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So it's that time of year again when one of my favourite fruits is out in full force and tasting good. But I would like to know whether it is a Thai urban myth or not that it makes you fat. Thais seem to tell you many things about durian, such as : you can't drink it with alcohol because it's very dangerous ( do that regularly to no ill effect , a perfect combination IMO ), it will make your ears burn ( stomach maybe , but ears <deleted> ) , eat too much and it will make you fat.

Now I realise that it is a very filling fruit and I would be hard pushed to eat more than two segments in one go but is there really anything in this ? What is the make up of the fruit ? Is it more fattening then say a Maccy D ?

I'm just a bit perplexed because it is a fruit after all ( okay so it is the King of Fruits ) , it cant be that bad for you can it.

p.s. there have been a few times when I have eaten a shitload of it and my shit the next day had a distinct durian odour about it. That lingered in the toilet I can tell you.:whistling:

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If you google Durian and calories you sure will get your answer. Durian however doesn`t make me fat, I ate it 2 times, the first and the last time :lol:


From google

100g Durian 147 calories

Apple 48

Banana 95

Grape 62

Orange 62

Pear 35

Strawberry 28

Only avocado seems to be higher at 190 per 100 grams.


Yes you can get fat from eating too much durian a lot of calories. there are facts that durien react adversely with alcohol, people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

:rolleyes: It must be a fact because so many people believe it's true. :lol:


Based upon recent experience, it doesn't make you fat, but it does make you fart. Perhaps something got lost in translation.


Yes you can get fat from eating too much durian a lot of calories. there are facts that durien react adversely with alcohol, people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

:rolleyes: It must be a fact because so many people believe it's true. :lol:

It's pretty funny. Remember to have thethe right Buddha in your car or it goes wrong . :lol:


I don't know how true it is. But my ex dearly beloved did tell me, that a couple of years ago a Monk died through eating to much Durian? However quite a few Thais have told me not to eat to much as it is not good for you.



Yes you can get fat from eating too much durian a lot of calories. there are facts that durien react adversely with alcohol, people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

:rolleyes: It must be a fact because so many people believe it's true. :lol:

This I believe is what we call in England "an Old Wives tale" - a story widely circulated and thus attracting credence but with absolutely no real evidence to support it.

In season I eat Durian with - usually - beer, but occasionally with whisky or even wine; I particularly love a Saturday on Bangsaen Beach with the family spending 3 or 4 hours working through kilos of Steamed Crab, Grilled Prawns etc. etc. - followed by several large segments of Durian. (Any Thai will tell you there is absolutely nothing better than eating Durian after a good Seafood meal!).

Been doing that for years and no adverse affects whatsoever ........... and the family has long since given up "advising" me about the potential problems because they now accept it's nonsense.



From wikipedia:

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy 615 kJ (147 kcal)

Carbohydrates 27.09 g

- Dietary fiber 3.8 g

Fat 5.33 g

Protein 1.47 g

Water 65g

Vitamin C 19.7 mg (33%)

Potassium 436 mg (9%)

Being high in carbs would suggest it will make you fat.


Alcohol decreases the neuro functions of the brain, depresses both a person's mental and physical abilities. Hence when a person eats durian and drunk while drinking liquor (vol. 40% and above) may lose the sense of judgement in hunger, taste and over-consumption of food and beverages. Approx 20% of alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream directly from the stomach and 80% from the small intestine, consequently, the longer the alcohol remains in the stomach, the slower it will be absorbed and the lower will be the peak in the BAC. This explains the apparent sobering effect of food, which slows the process of emptying the stomach contents.

Laboratories have discovered that durian makes human body difficult to break down alcohol. In test tubes, they combined fresh durian extract with ALDH, the enzyme that functions as the liver’s main weapon against the toxic byproducts of alcohol metabolism. The durian, probably because of its high sulfur content nearly knocked out the ALDH enzyme, inhibiting it by up to 70 %

The main culprit of alcohol-durian deaths is acute alcohol intoxication, meaning alcohol poisoning, caused by the ingestion of a large amount of alcohol, mainly liquor, not beer.

When alcohol significantly depresses the vital organs, unconsciousness results, this is one step away from coma and possible death. Alcohol is a generic term for ethanol. Ethanol produces intoxication because of its depressive effects on various areas of the brain causing these impairments in a progressive order as the person gets more and more drunk: excessive talking , confusion , disorientation, severe vomitting, drowsy & 0.3 - 0.4 % of BAC could lead to loss of consciousness, coma or death.

Severe dehydration from vomiting (foam-like discharge) can cause seizures, permanent brain damage, or death.


i said to mrs.meat yesterday our dog seems to have put on weight.

My wife is Filipina and I have to hide my dog from her. I tell her it's my friends dog and no she cannot cook it.


Durian gives me a Viagra effect.

wow, I've never heard that before.

Seriously though, thanks for the replies. A lot of info about the calories etc and a bit of science about the booze effect. I guess it's like anything, as long as you don't overdo it ....

I don't really think a couple of segments or a segment a day is going to turn me into the michelin man though. The beer that goes with it maybe.

Apparently there are over two hundred varieties of Durian. I was at a durian festival at Central Rattana Thibet a few weeks back and some of the rare kinds could go for 10-15,000 a fruit which is a bit excessive for me. A good old mongtong or chanee type is fine for my taste.

Last year the wife and I went a bit crazy with it and we were spending about 5000 a month on it. Calmed down this year though. We rent a nice two bedroom house for 5000 and I'm sure if you said to someone back in the UK that you spent the same amount as you spend on rent on a smelly fruit they might give you a strange look.

I do love it though !


