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The Music Is Over


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I never speak any word here, only reading, but honestly I am quite boring about these kind of stupid poor actions from Thai authorities, who ALWAYS (!!!!!!!) need to argue and speak and push up such kind of attention to cultural issues -

OH MY GOD, when I think about the tattoo issue - what a BIG LAUGH (!!!!!!!!!!!!) AND SO ON AND ON AND ON...while red shirts or terrorists probably plan their next bad actions and the poor people in Isaan still have to suffer so much and so long and nobody takes any REAL good and democratic action to resolve these IMPORTANT things at first !!!!!!!!!

Really, its unbeleavable, how much Thai people or authorities can be able to mix up important with unimportant things and to throw their valued energy for this as well so badly !!!!!!!!!

People have to die in a swimming pool, because of an energie cable ?? NEVER MIND !!! Go on with your stupid bloody cable salad in the streets - botch here a bit and there A bit and there a bit, never mind always !!

Just 2 weeks ago I had to watch someone oposite my apartment has suffered much because a defect main cable, so that emergency needed to come - it just made a very BIG WOOOOOOOOOM all around my area and energie was closed around as well for minutes.

Well, maybe Im not a old guy to have less experiences in watching unnecessary exidents, but honestly I never experienced so much bullshit within 30 years in my home country like I saw within the shortest time here in Thailand !!!

Boring boring boring......nothing to say...be glad to be here and try to close eyes always and accept such stupid things like from another galaxy !!!!!

Should I better go home ?? Well sorry, maybe, maybe not...but its STIll interesting to watch all this bullshit happen. Ha ha ha !! :D ...even if not always much to laugh...

SABAI SABAI SABAI AND always nice smiling to avoid offend people unnecessarily, as they never would like to talk about problems all the times so much, if you know about THIS kind of little mentality issue, well well well... : /

We are all just not perfect - just trying to say it more positively...however..




And Kon djai dam go home please, really easy - as long they dont give enough money to resolve their little personal issue. Of course ! ;o)


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All this can be called, is weak, fearful, superstitious, soft, lacking in courage, and non-visionary to the extreme degree. Just another example of a country that continues to take steps backwards. I understand enforcing work permits. But, do these tiny minded "men" who are enforcing these rules stop to think of how little money is involved. I could understand it is a famous star comes here and plays an arena, without the requisite permits. But, we are talking about guys who play for fun, and for passion. It is doing nothing but enhancing the super anemic local cultural scene. Is this yet another example of xenophobia manifesting itself? There are incredibly small men, who are out there enforcing these arcane, silly, protectionist laws (more appropriately called women, though I would not want to put women down in this fashion). These tiny people are lacking heart, lacking guts, lacking wisdom, and generally lacking in most areas of life. If they had a real life, they would not be denying peoples these simple pleasures. So, I say to these tiny men, get a life! Leave the creative souls alone, and start contributing something real and tangible to Thai society.

You're accussing others of prejudice ? :blink:

So what do these non-working farangs contribute to Thai society ?

Pot,kettle, black.

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The problem is, that Thailand as a whole is not UNITED!! pockets of idiots all over the place, working for personal gain, immigration against Police, Police against Army,Army against politicians, politicians against their people and the people against us, we should teach them a lesson and just piss off for a while, taking our money with us!!!!

Hmmm, this is too touchy for me, maybe i shouldn't comment ....:whistling:

Excluding farang big businesses/factories, the amount of money the average Joe farang adds to the Thai economy is a drop in the bucket when you consider all of Thailand/the entire GDP/the entire 68 million Thai population. Even tourism with the millions upon millions of tourists visiting Thailand each year only accounts for approx 6% of the country's GDP. While some businesses would miss the average farang money, as mentioned on a country-wide basis we add just a drop to the Thailand GDP bucket.

Thanks i realize this, but you look at the percentage of people working and having an income from farrangs/tourists, then you would agree that if we were not here, 40% of the population would be effected, who are directly and indirectly involved with tourists/farangs.

I dont know where you pluck your figures, but the majority of Thais are engaged in agriculture, followed by a huge manufacturing sector, Thais affected is probably most accurately reflected in % of GDP.

