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Getting A Room/House For 3 Months


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What's the best (read: safest, pretty cheap, and least headache for me) way to get from Phuket to Luang Prabang?

Flying, possible via Bangkok (check Bangkok Airways and Lao Airlines) and I think also via Chiang Mai.

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What's the best (read: safest, pretty cheap, and least headache for me) way to get from Phuket to Luang Prabang?

Flying, possible via Bangkok (check Bangkok Airways and Lao Airlines) and I think also via Chiang Mai.

Oh right, I remember looking that up. They use prop planes! Ahh!

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Recently, my Thai friend recommended me to stay at a small boutique hotel behind Jungceylon when I first moved here. It's called "Beach Box Hotel" or "Beach Box Lodge" something. The place is very nice, unlike other small guest house in Patong area, it has well designed under beach theme setting. Not bad for a 1,000 THB/ Night (they gave me a very special price during high season). During my 7 days stay there, I met with many folks from Australia. They paid 12,000 THB/ month for long term stay with electricity.

I bet you could negotiate on the price with them if you are quite sure on your schedule. If you couldn't find their contact number online, let me know. I'll scooter there and check for you.

Good luck.

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Driving here is not for the weak of heart. You can rent a car for about 15,000 baht a month. Makes it really easy to get around especially in Phuket. Driving in Thailand is at times a hair raising experience. You sorta make your own rules....

Make copies of your passport and carry with you. Lock up the original in your room. Don't let anyone take it or keep it for any reason.

Sage counsel . I find the only 2 rules needed for driving are;

Don't hit anyone and don't get hit.

I also carry a copy of my passport and the visa page and both in good quality colour.

Surin and South Bang Tao are a little less frenetic and have too many rooms so good rates. North Bang Tao is still quite lovely and not over developed, yet.

Edited by TigerWan
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Dont worry about meeting guys here, the selection of men that are interested in non-Asian women is very low. So gives you plenty of time to focus on other things. Just come and things will work out. Stay in Kata there are more expats or in Nai Harn. Although I think Kata is safer and depending on whee you stay you might need a motorbike to get around. Bicycling is scarry in my opinion. There are some rooms for rent around Koktanode rd in Kata for 8k a month.. so dont worry something will always come up.

Also you can join Chicknet dot com too. It is for women only. As Jim007 said it is quite surprising how nice people have been to you on this thread! Your lucky.

Get your visa as suggested, dont over pack and pick a guest house to stay at. In Kata you have more locals living here then in Karon and more residential areas. Lots of houses to rent.

It will all work out.

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Dont worry about meeting guys here, the selection of men that are interested in non-Asian women is very low.

Not exactly true, I have a Canadian buddy that prefers to date caucasian women, presently with a Russian lady.

I think it more has to do with the abundance of available Asian women as compared to caucasians.

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Dont worry about meeting guys here, the selection of men that are interested in non-Asian women is very low.

Not exactly true, I have a Canadian buddy that prefers to date caucasian women, presently with a Russian lady.

Ok well there's one...

I'm embarrassed to admit how long it's been I've had a date. Fortunately I got through my horny early 40s before I moved here. I do notice when I travel men notice me elsewhere..

but here.. we haven't a chance against the ultra lovely and tiny Thai women

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Ok well there's one...

I'm embarrassed to admit how long it's been I've had a date. Fortunately I got through my horny early 40s before I moved here. I do notice when I travel men notice me elsewhere..

but here.. we haven't a chance against the ultra lovely and tiny Thai women

Just a ratio matter, hundreds of Thai women, handful of caucasian women.

Attitude also, for instance, I can make conversation with a Thai lady even if she is not interested, last weekend, I asked a western lady as she was leaving the beach, "hi, where you headed?", she gave me a smart-ass look held up her hand with a ring on her finger "home to my husband!". Not so friendly.............

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Attitude also, for instance, I can make conversation with a Thai lady even if she is not interested, last weekend, I asked a western lady as she was leaving the beach, "hi, where you headed?", she gave me a smart-ass look held up her hand with a ring on her finger "home to my husband!". Not so friendly.............

We're not all like that gom. I'm a friendly person.

In fact, my older son used to flatly refuse to come supermarket shopping with me unless I agreed not to talk to anyone. Particularly little old ladies wanting something from high shelves. He's improved lately...

I love how people actually smile at you in Phuket.

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Just a ratio matter, hundreds of Thai women, handful of caucasian women.

Attitude also, for instance, I can make conversation with a Thai lady even if she is not interested, last weekend, I asked a western lady as she was leaving the beach, "hi, where you headed?", she gave me a smart-ass look held up her hand with a ring on her finger "home to my husband!". Not so friendly.............

