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well preserved ? in some photos she looks like she is in her late 20s or early 30s

A lot of her pics... like that worn on many of the red T-shirts handed out are exactly that.

It's a photo of her when she was in her 20's... taken some 20 years ago and used today.

The only thing well preserved are the film negatives from the 1980's.


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there might be a simpler reason for Yingluck touring safe areas. She is a newcomer to the political arena, she needs to gain experience and confidence fast. Thus it is better to start with a responsive and sympathetic audience before moving on to areas where she will have to handle heckling and abuse, or worse.

Remember how shaken and frightened Abhisit was when his car was attacked, he fled and hid in the army barracks. What would be the effect of a similar attack on a young woman?

Hey come on think about it-you said"" she needs experience so she can get some from safe areas"" She needs more than a MONTH of experience to become a P.M. of a country and be on the world stage to converse with world issues.

Not take care of Thai farmers in Issan, it will not do a world leader any good at all if you know of little else.

Anyway confidence does not also come in a month. No matter who you are if your car is attacked you want cover, or you have a problem. Who knows she could become a super Thai leader but most get a gut feeling something is a bit dodgy about the set up. I will add personally she could well get enough votes, but shake my head for Thailand.

but the shake is not a nod.

I can only guess that you have never had to speak publicly to a large gathering. The first few times are daunting but it only takes a few such events to get into the swing of it. I am far from lacking in self confidence but the first time I addressed an audience of 2000 people I was very nervous, by the third time it was no problem. Public speaking skills and the ability to run a country are not the same thing, it just helps.

You assume ? you guess?, well don't. Isn't it nicer to ask.

Do you honestly think other people have not done what you did, Ha Ha . O.K. she gets into the swing of it,What about world leader meetings ?? the swing of it will be no good to her. Why are you on the defense for the vastly inexperienced lady ?? I will say the very best of luck--BUT all you can say it helps to be confident . . Just to add""2000"" persons was an experience sure I felt the same, but as a class 1 football ref and performing in front of 50,000 plus, maybe your guess about me could be out a little. Do You honestly think being neutral, forgetting all other influences, This sister of Thaksin is in 1 months time capable of running the job???? If you think yes-you want to publicly get speaking to more than your 2000. come on be honest. If I was a red shirt I wouldn't be that happy about her at the helm==but that"s me I'm NOT Thai


well preserved ? in some photos she looks like she is in her late 20s or early 30s

I wonder what the good lady would look like without the whitening cream, maybe a few weeks planting rice will give her more of a feel for the Maj., of her voters. :lol:


well preserved ? in some photos she looks like she is in her late 20s or early 30s

A lot of her pics... like that worn on many of the red T-shirts handed out are exactly that.

It's a photo of her when she was in her 20's... taken some 20 years ago and used today.

The only thing well preserved are the film negatives from the 1980's..

A late 20s/early 30s PM running the country? A novel idea, courageous as well. I would almost hope her brother will take over as quickly as possible :-)


Nope, I just like to debate with one or two people at a time and without getting personal about each other. In this particular thread everyone just jumped in to put the boot in. Just read back over this thread and tell me I'm wrong.

I didn't actually put the boot in, I thought what I said was about a very inexperienced lady taking on a mammoth task. YOU assumed I had never addressed a large audience Why ?? to my mind you were trying to be clever, but my 50,000 + football refereeing you didn't comment on, nor have you given an answer why you think Honestly Yingluck is capable on the world stage and feel the part. but as you don't like the heat never mind. In my limited 1000 posts I've been blasted, but at least I have tried to be honest. The only reason I comment on this red shirt stuff is I firmly believe they are not a normal opposition. If the party showed without violence, protests, fair voting I could well have different thoughts, but the sister of Thaksin, standing for P.M. is a little dubious with the brother bombarding Thailand with orders, (of course I forgot he is finished with politics)--honest poster.


Nope, I just like to debate with one or two people at a time

In that case then, you can always use the PM function of the forum.

With PM, you can include up to 8 others in the discussion.

If you use the public forum, expect to receive replies from any number of people.

In this particular thread everyone just jumped in to put the boot in. Just read back over this thread and tell me I'm wrong.