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All this can be called, is weak, fearful, superstitious, soft, lacking in courage, and non-visionary to the extreme degree. Just another example of a country that continues to take steps backwards. I understand enforcing work permits. But, do these tiny minded "men" who are enforcing these rules stop to think of how little money is involved. I could understand it is a famous star comes here and plays an arena, without the requisite permits. But, we are talking about guys who play for fun, and for passion. It is doing nothing but enhancing the super anemic local cultural scene. Is this yet another example of xenophobia manifesting itself? There are incredibly small men, who are out there enforcing these arcane, silly, protectionist laws (more appropriately called women, though I would not want to put women down in this fashion). These tiny people are lacking heart, lacking guts, lacking wisdom, and generally lacking in most areas of life. If they had a real life, they would not be denying peoples these simple pleasures. So, I say to these tiny men, get a life! Leave the creative souls alone, and start contributing something real and tangible to Thai society.

You're accussing others of prejudice ? :blink:

So what do these non-working farangs contribute to Thai society ?

Pot,kettle, black.

In a word, baht, lots of baht, many also support large extended Thai families, as an obligation when marrying a Thai woman.

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All this can be called, is weak, fearful, superstitious, soft, lacking in courage, and non-visionary to the extreme degree. Just another example of a country that continues to take steps backwards. I understand enforcing work permits. But, do these tiny minded "men" who are enforcing these rules stop to think of how little money is involved. I could understand it is a famous star comes here and plays an arena, without the requisite permits. But, we are talking about guys who play for fun, and for passion. It is doing nothing but enhancing the super anemic local cultural scene. Is this yet another example of xenophobia manifesting itself? There are incredibly small men, who are out there enforcing these arcane, silly, protectionist laws (more appropriately called women, though I would not want to put women down in this fashion). These tiny people are lacking heart, lacking guts, lacking wisdom, and generally lacking in most areas of life. If they had a real life, they would not be denying peoples these simple pleasures. So, I say to these tiny men, get a life! Leave the creative souls alone, and start contributing something real and tangible to Thai society.

You're accussing others of prejudice ? :blink:

So what do these non-working farangs contribute to Thai society ?

Pot,kettle, black.

oops I almost forgot, diversification of culture through our music

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the government of thailand had better get a grip and wise up, foreighners have poured money into this country for years and still do, if this kind of behaviour against us continues we will find cambodia a more suitable place as do a lot of people and ex pats allready, these laws are just a slap on the face for us foreigners and it makes me think that thai people dont really want us here, or do not really even like us , they have stopped foreigners getting religious tattoo,s allready which is maybe fair enough but why not stop thai people getting religious tattoo,s ? double pricing against foreigners ? i could go on and on mad.gif

Out of the frying-pan into the fire? i mean Cambodia is worse than Thailand, (corruption)

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I never speak any word here, only reading, but honestly I am quite boring about these kind of stupid poor actions from Thai authorities, who ALWAYS (!!!!!!!) need to argue and speak and push up such kind of attention to cultural issues -

OH MY GOD, when I think about the tattoo issue - what a BIG LAUGH (!!!!!!!!!!!!) AND SO ON AND ON AND ON...while red shirts or terrorists probably plan their next bad actions and the poor people in Isaan still have to suffer so much and so long and nobody takes any REAL good and democratic action to resolve these IMPORTANT things at first !!!!!!!!!

Really, its unbeleavable, how much Thai people or authorities can be able to mix up important with unimportant things and to throw their valued energy for this as well so badly !!!!!!!!!

People have to die in a swimming pool, because of an energie cable ?? NEVER MIND !!! Go on with your stupid bloody cable salad in the streets - botch here a bit and there A bit and there a bit, never mind always !!

Just 2 weeks ago I had to watch someone oposite my apartment has suffered much because a defect main cable, so that emergency needed to come - it just made a very BIG WOOOOOOOOOM all around my area and energie was closed around as well for minutes.

Well, maybe Im not a old guy to have less experiences in watching unnecessary exidents, but honestly I never experienced so much bullshit within 30 years in my home country like I saw within the shortest time here in Thailand !!!

Boring boring boring......nothing to say...be glad to be here and try to close eyes always and accept such stupid things like from another galaxy !!!!!