I know it is a cultural difference and 99% of the time (especially in Asia) is an innocent question, but as an American girl who grew up in the age of "don't talk to strangers," the one question that never ceases to creep me out is precisely asking me where I'm going! Maybe next time start with a less up front question. Also, she was leaving the beach, not arriving. Perhaps she didn't exactly have time to stop to talk to you! I don't know if it's great to judge western ladies by such an instance. :)

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Just a ratio matter, hundreds of Thai women, handful of caucasian women.

Attitude also, for instance, I can make conversation with a Thai lady even if she is not interested, last weekend, I asked a western lady as she was leaving the beach, "hi, where you headed?", she gave me a smart-ass look held up her hand with a ring on her finger "home to my husband!". Not so friendly.............

I know it is a cultural difference and 99% of the time (especially in Asia) is an innocent question, but as an American girl who grew up in the age of "don't talk to strangers," the one question that never ceases to creep me out is precisely asking me where I'm going! Maybe next time start with a less up front question. Also, she was leaving the beach, not arriving. Perhaps she didn't exactly have time to stop to talk to you! I don't know if it's great to judge western ladies by such an instance. :)

the most common phrase in Thai language is probably "where are you going?"

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Just a ratio matter, hundreds of Thai women, handful of caucasian women.

Attitude also, for instance, I can make conversation with a Thai lady even if she is not interested, last weekend, I asked a western lady as she was leaving the beach, "hi, where you headed?", she gave me a smart-ass look held up her hand with a ring on her finger "home to my husband!". Not so friendly.............

I know it is a cultural difference and 99% of the time (especially in Asia) is an innocent question, but as an American girl who grew up in the age of "don't talk to strangers," the one question that never ceases to creep me out is precisely asking me where I'm going! Maybe next time start with a less up front question. Also, she was leaving the beach, not arriving. Perhaps she didn't exactly have time to stop to talk to you! I don't know if it's great to judge western ladies by such an instance. :)

As KBB points out "pai nai?" or in English as translated to "where you going, or where you headed", is just conversationpiece here, sort of like "whats up"?

Also not judging anyone, just pointing out/making an example of the "ewwwww are you hitting on me" reaction is way out of place here where everyone is typically just being friendly.

In addition best to grow out of the "don't talk to strangers" if you are going to be travelling.

Edited by grumpyoldman
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I went shopping for summer clothes yesterday and I couldn't help thinking about what I was going to bring to Thailand... haha.

Also I was bragging to that same friend yesterday about how amazingly nice people were on TV!

Bring very little. Even the necessities. Just buy some traveling clothes and a couple of days worth. Every thing you need you can buy here if not in the major stores but also with street vendors. With a little shopping you'll find clothes are cheaper here provided you don't go after the big brand names. They can be more due to import taxes. One draw back seems to be fashions are behind from what I hear. Also keep all your receipts here. You should get back all the VAT tax you paid when you leave.

Come on you Shopping Lady's ...help the girl out!

I don't really agree with not bringing clothes. If you have an allotted amount of checked baggage and you have clothes that are comfortable. Why would you want to shell out money on cheap copies?For example I have a nice North Face rain coat. Why would I want to go buy something made out of recycled garbage bags instead? If you have some nice things by all means bring them.

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Hey GOM -- Like I said in my post, I, too, know what that question usually means, I've read about it in books in the past (because actually I haven't been asked that before, but I've only been to Vietnam in Asia). But maybe the woman you asked didn't know, that's all. And even if I do know what it means, I can't 100% just throw away my upbringing, of course. Sometimes it may bother me, and sometimes not. I didn't say I don't talk to strangers. I just said I was raised during the time where this was the main teaching. Things like that are always with you subconsciously, even just a little, and it's something I appreciate because it does have the ability to keep me out of trouble in some cases. But I think your point of not always thinking someone is hitting on you just because they say hi is a good one. Women tend to think that, and you're right that we shouldn't ever assume that!

Anyway, I agree, AU, I don't think I'll be doing too much shopping abroad because I generally hate shopping while I'm away. I'll be buying things that I can't get at home (certain textiles and accessories), but not shirts, or like you said, a really good rain jacket! :) hehe

So I'm thinking of traveling around a bit before I settle down in one area. Maybe start in KL and make my way up to Phuket. I dunno. It's still so far away so I'm researching more and more!

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So I'm thinking of traveling around a bit before I settle down in one area. Maybe start in KL and make my way up to Phuket. I dunno. It's still so far away so I'm researching more and more!

That's the trouble with travelling these days. You have already seen photos and read articles, so, know the place before you have even arrived.

The internet has killed the wonder of old-fashioned travelling.

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