What I read are repeated statements that Abhisit was a coward in the face of an extremely unstable and volatile situation.

Given the scenario you pointed to, it was completely understandable that someone might be fearful.

That you are seemingly surprised that people might respond to that characterization with stunning amazement is most revealing.




Pheu Thai PM Candidate Defends MP Candidate's Action

The Pheu Thai Party's prime ministerial candidate says she believes her party's MP candidate did not threaten an Army anti-narcotics unit as accused by the Army spokesman.

Pheu Thai's number one Party-list MP candidate Yingluck Shinawatra said she will hold a press conference today to clarify the Army spokesman's accusation that her Party's MP candidate in Bangkok, Pairoj Issaraseripong, threatened its anti-narcotic unit with a gun.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-09



Nope, I just like to debate with one or two people at a time and without getting personal about each other. In this particular thread everyone just jumped in to put the boot in. Just read back over this thread and tell me I'm wrong.

I didn't actually put the boot in, I thought what I said was about a very inexperienced lady taking on a mammoth task. YOU assumed I had never addressed a large audience Why ?? to my mind you were trying to be clever, but my 50,000 + football refereeing you didn't comment on, nor have you given an answer why you think Honestly Yingluck is capable on the world stage and feel the part. but as you don't like the heat never mind. In my limited 1000 posts I've been blasted, but at least I have tried to be honest. The only reason I comment on this red shirt stuff is I firmly believe they are not a normal opposition. If the party showed without violence, protests, fair voting I could well have different thoughts, but the sister of Thaksin, standing for P.M. is a little dubious with the brother bombarding Thailand with orders, (of course I forgot he is finished with politics)--honest poster.

I don't think you were in my list of those who did. Why assume I was trying to be clever, I was actually reply to whever it was that said he has previous experience, I did note respond to your comment about refereeing because you don't actually address the crowd, in fact unless they start throwing missiles at you you ignore them :lol:

Sure the red shirts are not a normal opposition, nor the PT, but neither is the Dems a normal party, nor the yellows, and the army is not a normal army, nothing is normal in Thailand and nothing is simple.


Nope, I just like to debate with one or two people at a time

In that case then, you can always use the PM function of the forum.

With PM, you can include up to 8 others in the discussion.

If you use the public forum, expect to receive replies from any number of people.

In this particular thread everyone just jumped in to put the boot in. Just read back over this thread and tell me I'm wrong.

What I read are repeated statements that Abhisit was a coward in the face of an extremely unstable and volatile situation.

Given the scenario you pointed to, it was completely understandable that someone might be fearful.

That you are seemingly surprised that people might respond to that characterization with stunning amazement is most revealing.


actually what i said it that it is understandable to be scared at the time, but not to be still white cheeked several days later. But you read it how you like :lol:


Nope, I just like to debate with one or two people at a time and without getting personal about each other. In this particular thread everyone just jumped in to put the boot in. Just read back over this thread and tell me I'm wrong.

"everyone just jumped in to put the boot in"

I don't recall getting personal, or putting the boot in, to you anterian. If you feel that I did so, then I apologise, as I try to debate the facts rather-than make ad-hominem attacks. I would also encourage you to report my offensive remarks to the mods.


actually what i said it that it is understandable to be scared at the time, but not to be still white cheeked several days later. But you read it how you like :lol:

The 'white cheeked' part is how you see it, the link of that to being scared is your interpretation. It seems even you read it how you like which is fine, we're all entitled to an opinion. Mind you some opinions may gather more comments than others. IMHO, no offence and all that, old chap :)


Nope, I just like to debate with one or two people at a time

In that case then, you can always use the PM function of the forum.

With PM, you can include up to 8 others in the discussion.

If you use the public forum, expect to receive replies from any number of people.

In this particular thread everyone just jumped in to put the boot in. Just read back over this thread and tell me I'm wrong.

What I read are repeated statements that Abhisit was a coward in the face of an extremely unstable and volatile situation.

Given the scenario you pointed to, it was completely understandable that someone might be fearful.

That you are seemingly surprised that people might respond to that characterization with stunning amazement is most revealing.