Yes you can get fat from eating too much durian a lot of calories. there are facts that durien react adversely with alcohol, people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

:rolleyes: It must be a fact because so many people believe it's true. :lol:

This I believe is what we call in England "an Old Wives tale" - a story widely circulated and thus attracting credence but with absolutely no real evidence to support it.

In season I eat Durian with - usually - beer, but occasionally with whisky or even wine; I particularly love a Saturday on Bangsaen Beach with the family spending 3 or 4 hours working through kilos of Steamed Crab, Grilled Prawns etc. etc. - followed by several large segments of Durian. (Any Thai will tell you there is absolutely nothing better than eating Durian after a good Seafood meal!).

good for you, must be something in the name seeing how we share the same name.

Been doing that for years and no adverse affects whatsoever ........... and the family has long since given up "advising" me about the potential problems because they now accept it's nonsense.



Yes you can get fat from eating too much durian a lot of calories. there are facts that durien react adversely with alcohol, people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

:rolleyes: It must be a fact because so many people believe it's true. :lol:

This I believe is what we call in England "an Old Wives tale" - a story widely circulated and thus attracting credence but with absolutely no real evidence to support it.

In season I eat Durian with - usually - beer, but occasionally with whisky or even wine; I particularly love a Saturday on Bangsaen Beach with the family spending 3 or 4 hours working through kilos of Steamed Crab, Grilled Prawns etc. etc. - followed by several large segments of Durian. (Any Thai will tell you there is absolutely nothing better than eating Durian after a good Seafood meal!).

Been doing that for years and no adverse affects whatsoever ........... and the family has long since given up "advising" me about the potential problems because they now accept it's nonsense.


so not only do we share a love of durian but we share the same name too, must be an irish thing !


Yes you can get fat from eating too much durian a lot of calories. there are facts that durien react adversely with alcohol, people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

:rolleyes: It must be a fact because so many people believe it's true. :lol:

This I believe is what we call in England "an Old Wives tale" - a story widely circulated and thus attracting credence but with absolutely no real evidence to support it.

In season I eat Durian with - usually - beer, but occasionally with whisky or even wine; I particularly love a Saturday on Bangsaen Beach with the family spending 3 or 4 hours working through kilos of Steamed Crab, Grilled Prawns etc. etc. - followed by several large segments of Durian. (Any Thai will tell you there is absolutely nothing better than eating Durian after a good Seafood meal!).

Been doing that for years and no adverse affects whatsoever ........... and the family has long since given up "advising" me about the potential problems because they now accept it's nonsense.


so not only do we share a love of durian but we share the same name too, must be an irish thing !


It has a fairly high fat content, but it is healthy fat like avocadoes or olives.

It's called unsaturated fat and yes durian has 0% saturated fat.


It has a fairly high fat content, but it is healthy fat like avocadoes or olives.

It's called unsaturated fat and yes durian has 0% saturated fat.

we got olive oil,palm oil,veg oil,corn oil,sesame oil,oilbet they wont be long getting durian oil on the shelves.


people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

Same thing has been said of bananas and booze ... but I would guess the main culprit is neither the durian nor the bananas.

Hitting yourself in the head with a hammer while eating durian would probably be a unhealthy combination too.


people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

Same thing has been said of bananas and booze ... but I would guess the main culprit is neither the durian nor the bananas.

Hitting yourself in the head with a hammer while eating durian would probably be a unhealthy combination too.

Before you throw out the nonsense, check facts.

"though a study by the University of Tsukuba finds the fruit's high sulphur content caused the body to inhibit the activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase, causing a 70% reduction of the ability to clear toxins from the body."

This means that your liver can not break down the alcohol and you die of alcohol poisoning if you have to high intake of alcohol.


Ah, the old durian chestnut crops up again. :rolleyes:

My favourite old wives tale is that durian will spike your cholesterol. Come heaven and high water the die-hard believers of this will not budge. Fruit and cholesterol?

Durian and alcohol - most Thais eat durian when it is not yet fully ripe - not suk suk nim nim, therefore its effect with alcohol isn't that great, despite the medical description of Eirik. To counter the potential lethal effect of durian it is best NOT TO DRINK SEVEN BOTTLES OF TEQUILA IN ONE GO WHILE HAVING ONE POD OF DURIAN. :whistling:

Drinking water out of the durian shell will negate the 'heatyness' (it's a Chinese thing) of durian, as will eating Mangosteen after you have had your fill of durian. It's the yin-Yang effect.

To the OP's question:

YES! If you eat a lot of durian you will gain weight. Added to which your urine will smell odd and your crap will smell equally as odd.

Oh, take a bus or share any enclosed space wit other people after having eaten durian will make you very unpopular.

Durian, teh only fruit that keeps on giving for hours and hours through burping! Love the thing! :jap: :jap:


It's called unsaturated fat and yes durian has 0% saturated fat.

Durian is a very rich fruit but the problem is always the strong aroma. It's the only fruit that's banned in hotels (at least not in Thailand, tho') & airlines. Chinese believes that it's a 'heaty' food ie. gets your inner body temperature high and thus, they do not eat it with liquor. A problem I've always had is the smell on your hands. An old wives tale is to fill the inside of the durian (where the fruit was) with clean water. You can drink it to cool down your body 'heatiness' or to wash your hands so that the smell will go away. It works sometimes. I don't know why :)


It has a fairly high fat content, but it is healthy fat like avocadoes or olives.

It's called unsaturated fat and yes durian has 0% saturated fat.

we got olive oil,palm oil,veg oil,corn oil,sesame oil,oilbet they wont be long getting durian oil on the shelves.

i love chips cooked in beef driping i wonder what they would be like cooked in durian oil?

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