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So what was the final police report on cause of death?

Why does it matter there are people that can't believe someone could kill him self.

Not saying he killed him self, but as all the above posters how would they know unless they were there for me it's all hear say.

Kevin spent 25 years building up his pension so he could live out the rest of his years in happiness. It doesn't add up.

Well i think that if the people were there then they might be the killers and i doubt they would go to the police station and grass themselves up after doing this,

i am sorry but if one wanted to kill themselve then trying to drown yourself in 30 cms of water might be a little difficult. normally rope round the head or jumping off a cliff or even shooting yourslef would have been more normall way to do that.

my guess is and only a guess. is that he was in a fight maybe went to far and he died. or it might have been pre-meditated and the killer wanted to through the man in the lake making it look like a drowning not taking into account that they made a mistake by throwing him in the shallow part.

Also people that kill themsleves tend to leave a suicide note and more. From reading his posts he did not seem mentally ustable enought to be taking a stroll down opast the lake and just happen to think "ui know i shall kill myself" Maybe an unstable person might do such a thing but i do no think he has the profile of that.

One thing is for sure that we may have to accept that this case shall always be unsolved as hard as that is to digest

How can you say by reading his post's he didn't seem mentally unstable. That what a lot of people thought of the moderator "Katabeach bum" on the motoring forum he's alleged to have killed him wife and stored her in a bin in the house. So you can't judge a book by it's cover.

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I think all this has been all said before, Cant screaming eagle (Kevin) who i knew for 9 years be left in peace and not have is mental health state debated on here. Its done anybody that knew him well would know he would not get into a fight. cant this one just be closed and it left in our own minds as to what happen. its Hardly RIP at the moment.

yes i agree whats done is done. a memorial forum i agree with but people speculating what happened and casting assumptions and arguing should be stopped.

If people wish to elaborate on his life that is ok but questioning this case on a memorial forum should be left for another forum.

i am not wishing to get into an agrument with peopl and no longer am i replying to peoples posts which are aimed at provoking respsonse.

RIP Kevin nuff said

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