Some how I can NOT see the lovely Yingluck growing a big green hangin' pair,

and jumping out of the car, to drive off the viscously mad people attacking her car... I suspect her level of fear would be right up there, since she is untrained to deal with enraged rioters trying to smash her car and herself.

Surviving in a riot zone... It just isn't on the curriculum at Kentucky U.


Nope, I just like to debate with one or two people at a time

In that case then, you can always use the PM function of the forum.

With PM, you can include up to 8 others in the discussion.

If you use the public forum, expect to receive replies from any number of people.

In this particular thread everyone just jumped in to put the boot in. Just read back over this thread and tell me I'm wrong.

What I read are repeated statements that Abhisit was a coward in the face of an extremely unstable and volatile situation.

Given the scenario you pointed to, it was completely understandable that someone might be fearful.

That you are seemingly surprised that people might respond to that characterization with stunning amazement is most revealing.


Some how I can NOT see the lovely Yingluck growing a big green hangin' pair,

and jumping out of the car, to drive off the viscously mad people attacking her car... I suspect her level of fear would be right up there, since she is untrained to deal with enraged rioters trying to smash her car and herself.

Surviving in a riot zone... It just isn't on the curriculum at Kentucky U.

I think she attended Kentucky State. KU is a real university and perenial basketball powerhouse, but I digress...



Pheu Thai PM Candidate Defends MP Candidate's Action

The Pheu Thai Party's prime ministerial candidate says she believes her party's MP candidate did not threaten an Army anti-narcotics unit as accused by the Army spokesman.

Pheu Thai's number one Party-list MP candidate Yingluck Shinawatra said she will hold a press conference today to clarify the Army spokesman's accusation that her Party's MP candidate in Bangkok, Pairoj Issaraseripong, threatened its anti-narcotic unit with a gun.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-09


Well about this photo I think I could agree with anterian that Ms. Yingluck looks white faced. Consequently she must be scared still although I have no idea why. Maybe she starts to realize she's surrounded by people who like to blabber, or shove their 'position' in others peoples face, or who have helpers to do the rough work.

The 'clarify accusation' is probably a 'this is how you should see it, not as described by those who were there'. Of course the MP candidate in question already filed a complaint


Pheu Thai candidate lashes out at Army spokesman

Pheu Thai candidate Pairoj Issaraseripong on Thursday lashed out at Army spokesman Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd for spreading a false allegation that he wielded his gun to obstruct the work of Army task force 315 in Bangkok's Nong Chok district.

Pairoj said he had just filed a police complaint accusing Sansern of smear in retaliation to the Army-initiated complaint lodged on Wednesday charging him for obstruction of justice.

In his defence, he said he encountered the task force, in charge of drug suppression, distributing some leaflets at his campaign trials. He had approached the officers on the task force asking to take a look at the leaflets, he said.


-- The Nation 2011-06-09


Remember how shaken and frightened Abhisit was when his car was attacked, he fled and hid in the army barracks. What would be the effect of a similar attack on a young woman?

Have to say, i don't remember Abhisit being on camera looking shaken or frightened after the incident, although i imagine he may well have been - who wouldn't?

I get the impression that with that comment, and with using words like "fled" and "hid", that you wish to convey, albeit subtly, a suggestion of cowardice.

As for the "young" woman comment, i appreciate that as a 75 year old most of the population is younger than your good self, but 43 is usually considered to be middle-aged.

Your screen name Rixalex always makes me think of a well known antibiotic made in Thailand B)

Well I cannot give you a link but I do remember seeing him at the time both on television and you tube, and he was a very frightened,white faced man, his body language was very clear. Yes, he was a coward, but that is not an insult, most people brought up with a civilised background like Eton and Oxford are totally unfamiliar with violence, the " flight or fight" reflex definitely favour flight. Have you ever been in a fight, if so can you remember how it felt the first time?

I guess you're right about the "young woman" comment, sorry my age is showing :lol: Still she is well preserved B)

Coward? I had been willing to give you the benefit of the doubt till now but now I see you are nothing but an idiot. Ignored.

Can you imagine that ever happening to the US Presidents Car ?