Should I better go home ?? Well sorry, maybe, maybe not...but its STIll interesting to watch all this bullshit happen. Ha ha ha !! :D ...even if not always much to laugh...

SABAI SABAI SABAI AND always nice smiling to avoid offend people unnecessarily, as they never would like to talk about problems all the times so much, if you know about THIS kind of little mentality issue, well well well... : /

We are all just not perfect - just trying to say it more positively...however..




And Kon djai dam go home please, really easy - as long they dont give enough money to resolve their little personal issue. Of course ! ;o)


Ouch!! you were really saving that up. and please dont shout, so unnecessary.

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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

I totally agree, as does Immigration, however many of us are comfortably off, and play merely because we enjoy performing, and would not be allowed to if patrons did not enjoy listening (or not). The current situation is that even very casual jamming will result in arrest as it appears one is going to have to prove ones innocence in court with a great deal of stress and at significant expense.

I know what you're saying. But, again, if a Thai singer or athlete deliberately and publicly entertained a crowd in UK or USA, then he / she would need a proper permit or visa to do so.

By using the word 'patrons' you're definitely performing in public. No question.

For your purpose, all you want to do is invite people around to your home for a BBQ and play amongst yourselves. In a public venue, sorry, but you're out of order.

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Under this legislation, the Department of Employment will consider whether the 'work' could be undertaken by a Thai, whether the foreigner is APPROPRIATELY QUALIFIED and whether the job fits the needs of Thailand. After these factors are considered, the individual requires an organisation such as a company or charity to sponsor them.

That above is insulting, what qualifications do Thais have to do most of the jobs they do.

They have to see if a Thai can do the job!!!!!!!!!!!! I retired from engineering 4 years ago to come here to live I am a time served fabricator and welder I was coded in 4 disciplines recoded every two years. But I had to get a Thai in to do a job of making some gates.

Tried to over charge me and the things that he put up were awful. When they were here putting them up I went over and took the stick off him and put down a weld. I asked him to do the same. He couldn't! not even close. I gave him a screen and set the welder up for it to be done properly.... Pants is the word but not the strongest one I could use.

I went out bought a welder and did the job myself. They put these laws in place and we have to be happy with their work. I for one am not and will not put up with shoddy work from anyone. They have no standards of workmanship. One day a welder next day a car mechanic, day after serving food at the side of the road. Taking no responsibility for their crap. Best part is they really do think we can't do this stuff.

So this brings me round to the music thing in Chang mai I would rather listen to someone singing or jamming who is a westerner than endure a Thai try to sing a song without any idea what the words mean and how to put emotion into certain words. I won't go anywhere now that has live music because I know its going to be rubbish. So if you want to hear proper western music listen to a westerner. You want a welder get a real welder. Yes look after your own, but make sure they can do the job please.

Thais singing in Thai is lovely. But there is a place not far from us that have put a singer outside who sings in English v loud and kills everything he sings. We can't stay there long when he's on. Ruins a beautiful place. Bet he says he's a professional singer.

Would I live any where else not a chance love it here. But do all my own jobs now especially on my 1100 honda that has to keep me alive and stop when I need it to! seen the bodgies the Thais pass off as repairs . I have got fed up of having to pay FOR WORK THAT COULD NOT BE UNDERTAKEN BY A THAI.

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the government of thailand had better get a grip and wise up, foreighners have poured money into this country for years and still do, if this kind of behaviour against us continues we will find cambodia a more suitable place as do a lot of people and ex pats allready, these laws are just a slap on the face for us foreigners and it makes me think that thai people dont really want us here, or do not really even like us , they have stopped foreigners getting religious tattoo,s allready which is maybe fair enough but why not stop thai people getting religious tattoo,s ? double pricing against foreigners ? i could go on and on mad.gif

Out of the frying-pan into the fire? i mean Cambodia is worse than Thailand, (corruption)

I have been led to believe that Farang musicians are welcomed in Cambodia and are not harrassed of victimised in any way.

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This could roll on.No singing in Kareokes by tourists.No making conversation with other tourists because you may end making them stay longet and so they spend more money! Lol...None of this happen.Give it another week and it will all blow over.But for now keep out of Sams bar in Chiang Rai as its a happy place where tourists go to jam and be happy!!!!!

