you know the name/city of someone its fairly easy to use google to get emails of the mans employers, employees, family- and just send some emails explaining what this guy did- and the woman can begin causing problems of the guy.Not a nice thing to do either way!

Good idea to try searching for the man's details on line and then contacting him, one to one.

But to suggest naming and shaming in the public domain and to third parties is absolutely insane.

Suppose the guy genuinely has no knowledge that he is the father or has been trying to contact the woman without success or worse still that it transpires he is not the father?

And what about the legal implications involved? Defamation, slander and so on.

Just a load of senseless easy talk without foundation or use of common sense.

You misread my posts- i said that if its a case where the guy has been set up/entrapped or if he is unaware he has a baby - then of course DO NOT name and shame!

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A respectable Thai lady does not have sex before she is married.

My wife claims a respectable Thai lady does not socialize with white men at all.

I'm sorry but your wife is quite wrong.

Pre-marital sex in Thailand has never been as rare as what Thais would like to believe and when one considers that legal marriage isn't even always considered a necessity (since once you co-habitate and have a sexual relationship you are considered "husband and wife") it was even less unusual in the past. Now? It's even more common amongst all socio-economic groups.

It's casual, no-strings-attached sex that was what used to be rare among any but "bad girls" -- and even that has become more common.

As for relationships with foreigners - that has changed a great deal too. a regular reading of the society pages and magazines will disabuse you very quickly of the notion that "respectable" Thai women don't ever have relationships with Farangs.


Holy crap! I just realized that your wife claims not that they don't have relationships but they don't even socialize with Farang!

Her saying that is almost as ridiculous as you apparently believing it.

Edited by Lite Beer
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If lady is really Thai and respectable - you wouldn't know if she has/had sex before marriage, you could only guess.

Spot on.

By the way I speak not only from years of study but personal experience and that of others whom are known to me personally

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Some awfully embarrassing statements have been made regarding birth control and how it's the woman's. Sorry, but the "pill" is not 100% effective and if it is a product sourced from China or Thailand, the likelihood of failure most likely is higher. Post coitus contraception only works if it is available and the woman knows that she is at risk of the pregnancy. Abortion is not available to most Thais.

The pill is not popular in Thailand, I don't know anyone that takes it. So let's forget the pill, rarely used here.

Condoms also not popular, despite HIV.

5 year or 3 year implant under the skin of the arm, free and reversible at most clinics.

Morning after pill, often taken 3 or 4 times a month as a regular birth control method, not advisable but quite popular.

Back street abortion also popular, remember this used to be contraception of choice in East European countries.

Amazed so many guys have so little information on the Thai preferred methods of contraception, seeing as how almost everyone is doing at least one Thai girl.

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I'm sorry but your wife is quite wrong.

Pre-marital sex in Thailand has never been as rare as what Thais would like to believe and when one considers that legal marriage isn't even always considered a necessity (since once you co-habitate and have a sexual relationship you are considered "husband and wife") it was even less unusual in the past. Now? It's even more common amongst all socio-economic groups.

I didn't say it was rare, I said respectable ladies don't, respectable ladies are the ones that are rare.

Once you have the monk wedding you are considered husband and wife, not if & when you co-habit, which is a huge disgrace for a Thai lady.

And foreigners can rarely spot the respectable ones. They often think they have one, when they don't.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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I'm sorry but your wife is quite wrong.

Pre-marital sex in Thailand has never been as rare as what Thais would like to believe and when one considers that legal marriage isn't even always considered a necessity (since once you co-habitate and have a sexual relationship you are considered "husband and wife") it was even less unusual in the past. Now? It's even more common amongst all socio-economic groups.

I didn't say it was rare, I said respectable ladies don't, respectable ladies are the ones that are rare.

And foreigners can rarely spot the respectable ones. They often think they have one, when they don't.

You are wrong. On every single part of that post (other than the quote from the obviously intelligent and knowledgeable poster).

Well done.


On second thought, you might be right on the second part of this:

And foreigners can rarely spot the respectable ones. They often think they have one, when they don't.
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If lady is really Thai and respectable - you wouldn't know if she has/had sex before marriage, you could only guess.

Spot on.

By the way I speak not only from years of study but personal experience and that of others whom are known to me personally

<deleted> are you talking about? First : Is it because the woman is Asian : ergo, expected to be virgo intacto? And therefore, by definition, not some 'slapper=-from-the-West'?

And secondly, no, wait, do you seriously still adhere to the fifty plus stereotyping of women who hey! Here's a new one for ya! Actually enjoy sex, albeit not with some overweight aging- sweaty couldn't-give-a-toss a*hole who couldn't get a decent 'relationship'/shag, unless he paid for it?

Or are you merely being racist?

And, by the way, your comment 'years of study' point up a perv in my book. Seriously?!

Edited by krangeek
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If lady is really Thai and respectable - you wouldn't know if she has/had sex before marriage, you could only guess.

Spot on.

By the way I speak not only from years of study but personal experience and that of others whom are known to me personally

<deleted> are you talking about? First : Is it because the woman is Asian : ergo, expected to be virgo intacto? And therefore, by definition, not some 'slapper=-from-the-West'?

And secondly, no, wait, do you seriously still adhere to the fifty plus stereotyping of women who hey! Here's a new one for ya! Actually enjoy sex, albeit not with some overweight aging- sweaty couldn't-give-a-toss a*hole who couldn't get a decent 'relationship'/shag, unless he paid for it?

Or are you merely being racist?

And, by the way, your comment 'years of study' point up a perv in my book. Seriously?!

I am as mystified by yor post as you are apparently by mine.

In other words: <deleted>?!

Is it because the woman is Asian : ergo, expected to be virgo intacto? And therefore, by definition, not some 'slapper=-from-the-West'?