I can't imagine that, no. But if I could imagine it I would also imagine about 50 dead bodies strewn about the car as well.

At least 50 plus all of the other people involved would be tracked down and incarcerated.


actually what i said it that it is understandable to be scared at the time, but not to be still white cheeked several days later. But you read it how you like :lol:

The 'white cheeked' part is how you see it, the link of that to being scared is your interpretation. It seems even you read it how you like which is fine, we're all entitled to an opinion. Mind you some opinions may gather more comments than others. IMHO, no offence and all that, old chap :)

I think he's the same chap who detects signs that Thaksin is mellowing. He's a rather elderly gent by his own admission. :rolleyes:

I don't think Abhisit is a coward but there is an entire thread based on the premise that Thaksin is a chicken.


I think putting the Red Shirts Leaders on the party list has the potential to lose them many northern moderates who did not like being lumped in with the rioters, as if all northern Thais think like Redshirts and ONLY like redshirts.

I doubt that the decreasing numbers at Red Rallies as they got more violent, leading to April 18th, was lost on many older Thais up north, regardless of the propaganda campaign to spin it. It's clear the red spin hasn't had the effect expected, because the Government did NOT fall as historically expected, but the violence they started can't be denied.

Many people are much more conservative than these over the top zealots and got scared seeing Bangkok REALLY burning and finding the Reds Rhetoric wasn't just rhetoric after all. PTP must truly worry that the silent majority DOES need constant reminding to get back on the train.

Older people prefer stability more than young zealots.

A consistant fact in all cultures.

Again I'm posting a reminder of the two-faced madman and his blind lemmings. Watch and be amazed at the evil that broods within the Reds. Pure insanity...


actually what i said it that it is understandable to be scared at the time, but not to be still white cheeked several days later. But you read it how you like :lol:

The 'white cheeked' part is how you see it, the link of that to being scared is your interpretation. It seems even you read it how you like which is fine, we're all entitled to an opinion. Mind you some opinions may gather more comments than others. IMHO, no offence and all that, old chap :)

As I have already said, judging another person's body language is subjective, it depends on the viewers past experiences, conscious awareness of body language, perhaps even training. Another example most are familiar with is called "dumb insolence", most recognise it when they meet it, yet it is difficult to actually quantify.

I may be out of step with most others in this thread, it may be an age thing, a cultural thing, even a lifestyle thing as my academic background matches Abhisit's.

I am a synthesist rather than an analyst, this is how I have always thought and also how I have been trained, I look at trends rather than events, I'm interested in the forest not the trees. Thus I do not see events in Thailand as basically a Thaksin-Abhisit clash, or as you guys would have it, a bad guy-good guy clash. Rather I see it as a no holds barred struggle for survival between two major forces, everything else is simply collateral damage. Much revolves around a central group who are theoretically not even involved in politics, yet cannot be ignored. When two male lions fight for ownership and control of the pride, there is no good lion and bad lion, just two lions competing for raw power.

The mass of the people, either side of the political spectrum are simply pawns in this struggle, many may truly believe that they are doing the right thing, that they are making sensible decision, perhaps on the micro scale they are, but on the macro scale they are still being manipulated and controlled.

Subliminal messages abound, in soaps and sitcoms, in the way news is reported, in censorship, misdirection, even in advertising. I have a feeling that those expats most fluent in speaking and reading Thai are more susceptible to this than others, I may be wrong but the small sample in TV seems to support this idea.


actually what i said it that it is understandable to be scared at the time, but not to be still white cheeked several days later. But you read it how you like :lol:

The 'white cheeked' part is how you see it, the link of that to being scared is your interpretation. It seems even you read it how you like which is fine, we're all entitled to an opinion. Mind you some opinions may gather more comments than others. IMHO, no offence and all that, old chap :)

As I have already said, judging another person's body language is subjective, it depends on the viewers past experiences, conscious awareness of body language, perhaps even training. Another example most are familiar with is called "dumb insolence", most recognise it when they meet it, yet it is difficult to actually quantify.

I may be out of step with most others in this thread, it may be an age thing, a cultural thing, even a lifestyle thing as my academic background matches Abhisit's.