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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

Depends. There are open mic nights in bars all over my home town Chicago, and I assume many hundreds (thousands?) of other cities. Anybody can get up and play but of course they don't get paid. If a foreign musician is getting paid yes, agreed, he has to have the proper paperwork. But shutting down open mic nights where no one gets paid is a bit over the top. But then, I don't make the rules.

Depends on what? Probably, it depends on the rules of the country! It's a well publicised rule here that 'work' is 'work', even if it is unpaid work. If a bar owner has you performing in public, so people will sit down, listen, and buy his beer, then that is unquestionably work. Even if you're not getting paid for it, you're the cause of the establishment having a jamming night.

I'd guess that most Chicago mic nights involve performances by US citizens, or those with permits to do so. If a Thai with a USA tourist visa gets up, sings, the crowd ask for more and he sings again, hey, that's work and he's breaking his visa. No difference here to that scenario.

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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

I totally agree, as does Immigration, however many of us are comfortably off, and play merely because we enjoy performing, and would not be allowed to if patrons did not enjoy listening (or not). The current situation is that even very casual jamming will result in arrest as it appears one is going to have to prove ones innocence in court with a great deal of stress and at significant expense.

I know what you're saying. But, again, if a Thai singer or athlete deliberately and publicly entertained a crowd in UK or USA, then he / she would need a proper permit or visa to do so.

By using the word 'patrons' you're definitely performing in public. No question.

For your purpose, all you want to do is invite people around to your home for a BBQ and play amongst yourselves. In a public venue, sorry, but you're out of order.

Not so, according to Immigration boss, he states that a jammer would not be found guilty, but has to go through the court process to establish that.So although "not out of order" I cant afford to prove that. Incidentally several friends and I do exactly as you suggested, get together at home, and wonder how long before the policeman livin across the road can find a way to make that illegal.

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OK, what are the figures of ,official and non official people working and having an income from farangs and tourists? forget GDP, i'm talking employment.

From girls on the streets to musicians in bars, i think we're off the subject actually?

The problem is, that Thailand as a whole is not UNITED!! pockets of idiots all over the place, working for personal gain, immigration against Police, Police against Army,Army against politicians, politicians against their people and the people against us, we should teach them a lesson and just piss off for a while, taking our money with us!!!!

Hmmm, this is too touchy for me, maybe i shouldn't comment ....:whistling:

Excluding farang big businesses/factories, the amount of money the average Joe farang adds to the Thai economy is a drop in the bucket when you consider all of Thailand/the entire GDP/the entire 68 million Thai population. Even tourism with the millions upon millions of tourists visiting Thailand each year only accounts for approx 6% of the country's GDP. While some businesses would miss the average farang money, as mentioned on a country-wide basis we add just a drop to the Thailand GDP bucket.

Thanks i realize this, but you look at the percentage of people working and having an income from farrangs/tourists, then you would agree that if we were not here, 40% of the population would be effected, who are directly and indirectly involved with tourists/farangs.

I dont know where you pluck your figures, but the majority of Thais are engaged in agriculture, followed by a huge manufacturing sector, Thais affected is probably most accurately reflected in % of GDP.

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This could roll on.No singing in Kareokes by tourists.No making conversation with other tourists because you may end making them stay longet and so they spend more money! Lol...None of this happen.Give it another week and it will all blow over.But for now keep out of Sams bar in Chiang Rai as its a happy place where tourists go to jam and be happy!!!!!

been going on already for 3 months, only reason no more arrests is that musos, are too frightened to play.

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All this can be called, is weak, fearful, superstitious, soft, lacking in courage, and non-visionary to the extreme degree. Just another example of a country that continues to take steps backwards. I understand enforcing work permits. But, do these tiny minded "men" who are enforcing these rules stop to think of how little money is involved. I could understand it is a famous star comes here and plays an arena, without the requisite permits. But, we are talking about guys who play for fun, and for passion. It is doing nothing but enhancing the super anemic local cultural scene. Is this yet another example of xenophobia manifesting itself? There are incredibly small men, who are out there enforcing these arcane, silly, protectionist laws (more appropriately called women, though I would not want to put women down in this fashion). These tiny people are lacking heart, lacking guts, lacking wisdom, and generally lacking in most areas of life. If they had a real life, they would not be denying peoples these simple pleasures. So, I say to these tiny men, get a life! Leave the creative souls alone, and start contributing something real and tangible to Thai society.