Huh? What is "it" that you are referring to there? And none of the rest applies to anything I've said, implied or believe.

And secondly, no, wait, do you seriously still adhere to the fifty plus stereotyping of women who hey! Here's a new one for ya! Actually enjoy sex, albeit not with some overweight aging- sweaty couldn't-give-a-toss a*hole who couldn't get a decent 'relationship'/shag, unless he paid for it?

Again, don't know what you are on about. Read my posts. I've made 2 posits:

1) Thai women of all socio-economic backgrounds have pre-marital sex

2) "Respectable" Thai women have realtionships with farang and sometimes that relationship is sexual before marriage.

Or are you merely being racist?

In what possible way? By stating that Thai women -- just as women in the west -- sometimes have sex before marriage?

And, by the way, your comment 'years of study' point up a perv in my book.

That speaks volumes about you. Seriously.

(But here's a hint: some people -- no doubt some of whom are members of this forum -- study to various extents -- Thailand, it's language, it's culture, it's histroy it's society etc etc and the changes that have occurred over the last few decades. Some of us have lived here that long as well, and have a wide variety of experiences and relationships that are not restricted to bars and those who work there).

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why is it assumed man is bad guy all the time. responsible thai women use condoms!

Right on.

Also, as one poster quite rightly pointed out, perhaps this guy has no knowledge of the child, plus the woman could have had numerous farangs on the go, who knows?

I would say that this woman's chances of getting who ever farang is the father of the child to a Thai court is minus plus minus zero.

Only 2 options: If she had adequate funds to visit and stay for a long period in the UK, trace the man, get a court order that imposes the man to take a blood or DNA test to confirm whether or not he is the father of her child and sue in the family UK court for maintenance for herself and the child. Then probably the Child protection agency would become involved to insure that he pays, probably right up until the child reaches the age of 18. This of course depends on if the Thai woman can remain in the UK as this case will have no jurisdiction in the Thai courts.

Or: if the man returns to Thailand to live, the woman could take him to court for maintenance claiming from any income or savings he has either in Thailand or from abroad. But again she would require enough money to do this.

She can't get a VISA to the UK without a UK sponsor, property in Thailand and quite a lot of cash in the bank, so not an option.

Thai courts only attach earnings from Thai jobs, and then only from married men who are errant (100-150 bht per day per child), Thai law, not married, child belongs to woman only.

SO your only two options are actually no options at all.

That`s more or less what I have been saying, I think.

There are options but these would be well out of her scope.

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The pill is not popular in Thailand, I don't know anyone that takes it. So let's forget the pill, rarely used here.

Condoms also not popular, despite HIV.

5 year or 3 year implant under the skin of the arm, free and reversible at most clinics.

Morning after pill, often taken 3 or 4 times a month as a regular birth control method, not advisable but quite popular.

Back street abortion also popular, remember this used to be contraception of choice in East European countries.

What are you talking about? Suggest you start with facts before making statements



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Why does it matter what race the man is?

What are the laws in Thailand? I implore you to investigate and take action. Surely Thailand takes care of its citizens in this respect, right?

Why should someone be judged differently than a Thai just because they are of a different race?

The laws in Thailand are no wedding, no responsibility from the man.

Thais are of the opinion that if you want to have a baby with a man, you marry him first.

Under Thai law the baby has no father unless he agrees to marry the lady.

Lady has sole custody and responsibility.

Under UK law you are allowed to trap a man into responsibility by getting pregnant.

But she has no access to UK law as she has no UK VISA ad won't be able to get one.

Theoretically she could apply for Legal Aid in the UK from Thailand, as officially you are entitled, BUT the UK Legal Aid organization will give her the runaround, then find an excuse not to.

(I know as I have tried in the past)

I actually believe the Thai laws are just, in this day and age, it's a womans body and a womans choice.

Men play no part in a womans choice to produce a baby.

You are going to love this, I mean love this.

The law in the UK is even broader than you think. If your wife in the Uk gets pregnant by another man then you, the husband, are by law liable for maintenance payments...

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The pill is not popular in Thailand, I don't know anyone that takes it. So let's forget the pill, rarely used here.

Condoms also not popular, despite HIV.

5 year or 3 year implant under the skin of the arm, free and reversible at most clinics.

Morning after pill, often taken 3 or 4 times a month as a regular birth control method, not advisable but quite popular.

Back street abortion also popular, remember this used to be contraception of choice in East European countries.

What are you talking about? Suggest you start with facts before making statements



The first page you cited gave statistics on birth control in married women

It did not state the criteria for the condition of marriage to be satisfied, Amphur office or Village wedding, this would have given important information about the social status of the statistical target group. Although I was speaking of working girls when I was talking about contraception, who would make up the vast majority of Thai women for the target group we are talking about.

The second document you cited did not seem to discuss method of contraception, if it did it was hidden away somewhere, but more a discussion on religious morality and contraception as a concept in Thailand, and relating the study to family grouping. Again contraception amongst prostitutes did not seem to be an area of study.

My personal experience of white men and Thai ladies, is that the majority of ladies have a background of prostitution (whether their male western partners choose to recognise that or not), and that is my area of expertise.

So my opinions are more based around the majority of this forums users.

We are not talking Thai/Thai relationships here, so those sort of studies are not relevant.

SBK, I can well understand your comments but would suggest you (as a young professional woman) normally mix with a totally different social environment to most of the TV forum members (who are ageing retired men) and therefore your comments on this subject are largely irrelevant. Unless, of course, you want to argue that most of the western men in Thailand are not mainly using the services of prostitutes and retired prostitutes. An argument that may have some validity, but I would imagine you would not care to take up.

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