I am a synthesist rather than an analyst, this is how I have always thought and also how I have been trained, I look at trends rather than events, I'm interested in the forest not the trees. Thus I do not see events in Thailand as basically a Thaksin-Abhisit clash, or as you guys would have it, a bad guy-good guy clash. Rather I see it as a no holds barred struggle for survival between two major forces, everything else is simply collateral damage. Much revolves around a central group who are theoretically not even involved in politics, yet cannot be ignored. When two male lions fight for ownership and control of the pride, there is no good lion and bad lion, just two lions competing for raw power.

The mass of the people, either side of the political spectrum are simply pawns in this struggle, many may truly believe that they are doing the right thing, that they are making sensible decision, perhaps on the micro scale they are, but on the macro scale they are still being manipulated and controlled.

Subliminal messages abound, in soaps and sitcoms, in the way news is reported, in censorship, misdirection, even in advertising. I have a feeling that those expats most fluent in speaking and reading Thai are more susceptible to this than others, I may be wrong but the small sample in TV seems to support this idea.

Part quote from anterian:

"As I have already said, judging another person's body language is subjective, it depends on the viewers past experiences, conscious awareness of body language, perhaps even training. Another example most are familiar with is called "dumb insolence", most recognise it when they meet it, yet it is difficult to actually quantify."

I have some background in this area and I would certainly agree that judging another persons body language is subjective, highly subjective. Even with 'training' it is still very subjective and is no where near a perfect science. People in all walks of life, educated and uneducated, continuously and sometimes dangerously misinterprete both body language and spoken language.

"Thaksin wants to make sure that Pheu Thai's win in the region is a landslide," a party source told The Nation.

Thought he retired from politics long ago....and why would Yingluck openly lie about her mission and tell the public "I am not working for Thaksin"?

Is it just another "honestlie"?

"Go- ahead and give Pheu Thai your party-list vote if you like Thaksin," voters in the Northeast have been told.

...." if you like Thaksin" all clear statements that it is ALL and ONLY about HIS RETURN!

And the whole PTP bunch is not much more then an arranged road show to pave the way for "the master's return" to get his hands back onto this country, to make his dream come true!


Was just thinking if this was America she would be assinated - for all its problems and faults Thailand does some things just right.

Why in the world would you say something like that? That's asinine..


It's called harvesting the low hanging fruit.

... or cowardice.

Even Abhisit was willing to campaign in the North and Northeast.

Is Yingluck scheduled to campaign in the South?

Nope. It's straight back to the North and Northwest for her... .... again.

Yingluck takes her campaign to the North

BANGKOK, 12 June 2011 (NNT)- Yingluck's campaign trail continues as Pheu Thai Party travels to Chiang Rai for electoral campaign.

Nevertheless, after the party's visit to four different provinces in the north, including Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Lampang and Lamphun, Ms. Yingluck headed to the northeastern region immediately.



Nope. It's straight back to the North and Northwest for her... .... again.

Is she still worried that the people in the north aren't going to support her?


She is obviously a coward, returning to her relative comfort zone, though I assume that if she had the choice, she'd prefer not to have to mingle with the common folk, being one of the highest of the high society clique in Thailand. Has she ever had to be around so many common folk like this prior to the election?

Apart from cowardice, I think the strategy is that the fervent reception of Yingluck by supporters in the North and Northeast is being used as good publicity to gain or maintain support from more sheeple. If she campaigns in the South the crowds may be thinner and less fervent, which would not be as good publicity for her.


It's called harvesting the low hanging fruit.

... or cowardice.

Even Abhisit was willing to campaign in the North and Northeast.

Is Yingluck scheduled to campaign in the South?

Nope. It's straight back to the North and Northwest for her... .... again.

Yingluck takes her campaign to the North

BANGKOK, 12 June 2011 (NNT)- Yingluck's campaign trail continues as Pheu Thai Party travels to Chiang Rai for electoral campaign.

Nevertheless, after the party's visit to four different provinces in the north, including Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Lampang and Lamphun, Ms. Yingluck headed to the northeastern region immediately.


not a coward.

Pheu Thai PM Candidate Yingluck Takes Campaign Trail To South

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