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Not Really needed in Bangkok...

A top tip is when venturing into areas with leechesis to smear damp tobacco over your legs, tuck your trousers into your socks and stuff more damp tobacco in the gaps of your trainers. Leeches die if they come into contact with tobacco, so you're guaranteed to be leech-free!


The Departure Tax at Bangkok International is 500 baht.


When using the Thai bus system it should be noted that on the white and blue buses it is very important to keep the thin square 5B ticket however insignificant it looks. Bus ticket inspectors jump on these buses at any time and require to see all numbered tickets

Food Advice (I think)

Crabs tend to molt during the full moon and their meat becomes less tasty and mushy during this time. I will not buy or eat crab for the week of a full moon as the chances of a poor tasting crab increases.


Good presents for the hill tribes besides pens/ safety pins are

antibiotic cream.shampoo,soap,stickers balloons and combs

(hey-looking good)

Phone the Council-

Don't walk on drain covers anywhere in Asia matter. I saw a guy in Bangkok disappear after stepping on one, which was quite scary to see but maybe not as scary as it was for him.


Would like to warn people about leaving their shoes outside wats while they go in to look around. I was only 5 minutes in a wat in Ayuthaya  and when I came out my shoes were gone! I had to go barefoot to the market to get some cheap flipflops ...


...Finally a Must See-

You must visit the dinosaur relics near Hoi Phung in the Kalasin area .

The footprints of adult and baby dinosaurs are fascinating.


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Pay the Bill-

Money,Money, Money..its a rich mans world.$£$$Bt-Rial

March 19, 2003

On March 17, Cambodia deposited 252 million baht ($5.9 million US) into a Thai bank to cover the damage to the Thai embassy.

The much larger bill for the Thai businesses has not yet been paid.

PM Hun Sen insists Cambodia will make good on this debt as it is a matter of national honor. Prince Ranariddh still claims the 50 million US dollars in damage is more than Cambodia can afford.

King Sihanouk has stated that he will pardon any convicted rioters, saying they are not the true guilty ones however  Hun Sen disagrees both with the pardons and that they are not guilty.

Who paid the 5.9 million USD embassy bill?

It wasn't the Cambodian government but two Poipet and Koh Kong casino owners, Kok Ahn and Pad Supapa! Hmm...

Bet they know what they were doing....

(with thanks permission ageed from author..Gordon Sharpless)


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My mate and his wife are now on their way back from Manila...on Sing.Air via Singapore (quick 3 weeks)

However it seems somebody is spreading the rumour(unconfirmed) that passengers arriving from any countries with suspected cases of you know what will be issued with NATO military type gas masks and will be expected to wear them for 2 weeks.

No statement as yet as to whether you have to buy them outright at £500 each or some sort of rental facility agreed?(£1@67Bt.= 33,500Bt each)

As yet no induication of suspects being sent back to countries of departure.(infection)

Can you imagine 20-30 Jumbo Jets heading back to Bangers/Singers/Honkers at the same time ....no worth thinking aboot.


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Quick run round the M25 to Heathrow,pick up, grab a beer and off.Huh .. must be joking the last 10 miles took me best part of 1 hour.The well known statement here is that the road (M25)is the biggest car park in the country has a lot of truth in it (innit)

Anyway picked up my 2 refugees coming from Manila via Singapore -Anglo/Philli-Duel nationality with 2 passports-NO Problems.(follow my instructions)

$1=54 pesos and San Mics beer at 30p a bottle.Anyway all went well and usual 1 Year Visa on entry and easy to extend. ##~~##

The R/T flight was via Singapore and its empty.

The Airports Authority/Health Service have basically shut the shop and called it a day for the duration.Because they arrived from Manila they didnt get checked for SARS.(No have-


All of the Airlines it seems have got together-Sing-Virgin (hi Richard -Au-rite mate)-KLM etc. and are trying to fill up each Jumbo as it goes out...again not full.

The only real complaint they have (between heavy A-choos)had was the fact that Sing.Air had NO diet Coke....the stuff in the can-Yuch


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'Too much beer' blamed for marbles loss

Too much beer has been blamed for British teams losing the World Marbles Championships to Germany - for the second year in a row.

The 72nd annual contest was staged at the Greyhound Pub in Tinsley Green, West Sussex, on Good Friday.

The village, near Crawley, is reputed to be the scene of an epic marbles battle in Elizabethan times over the hand of a local maiden.

Several hundred spectators watched the British team trying to win the title back from the Germans who took it home last year.  If you put a lot of men in a pub environment and there is beer or marbles, what are they going to choose?


However, as the effects of alcohol set in among some of the British entries, reigning champions Saxonia Globe Snippers retained the cup after winning it for Germany for the first time last year.

Championship spokeswoman Julia McCarthy-Fox said: "The British players have lost their marbles altogether. It was too much alcohol and not enough practice.

"They have had so much to drink they are not even too bothered at the moment. They are vowing to practise and win next year.

"If you put a lot of men in a pub environment and there is beer or marbles, what are they going to choose? They are going to choose the beer."


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