You're accussing others of prejudice ? :blink:

So what do these non-working farangs contribute to Thai society ?

Pot,kettle, black.

oops I almost forgot, diversification of culture through our music

@Arthur: Are you joking? Where would just about every Thai tourist trap be without Ferrang music, musicians and D-Jays? It's not only good for cultural diversity it also contributes to the Thai economy as where would the likes of Koh Pangnan be without a bit of trance, house, etc... and the world renowned D-Jays the islands and clubs attract. With tourism representing about 6% of Thailand's income I believe the imported music scene has been nothing but beneficial to the country whether you like it or not so the authorities should step lightly otherwise even more tourists will stop coming here. Such crackdowns will do more harm than good so the authorities really need to weigh it up. If a good ferrang musician/singer is performing in a bar/restaurant for a week they'll pull in a lot more income for that venue than any fine that could be thrown their way for work permit irregularities.

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Just like Pol Pot, a lot of ass backward policies in this country, and they fully intend to stay that way.

Good thing I can download GOOD, international music online, and don't have to suffer any low talent here.

Watch out Thailand, you don't become a laughing stock. Many are already encouraging others not to come here, for many reasons.

Is that REALLY what you want?

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This could roll on.No singing in Kareokes by tourists.No making conversation with other tourists because you may end making them stay longet and so they spend more money! Lol...None of this happen.Give it another week and it will all blow over.But for now keep out of Sams bar in Chiang Rai as its a happy place where tourists go to jam and be happy!!!!!

been going on already for 3 months, only reason no more arrests is that musos, are too frightened to play.

@ David: You've just just hit the nail on the head mate! All the venues have to do is change the sign outside to "Live Music and Karaoke Bar" and BINGO....problem solved! MUST be a loophole in the law there?

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I'd guess that most Chicago mic nights involve performances by US citizens, or those with permits to do so. If a Thai with a USA tourist visa gets up, sings, the crowd ask for more and he sings again, hey, that's work and he's breaking his visa. No difference here to that scenario.

No, that is definitely not an open mic scenerio in the US. Anybody can play, you don't have to prove citizenship or show your passport to get on stage. Just google a bit if you don't believe me.

But ultimately, I can't argue with your point. If the Thai authorities believe that playing music for free in a bar is 'work', then you have to have a 'work permit'.

And BTW, if someone is arguing that open mic nights attract customers and the bar owners are making money even though the performers aren't getting paid, well, I've been to open mics where the performers have driven customers away. :D

Edited by dekestone
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After the Tsunami, in early 2005, the Ministry of Labour announced that all foreign volunteers helping in the clear up needed to obtain work permits.

I remember thinking at the time how farcical it was but then again this is Thailand...........................

I think the real issue in that case was the thais involved in the clear up did,nt want thier pillaging of the deceased peoples belongings to be hampered in any way,

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Actually, a lot of the CM pubs dont pay the artists. Is some of the aforementioned spots, people get up and jam because they enjoy playing music and having a social venue to do so. The ones who make a good income are the owners of the pubs

Yo, let's raid karaoke bars too! Plenty of rich Japs over there, "working w/o proper documents".:)

Karaoke you PAY to sing. So just put a few baht in a jar on the stage AND put it on the menu. How can they complain about that? The owner is charging you to play.

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its an all out crackdown on whatever is foreign in my opinion.

house registration normally within a week is 'under investigation more than a month now in Nongkhai

suddenly ordinary people who want a decent registration need to be screened and what more.

the whole atmosphere is one of election time with pickup trucks blaring the message of Thai for the Thai's only on an hourly basis.

it changes the land of smiling people into over excited nationalists.

thank God its not forever

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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

I totally agree, as does Immigration, however many of us are comfortably off, and play merely because we enjoy performing, and would not be allowed to if patrons did not enjoy listening (or not). The current situation is that even very casual jamming will result in arrest as it appears one is going to have to prove ones innocence in court with a great deal of stress and at significant expense.

I know what you're saying. But, again, if a Thai singer or athlete deliberately and publicly entertained a crowd in UK or USA, then he / she would need a proper permit or visa to do so.

By using the word 'patrons' you're definitely performing in public. No question.

For your purpose, all you want to do is invite people around to your home for a BBQ and play amongst yourselves. In a public venue, sorry, but you're out of order.

?? Open Mic nights occur all over the world. It is a gathering place for musicians and they play for free. In the US or the US the performer does not need a working permit if he/she is not getting paid. One is not out of order playing for free in a public venue.

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A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

Depends. There are open mic nights in bars all over my home town Chicago, and I assume many hundreds (thousands?) of other cities. Anybody can get up and play but of course they don't get paid. If a foreign musician is getting paid yes, agreed, he has to have the proper paperwork. But shutting down open mic nights where no one gets paid is a bit over the top. But then, I don't make the rules.

Depends on what? Probably, it depends on the rules of the country! It's a well publicised rule here that 'work' is 'work', even if it is unpaid work. If a bar owner has you performing in public, so people will sit down, listen, and buy his beer, then that is unquestionably work. Even if you're not getting paid for it, you're the cause of the establishment having a jamming night.

I'd guess that most Chicago mic nights involve performances by US citizens, or those with permits to do so. If a Thai with a USA tourist visa gets up, sings, the crowd ask for more and he sings again, hey, that's work and he's breaking his visa. No difference here to that scenario.

Not at all. In the US anyone can get up and play at an open mic without fear of arrest. They are not getting paid. The only benefit to them is a bit of fun. Those that are playing are buying beer as well. It is not work in any sense of the term. Your line of reasoning is quite flawed, but it is exactly the line that the "authorities" use here. More and more it is becoming apparent that this country is not friendly to long term residents.

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its an all out crackdown on whatever is foreign in my opinion.

house registration normally within a week is 'under investigation more than a month now in Nongkhai

suddenly ordinary people who want a decent registration need to be screened and what more.

the whole atmosphere is one of election time with pickup trucks blaring the message of Thai for the Thai's only on an hourly basis.

it changes the land of smiling people into over excited nationalists.

thank God its not forever

I think your last statement is wishful thinking. The anti-foreign sentiment has been growing since the inception of TRT and is something the ALL political parties have latched onto, especially since 06. I cannot see things ever getting any "easier." This musician thing is just one example.

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Just like Pol Pot, a lot of ass backward policies in this country, and they fully intend to stay that way.

Good thing I can download GOOD, international music online, and don't have to suffer any low talent here.

Watch out Thailand, you don't become a laughing stock. Many are already encouraging others not to come here, for many reasons.

Is that REALLY what you want?

In a nutshell, I really believe it is. Sad...

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you think a single member of the entire cast of Hangover II had a work permit?

Yes, I do. Foreign productions, especially big budget ones, are meticulous about adhering to the rules and regulations of Thailand. They will usually have on staff a Thai "immigration liaison" working in the production office to obtain work permits for foreign crew and cast members. Anyone that the production company brings to Thailand is always issued a work permit that is good for the run of the show.

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This is pathetic. I am in Japan and I have seen plenty of non work visa musicians/singers performing at bars without a problem. Japan is a nice place but in many respects extremely xenophobic. However, when it comes to things like people singing/playing music in a usual bar, they don't care! Just let the people play and have a bit of fun.

Maybe the underlying problem is that with all the lies and corruption perpetrated by the locals, the government officials are of the opinion that if we Thais, who are so wonderful/great and can do no wrong, then we need to doubly check those dirty foreigners. :rolleyes:

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you think a single member of the entire cast of Hangover II had a work permit?

Yes, I do. Foreign productions, especially big budget ones, are meticulous about adhering to the rules and regulations of Thailand. They will usually have on staff a Thai "immigration liaison" working in the production office to obtain work permits for foreign crew and cast members. Anyone that the production company brings to Thailand is always issued a work permit that is good for the run of the show.

Correct! Film production crews don't even think about the few bucks they have to pay for work permits anyway.

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